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Sue Russell's Shop

Average Rating3.55
(based on 46 reviews)

I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
The Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan

The Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan

Royal Wedding Assembly Harry and Meghan Duration: around 10 minutes (not including music suggestions) A cast of 30. The content of this production focuses on Harry's ancestors and leaves one wondering if Meghan has been fully 'prepped' on the royal family - with all its highs (Alfred the Great?) and lows (toss-up between King John and Richard III maybe!). Maybe it’s just as well she isn't fully acquainted with her predecessors - or she might think twice about that walk down the aisle! Script comes with a complete listing of the English Monarchy Duration: around 10 minutes (not including music suggestions) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on The Royal Wedding. Now, we all know what a busy time this is for the royal couple – especially for Meghan. With all that looking for the right dress, booking the hairdresser, finding the best flower lady …. My, has she got her work cut out! So, we thought - there’s no way this royal bride will find time to read up about the family she is marrying into. That’s why we took it on ourselves to do the hard work for her! Don’t you think she’ll be pleased? I mean, who knows what Harry might not have said about his ancestors? And don’t we all agree, a girl does have the right to know - certainly before she takes that long walk down the aisle? So, for those of you, along with Meghan, interested in the royal family, start listening now! You’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn! This morning we’ll kick off with the present day royal family - the House of Windsor. Starting with Child 1: (Holding up picture of Harry) Harry! Narrator: Ah! The bridegroom himself! Let’s hear it! Child 2: Harry is the second son of (holds up picture) Charles, the Prince of Wales – now married to Camilla. Child 3: (Holding up picture) Harry’s mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, was tragically killed in a road accident in 1997. Child 4: (Holding up picture) Harry has an older brother, William. It was only a few years ago that Harry was best man at William’s wedding. William married Catherine Middleton 29th April 2011 at Westminster Abbey; whereas Harry and Meghan will be ‘tying the knot’ at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle in May 2018. Child 5: Harry and William have a rather important grandma – the Queen! Child 6: Queen Elizabeth the second is married to the Duke of Edinburgh and has four children Child 7: Prince Charles, Harry’s dad Child 8: Prince Andrew, the Duke of York Child 9: Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex Child 10: And a daughter, Princess Anne, the Princess Royal. Narrator: All fine representatives of the monarchy – but was it always thus? We looked at some examples of good and bad monarchs and drew our own conclusions! Starting with Child 11: Alfred the Great!
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode This class play is a combination/condensed version of two previous scripts: History of the Olympic Games and Olympic Games 2016. Whilst its main focus is coverage of all the 2016 sporting events, there is included a list of the previous 'host nations' (but without all the accompanying information i.e. medals won and 'events' on and off the course - inclusion of all this material would have made a single script far too long). Also included is the Olympic Ode - as an optional extra. Thus, the cast can be as small as 30 or as great as 75, with a cast of 52 as another possibility - the production notes explaining these numbers fully. The duration is from 20 minutes to at least 30 minutes - this does not include music options. Sample Text Child 5: Like football! Same objective but using feet instead of a stick! Oh and not forgetting that new sport – rugby sevens. New Zealand have to be the favourites having won the 2015 rugby World Cup. Course we all know how good the Brazilians are at football – oops, don’t mention the last world cup! Narrator: But playing at home should give them ‘the edge’ Trev: Like in 1908 when Great Britain won gold! What a moment! Particularly as this was the first time football had been played at the Olympics! A debut to remember! Narrator: (Aside) Those were the days! But hey! (Shaking himself up) Who knows? Amazing things do happen at the Olympics! Child 6: Like that 1992 U.S. Dream Team! What a set of athletes they were – and not bad at ‘dunkin’ from what I’ve heard! Narrator: Dunkin? You mean, Dunkin Doughnuts? (Rubbing tummy) Mmm I’ve heard they’re pretty yummy! Child 6: (Throwing hands up in exasperation) No no! Not that kind of ‘dunkin’! Basketball dunkin is when the ball is slammed directly into the net using one or two hands. Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to the Olympics 2016 Assembly 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
World Cup 2018 Assembly

