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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
The Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan

The Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan

Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan Duration: around 10 minutes (not including music suggestions) A cast of 30. The content of this production focuses on Harry's ancestors and leaves one wondering if Meghan has been fully 'prepped' on the royal family - with all its highs (Alfred the Great?) and lows (toss-up between King John and Richard III maybe!). Maybe it’s just as well she isn't fully acquainted with her predecessors - or she might think twice about that walk down the aisle! Script comes with a complete listing of the English Monarchy Duration: around 10 minutes (not including music suggestions) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on The Royal Wedding. Now, we all know what a busy time this is for the royal couple – especially for Meghan. With all that looking for the right dress, booking the hairdresser, finding the best flower lady …. My, has she got her work cut out! So, we thought - there’s no way this royal bride will find time to read up about the family she is marrying into. That’s why we took it on ourselves to do the hard work for her! Don’t you think she’ll be pleased? I mean, who knows what Harry might not have said about his ancestors? And don’t we all agree, a girl does have the right to know - certainly before she takes that long walk down the aisle? So, for those of you, along with Meghan, interested in the royal family, start listening now! You’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn! This morning we’ll kick off with the present day royal family - the House of Windsor. Starting with Child 1: (Holding up picture of Harry) Harry! Narrator: Ah! The bridegroom himself! Let’s hear it! Child 2: Harry is the second son of (holds up picture) Charles, the Prince of Wales – now married to Camilla. Child 3: (Holding up picture) Harry’s mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was tragically killed in a road accident in 1997. Child 4: (Holding up picture) Harry has an older brother, William. It was only a few years ago that Harry was best man at William’s wedding. William married Catherine Middleton 29th April 2011 at Westminster Abbey; whereas Harry and Meghan will be ‘tying the knot’ at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle in May 2018. Child 5: Harry and William have a rather important grandma – the Queen! Child 6: Queen Elizabeth the second is married to the Duke of Edinburgh and has four children Child 7: Prince Charles, Harry’s dad Child 8: Prince Andrew, the Duke of York Child 9: Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex Child 10: And a daughter, Princess Anne, the Princess Royal. Narrator: All fine representatives of the monarchy – but was it always thus? We looked at some examples of good and bad monarchs and drew our own conclusions! Starting with Child 11: Alfred the Great!
World Cup 2018 Quiz

World Cup 2018 Quiz

World Cup 2018 Quiz 100 questions (and answers!) on this year's World Cup and those that have gone before. Enjoy! Also available: World Cup Assembly, World Cup Leavers Assembly, World Cup Guided Readers plus resources on participating countries. Sample Text: I Quirky Facts 1. Who used to practice with a slipper on his right foot and why? 2. Where was the original world cup trophy kept during the Second World War? II 2018 World Cup 1. How often is the World Cup held? 2. Where is the 2018 World Cup being held? III History 1. When was the first World Cup held? 2. Where was it held? IV Records 1. What country has made the most appearances – the only country to have appeared in every World Cup? 2. How many appearances has this country made? V Quotations 1. Who said “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” – said to be the greatest football saying in 2006?
Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play

Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play

Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play This script was written by Sue Russell in celebration of The Battle of Hastings' 950th anniversary. What have the most famous cartoon strip in history, a masterpiece of needlework, a distinctly odd bishop, some dodgy family connections, warring Anglo Saxons and Normans, and an arrow in the eye have in common? Correct! They're all part of that famous drama - you know the one, 1066 and all that?! Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration around 10 - 15 minutes (not including music) Sample Text: Embroiderer 2: Hours and hours of needle in, needle out! Embroiderer 3: (Sarcastically) Wow! Life can’t, surely, get much more exciting than this! Bishop of Bayeux: O dear, dear, dear, dear! I can see something drastic needs to happen round here! How are we going to get you excited about your work? (Enter Edward) Edward: Easy! Let’s just introduce them to some of the characters they are working on! Let them see what we were actually like in the flesh! Bishop of Bayeux: Ah! A splendid idea! And you are? Edward: King Edward the III of England or Edward the Confessor! I’m (Edward walks along work of six Embroiderers, peering down, trying to see himself; he stops abruptly at Embroiderer 4) Edward: Ah yes! Here I am! Dying! Bishop of Bayeux: (Sarcastically) Oh wonderful! Well, that really livens things up for us! Thank you so much! Edward: Oh dear! I didn’t mean to put a dampener on things! (Edward goes back to the line of Embroiderers and this time stops at Embroiderer 1) Edward: Ah now, that’s better! That’s when I’m still king! Alive and kicking! (Edward falls about laughing at his own joke) (Whole cast groans) Bishop of Bayeux: (Aside) Oh dear! I think I preferred him dead!
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz 100 questions and answers on the 2016 Olympic Games! Sample Text: 1. How many sports will there be at the 2016 Olympic Games? (28) Ball Games 2. Name four ‘ball games’. (Tennis, table tennis, football and rugby) 3. Name two names for table tennis. (Whiff Waff or Flim Flam) 4. How many players, per team, are there for volley ball? (6) 5. How many for beach volley ball? (2) 6. How many new ball games have been introduced for 2016?(2) 7. What are they?(Rugby and golf) 8. What does the term ‘dunkin’ mean in basketball? (To slam a ball through the net) 9. From which bird do the feathers attached to a shuttlecock come? (Goose) Archery, Shooting and Fencing 10. When was it compulsory for all English men aged between seven and sixty to be able to use a bow and arrow? (Fourteenth century) 11. Why was this considered necessary? (In order to defend their country) 12. What three types of gun are used for shooting? (Pistol, rifle and shotgun) Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES Brazil Host Country to 2016 Rio Olympics Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports History of the Olympics Assembly Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading OLYMPIC ODE
Eurovision Song Contest 2018 Assembly or Class Play

