Teacher of GCSE PE, A Level PE and BTEC Sport. I have been teaching PE for 9 years and regularly receive Outstanding lesson observations as part of performance management. Part of the reason for this are the differentiated and personalised resources that I use in my lessons.
Teacher of GCSE PE, A Level PE and BTEC Sport. I have been teaching PE for 9 years and regularly receive Outstanding lesson observations as part of performance management. Part of the reason for this are the differentiated and personalised resources that I use in my lessons.
I am currently a visiting moderator for Edexcel and feel that this resource is essential for all teacher who wish to track pupils grades based on their estimated practical grades. This information will then allow you to easily identify what % each pupil needs to achieve in their summer exam in order to reach specific overall grades.
Please note that this is only an estimate as practical grades and grade boundaries are subject to change.
The excel document also allows you to track pupils homework on past paper questions.
This is also excellent for motivating students as it allows them to see how much they need to improve from mock exams/ past pares/ etc.
Hit rates based on pupils target grades can easily be identified as pupils overall grades for each topic are automatically generated.
I am relatively new to excel but this document took me approximately 5-6 hours of work, so will be a huge time saver for anyone who purchases this. PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW if you purchase.
Below are the simple instructions to follow which may give a clearer picture of what the excel sheets can do for you:
1. Copy and paste your own PE2MS results into the PE2MS tab. The main date you need is candidate number, gender, name, and practical total
2. This will then automatically add the to the pupils and figures to the Theory needs and HMK accumulation tabs
Theory needs' tab
3. You will then be able to see what your pupils need to achieve in the theory paper to attain for each grade
4. If you fill in a past paper grade into the column labelled 'theory %' you will then see their total grade which includes their practical scores
HMK accumulation' tab
5. If you wanted to track pupils past paper scores you could then use this tab over a series of different topics or past papers
6. If you want to see a running average of past papers that includes their practical grade, you will need to enter and auto sum in column AP and select the grades you want to average out.
I find this resource is great for using as starters, mini plenaries and plenaries. I usually using the Smart notebook option application to use a screen to cover the mark scheme whilst pupils work on the questions or you discuss and break down the question. Also great as a revision tool for pupils and lessons.
This includes every 3 and 4 mark question from June 2010 and is arranged in topic order for ease.
This resource is flexible in its use and allows teachers and pupils to use in a variety of different ways.
This will save you LOTS of time as this took me at least 5 hours of copying and pasting from past papers and into topic order.
This is a comprehensive but small resource made possible by the use of QR codes to ensure that all of the content for the topic of attribution is covered. This can be used independently by pupils as a revision or homework task to introduce the topic or reinforce learning.
The document requires pupils to have a QR reader on their phone or tablet in order to access educational information and past paper mark schemes.
The document then allows pupils to work independently to find out information on the following areas of attribution:
1- Weiner's attribution theory
2- Self Serving bias
3- Learned helplessness
4- Attribution re-training
5- Homefield advantage
The document also includes another slide that can be used to support or extend/ reinforce the learning of pupils.
This resource allows you to teach Gas exchange using the jigsaw grouping principle over two lessons. This helps pupils to take ownership of learning the content and as they are the expert in a certain area and have to teach other, they retain the information better. The attached resource explains exactly how Jigsaw grouping works and has all the resources ready to print out.
The learning objectives of the lesson are:- Understand the correct order of pathway for air in the cardio respiratory system- The structure of the alveoli and gas exchange- The role of haemoglobin
Pupils will then have the opportunity to apply these to AO1 and AO2 scenarios.
Slides 1-7 Pupil Instructions
Slides 1 & 2- Pupil instruction sheet on starter task
Slides 3 &;4- Further instructions if needed and guidance on what to information to understand
Slide 5- Revisiting information task. To use at end of jigsaw group activity.
Slide 6- Reinforcement task- Modelling task using playdoh and sweets. You could pick and choose how many or which tasks you allocate.
Slide 7- Lesson plan sheet- Overview of the structure of the lesson
Slides 8- 33- Pupils resources
Slide 8- Information Recording sheet (I enlarged this to A3)
Slides 9, 10 and 11- Spec and sample exam Question, and mark scheme
Slide 12- Instructions for pupils to follow for group activity
Slides 13-16- Expert Group 1 resources (Pathway of air)
Slides 17-20- Expert Group 2 resources (Gas exchange at Alveoli
Slides 21-24- Expert Group 3 (Features that assist in gas exchange)
Slides 25- 28 Expert group 4 (role of haemoglobin)
Slides 30-33 Reinforcement task instruction sheets.
