English KS3 / GCSE Fiction The Machine Gunners Comprehension, Analysis, Structure Writing WW2 theme
<p>This extract gives students a simplified and broken down way of accessing a fiction text on the theme of WW2. The first part poses comprehension and language activities to ensure the text is carefully read and understood. Students will be able to bring lots of contextual knowledge to discussions about this text., in particular the effect of World War II on civilians. The second part gives questions which follow the style of Language Paper 1 for AQA - analysing language, writing about structure and evaluating a section of the extract. This lesson can easily be edited for the Edexcel exam specification.<br />
The lesson comes with a writing activity which allows students to imaginatively develop the ideas from the extract.</p>
<p>This lesson is aimed at KS3 students, but can easily be modified for KS4 students, particularly weaker students, or those with an interest in War themes. It could also support cross curricular History teaching looking at the effects of war on civilians</p>