Eurovision Song Contest 2018 Assembly or Class Play

Eurovision Song Contest Assembly or Class Play updated to 2018 Maybe this year – a few more points for Grande Bretagne?! It's that time of year again! Get ready for the funniest show on earth! (Does anyone really take it seriously?!) This assembly gives a quick chronological run through past winners ... and losers! How can, for example, the UK get it so right ... and yet so desperately wrong! A light hearted coverage of all UK winning songs (and runners up) plus such greats as Abba. The song list is memorable - for all the right reasons! Cast size 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration: 15 - 30 minutes (depending on number of songs chosen) Sample Text Music 8 Waterloo – Abba (Whole cast plus ‘Abba representative sings song) Narrator: Wow! What a hit that was! It certainly launched Abba into a glittering rock career! Rock Star (‘Cliff’) (Grumbling) And as if it wasn’t bad enough - our beautiful Olivia Newton John being pipped to the post. Then it happens again the following year – this time to my mates The Shadows! Music 9 Let Me Be the One – The Shadows (Whole cast singing brief excerpt from song) (Judge charging back onto stage) Narrator: (Testily) You again! Judge: But they didn’t win! I thought this line up was meant to be just for winners! Narrator: (Outraged) What? And miss some of the best music? Never! (Turning to cast) Are we agreed? Whole Cast: (Blowing kisses at Narrator) Oh yes! Peace and happiness! We love you! Music 10 Save Your Kisses for Me – Brotherhood of Man (Whole cast plus Narrator sing this song) Narrator: (Sighing) Ah! 1976! Another great win for the United Kingdom!
Islam Assembly

Islam Assembly

Islam Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration - around 10 minutes reading time, not including music at beginning and end This assembly on the Islamic faith tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs. It is delivered by a Narrator plus speakers numbered 1 - 29. This script would be a useful supplement to the Baghdad: Early Islamic Civilisation script - as a description of Islam as a religion - with accompanying message of peace and respect for all learning. Sample Text: Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Islam. Let’s start with what Islam means. Child 1: Islam is the Arabic word for submission. Narrator: I’m guessing, submission to a god? Child 2: One god – Allah! Narrator: And the origins of this religion? Child 3: The religion started AD 610 when Muhammed heard the word of God through the Arch Angel Gabriel. Narrator: And where was this? (Child 3 holds up map of the world) Child 4: (Pointing to Saudi Arabia) Here, in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Mecca. Narrator: And this Muhammed – tell us a bit about him. Child 5: He was born AD 570, at Mecca. Child 6: His family were very poor and he was orphaned at an early age. Child 7: However, he became rich as a caravan leader Narrator: (Looking puzzled) Why would you need to lead a caravan? Don’t you just pull them behind your car? Child 8: No, not that kind of caravan. These were camels, led across the trade routes, carrying goods to be sold at market. Narrator: Aha! Camel caravans! Now I get you! Back to Muhammed! Also available from Sue Russell: An assembly on the Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation & Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts: 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions
Events Leading up to the American War of Independence Class Play

