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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Unit introduction

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Unit introduction

The first lesson to introduce students to the ‘Art and Community’ unit. It introduces students to some key terms they need to know for the unit. I use underlining to indicate to students what notes they need to copy from slides. There is information about some types of art (mosaic, sculpture, recycled art, collage, street art and wheat pasting). There is a viewing activity (a news story about street artworks made early on during the COVID 19 Pandemic). This is followed by some information about the upcoming assessment task and dates so students know where they are heading. Students also learn about the purpose of art which they will have to write about in the front section of their inquiry booklet. The lesson ends with an interesting viewing activity of the 100 most creative street artworks. There is also information about bottle cap art as our school decided to do a fun end of term activity where the students made one collective street art for display at the school.
Russia 1905-1920: The last 3 Tsars of Russia

Russia 1905-1920: The last 3 Tsars of Russia

A PowerPoint designed to introduce students to what Russia was like under the rule of Tsar Alexander II, Tsar Alexander the III and Tsar Nicholas II. It begins by explaining the terms ‘Tsar’ and ‘Tsarism.’ This is followed by an image of the pyramid explaining the feudal system. Students are asked what they can recall about this system. This is followed by some slides explaining Russia’s social structure where students take notes about the ruling class, upper class, middle class, industrial working class, free peasants and unfree peasants. There are some checking for understanding questions to discuss and a couple of visual sources to unpack. This is followed by a visual image of the line of succession with key details about the dates of their reign and the circumstances of their death. The following slides go into each of the Tsars in more detail. When it reaches Nicholas there is a photograph of his coronation and 2 artists depictions. There is information about he Khodynka field disaster and a couple of images. After this, students are prompted to draw a graphic organiser in their books and have to take notes about the political, geographic, social and economic factors which led to the Russian Revolution. The remaining slides go through these factors. This is followed by some checking for understanding questions. Designed to meet the requirements of the senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019), this unit falls under the category of ‘Ideas in the Modern World.’
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Assessment preparation - street art task stimulus

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Assessment preparation - street art task stimulus

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (although with drafting time it may take a few lessons depending on the needs and abilities of students). Going through the information from the task sheet so that students understand exactly what they need to do and have the opportunity to ask questions. It also introduces students to the street art stimulus examples that they will respond to in their assessment ‘Merry Crisis’ and ‘I Have a Dream. ’There is an article about each mural and why it was created. There is also information about how to find viewpoints about the street art (including where to look and what search stems to enter). There are also screenshot examples of comments about the street art (e.g. from Twitter, Facebook or Tripadvisor). Students are shown the section of the graphic organiser that they need to fill in (where they store their information that they need for body paragraph 2). There are also some clips explaining what art curators do as this is the role they will be utilising in their assessment.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Language features used in Street Art

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Language features used in Street Art

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The lesson begins with a consideration of the role art plays in society. There is a Bansky quote which encourages discussion about whether these murals would be quite as powerful if they were in a gallery or done by legal means. There is information about how art conveys messages and a series of slides which name and explain language techniques used by artists with relevant pictures of street art supplied. The techniques are: allusion, rhetorical questions, repetition, pun, metaphor, sarcasm, verbal irony, a call to action and parody. This is followed by a series of pictures where the students need to identify which language feature it utilises. If time remains, this is followed by a Click View viewing activity about street artists in Melbourne.
Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Gender Stereotypes in the media

Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Gender Stereotypes in the media

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The end of term assessment for this unit was a 90 minute short response examination. A PowerPoint which begins with a warm up practice exam question where students must make inferences about someone based on a photograph of them and some brief information about their occupation and interests. This is followed by a reflection to see how confident students felt about this task. Afterwards the term ‘stereotype’ is defined along with some information about why people stereotype. Students are to copy the definition of ‘gender stereotypes’ into their glossary. There is a viewing activity that explains this concept further. Looking at some stereotypes e.g. which gender is dressed in pink vs blue. This segues to a discussion about how advertisements target viewers of particular genders. There is a clip for students to view and discuss (Top 10 Unnecessarily Gendered Products). This is followed by some visual literacy activities where students have to analyse a range of advertisements and explain their meaning (as this is a skill they must have for their exam). Some of these advertisements are quite sexual and lend well to discussions about the impact of advertisements on body image. They can also cause society to continue to accept misogynistic views of women. There is also a sample advertisement related question for students to view and another one for them to attempt to answer. If time permits, at the end of the lesson, there is an interesting TED talk to watch.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Courts within Australia and the adversarial court system