World Cup 2018 Assembly

World Cup 2018 Assembly Cast Size – 33 as this includes Referee plus 32 competing nations - but speaking parts can be doubled up, to the number required. Duration - Around 20 minutes (not including music) A referee's job is never the easiest in the world - but put him in charge of 32 teams from across the world - all together, at the same time ..... Does he have his work cut out or does he have his work cut out?! Join him plus 32 nations in this celebration of the World Cup - all lining up for one of the greatest sporting events on the planet! Sample Text: Referee: Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. What are we here celebrating today? Whole Cast: (Shouting louder) THE WORLD CUP! (Referee blows whistle) Referee: OK. OK. Sit down everyone. Don’t let’s get too excited! It is, after all, only football! English Fan: (In outrage) Pardon? Have you never heard what the great Bill Shankly had to say? Referee: No. But I’ve a feeling I’m going to! English Fan: He said “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that”! Referee: (Shrugging) And there was me, thinking it was just sport! So, let’s find out a little more about the World Cup, starting with where it’s going to be held this year, 2018. Russia: In Russia! We, as the host nation, (turning to cast) are happy to welcome you all! (Everyone cheers) Referee: Thank you, Russia. Tell me. How many countries are there competing this year? Russia: Thirty two! Referee: Let’s meet them! In Group A (Each country, represented by a fan dressed in his team colours, stands and waves national flag in turn before sitting down again) Russia: Russia! We’re the host nation Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia. The first team to take on the host nation in the opening match! Egypt: Egypt! Referee: Welcome back! Egypt: Yes, it’s been 28 years since our last appearance in a world cup, in 1990. Uruguay: Uruguay! We were the very first host, in 1930.
World Cup 2018 Leavers Assembly

World Cup 2018 Leavers Assembly

World Cup 2018 Leavers’ Assembly Duration: around 15 minutes. Cast size suitable for one class - or year group of two or three classes. Who would have thought Mr. Head would have so much trouble in this Leavers' Assembly - disciplining his own staff?! There's Mr. Place - a geography teacher with an unfortunate temper; there's Mrs Sums - with an unfortunate obsession with numbers; there's Mrs Write - with her unfortunate outspokenness ... are you spotting a pattern here? And as for Mr. Force from the science department ... well, let's just say he might have pushed his luck just that little bit too far on this occasion! Anyway, hat's off to Mr. Head as he struggles on. After all, football is just a game, isn't it?! Sample Text Mr. Head: Ah! Mrs Write, our Literacy expert! Mrs Write: (Enunciating every word slowly and perfectly) Good morning, Mr. Head. Good Morning, children! Students: Good morning, Mrs Write! Mrs Write: Before we go any further, I do feel it is important that our children can tell the difference between fact and fantasy! Mr. Head: Er, don't you mean facts and opinions? Mrs Write: (Impatiently) Just so! Though some of my students seem to be indulging in some very worrying fantasies at the moment. Student 1: But you're always telling us to use our imaginations, Miss! Mrs Write: ‘Tis true. But we also need to keep a certain hold on reality. And, to put it bluntly .... (pausing) Mr. Head: (Impatiently) Yes, Mrs Write. We haven't got all day! Mrs Write: Well, as long as you can assure me that I won't upset anyone in speaking my mind? Mr. Head: It's never stopped you in the past! Mrs Write: (Cagily) Well, it's about England's chances of winning the World Cup! Mr. Head: Ah! (Pauses) Now I see where you're coming from. Could I suggest you proceed with extreme caution? With extreme tact, even? Mrs Write: Oh don't you worry! You're looking at somebody who can not only write to the highest standard but is also always right in everything she says .. Mr. Head: (Aside) And so modest with it! Mrs Write: Let me just tell anyone who is nursing any illusions about England winning Mr. Head: (Anxiously) I think I mentioned tact, Mrs Write? Mrs Write: Well .... (takes a deep breath and then blurts out) England doesn't stand the faintest chance of winning the World Cup! (Mr. Head covers his head in despair, as all students rise to their feet in uproar) Mrs Write: You see what I mean? Somebody had to tell them! They shouldn't be allowed to continue believing in this fantasy! Mr. Head: (In exasperation) Mrs Write! Have you ever heard the expression ‘Like a bull in a china shop'?
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Assembly or Class Play

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Assembly or Class Play

Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Class Play or Assembly Cast of 30. Duration around 10 minutes. This script starts with a look at the Code of Honour which those Knights of the Round Table were supposed to follow and demonstrate in their actions. But Knights, like the rest of us, are merely human as pointed out by our learned friend/wizard – Merlin. This script attempts to highlight that nobody - not even the great King Arthur - is perfect; but that that shouldn’t stop us from trying to be modern Knights – at least in as far as their aspirations! The second half of the script has a brief resume of The Sword in the Stone plus a mention of some other key moments in the Arthurian legend. Sample Text Knight 10: (To King Arthur) You taught us that all men were born equal. Knight 11: And that we should always respect ourselves and others, as equals. King Arthur: That was the idea behind the Round Table. That no one should think himself superior to another. Knight 12: Nobody should get airs above their station. Meekness and humility are two shining virtues we should all aspire to. Knight 13: We should be kind Knight 14: Gentle Knight 15: And merciful Mordred: Doesn’t sound very ‘knightly’ to me! King Arthur: Which is why you should be listening and learning. It takes more than sheer brawn to be a true knight! Knight 16: Yes, be prepared to fight for justice King Arthur: But being brave is only good if it is done for the right reasons! Knight 17: You have to know right from wrong Knight 18: And fight for those who can’t defend themselves. Mordred: (Muttering) Doesn’t sound very heroic to me! King Arthur: But that’s just it! It’s not about playing the hero, looking all dashing and chivalrous! Knight 19: That’s plain vanity! Nothing noble and courageous about that! Mordred: (Spluttering) But Knight 20: (Sighing) You have to be patient. Knight 21: Courteous. Treat others as you would wish them to treat you. Knight 22: Harbour no envy. Knight 23: Commit no murder. Mordred: Oh, here we go. I wondered when that was going to come up. Knight 24: To have honour you have to fight on the side of truth. Mordred: And who are you, any of you, to say what that is? Merlin: (Sighing) Ah me! And this is where it all gets so complicated. None of us are perfect. We all get drawn into temptation – that’s life. King Arthur: But we can at least try to abide by certain rules of conduct. Ones that are not going to harm others. And if we succeed at just a few of these, then we are on the right path.
Cricket Assembly or Class Play