Events Leading up to the American War of Independence Class Play

Events Leading up to the American War of Independence Class Play This Class Play, on the Events Leading up to the American War of Independence, based on a class of 30, is divided up into THREE sections, with parts allocated as follows: 1. Half the class allocated parts for the first section (Boston Massacre - 15 speakers) 2. Half the class allocated parts for the second section (Boston Tea Party - 15 speakers) 3. The whole class given a final set of parts for the third (Lexington and Concord - 30 speakers) Redcoat Rap is included with this script as an optional extra - to be recited at the beginning or end of this play. Suitable for upper elementary/middle schools. Sample Text (Child walks across stage with The Boston Massacre March 5th 1770 banner) Narrator: It was the night of March 5th 1770. Private Hugh White was on guard duty outside the Custom House in Boston. He was soon joined by a group of jeering boys who didn't seem to mind the extreme cold. (Enter Boys 1, 2, 3 and 4 taunting guard on duty, Private Hugh White) Boy 1: Just look at him, waltzing up and down, in his fine uniform! Boy 2: Anyone would think he had nothing better to do! White: I suggest you find something better to do! Be off! Boy 3: Ooh! Is that a threat, Mr. Lobsterback? White: You mind your tongue, young man, or .. Boy 4: Or what, Mr. Redcoat? Or what? White: Don't push your luck, sonny! Boy 1: What you gonna do? Boy 2: You wouldn't go firing on innocent civilians now, would you? Boy 3: That sure would get you into heaps of trouble. Boy 4: Us being mere boys Boy 1: And unarmed. So, looks like you're stuck! White: I wouldn't bet on it. You come another step nearer and you'll be sorry. Boy 2: He's bluffing! White: You reckon?
Guy Fawkes Assembly or Class Play

Guy Fawkes Assembly or Class Play

Guy Fawkes Assembly or Class Play The inclusion of a *mini play entitled The Trial of Guy Fawkes presents a ‘new take’ on history’s verdict – an interesting twist when the only witness is found guilty by the only member of the jury! i.e. Guy Fawkes walks free! This mini play has a cast of 6 and its inclusion is optional – the rest of the assembly focuses on the facts! Another ‘addition’ is at the end of the script where I have included a Fact File – which I thought would be useful (a) to add more facts to the assembly if necessary (perhaps if the mini play is not included) (b) as an introduction to the subject (c) as the basis for a quiz, to test the children’s knowledge. Hopefully, a pretty comprehensive package! *Guy Fawkes on Trial This is a short play with cast of 6. It could be used in the classroom or put on as a performance in front of the school, or used by a drama club. Sample text From Guy Fawkes Assembly: Duration: around 10 minutes Characters (Cast of 30) Narrator Children 1 -10 Guy Fawkes plus 13 Conspirators Cast for ‘play’ Judge (Guy Fawkes) Policeman (Witness) – see Production Notes Defense Prosecutor Member of the Jury Music: Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks (Children file in to this music) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our Guy Fawkes Assembly. Child 1: The music you have just been listening to is Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks. First performed in 1749 for George II Child 2: But more recently played, in 2002, in celebration of our present queen’s Golden Jubilee (Child 3 nudges Child 2) Child 2: Oh! That’s Queen Elizabeth II, of course! At Buckingham Palace – plus fireworks! Child 3: The earliest fireworks were made in China, around 2,000 years ago – otherwise known as Chinese crackers! Child 4: The first ones to be used in England were at the wedding of King Henry VII in 1486. Child 5: Fireworks became more and more popular Child 6: And King James II was so impressed by those used at his own coronation in 1685 that he had the guy in charge knighted! Child 7: Did you say ‘guy’? Child 6: I may have done. Why? Child 7: Not the Guy? Child 6: What are you on about? Child 7: (Shaking his head in disbelief) Only the most famous Guy in our entire history! (Guy Fawkes steps forward) Guy Fawkes: (To Child 7) Thank you! That would be me! Guy Fawkes! (Whole cast applauds and cheers) Narrator: (Disapprovingly) Only the most infamous Guy in our entire history! Guy Fawkes: (Looking hurt) Ooh! That’s a bit harsh!
Superheroes Assembly for Key Stage II