Legal Studies – Australian context – Courts within Australia and the adversarial court system

A match the definitions warm up activity where students have to identify the correct meanings of various cognitive verbs. A PowerPoint which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. I usually get students to copy the underlined text. The lesson then focuses on how the adversarial court system works in comparison to an inquisitorial system. There is an explanation of which section of the constitution provide for the creation of federal courts. There is an explanation of the various types of courts in Australia. The following roles are explained: magistrate, judge, jury, Prosecution, defence, solicitor, barrister, bailiff, interpreter, media, clerk, defendant and witness. Information about specialist courts and tribunals is also provided e.g. the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community -  Inquiry Booklet and PowerPoint Template

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Inquiry Booklet and PowerPoint Template

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. An inquiry booklet which students complete in the early phase of the unit. They then use what they find to write their speech. This booklet includes: a pre quiz (to see what students already know), key terms to be defined and a place to record information about types of street art. It also includes graphic organisers for students to record their analysis of the two artwork (stimulus) they select. Within this organiser is a place to summarise the techniques used by the artist, to record community reviews about the murals and to identify the similarities and differences between these reviews. Finally, there is a reflection section including a SWOT analysis to be completed at the end of the assessment. A template to guide students to structure their PowerPoint presentation
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - writing a multimodal (body)

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - writing a multimodal (body)

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (although with drafting time it may take a few lessons depending on the needs and abilities of students). A PowerPoint designed to make students aware of what the different cognitive verbs they are being assessed on mean and where they are required for the assessment. It defines the following verbs: describe, explain, compare, contrast, decide and justify. For some of these skills there are sentence starters which students can make a note of. This is followed by some information about how to structure their speech scripts and how to write an effective thesis statement (utilising a street art specific example). After students have planned their thesis statement, there is a recap of the TEEL paragraph structure and specific instructions about content to be covered in body 1. After writing this, there is a slide for editing body 1. This is followed by some sentence starters which can be used for writing body paragraph 2 (same structure as paragraph 1 but about the second artwork). After editing body 2,there are some sentence starters for body 3. Before writing there are two sample 'recommend and justify’ paragraphs for students to read and discuss the strengths and weaknesses. With this feedback fresh in their minds, they can write their final body paragraph and edit it.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Assessment Task

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Assessment Task

An assessment piece designed for a Social and Community Studies unit focusing on Street Art. it is an eExtended response to stimulus – multimodal response. The stimulus (examples of street art) are provided to students each year and students select 2 to discuss in their speech. This resource includes: A copy of the task sheet for the unit which includes a suggested structure for the speech and PowerPoint students are required to produce A copy of the stimulus (artworks) provided to students ‘I can’ statements which which break down the criteria into simple terms for students to understand (also assists teachers to mark the assessment with ease) A QCIA cover sheet recommending adjustments to be made and individual learning goals to be assessed for students on a modified program (called QCIA students in QLD) Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Analysing Street Art

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Analysing Street Art

A scaffolded lesson for use in a Social and Community Studies unit focusing on Street Art. The assessment at the end of the unit is an Extended response to stimulus – multimodal response. This resource includes: A PowerPoint which shows the students how to complete one part of their Inquiry booklet (the analysis of the Street Art). NB: I have selected an example that students are not allowed to use to demonstrate how to complete the table to an appropriate standard. Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources.
12 Essential English – deconstructing a persuasive speech

12 Essential English – deconstructing a persuasive speech

A PowerPoint taking 12 Essential English students through another exemplar persuasive speech. The lesson begins with a settling activity – there is a jumbled-up list of persuasive techniques, definitions and examples. Students have to match them up correctly. There is a placemat which shows the skill ‘arguing/persuading’ and contains some suggested conjunctions and sentence starters. The parts of the speech and “I can” statements are reviewed. Then students go through a persuasive speech about climate change and consider how it was structured, the language features used and the suggestions made. This is followed by information about the good and bad parts of this exemplar and what they could have improved.
12 Essential English IA1 - Persuasive Speech writing booklet and PPT

12 Essential English IA1 - Persuasive Speech writing booklet and PPT

A writing booklet which I made to scaffolding the writing portion of the assessment. Tip: I keep these in the classroom so that I have evidence of student work for if they are absent on the due date. I also share this booklet to students electronically on the class One Note for if they would prefer to type into it. A PowerPoint to take students through the first writing session – developing their thesis statement and writing body paragraph 1.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Street art of vandalism

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Street art of vandalism

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The lesson opens with a discussion point about a contested issue - the difference between vandalism/graffiti and ‘street art.’ It provides some information about why people are compelled to graffiti. There is a news viewing activity which sheds light on this topic and features an Australian street artist. This is followed by some note taking tasks (defining vandalism and graffiti). There is some contextual information about the history of graffiti and a Venn Diagram (comparison) activity. This is followed by a series of pictures which students need to classify as either graffiti or street art.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - writing an intro and conclusion (multimodal)

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - writing an intro and conclusion (multimodal)

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (although with drafting time it may take a few lessons depending on the needs and abilities of students). This lesson begins with an explanation of what students need to put into their introduction to their multimodal. There is an example that can be read and discussed to see where they are fulfilling criteria 1.1 and 1.2. The next slide contains some sentence starters to get them started. After writing their introduction there are some proofreading and editing steps. This is followed by an explanation of the purpose of a conclusion in a multimodal and the key things the marker would expect to see. There are also some sentence starters to prompt students. After completing the editing steps which follow, I outline some things students need to work on to be ready to present on time (e.g. palm cards). This is followed by a recommended structure for the PowerPoint.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Visual techniques used in street art

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Visual techniques used in street art

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This lesson is designed to teach students visual analysis skills required for their assessment. Students have to identify at least two of these for each of the stimulus pieces provided. There are images provided for each of the terms which provide useful discussion starters. The techniques include: body language / facial expressions, framing, the rule of thirds, lines (straight and curved), colour, layout and size. This is followed by a range of images which students can practice analysing. Depending on the amount of time and their needs / abilities this can be done verbally or in written paragraph form. I do, we do, you do’s can also be analysed.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Completing part I of the Inquiry Booklet

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Completing part I of the Inquiry Booklet

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. A mini lesson used at the beginning of a computer lesson where students have the opportunity to work on the front section of their Inquiry booklet. For part 1C the students need to fill in a graphic organiser listing three types of art and how they convey a message. The PowerPoint provides some information and examples about some of these: yarn bombing, stencil graffiti, bottle cap art, recycled 2D and 3D art and tape art.
Essential English – learning about domestic violence

Essential English – learning about domestic violence

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PPT which structures the lesson. It began with 10 minutes of silent reading as a settling activity. This is followed by a reminder of what social issues are. This is followed by a viewing activity on ABC iView – You Can’t Ask That’s episode on ‘Domestic Violence’ (from series 4). There are 7 questions for students to answer as they watch. This is followed by some slides of research I found. It includes a definition of domestic violence and the types. There is some information about the QLD Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act (2012). Some key points from the Act are included in dot point form. After this students were split into groups and had to design a poster. There were 7 different options. This was followed by some information about conjunctions as a cool down. A worksheet with the viewing questions
Essential English – Experiences of contemporary Indigenous Australians

Essential English – Experiences of contemporary Indigenous Australians

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PowerPoint which structures the lesson. It begins with a reminder of what we are learning about and persuasive techniques (the P.E.R.S.U.A.D.E Acronym). Students are asked to list some persuasive texts which they encounter in their daily lives. A review of the 3 types of appeal (reason, character and emotion) is included. Following this, students have 4 questions to write down for as they view the “You Can’t Ask That” episode about Indigenous Australians on iView. There are some answers providing on the subsequent slides. There is also a viewing activity (an anti-racism PSA called “The Invisible Discriminator”) which is good for generating discussion. To conclude the lesson, there is a paragraph writing activity for students to write a paragraph a out the social issues which Indigenous Australians experience. I included additional information for if the lesson finished early. It includes information about kinship, the role of elders and texts which are useful for gaining an understanding of Indigenous histories.
Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Unit plan

Social and Community Studies - Science and Technology (eSafety) unit - Unit plan

A Unit plan designed for a 9 week term. It includes syllabus objectives, a description of the unit, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources.A Scope and Sequence suggesting topics to be covered throughout the term is provided. A Learning Intention and Success Criteria handout for students to glue into the front of their work books Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. This unit allows students to demonstrate planning, evaluation and inquiry by investigating the role technology, in particular the internet and social media, plays in their own life. They will explore the advantages and challenges associated with changing technology and how they can be safe when using it. Students will evaluate and analyse how science and technology has advanced the way we interact and improve our way of living. Students will learn how science and technology can help out society in the 21st Century. They will also learn the effects that science and technology have on society.
Social and Community Studies - Workplace Rights - Simplified revision

Social and Community Studies - Workplace Rights - Simplified revision

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. 5 modified revision activities for students with verified learning disabilities. It includes match the definitions, a categorising activity and a comic strip.