Cricket Assembly or Class Play

Cricket Class Play or Assembly (‘nod’ to World Cup) Anyone for Cricket? This class play or assembly, cast of 30, is approximately 20 minutes long and should be performed if only for that wonderful track by 10 CC – Dreadlock Holiday! (Who doesn’t know classic line ‘I don’t like Cricket,… oh no… I love it!?) Apart from giving an outline of the game, and some of its past heroes, there is an exploration of cricket terminology – an A to Z of surely some of the wackiest jargon in or out of the sporting world! For sports and non-sports folk alike – Enjoy! Sample Text Narrator: Ah! Our final innings of the day! Player 1: We’ll be sure to make this a fine pongo! (All Players raise their bats in triumph) Narrator: Pongo meaning a high score! Player 1: Correct. Lots of runs! Umpire 1: (Standing) But we’ll be keeping an eye on the quota. Umpire 2: (Standing) That’s the total number of overs (maximum ten) given to a bowler Umpire 1: Typically, the total overs in the innings Umpire 2: Divided by five, Umpire 1: And then rounded to the next highest whole number. Narrator: (Clutching his head) Well, I’ll most certainly leave the maths to you! (Both Umpires sit down, smiling) Player 2: Rabbit! Narrator: I beg your pardon! Player 2: That’s what a rubbish batsman is called! (All Players shake their heads, in disgust) Narrator: Ooh. That’s not nice! I mean, no offence to bunnies but Player 3: (Interrupting) Rain delay! (All Players groan) Player 3: Nothing more frustrating when you want to get on with the game! Player 4: Red cherry. Spectator 5: That’s the nickname for the red cricket ball! Player 4: Correct! Player 5: Rib tickler! Spectator 1: Would that be a ball that hits the batsman in the midriff? Player 5: Well done! You see how easy our jargon is? Player 6: Sawn off! (All Players gasp in anger and two Umpires stand up defiantly, with arms crossed) Umpire 1: Our word is what goes! Umpire 2: Nobody should argue with that! Umpire 1: If we say a player is dismissed Umpire 2: That’s an end to it! Spectator 2: But what if you get it wrong? (Umpires 1 and 2 gasp in horror) Umpires 1 & 2: (Together) We never get it wrong! (Players continue to glare at two Umpires as they sit down) Narrator: (Coughing) Moving on! Player 7: Sitter! Spectator 3: Ooh. You never want to drop one of those! The shame of missing an easy catch! Player 7: (Shaking head) Indeed. Player 8: Skier! Another ball you really don’t want to miss! These are a miss hit, go up in the sky Narrator: And I can only imagine the embarrassment of having all that time and then missing the catch! (Players all clutch their heads)
St. George's Day drama and poetry bundle

St. George's Day drama and poetry bundle

3 Resources
An assembly on England in celebration of St. George's Day; plus a set of five Guided Reading Scripts (plus quizzes) with 6 speakers each; plus St. George's Day Poem. Whole package - 3 products for price of one! Enjoy!
Nelson Mandela Guided Reading Play

Nelson Mandela Guided Reading Play

Nelson Mandela Guided Reading Play (or Readers Theater). 6 speakers plus quiz. An in-depth discussion amongst the key 'players' in Mandela's life, raising many issues for further discussion among students. This is one of a collection of 5 plays - Unit 20 Famous People of the 20th Century: 1. Martin Luther King 2. Nelson Mandela 3. Mahatma Gandhi 4. John Lennon 5. Prominent Women (Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Marie Curie, Mother Theresa, Margaret Thatcher and Princess Diana) Speakers: Nelson Mandela Winnie (second wife) Desmond Tutu P.W. Botha (Nationalist Party - hardliner) F.W. de Klerk (Nationalist Party - moderate) Nobel Peace Committee Sample Text: Mandela: 1994! What a year in South African history! Winnie: The year you became South Africa's first black President! Botha: The year the African National Congress won the election. De Klerk: The year millions lined up to vote with Nelson Mandela for the first time. Winnie: The year my husband said "We are moving from an era of resistance, division, oppression, turmoil and conflict and starting a new era of hope, reconciliation and nation-building. I sincerely hope that the mere casting of a vote ... will give hope to all South Africans." Tutu: And it did that all right! After all those years of injustice and suffering. At last the battle was won! Also written by Sue Russell: Black History: • The Slave Trade • Heroes of the Underground Railroad • Amazing Women in the American Civil Rights Movement • Martin Luther King • Nelson Mandela And American Heroes: • Heroes of the American War of Independence • Heroes of the Underground Railroad • Native American Heroes • Heroes in Science and Space Exploration • Heroes from Different Walks of Life (incl. children) And Amazing Women: • From across the world 15th – 20th century • From across the world 20th century • In the American Women’s Suffrage Movement • In the American Civil Rights Movement • And First Ladies 31-35 (taken from First Ladies collection)
Dinosaur Guided Reading Scripts

Dinosaur Guided Reading Scripts

Dinosaurs Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) with quizzes Also available: Dinosaurs Rock Assembly or Class Play Sample Texts Play 1 ‘Favourites' Steg: Hmm. Not blindingly obvious! But then I'm not famous for my brains! T. Rex: No. That goes for a lot of you ‘tiny headed' plant eaters! Dippie: Nothing wrong with having a brain the size of a walnut! Brachie: Here! Here! But what was your other name, Steg? I don't think you got round to telling us. Steg: Er, um. T.Rex: Let me help! It's ‘covered lizard' or ‘roof lizzard'. Steg: Ah yes! That's it! And of course I have that name because .... Er... um.. Try: Oh come on, Steg! Try a little harder! Steg: All right, Mister Try, Try and Try-again-ceratops! Play 2 The Biggest! (Earth shaking) Cecil: Whoa! Sorry everyone! That happens every time I move! Chicken: Then please don't! It's really scary for one as small as me! Car: Chicken! You'd better toughen up if you're gonna stick around with us big boys! Mam: Yeah! Better be careful we don't trip over this one! Chicken: I might be small but I could win a running race against you lot - hands down! Cecil: Well, if it came to feet down, you'd be well and truly squashed under me! Thebiggest! Mam: And without wishing to stick my neck out .... Guess what I'm most famous for? Gig: Nothing to do with having the longest neck ever, I don't suppose? Play 3 The Deadliest Deinonychus: Certainly could! Size isn't everything, you know! I probably had the deadliest reputation out of all of you! Allosaurus: When you were hunting in packs you were unstoppable. Deinonychus: Indeed. I was the supreme pack hunter! I had no enemies. Not surprising with a name like ‘Terrible Claw'! My very own flick knife! Play 4 Head Bangers! 2-Ridge: So, I'm guessing we're not all heading for the nearest beauty pageant! Dome-head: I'm not ashamed of my ...(pauses) slightly unusual looks! Long-crest: Nor me! We should be proud of our crests and lumps and bumps! Helmet-head: Right on! We've got nothing to hide .. Trumpet-head: Not even under that helmet?! Helmet-head: Or what about up your trumpet? Play 5 Flyers and Swimmers Pteranodon: (Sniffing) There's something very fishy going on here. Pterodactylus: That's it! We're all - or nearly all - fish-eaters! Mosasaurus: Though I wasn't fussy! I'd eat anything! Elasmosaurus: You certainly had the jaws for it! I guess you just swam along with them wide open!
Second World War  Guided Reading Scripts

Second World War Guided Reading Scripts

Second World War Guided Reading Scripts (World War II Assembly also available plus collection of scripts on the First World War including one on Remembrance Sunday) 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes Play 1- Background Speakers: Winston Churchill, Neville Chamberlain, Hitler, British Child, German Child, Jewish Child Churchill: And who was the master mind behind it? Chamberlain: Why Hitler, of course! Hitler: But only because you sat back and let me. How feeble you were! Why did you think I started building up the German armed forces? I started my war preparations way back in 1933. You had plenty of time to stop me before we all went to war in 1939! British child: OK, so he misread the signs! German child: I'd say it was more a case of weakness! Not like our leader - he didn't need anyone's permission. He just got on with it. Jewish child: He did that all right! He didn't waste any time trying to wipe out a whole race! Play 2 The Course of War 1939-45 Speakers: Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito of Japan Roosevelt: Brave words. But you took a huge risk, you Brits, going it alone. Stalin: Yes, it wasn't long before France was defeated, joining the rest of Europe in Nazi occupation. Churchill: Well, Germany did only have 2 true friends - Italy and Japan, making up the Axis Powers. Play 3 Evacuation Speakers: Evacuee 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Evacuee 6: And then being lined up just like animals at an auction! Evacuee 1: Course, the smart rich city kids were the first to be chosen. Evacuee 2: And guess who was the last? Just because I wasn't catwalk material! Play 4 The Blitz - Air Raid Speakers: Air Raid Warden, Mother, Father, Grandad, Child 1 & 2 Air Raid Warden (sighing): I can tell tonight's going to be a very long one! You come with me, Grandad, and I'll take you to the best party in town! Grandad: Now that's more like it! Why didn't you say? Will there be anybody else there? Air Raid Warden: Just a few! Around 200,000 - is that enough for you? Grandad: You mean a rave! Ooh yes! With lots of dancing? Play 5 War-time Life Speakers: Mother, Father, Child, Sailor, Wren, Anne Frank Father: And fat was something you were very unlikely to be! But hey! We were all in the same boat! Sailor: Not with me, you weren't. You thought you had it tough. Huh! You should have tried being at sea. Wren: I did! In the Women's Royal Naval Service. Forget the seagulls! Us wrens were far more highly trained!
Salem Witch Trials Guided Reading Scripts

Salem Witch Trials Guided Reading Scripts

Salem Witch Trials Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes Boredom, over-active imaginations and a certain flair for amateur dramatics - all fatally combined to produce one of the cruellest travesties of justice in U.S. history. 19 hangings of complete innocents, labelled as witches ... by children. Who, or what, was to blame? Sift through some very suspect evidence and draw your own conclusions, from this set of guided reading play scripts, covering the course of those infamous events. Play 1 First Accusations Play 2 The First Hanging (June 10th) Play 3 Second and Third Hanging (July 19 and August 19) Play 4 Fourth Hanging (September 22nd) Play 5 History's Verdict - Who was to blame? Sample Text Betty: That's right, papa! We would never lie to you! Abigail: We were good girls! Sarah Good: And I wasn't? Good by name and good by nature, that was me - until you and your friends blackened my reputation. Rev. Parris: Not so hard, from what I can remember! Begging in the streets! Betty: And muttering threats whenever she was turned away! Sarah Good: According to you, a mere child! Whoever heard of taking a 9 year old's word against an adult's? Sarah Osborne: And a bored 9 year old at that, with nothing better to do than spread trouble. Tituba: What an imagination! Nearly as vivid as those tales from the Caribbean I told! Abigail: We certainly were a ‘captive audience'. Rev. Parris: My poor girls! In the power of those wicked witches! If you could have seen them .. Sarah Good: Squirming and screaming! Sarah Osborne: Barking and howling! Oh we saw them all right - along with everyone else in those crowded trial rooms! Tituba: What a performance! A few centuries on and you'd have got yourselves an Oscar!
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Guided Reading Scripts

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Guided Reading Scripts

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions An assembly on the Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation is also available from Sue Russell plus An Assembly on Islam which tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs Sample Text Script 1: When? Narrator: So. When does the story begin? Child 1: Well, I suppose you could say it started with Muhammed. Child 2: He was, after all, the founder of Islam. Narrator: Dates? Child 3: Muhammed was born around 570 AD. Child 4: Islam began in 610 AD when Muhammed became Allah’s messenger Child 5: His prophet. Narrator: And what was his mission? Child 5: To deliver the Qur’an or the Word of God. Narrator: Aha! So that was how Islam began. Now let’s talk about how it spread. Child 1: Well, Muhammed himself died in 632 AD Child 2: But his followers continued to spread the message of Islam. Narrator: You mean, Muslims? Child 3: Correct. And today there are over one thousand million! Narrator: But let’s not gloss over the history that quickly! I want to hear all about that Golden Age! Child 4: Ah! You mean up until the 14th century? Child 5: Yes. Shame about those Mongol invaders, destroying pretty much everything they could lay their hands on. Child 1: Which included that amazing city of Baghdad!
The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play