Superheroes Assembly for Key Stage II

Superheroes Assembly for Key Stage II Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: 15 - 20 minutes (without inclusion of music suggestions) Our Narrator has faced some 'mission impossibles' in his time but a Superheroes Assembly without ... Superheroes? Thank goodness there is always an Ancient Greek superhero around when you need him. But bringing out the 'super' in these particular heroes may prove too much of a challenge even for Hercules! Sample Text: Music 1 – Holding out for a hero – Bonnie Tyler (Whole cast file in, in order of speaking, seating themselves along two rows of fifteen seats, facing the audience) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to (Silence as Narrator waits for cast to respond - nothing but a couple of feeble coughs) (Narrator turns round to face cast, speaking sideways on so that audience can hear) Narrator: What’s going on? Where are all my Superheroes? Superhero 1: Do you mean, us? Superhero 2: If you want a show of superpowers here today, you’re out of luck! Narrator: But why? What’s going on? Superhero 3: More a case of what’s not going on! Superhero 4: ‘Fraid we’re all recovering from colds Superhero 5: And not feeling in the least bit ‘superhero-ish’! Narrator: (Gasping) Oh no! So what am I supposed to tell this audience? Superhero 6: Come back another day? Narrator: No, I can’t do that! As you can see, they’re all here! Superhero 7: Well, sorry, but even superheroes have their off days. Narrator: (Desperately) But not, please, on the day of my assembly! Superhero 8: ‘Fraid so! Narrator: (Clasping head and groaning) Oh no! This cannot be! What a disaster! Music 2 Greased Lightnin’ – Grease (Enter Hercules, performing John Travolta moves) Narrator: Well, good morning! (Looking through notes in confusion) This is … er … a bit of a surprise! (Hercules snatches notes) Hercules: Oh you don’t want to bother with those! Let’s go for a bit of good old fashioned spontaneity this morning! Narrator: Old fashioned? Hercules: Well, maybe a bit more than old. Make that, Ancient. (Pauses) Oh, and Greek! Narrator: You mean, Ancient Greek? Hercules: Exactly! And who better to represent that magnificent race – than myself, the great Hercules? Narrator: Wow! You certainly were a superhero in your time!
Ancient Greek Myths Tale of Two Spinners Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Tale of Two Spinners Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Tale of Two Spinners Assembly or Class Play This class play can be used as an assembly (for performance) or as a class play, to be read within the classroom. It is part of a set of scripts written on the Ancient Greek Myths which includes Guided Reading scripts plus quizzes. The poem - The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt - is included in the text. Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 - 15 minutes Sample Text: Narrator: Now, that’s better. (Ushering Incey Wincey Spider and Little Miss Muffet back to their seats) (To audience) You see how ridiculous this fear of spiders is? What do they call it? Arachn (Enter Arachne, scuttling on in spider costume) Arachne: Someone mention my name? Narrator: Ah! You’d be Arachne! As in Arachnophobia? Arachne: Well, I have no fear of spiders. I just am one! All thanks to (Enter Athene) Athene: Me! Arachne: Wretched goddess! (Athene scowls and raises her hand) Athene: (Menacingly) I’d be very careful what you say, if I were you Arachne! That tongue of yours has already got you into a whole heap of trouble! Arachne: (Gesturing at the spider outfit) Oh you mean this? Just because I said I was a better spinner than you! Athene: Foolish girl! What arrogance! You had to be punished! Arachne: That wasn’t quite the only reason I got punished, was it? Narrator: I’d say that was ample reason! Definitely too big for her boots, this one! Arachne: (Wailing) But I was brilliant at my craft. Athene: And didn’t you know it! You had to be taken down a peg or two.
Seven Wonders of the World Assembly or Class Play

Seven Wonders of the World Assembly or Class Play

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Assembly 1. Great Pyramid of Giza 2. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 3. Temple of Artemis 4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia 5. Colossus of Rhodes 6. Lighthouse of Alexandria 7. Hanging Gardens of Babylon Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 15 minutes reading time (not including music suggestions) This Key Stage II Class play follows on from two other assemblies (KSI & II) on the Wonders of the Natural World - under the title of Awe and Wonder and found in the PSHE section of the website. I, Sue Russell, decided to limit the Wonders of the 'Man-Made' World to the Seven Wonders of the Classical World as, had I based a script on modern-day wonders, the list would have been endless. I am happy to write a script based on modern day wonders but will wait on a teacher making such a request - with a list I can work from! Otherwise making an arbitrary choice of wonders is an impossible task! Sample Text Narrator: (Cowering) Oh, Oh! Not another unhappy god! Helios, god of the sun, am I right? Helios: Yes, and my statue was known as the Colossus of Rhodes, built 280B.C. in the city of Rhodes, on that same Greek island, by one Charles of Lindos; and destroyed 226 B.C. Narrator: Ah but you were so impressive – all 108 feet of you! That’s about the same as the Statue of Liberty! Certainly the tallest statue of the ancient world! Helios: And that’s meant to make me feel better? Narrator: Well, there was nothing anyone could have done to save you. As I think I remember hearing before, that’s earthquakes for you! But here, let us take a look at you, Helios, god of the sun, in your prime – or rather, that of your statue! (Narrator holds up picture of Colossus of Rhodes) Narrator: Behold the Colossus of Rhodes! (Helios bows and exits) Narrator: (Consulting notes) Five down, two to go! Heckler: (Yawning) How many did you say? Narrator: Don’t tell me you haven’t been counting? Or is anything over five a bit of a struggle for you? Heckler: Ooh! That’s not nice! And just to show you I am actually interested in the past, I’ll give this next one my undivided attention! Narrator: Fine! (To audience) Let’s hope it’s a good one! (Enter Pharaoh Ptolemy II) Music 7 Carl Orff – O Fortuna – Carmina Burana Ptolemy II: Ah so you are here to admire the Lighthouse of Alexandria! Behold!
St. George's Day Assembly or Class Play