These resources provide 3 -4 lessons worth of activities that cover all the content for the topic of groups and cohesion.
The resources are detail, challenging and pupil friendly.
Lesson 1- Tell me more resources- This covers cohesion (task and social), and group Dynamics. Each pupils is given one card. You get the group to get into pairs and they them teach the other person about the card. If the person would like to know more information they can say 'tell me more'. After 2 minutes the other person teaches their sheet. After two minutes they both swap their sheet (THIS IS VERY IMORTANT!!!)
They then move to another pupil and begin the process again.
This is a fantastic teaching and learning strategy as pupils revisit and reinforce content and understanding and therefore the ability to recall information.
I do this activity for around 25 minutes. I would then get them to complete the cohesion section on the mind map and then attempt the two past paper questions.
HMK would be to look over the other theories and content on the mind map in preparation for next lesson
Lesson 2 and 3-
Group Formation and Carron’s antecedents
Steiner's model of potential and actual productivity
Faulty group processes, strategies to overcome faulty processes.
Ringlemann effect and social loafing, strategies to overcome social loafing.
Tuckman's model of group formation
Starter and Plenary- Fill out slide 1 (I blow this up to A3). Pupils only write the answers that the definitely know. I get them to do this in a green pen and when I they revisit this they do it in a different colour pen so there is evidence of progress.
Slides 3- 13 then consist of a seies of different workshops that cover all the content for groups. This includes workshops such as building towers, play doh modelling, A-Z game, Tug of war investigation, and a Tarsia Puzzle. All these workshops are explained within the PowerPoint.
Slides 14-16- Past paper question and extended question with examiners commentary and past pupils answer. This can be set for hmk or can be the next lesson.
I get the group to highlight certain sections of the examiners commentary and then look for evidence of this in the pupil answer. They can also mark the answer using the mark scheme. This helps to reinforce knowledge as well as developing confidence of answer extended questions
This is pupil learning mat that allows students to scan a QR code which takes them to an instructional video on how to create an overview for a 6 week training programme. This lesson allows them to consider each part of the unit content in order to achieve P6.
This could be set as a class task or a homework take that the students then bring to the next lesson prepared to create a training programme booklet.
I find that pupils who really think about the unit content for themselves, tend to produce a really thorough and in depth training programme.
All key terms and theories from A Level PE- Sports Psychology on a PowerPoint that enables them to randomly show up.
This can be used as a revision or recap aid or starter activity in a number of different ways.
All key terms and theories from A Level PE- Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology on a PowerPoint that enables them to randomly show up.
This can be used as a revision or recap aid or starter activity in a number of different ways.
All key terms and theories from A Level PE- Skill Acquisition on a PowerPoint that enables them to randomly show up.
This can be used as a revision or recap aid or starter activity in a number of different ways.
This is resource is an independent pupil learning mat with the objectives of developing pupils confidence to answer extended questions and reinforce knowledge of key terms and theories of groups and cohesion.
The resource is a independent worksheet that will require your students to have access to a QR code scanner. This then sends them to a video of the how to use the learning mat and instructions of what to do. There are also further QR codes to offer support when answering the extended question.
Before this lesson I had covered all the content of groups and cohesion. I then set a task of answering the extended question for homework and for the group to bring their completed answer with them to this lesson.
I blow the learning mat up to A3 in size.
Tast 1- Scan the QR code and watch the video on extended question technique
Task 2- Turn over the learning map and follow the instructions
Step 1 – your answer is stuck in the space below. Check that it is yours!
Step 2 – mark it using two different highlighters. One for each part of the question.
Step 3 – use the banded criteria and mark scheme to give your work a mark out of 14 and highlight it on the banded criteria.
Step 4 – get a new question template from the front table
Step 5 – answer the questions again completing all the steps you have seen today
Step 6 – mark it using two different highlight pens, one for each part of the question
Step 7 - use the banded criteria and mark scheme to give your work a mark out of 14. Highlight your new mark in a different coloured pen on the banded criteria table.
Is it better?
Step 8 – stick your new answer on your old one. Only put glue along the top though, so you can always flip it over and see how your answers are improving.
This resource would work excellently as a follow up lesson to the A Level PE- Psychology- Groups and Cohesion resource that I also for sale on myshop.
If you purchase this resource please leave a review and feedback to let me know how your lesson went. Best of luck