The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play

The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play Includes Poem – The Mayflower – written by Sue Russell From Scrooby, to Amsterdam, to Leyden, to Plymouth in the ‘New World' - hardly the most direct route those Pilgrims could have taken (did they not have Satellite Navigation Systems in those days?!)And it was hardly ‘plain sailing' all the way when they got there - disease, harsh environment, terrible weather - certainly a disappointment for anyone out for a holiday! But after such unpromising beginnings, great things developed -including friendship with the locals, defying all fears previously harbored; and a great Thanksgiving tradition born (minus the turkeys and cranberries - let's try to stick to the facts here!) This Class Play, written to Readers Theater format, is written in 5 parts: 1. Background 2. Mayflower Voyage 3. First Sight of Land 4. First Winter and Spring 5. First Thanksgiving with 6 speakers for each part. The play can be used either within the classroom, reading out loud in groups of 6; or as a ‘performance' with the optional inclusion of music and a ‘Mayflower Song'. Sample Text 1.Background Speakers: Narrator William Brewster (Became religious leader of Plymouth settlement) William Bradford (Became second governor of settlement - for 36 years) Dorothy Bradford (Wife of William) Richard Clyfton (Preacher - stayed in Amsterdam) John Robinson (Teacher - stayed at Leyden) Narrator: Our story begins in the year 1606 - in the tiny English village of Scrooby. Dorothy: Are you men still sitting around talking? Bradford: Indeed we are! Robinson: We have so much to discuss, before we depart these fair shores - for Holland. Dorothy: Are you sure it is necessary for us to make this move? Clyfton: If it wasn't, we certainly wouldn't be doing it. Dorothy: I mean, all that upheaval and disruption to our lives and our children's .. Brewster: We understand just how you feel. But we have no choice. Bradford: If we stay here we will continue to be persecuted Clyfton: And for what? What is our crime? Robinson: Only that of wanting a simpler form of worship Clyfton: One that doesn't require there to be a priest between us and God. Extract from ‘Mayflower Song' (set to Bobby Shafto tune) Just the Mayflower fit to sail Things went fine until that gale Then directions them did fail And sent them too far northward.
American Heroes Guided Reading Scripts

American Heroes Guided Reading Scripts

American Heroes Guided Reading Scripts This set of 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes dips into the lives of 30 American heroes and heroines - from the American War of Independence, Underground Railway, world of science, different walks of life such as entertainment and including children, and great Native Americans - all of whom strove against massive odds, and came out on top - an inspiration to us all. • Heroes of the American War of Independence Speakers: George Washington Samuel Adams John Adams Thomas Paine Benjamin Franklin Paul Revere • Heroes of the Underground Railroad Speakers: Ex-Slaves: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and Josiah Henson White Abolitionists: Laura Haviland, Levi Coffin and Thomas Garret • Native American Heroes Speakers: Sitting Bull (Sioux leader) Geronimo (Apache warrior) Chief Joseph (Nez Perce leader) Tecumseh (Shawnee leader) Pocahontas (daughter of Chief Powhatan) Sacagawea (‘guide' on Lewis & Clark's trans-continent expedition) • Heroes in Science Speakers: Neil Armstrong (astronaut: first man to walk on the moon) Christa McAuliffe (teacher and astronaut) Albert Einstein (one of the world's greatest ever geniuses) Jonas Salk (developed Polio vaccine) Mary Edwards Walker (first female surgeon in U.S. army) Rachel Carson (great environmentalist) • Heroes from Different Walks of Life: Adults from the World of Entertainment - Children - and a Folk Legend Speakers Jackie Robinson (Baseball) Steven Spielberg (Movies) Elvis Presley (Music) Mattie Stepanek (Child poet) Samantha Smith (Child peacemaker) John Chapman (Folk legend) Sample Text Play 1 Heroes of the American War of Independence Paine: But what always struck me about this learned gentleman - right from the very first time I met him in England - was his tremendous sense of humor! Revere: Here! Here! I remember telling the missus, after she'd invited some friends to stay "Fish and visitors smell after three days"! And because these were Franklin's words, she threw them out the next day!
Black History Guided Reading Scripts

Black History Guided Reading Scripts

Black History Guided Reading Play Scripts This set of 5 Guided Reading Scripts (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes, which can be used for guided reading (or Readers Theater), was written in celebration of Black History, identifying some of the heroes and heroines who made such an impact in the process of eliminating racial discrimination and segregation. 1. The Slave Trade - Discussion on Racism 2. Heroes of the Underground Railroad 3. Amazing Women of the Civil Rights Movement 4. Martin Luther King 5. Nelson Mandela Play 1: The Slave Trade - Discussion on Racism (incl. Martin Luther King) Link with PSHCE Living in a Diverse World : The Slave Trade and its consequences for African ancestors, including discussion around keywords: discrimination, segregation, prejudice, racism. Plus R.E. link to key figure in racial equality struggle- Martin Luther King Speakers: John Hawkins Slave Martin Luther King White American Child (Maisie) Black American Child (Joel) Teacher Play 2 Heroes of the Underground Railroad - an example of ‘Good Triumphing over Evil' and ‘ordinary' people leading ‘extraordinary' lives Speakers: Ex-Slaves: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and Josiah Henson White Abolitionists: Laura Haviland, Levi Coffin and Thomas Garret Play 3: Amazing Women in the American Civil Rights Movement Speakers: Interviewer Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman Ida Wells Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer Rosa Parks Play 4 Martin Luther King Speakers: Interviewer Martin Luther King Coretta (King's wife) James Earl Ray (alleged assassin) President Lyndon Johnson Campaigner Play 5 Nelson Mandela Speakers: Nelson Mandela Winnie (second wife) Desmond Tutu P.W. Botha (Nationalist Party - hardliner) F.W. de Klerk (Nationalist Party - moderate) Nobel Peace Committee
Early Colonial Times Class Play or Guided Reading Scripts