St. George's Day Assembly or Class Play

St. George's Day Assembly or Class Play What on earth could the queen of England, our narrator alias Beefeater/guard of the Tower of London and the Artful Dodger have in common? Read on to find out what 'Twist' turns the Artful Dodger into Sir Artful Dodger! Cast size: 25 but easily adjusted up or down Duration: Around 20 minutes (depending on how much music is used) The focus of this play is London. Time constraints meant I just touched on England's history - events and people. I have addressed this 'shortfall' in the collection of guided reading scripts (available separately). Sample Text (Enter Sir Winston Churchill, smoking a pipe) Narrator: Ah, Sir Winston Churchill! Thank goodness. You pulled us through that Second World War - can you help me deal with this group of .. of ... super-women? Sir Winston Churchill: What? This lot? Leave it to me! Music 5 Who Do you Think You Are - Spice Girls (Spice Girls sing and make threatening gestures toward Sir Winston Churchill, who cowers and runs off stage) Narrator: (Aside) Hmm. Time for a different kind of ‘Help!" (Turning to Spice Girls) Hey girls, here come the Beatles! Spice Girls: (Together) Beetles? Did someone say, beetles? (All Spice Girls scream and run off stage) Music 6 Help - Beatles (Beatles stride on, singing Help!) Narrator: OK! That's probably as much help as I need! Thank you, boys! Beatles: (Together) No probs! (Exit Beatles) Narrator: So. Enough of this frivolity! Back to the serious stuff! Take my job at the Tower, for example (Queen Elizabeth runs back onto stage, in state of total panic) Narrator: Your Majesty! Whatever is the matter? Don't tell me you spilt your tea? Queen Eliz: (Gasping) Haven't you heard? Music 7 London Bridge is Falling Down (Cast sings first verse) Narrator: But that was around one thousand years ago, Your Majesty! It has been rebuilt several times since then! Queen Eliz: No! No! It's not that I'm worried about! Narrator: Oh no! Don't tell me the Thames Barrier has failed? Queen Eliz: What? The world's largest movable flood barrier? Of course not! Narrator: So. Has Buckingham Palace been burgled? Music 8 They're Changing Guards At Buckingham Palace (Cast sings first verse, as two guards in uniform march up and down) Queen Eliz: What? With my fine guards to keep us safe? I don't think so! Narrator: (Gasping) Don't tell me St. Paul's Cathedral has burnt to the ground again? Queen Eliz: (Sighing in exasperation) No. Our fire service has improved a little since that Great Fire of London!
St. George's Day Poem

St. George's Day Poem

St. George's Day Poem (or Ode to St. George) This poem was written in celebration of St. George's Day. It's about championing the cause of a national holiday and celebrating England as a country. Sample text: Rule Britannia! St. George's Day is here. England never shall have Anything to fear! Land of Hope and Glory Mother of the Free We have no national holiday Now how can that be? St. George, get off your charger And come and sort this out. If you truly champion valour Then leave us in no doubt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Following emboldened text spoken by St. George) OK, I wasn't born in England That is certainly true. I was actually born in the Middle East When Christianity was taboo. But wait a while, have you not heard Exactly how I lost my head? In defending my own Christian faith I ended up .... Dead! An inspiration To those Crusaders later. If you don't believe me, kids, Go check your data! I know how much England Means to you. Keep pride in your country Trust me ‐ I do! It's a while since I fought For any worthwhile cause. But give me a chance And I'll champion yours! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- England has history that goes on forever (Makes up, perhaps, for our crummy weather!) England produced the Beatles, the Stones and the Who And a capital city, London - equaled by few. England serves the very best tea England has health care that is free. England is the place to be England is the land of the free.
Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play

Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Odysseus and the Cyclops Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 to 15 minutes reading time (around 20 with addition of music) One of several Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell. A set of 5 Ancient Greek Myths is also available in Guided Reading format, each with 6 speakers, and its own quiz. Sample Text: Poseidon: Oh I’m sure it is! So you stopped off at my son’s island for a bit of a holiday? (To audience) I’ve heard the Greek islands are a favourite holiday destination. Island hopping, I believe you call it? Odysseus: Well, that was hardly our intention. We wanted to get home. Ancient Greek 6: But stopping off for a bit of a rest did make sense. Ancient Greek 7: Though it didn’t turn out to be quite the holiday we expected! Ancient Greek 8: Stuck in the back of that cave (Enter Polyphemus, finding his way to the group, with the aid of a white stick) Polyphemus: (Bellowing loudly) My home! Ancient Greek 9: Hardly the best that Airbnb have to offer! Polyphemus: (Bellowing angrily) Pardon? There’s nothing wrong with my cave I’ll have you know! Ancient Greek 10: Nothing at all – until you get your head bashed against one of the walls! I was the first to suffer at your hands Ancient Greek 11: And I the second! Ancient Greek 1: And I the third! Ancient Greek 2: And I the fourth Ancient Greek 3: And I the fifth Ancient Greek 4: And I the sixth! Poseidon: (Tutting) Son! Really! That was rather greedy, even by your standards! Polyphemus: (Muttering sulkily) But I didn’t eat them all in one go! Odysseus: (Sarcastically) Oh that was very good of you! Polyphemus: Well, thank you! Poseidon: No, I think he’s being sarcastic, son! The lowest form of wit. But something tells me, not quite low enough for you! Odysseus: (To Polyphemus) So come on! What have you got to say in your defence? Surely you don’t want your old man thinking you have the table manners of a monster? Polyphemus: (Spluttering) Well, I er, Ancient Greek 5: You just fancied a change from lamb stew, right? Polyphemus: (Beaming) Oh that’s right! Indeed I did! Ancient Greek 6: I expect lamb gets pretty boring night after night? Polyphemus: Oh you’re right! Ancient Greek 7: So we made a pleasant change to your diet? Polyphemus: (Slapping his large belly, fondly) Well, I’d hardly call it a diet!
The Gorgon's Head Assembly or Class Play

The Gorgon's Head Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths The Gorgon's Head Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: around 10 - 15 minutes not including music What was Poseidon thinking - taking on all these women? He might succeed at putting the youth Perseus in his place but a group of 'wronged women'? Never! This is one of a large collection of Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell – guided reading scripts also available. Sample Text: Medusa: Just like I said! Gods! Men! The bane of our lives! Poseidon: (Clutching his forehead, muttering) I think I have a headache coming on. (Pauses)You know something? I suddenly feel just a little outnumbered! Would you ladies mind just giving me a short break? (Exit Athene, Medusa and Danae, shrugging their shoulders) Poseidon: Phew! Peace at last! Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against ‘the weaker sex’ (Athene comes storming back) Music 3 War – Edwin Starr – Brief excerpt Athene: What was that you just said? Weaker, eh? I’ll show you weaker! (Athene strides up and down, wielding her sword) Poseidon: (Holding hand up) OK. I apologize. Athene: Goddess of wisdom and war! (To Poseidon) You’d do well to remember that! Poseidon: (Aside) As if I could forget! (To Athene) Now, what was I saying about having a little peace? Athene: Huh! Give me war any day! (Exit Athene) Poseidon: (Clutching head) Women! I knew I should never have agreed to this! (Enter Perseus, giving Poseidon a ‘high five) Perseus: What’s up, bro? Poseidon: (Indignantly) Bro? I’ll give you bro! Perseus: OK so I guess it’s Uncle, really – seeing as Zeus was my dad, and your brother! Poseidon: Correct! So, no more bro, right? Perseus: Fair enough! So, what’s the plan, dude? Poseidon: (Exploding) Dude? That’s even worse than bro! What is it with you youngsters? Can’t you talk normally? Perseus: (Sighing) OK I’ll try! I’m just not used to hanging out with oldies like you! Poseidon: (Exploding) Now look here, young Perseus! If you and me are going to get along, you need to show a little respect! (Enter Danae) Danae: Perseus! Where are those manners I taught you? Poseidon: I think he might have lost them during his travels! Danae: Well, let’s help him find them again! Poseidon is only trying to Poseidon: (Looking at his watch) Get this story told? Well, that’s proving a bit of a challenge! (To Danae) No offence, madam, but you women don’t half talk a lot! (Enter Polydectes, accompanied by ‘several’ women, all chatting and laughing) Polydectes: (Groaning) Tell me about it! You want to try keeping them quiet in court! Once they get going there’s no stopping them!
Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly

Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly

Twelve New Labours of Hercules Assembly NB: This script is not about the original 12 Labours of Hercules! It is based around a completely different set of challenges – on the kind of ‘admirable qualities’ the cast feels Hercules should have – presenting him with a 12-part self-improvement plan! This is a kind of spin off from the Superheroes script - almost a reversal in fact; as whilst in that script it was Hercules trying to make superheroes out of a pretty unpromising cast, this script is about the cast pulling the punches - Hercules struggling along in their wake! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration around 15 - 20 minutes not including music suggestions. This Key Stage II class play is PSHE ‘orientated’ as it focuses on 'character improvements' e.g. humility, courage, mutual respect, upholding what is right, keeping positive, patience, love .... and of course the hardest of all, being happy! Sample Text: Child 11: A start to your self-improvement plan. Hercules: My what? Child 12: Well, we all feel you are lacking Hercules: Me? The great Hercules? Lacking? Child 12: (Coughing) If you would allow me to finish? We all feel you are lacking – make that, greatly lacking in some of the qualities you should have as Hercules: As a great superhero? I don’t think so! Child 13: Actually, I was going to say, as a member of the human race! Your mother was a mortal, right? Hercules: Yes Child 14: So I’m sure she’d appreciate us trying to improve you! Hercules: Huh! How can you improve on perfection? Music 3 Chariots of Fire theme music (Hercules strides around ‘looking magnificent’) (Child 15 walks over to the music and turns it off) Hercules: (Indignantly) Hey! What’s the big idea? Child 15: I think we all get it! You are Mr Universe! Hercules: (Looking very pleased with himself) Well, thank you. I Child 15: (Pointing to head) In your head, that is! Hercules: (Furiously) Pardon? Child 15: Oh do stop saying that! Anyone would think you had a hearing problem! Hercules: (Spluttering) I most definitely do not! Everything about my physique is perfect! Child 15: Like I said, maybe on the outside. But it’s what’s on the inside that is sadly lacking. But don’t worry, we are going to help fix that! Hercules: (Sarcastically) And may I ask how? Child 16: You may! All very simple. You just have to complete 12 simple tasks that we set you. Hercules: (Laughing) Oh I get it! You are going to give me another 12 labours.
The Twelve Labours of Hercules Assembly or Class Play

The Twelve Labours of Hercules Assembly or Class Play

The Twelve Labours of Hercules Assembly Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down; Duration around 15 minutes not including music suggestions - this could double the length of the assembly or class play. Every teacher's dream come true - an Ancient Greek superhero calling in to reignite the class's interest in a subject they have been doing all term! Hercules does so well ... until the arrival of that wicked king Eurystheus; but it doesn't take long before the latter realises his mistake in taking on this class - and it is truly heartening for all teachers everywhere to hear such respect from Hercules for their magnificent efforts! Enjoy The Twelve Labours of Hercules in fun, entertaining style - if it works for this set of children, it will definitely work for yours! Hercules features in two other scripts written by Sue Russell: 1. Superheroes Assembly for KSII – where Hercules has the dubious pleasure of converting a class of very un-super heroes … into super heroes! 2. Twelve New Labours of Hercules – in which the tables are turned on Hercules as he is the student on a self-improvement programme – this one with its focus on PSHE (i.e. ‘admirable’ character qualities!) Sample Text: Eurystheus: (To Narrator) Now. How many labours have we done? Narrator: Just three! (Loud groan from cast) Child 20: What? Nine more to go? Child 21: You have to be kidding? Child 22: This had better be good! Eurystheus: (Peevishly) What is it with these kids? A case of short attention span or what? (Cast all cross arms angrily, in defiant posture) Narrator: I’d be careful what you say, if I were you! This lot are easily upset and you might just find yourself in a bit of a spot! Eurystheus: (Laughing) Are you suggesting I should be worried by a load of kids? Oh don’t make me laugh! (To cast) Now. About this fourth labour. (Whole cast yawns loudly) Hercules’ task was to capture the Erymanthian Boar. Child 23: Did someone say ‘bore’? Child 24: As in, bore us to death’ Child 24: I think we can safely say, he already has! (Whole cast nod) Eurystheus: Now wait a minute! (Eurystheus walks over to the props box and tries to find ‘Boar’) Eurystheus: (Muttering) it must be in here somewhere! (Child 25, who had, unseen by Eurystheus, crept over to the props box and taken the Boar, pounces out at him, making him leap in the air and scream with terror; Hercules falls about laughing, as does the rest of the cast)
Pandora's Box Assembly or Class Play

