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Desert assessment
Assessment developed for my Y9 classes on desert but could be used with Y10 and Y11

Home-made Weather Station
Build you own garden weather station to keep your own records and create your own weather reports.

Rivers flooding linked to Canadian floods 2017
Flooding in general and linked to the Canadian floods in 2017

EU - who should join next?
A selection of nations who have applied to be part of the EU - students create and debate who they think should join

Natures bulldozers
To be able to locate where the glacial ice extended to in the world and the UK
To consider reasons why the ice didn’t cover the whole world / UK
To know and distinguish the landforms made by the glacial action

Glaciers - start of topic
To be able to identify and define what a glacier is
To know the extent of the last Ice Age (world and UK)
To accurately label up the ice extent in the world and in the UK

Crimes in Africa
Based around Kony 2012 campaign to inform people of the crimes to young people in Africa.

Zambezi flooding - mystery sorting
Zambezi mystery to discover the ways the river can be managed and why flooding can affect the farmers (mystery).