Early Colonial Times Class Play or Guided Reading Scripts

Early Colonial Times Class Play or Guided Reading Scripts What could be worse than working all day on your play scripts - and then up all night getting an earful from your characters - telling you what you should have written? Those early colonists certainly weren't reluctant to share their views - especially if that entailed telling their creator his lines were rubbish! The only way to shut these good folk up was to let them have their say - however long it took - even if their idea of setting the record straight was strictly off the record! And so we have 5 sleepless nights -a mild form of torture for our poor playwright but great for us - learning all about: 1. Colonial homes 2. Weaving and spinning 3. Candle and soap making 4. Recreation 5. Religion (including education and punishment) This Reader's Theater Class Play can be read either as a class of 30 or 25, in groups of 6 speakers; or just by a group (of 6), keeping the same characters throughout. Sample Text 1.Colonial Homes Speakers: Playwright Mother Mrs. Smith Father Mr. Smith Son Adam (10 years old) Daughter Abigail (8 years old) Grandma Granny Mrs. Smith: (Sighing) Ah! It doesn't seem like yesterday that you were in those long petticoats! Adam: (Hissing) Mother, please! Granny: Oh let her be, Adam. Us mums always like reminiscing! Mr. Smith: Though you seem to conveniently forget all that howling that came with having babies around! Abigail: (Snorting) Just exercising our lungs! Adam: That's right! Us babies weren't meant to feel any pain! Granny: And so you got ignored! Quite right too! Adam: (Sarcastically) Oh Granny, you're all heart! Granny: Well, you had your ‘puddings'! Playwright: (Yawning) I thought we'd covered meal times! Mrs Smith: (Snorting) So much for thorough historical research! No, she means the padded caps babies wore to protect their heads. And they certainly needed protecting, the amount of falling over they did! Playwright: So why did you dress them up in those ridiculous long gowns? How were they ever meant to crawl about in those things?
Amazing Women Guided Reading Scripts

Amazing Women Guided Reading Scripts

Amazing Women Guided Reading scripts (group readers/Readers Theater) These 5 plays (6 speakers each) plus quizzes start by taking a look at Amazing Women from across the world and across the centuries, and then focuses on the part played by women in shaping America's history - fighting for a voice both in society and politics. Reading time for each play is around 10 minutes. There are also quizzes - one for each, varying from 25 to 50 questions. 1.Amazing Women From Across the World: 15th - 20th century Speakers: Interviewer Elizabeth I Catherine the Great Indira Gandhi Eleanor Roosevelt Joan of Arc Sample Text: Eleanor: Well, thank you. Though I did just what I felt was right. Catherine: And you will go down in history as being a shining beacon of light. Course, that's what some of us set out to do - but things just didn't quite work out that way. 2. Amazing Women From Across the World: 20th Century Speakers: Mother Theresa Helen Keller (Helen) Anne Frank (Anne) Marie Curie (Marie) Princess Diana (Di) Margaret Thatcher (Maggie) 3. Amazing Women in the American Women's Suffrage Movement Speakers: Interviewer Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucy Stone Carrie Chapman Catt Jeanette Rankin Alice Paul 4. Amazing Women in the American Civil Rights Movement Speakers: Interviewer Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman Ida Wells Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer Rosa Parks 5. Amazing First Ladies 31-35 Speakers: Interviewer Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Wife of John F. Kennedy Claudia Taylor Johnson Wife of Lyndon B. Johnson Pat Ryan Nixon Wife of Richard Nixon Betty Bloomer Ford Wife of Gerald Ford Rosalynn Smith Carter Wife of Jimmy Carter
Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz

Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz

Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz This is a special cut-price package including: 3 scripts, with 6 speakers each: • Pirates Ahoy! Script • Smugglers Alert! Script • Shipwrecks! Script Plus • Pirates Quiz Pirates Ahoy! This 'interview' draws out the main historical facts available on these characters. Additional background information is supplied at the end of the play – with a quiz (30 Q & A) to follow. Sample Text 1: Duration around 10 minutes Interviewer: Something tells me we’re not going to get a lot of sense out of Captain Morgan this morning! Mary Read: Oh! Don’t you worry! You wouldn’t believe what us pirates are capable of – even after a large number of rums! Interviewer: Hmm. So I’ve heard! But perhaps we’d better start with this Welshman Black Bart: Who? Me? Interviewer: No. I’ll come to you in a minute. I was going to have a few words with Captain Morgan here – whilst he’s still capable of speech! Blackbeard: (Hissing) You’d better get in there quick, then! And I’d make it a simple question, if I were you! Interviewer: OK. So, why are pirates, pirates? Cpt. Morgan: Because they Arrrrrrrrrrr! Smugglers Alert! Sample Text 2: Duration: around 5 - 10 mins Interviewer: Now, come along, gentlemen! Perhaps we are being a little heavy on Mr. Johnstone! Don’t you agree, Mr. Trenchard? Trenchard: Actually, I’m with them on this one! However much I might have disapproved of the violence I saw going on around me, nothing would have made me turn my old mates in! Interviewer: Well, of course not! Copinger: But that’s what this gentleman did! Rattenbury: Not only did he swap sides as in swapping what country he fought for but he also went from being the hunted to the hunter! Interviewer: You mean, he became a revenue man? Kingsmill: (Spitting) He did indeed! How much lower could he stoop? Shipwrecks - Sample Text 3 Duration: Around 5 minutes (SOSD stands for Salty Old Sea Dogs) S.O.S.D. 1: OK. So what about that Marie Celeste? S.O.S.D. 2: Indeed. What about that Marie Celeste? Nobody knows! S.O.S.D. 3: There may have been survivors – but there was no sign of them when the sailing ship was found drifting in the Atlantic Ocean, 1872. S.O.S.D. 4: Did they abandon ship? Were they attacked? Nobody will ever know what happened. It’s one of those Bermuda Triangle riddles that has no answer.
St. George's Day Set of 5 Guided Reading Plays on England

St. George's Day Set of 5 Guided Reading Plays on England

St. George's Day Set of 5 Guided Reading Plays on England: 1. St. George Meets Robin Hood 2. A Brief History of the English Monarchy 3. Famous People 4. England's Geography and 'Places' 5. English Customs This set of 5 plays, with 6 speakers each, plus quizzes, was written in celebration of St. George's Day. Narrated in all 5 plays by St. George himself, .... with a little help from Robin Hood! Sample Texts: Play 1 St. George meets ... Robin Hood St. George: Ah Robin! Thank you so much for joining me this morning. I trust you have been given an explanation as to why you are here? Robin Hood: Indeed. And may I say, it is an honour to fulfill such a role. That is, to one such as yourself. Play 2 St. George: Please! A little respect for the dead! OK so Henry VIII wouldn't be most women's number one choice husband Robin: Not if they valued their necks! St. George: But his daughter certainly made up for his lack of heart! Elizabeth I: Good Queen Bess! That's what they called me! Play 3 Queen Eliz: Of course not! It was those other great qualities - of standing up for what you believed in St. George: Like when I stood up for my faith, even though it cost me my life. Churchill: "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.." Shakespeare: (Interrupting) "Friends, Romans and countrymen, lend me your ears .." Lennon: Sadly that Emperor Diocletian didn't lend his or he wouldn't have had you beheaded ... Play 4 St. George: But before we visit any of these places, let us quickly look at where England itself is. Robin: That's easy! South of Scotland and East of Wales! Play 5 Weatherman: Indeed. Every cloud has a silver lining! St. George: Really? Robin: Just an old English proverb. We have lots of those
Theseus and the Minotaur Lesson Plan, Guided Reading Script  and Quiz

Theseus and the Minotaur Lesson Plan, Guided Reading Script and Quiz

Theseus and the Minotaur Lesson Plan, Guided Reading Script and Quiz Each 'package' consists of guided reading script (6 speakers) plus lesson plan and quiz/reading comprehension; and accommodates both small group and all class engagement. As explained in the lesson plan, whilst a group of six speakers read the script, the rest of the class (divided into teams) follows in order to answer questions that follow. There are also some ideas for follow up discussion, time permitting. Lesson Plan (Around 20 - 30 minutes) The lesson time can be reduced to 20 minutes by e.g. omission of quiz/discussion. The script takes around 10 minutes reading time. The quiz takes around 5 – 10 minutes. This script, along with four others (Odysseus and the Cyclops, The Gorgon's Head, Pandora's Box and The Tale of Two Spinners) is available as one product - The Ancient Greek Myths Guided Reading Scripts. These scripts are also available separately as guided reading scripts, lesson plans and quizzes. Sample Text: Pasiphae: This is a tale of two cities. Aegeus: Athens Minos: And Crete. It has vile villains Theseus: A noble hero Pasiphae: A wronged wife Minotaur: And a hideous monster. Minos: It is a tale of deceit Pasiphae: Of shame Aegeus: Of murder Minos: Of revenge Aegeus: Of sacrifice Theseus: Of bravery Ariadne: Of love Aegeus: Of victory Theseus: And of terrible tragedy. Ariadne: So let’s see how this tale unfolds. Starting with the deceit. Quiz Sample 1. What was the name of the father of Theseus? 2. He was the king of which city? 3. Who was the king of Crete? 4. What was the name of his wife? 5. What was the name of their daughter? 6. What was the name of her half-brother? 7. Who would you say was a ‘vile villain’? 8. Who was the hero? 9. Who was the wronged wife?