A Level economics - micro theme 1 - 1.4 Government Intervention notes
This 9 page document details everything A Level Edexcel economists need to know about government intervention, including max/min prices, subsidies, taxes, buffer stocks, government provision of goods and government failure. A vital revision tool for those who wish to achieve top grades.
A Level Economics theme 1 microeconomics complete notes
This 26 page document details everything that Edexcel economists need to know about theme 1 microeconomics, from the economic problem to government failure. Contains key topics like the nature of economics, market failure, how markets work and government intervention. Includes graphs, key terms and relevant examples.
A Level microeconomics - theme 3 complete notes
This 42 page document details everything that A Level Edexcel economists need to know about theme 3 microeconomics (studied in year 13 and paired with theme 1). From the theory of the firm to market structures and government intervention, this is a vital revision tool, containing relevant graphs, diagrams and examples.
A Level economics theme 2 macroeconomics complete notes
This 31 page document details everything that A Level Edexcel economists need to know about theme 2 macroeconomics, including relevant examples, graphs and keywords. From economic growth to AD/AS and government policies, these are a vital revision tool.
A Level economics theme 1 key terms and phrases
This 7 page document contains all the keywords needed for year 12 and 13 Edexcel economists, from the nature of economics to government failure and demand and supply. A vital revision tool.
A Level microeconomics theme 3 keywords and phrases list
This list of keywords includes everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know about theme 3 microeconomics, including market structures and business growth. A handy revision tool.
A Level microeconomics quick fire exam questions theme 3
This list of 59 short exam questions will help A Level Edexcel economists test their knowledge, primarily on the market structures topic.
A Level macroeconomics market structures notes
This 21 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know about market structures, including hand-drawn graphs and relevant examples.
A Level microeconomics theme 3 - labour markets notes
This 7 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of labour markets, including examples and a graph. Includes info about the mobility of labour.
A Level macroeconomics theme 2 - economic growth notes
This 5 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of economic growth, including examples and a graph.
A Level macroeconomics - AD notes
This 4 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of aggregate demand, including examples and a graph, as well as influences on AD.
A Level economics - monopsonies notes
This 3 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of monopsonies, including examples and a graph.
A Level Economics micro theme 1 - Nature of Economics notes
This 7 page document includes notes about PPFs, the economic problem, types of economies, specialisation, division of labour and famous economists. These notes were written for the Edexcel Economics A course, perfect for Year 12s or those Year 13s in need of revision.
A Level economics - micro - theme 1 - 1.3 Market Failure notes
This 4 page document details everything that Edexcel year 12/13 economists need to know about market failure, including externalities, public goods and information gaps. A useful revision tool.
A Level Economics - micro theme 1 notes - 1.2 How Markets Work
This 8 page document details everything Edexcel AS/A Level economists need to know about supply and demand, PED/PES etc, rational behaviour, taxes and subsidies.
A Level macroeconomics theme 2 short answer questions
This list of 26 quick fire questions will test Edexcel economists’ knowledge of the “measures of economic performance” topic.
AS Level economics (macro) - Keynes v. Classical and "animal spirits"
This sheet describes what animal spirits are, including a real-world example. On the second page there is a table that compares the views of Keynes vs. Classical economists surrounding human behaviour and the role of governments within an economy.
Karl Marx A level Economics Edexcel
This brief factfile examines Karl Marx’s main beliefs as well as info and the advantages and disadvantages of Capitalism vs a command economy.
Types and Causes of Unemployment AS/A Level Macroeconomics
This handy revision resource is designed for pupils on the AS Level Edexcel Economics A course. It is a grid which details the main types of unemployment (incl, seasonal, frictional and structural), whether they’re good or bad for the economy and how/why they occur.
Fast Fashion presentation AS/A Level microeconomics externalities
This powerpoint describes the private costs, external costs and social costs of the fast fashion industry, inclduing case study information and hand-drawn graphs. It looks at the causes of environmental degradation, how we can prevent it as well as bright and colourful graphics.