Pandora's Box Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greek Myths Pandora's Box Assembly or Class Play This class play can be used as an assembly (for performance) or as a class play, to be read within the classroom. Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 15 - 20 minutes reading not including music suggestions. The Seven Deadly Sins plus all those Vices? No wonder our Narrator is worried! But as with all good stories, this one has a happy ending - well, maybe not for all those baddies! This is one of a collection of Ancient Greek Myth scripts – assemblies and guided reading scripts, sold as separate and combined products. This play could also be used as a PSHE resource – on resisting temptation, and the victory of good (hope) over evil (Seven Deadly Sins plus, in this case 19 Vices). Sample Text: Music 5 – You’re Beautiful – James Blunt (Epimetheus sings love song to Pandora) Narrator: (Indicating for music to stop) Yes, yes. We get it! Young love! Epimetheus: Oh come on! Look at this perfect woman? How could I possibly resist? Narrator: (To audience) Aha! Somebody else who couldn’t resist temptation! (To Pandora) No offence to you, madam. (To Epimetheus) But did you not look a little deeper? I mean, yes, she’s undoubtedly beautiful but (Optional burst of The Price You Pay – Bruce Springsteen) Pandora: (Angrily) Oh right! It’s the blond argument, right? The ‘well, if she looks that good, there can’t be much underneath’? No spirit, heh? Music 6 Missionary Man – Eurythmics (Pandora throws off her ‘pretty clothes’ displaying a much stronger image) Narrator: (Holding up hand for music to stop) Whoa! That’s not the Perfect Pandora I was expecting! Epimetheus: (Gasping) And that’s not a side of my wife I’ve ever seen before! Pandora: Of course not! You only ever wanted me to be that perfect ‘domestic goddess’ – sitting around, looking pretty, staring vacantly out to space! Epimetheus: Well, isn’t that what wives are supposed to do? Narrator: Not this one, I suspect! (Optional excerpt of Thorn in my Side – Eurythmics – Pandora strutting up and down) Narrator: (Holding hand up) OK. Yes, we’ve got it! So underneath all that sweetness was a whole heap of frustration! Pandora: More like mega boredom! I mean, what was I supposed to do all day? Epimetheus: Stay out of mischief?
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly Key Stage I

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly Key Stage I

Olympic Games Assembly for Key Stage I. This script covers past ‘host nations’ but is predominantly an overview of the 2016 sporting events. Cast size 30. Olympic Games Assembly for Key Stage I Rio 2016 With coverage of all hosts nations (past and present) plus all the sports present at the Olympics, this is quite an epic - even by the Ancient Greeks' standards! Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration - 10 to 15 minutes Sample Text: Kallipateira: Huh! But I don’t see any horses! You should have seen our chariot races! (Enter Equestrian Team) Rider 1: Well, our horses may not race but look how well behaved they are! Rider 2: And look how well they jump! (Exit Equestrian Team) Narrator: So that just leaves (Enter Ball Games representative, carrying various balls and rackets) Ball Games rep: The Ball Games! Narrator: Let me help! (Reading from a list) Tennis, table tennis, volley ball, hockey, golf, rugby, football, basketball, handball and badminton! (Exit Ball Games representative) (Recitation of Olympic Ode Chorus) (Enter Archery, Shooting and Fencing representative, carrying assortment of ‘equipment’) Narrator: Wow! What are all these sports! Archery, Shooting and Fencing rep: Archery, Shooting and Fencing! (Exit Archery, Shooting and Fencing representative) (Recitation of Olympic Ode Chorus) (Enter cyclist, on bike) Narrator: And last but by no means least! Cyclist: Watch me cycle! (All applaud) (Exit cyclist) (Enter Homer) Homer: (Spluttering) Well! Narrator: Not speechless again, are we, Homer? Homer: Just a bit! I think it’s time I returned to Ancient Greece – where life was a lot simpler! Other scripts available: 1. Brazil - Host Country to 2016 Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Brazil Host Country to 2016 Olympics Assembly

Brazil Host Country to 2016 Olympics Assembly

Brazil Host Country to 2016 Olympics Assembly This class play looks at the country in which the Olympics is staged this year (plus information on the Olympics e.g. Olympic Torch journey, number of countries taking part etc) For a history of the Olympics and coverage of sporting events, please select from one of the other scripts listed below (scroll down below sample Text) Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 minutes not including music suggestions Sample Text: Child 11: But haven’t you heard what party there’s going to be Child 12: Starting August 5th Child 13: And going on til August 21st? Narrator: (Spluttering) But, but, that’s … over 2 weeks! What kind of party goes on that long? (Cast swaps Carnival banners for Olympics banners, raising them above their heads) Whole cast: (Shouting) The Olympics! Music 2 Fanfare for the Common Man Narrator: Oh my goodness! The Olympics again! It seems like only yesterday we were partying in London! Child 14: That was for the 2012 Olympics! Proud hosts – the United Kingdom! Child 15: But 2016 is the year for Brazil – proud hosts of the 31st Olympic Games! Child 16: In the city of Rio de Janeiro! Music 3 Gypsy King ‘Carnival selection’ (Whole cast grab their carnival props and raise them again) Narrator: Wow! Summer 2016 is going to be some party! How can it not be – with the Olympics in Brazil? (Narrator turns to Child 15) Narrator: But what was that you said about the number of Olympic Games we’ve had so far? Child 15: 30 so far. 2016 will be the 31st! Child 16: The very first one was of course held in Ancient Greece. Child 17: In the city of Olympia – birthplace of the Olympic Games! Child 18: And that’s where the Olympic Torch started its journey on 21 April 2016 Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 2. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. History of the Olympics Assembly 5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE