Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
1) PowerPoint - This lesson focuses on teaching students about the context of World War One so that they have some frame of reference for approaching the poems written in this period. Afterwards, it explores how the perceptions of war in poetry changed during this period from patriotic beliefs in its valour to disillusionment as World War One saw a complete change in the way wars were fought and the attitudes towards them. This lesson opens with checking students prior knowledge of WW1. It then explains what the world was like during the 19th Century and the imperialist ideology. The beliefs of Europe’s’ Great Powers, the major causes of WW1, The assassination of Franz Ferdinand: A Shot that Changed the World, societal beliefs about war at the time, exploring propaganda posters from World War One, new technologies used in this war and the outcomes of the war. Things we will learn by the study of poetry from the First World War.
This 32 page booklet has been designed as part of an Australian film studies unit focusing on the 2002 film The Rabbit Proof Fence. It includes activities exploring characterisation, the beliefs of the time and analysing the aesthetic features (film and language techniques) which students are to complete during and after viewing the film. While used for year 9 in this case, it could be applicable for any junior secondary grade. It could also be used during NAIDOC week.
This booklet contains resources which would be useful for preparing students to write a range of genres including film reviews, feature articles, persuasive texts and analytical essays. There are questions about the events/themes/character’s perspectives and the effects of the aesthetic features.
It introduces students to concepts such as textual structures, language features, visual features, film techniques and themes. It includes information about the socio cultural context of the film, articles about the women on which the film is based, key quotes from the film, scaffolded analysis activities for key scenes, an introduction to evaluative language and how it is used to describe films. The final pages include an explanation of how to structure an essay (along with planning and editing steps).
A PowerPoint for use in a 70 minute lesson. It begins with a look at Vietnam’s geographic location and the countries which border it. This information is used to explain which countries have tried to invade Vietnam in the past. This lesson explores questions including: What was Vietnam like under French rule? & Why was communism so attractive to Vietnamese Nationalists? A key historical figure (Ho Chi Minh) is introduced to students and his ideological influences are explained. Afterwards a series of sources about Ho Chi Minh are included along with questions which students can either answer in their books or discuss as a class (teacher discretion). There is information about key events before and during WW2. Students are asked to consider why communism may have been appealing to Vietnamese Nationalists. Some key dates from the Timeline in Hoepper et al’s 1996 textbook ‘Inquiry 2’ are displayed and a range of sources are used to elaborate on these talking points. The term Viet Minh is introduced to students. Information about how this group formed, their attire and who they fought against is outlined. Another figure – Emperor Bao Dai is introduced as he is someone who is likely to come up in student research. A key source – Ho Chi Minh’s speech proclaiming independence on September 2nd, 1945 – is provided for students to read along with a series of short response questions. This is followed by a paragraph writing activity which can be done as a ‘we do’ or a ‘you do’ depending on the ability level of the class. The lesson concludes with some information about the aid the USA provided to French to try to help them regain control of Vietnam after the Second World War. The Battle of Dien is briefly touched upon as well as the Geneva Settlement and the subsequent partitioning of Vietnam into two states. At the conclusion of the lesson, successful students will be able to explain the historical concept of anti-colonialism, key individuals and groups involved in the quest for Vietnam’s independence and the factors and events that influenced them.
A handout designed to go with this lesson. It includes some information about Ho Chi Minh and a range of sources about him. For instance, The path which led me to Leninism by Ho Chi Minh – a primary source which outlines his reasons for joining the French Communist Party & his speech proclaiming independence on September 2nd, 1945. The handout includes questions but does not provide space for the answers (to save on printing).
**NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay.
A PowerPoint designed to introduce students to what Russia was like under the rule of Tsar Alexander II, Tsar Alexander the III and Tsar Nicholas II. It begins by explaining the terms ‘Tsar’ and ‘Tsarism.’ This is followed by an image of the pyramid explaining the feudal system. Students are asked what they can recall about this system. This is followed by some slides explaining Russia’s social structure where students take notes about the ruling class, upper class, middle class, industrial working class, free peasants and unfree peasants. There are some checking for understanding questions to discuss and a couple of visual sources to unpack. This is followed by a visual image of the line of succession with key details about the dates of their reign and the circumstances of their death. The following slides go into each of the Tsars in more detail. When it reaches Nicholas there is a photograph of his coronation and 2 artists depictions. There is information about he Khodynka field disaster and a couple of images. After this, students are prompted to draw a graphic organiser in their books and have to take notes about the political, geographic, social and economic factors which led to the Russian Revolution. The remaining slides go through these factors. This is followed by some checking for understanding questions.
Designed to meet the requirements of the senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019), this unit falls under the category of ‘Ideas in the Modern World.’
This booklet has been designed as part of a year 8 English unit of work on Parvana (a novel set in Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban). It includes activities about characters, the setting and language features which students are to complete as they read the novel. There are also questions about the events/themes/character's perspectives et cetera for each chapter.
This is all in preparation for a creative writing assessment where students take what they have learned to create a written literary transformation (a short story from a marginalised character's perspective). Their short story has to focus on a moral issue within the novel.
I have referenced the other study guides I drew on when creating this resource.
This is a worksheet to the SBS series First Australians Episode 1: They have come to stay. This resource was made for use in an 11 Modern History classroom in Queensland, Australia. I have also included a scanned copy of my teacher answer sheet.
According to SBS, “First Australians chronicles the birth of contemporary Australia as never told before, from the perspective of its first people. First Australians explores what unfolds when the oldest living culture in the world is overrun by the world’s greatest empire.”
Episode 1 focuses on Sydney and New South Wales (1788–1824). It includes the first contact, friendships formed between powerful men such as Governor Arthur Phillip and the Aboriginal Bennelong. The smallpox epidemic. The bloodshed and conflicts which arose as settlers spread out across the land.
A PowerPoint used in a year 11 Modern History classroom focusing on the 3rd wave feminist movement (with a focus on the movement which existed in Australia although it does address the ideologies of the movement which began overseas).
It begins with an outline of the learning intentions and success criteria for the lesson. There are some context setting notes for students to copy (defining third wave feminism etc.) This is followed by a brief viewing activity (‘A bite-sized guide to Third Wave Feminism.’) Some important key terms (intersectionality and marginalised groups) are defined. Following this reasons for the rise of the third wave of feminism in the 1990s are outlined. The unpopularity against feminism in this era is mentioned along with the reasons for this backlash. There is a quote from Anne Summers which referenced the roll back of programs which safeguarded women’s equality which started to occur in Australian politics in the 90s. The reasons why women turned their backs on feminism are listed (e.g. fearing appearing unfeminine / anti-men or ending up alone). Some key figures in this wave of feminism are introduced including Naomi Wolf (USA). Some types of feminism in this era are explained including Lipstick feminism and international feminism. The Toronto ‘Slut Walk’ is given as an example of a campaign that was used. Some advances made in Australia in the 1990s are listed including the first female premiers of Western Australia and Victoria. The lesson concludes with some questions to check for student understanding.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893 which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. Our school decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions.
A PowerPoint that goes through an acronym which can be used to analyse sources (with specific examples from WW2).
This is followed by content knowledge: Japanese Imperialism and the lead-up to Pearl Harbor, The source of US conflict with Japan & Japan's strategy.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
A PowerPoint designed to engage students / excite them as they ‘tune in’ to the new unit. It includes: a review of my classroom expectations (as well as the positive and negative consequences). Some interesting facts about Ned Kelly. Some questions about the front and back cover of the novel Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. After getting the students to make predictions about the novel, they complete a K-W-L chart about what they already know about Ned Kelly and what they would like to know. Subsequently we go through what the two assessments for the term will be. We then review some important parts of the novel and how they work (contents, a map of Kelly Country and the Introduction). Some info about the language features in the novel is provided as well as a spelling list of 24 words taken from the novel and ACARA’s English glossary. Students will define these for homework throughout the week. Some extra information is included at the end of the PowerPoint if you happen to finish early.
2)** A handout containing the map, contents, intro and spelling words.**
The significance of the use of atomic bombs during World War II, The contestability surrounding the use of atomic bombs during World War II, The causes and effects of the use of atomic bombs during World War II. The Beginning of the Nuclear Age, why the atomic bomb was developed, how it was tested, why America decided to use it against Japan, why this decision was contested by some scientists, it looks at the discrimination towards victims of the bombing (and how they came to be known as the hibakusha) and President Truman's justification for what he did.
This PPT includes extracts from a documentary which recreates the bombing of Hiroshima (using reenactments) and explains the science behind the bomb. It includes images of the destruction to buildings, medical side effects (e.g. cataracts, scarring, radiation, birth defects etc.) It also includes drawings made by survivors depicting the black rain, bodies in the water etc.
A Unit plan designed for a 10 week term of 11 Modern History. It includes a subject description, a description of the unit, a list of unit objectives (from the syllabus), inquiry questions to guide the unit, the recommended teaching and learning cycle from QCAA, a topic specific learning intentions and success criteria, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources. A Scope and Sequence suggesting topics to be covered throughout the term is also included within the document (as taught by me in 2020).
A handout version of the learning intentions and success criteria for students to glue into their books and refer to throughout the term.
NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay.
A PowerPoint used in a year 11 Modern History classroom. It begins with a viewing activity ‘A bite sized guide to the history of modern Western feminism.’ Following this there are slides talking about how gender stereotypes began to shift due to the work of the Women’s Liberation Movement. I get students to copy the underlined text and call on various students to read aloud other portions. Students are introduced to ‘consciousness raising’ a method used by 2nd wave feminists. Following this there is a quote from Zelda D’Aprano (a feminist from Melbourne) about the inspiration for using consciousness raising and what types of things they discussed. An extract from the Rivka Pile papers (University of Melbourne) is also included to demonstrate the significance of this strategy. Following this students are introduced to some gender theory including that gender is a social construct and the term ‘gender role’ is defined. This is followed by an exploration of visual sources (pictures from a children’s book from 1970) which reinforced traditional gender role stereotypes. This is followed by a list of issues that were being addressed by feminists by the 1970s including domestic violence, abortion law reform and availiability of childcare services (including day care and preschool). The introduction of women into Australian politics is discussed with reference to The Women’s Electoral Lobby and the ‘femocrats’ appointed to public service during Gough Whitlam’s time as PM. This is followed by information about the significant achievements which took place in the 1980s. The remaining few slides are about viewpoints about 2nd wave feminism. The lesson ends with a paragraph writing task which can be completed for homework if time gets away from you.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893 which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. Our school decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions.
A PowerPoint which can run for a few lessons which is about the Second Wave of Feminism. It begins with an explanation of feminist theory taken from a Sociology textbook. This is followed by information about the origins of the feminist movement in the 1960s (USA). The perspectives of Marxist feminists vs Radical feminists are explored. Some context of what was happening in the 1960s was provided (e.g. Civil Rights movement, Peace movement, Music revolution, Sexual revolution etc.) A source of feminist ideologies (Betty Friedan’s ‘The feminine mystique’) and its impact on women’s thinking is explored. This is followed by information about how Australian women’s movements were influenced and shaped by international developments. The goals of these women were explored. The methods used by the women’s liberation movement in the 60s and 70s are listed. Australia’s Bar Room Suffragettes (from Brisbane) are provided as an example. This is followed by an explanation of women’s quest for equal pay. The Women’s Action Committee (WAC) - a group of feminists from Melbourne - are introduced along with their specific goals. Information about a key goal (abortion law reform) is provided. This is followed by information about some key feminists: Germaine Greer, Anne Summers & Zelda D’Aprano. The slideshow concludes with things that improved the lives of women during this era (birth control - the contraceptive pill, equal pay for ‘work of equal value,’ more accessible childcare arrangements, shifting expectations of parenting so that fathers took on more responsibility in child rearing, more representation of women in politics & other legal achievements.)
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893 which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. Our school decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions.
A PPT summing up the key events in the second half of the 1970s. It includes information about the 1976 Internal Security Act, the renewed use of death sentences, the emergence of the Black Consciousness Movement, the trade embargo established by the UN (1977), Botha’s ascension to PM (1978). There is also some information about the beginning of the 1980s including the formation of the United Democratic Front.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in the Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa (1948-1994).
A worksheet to be used while viewing the Bio pic ‘Long Walk to Freedom.’ It includes during viewing questions and post viewing questions about key people, key events, ideologies/beliefs/motives and some empathy-based questions. There is also a homework activity which requires students to do some further research about Mandela.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in the Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa (1948-1994).
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s).
PowerPointand lesson plan. Settling activity - copy the definition of bias. Explain the cognitive verb ‘evaluate’ and review concept of modality. Look at some conjunctions (linking words) which can be used in evaluating paragraphs. Subsequently, the lesson explores how to know if the source is useful before introducing the concept of corroborating sources (with a history skills video to consolidate this learning). Look at a sample exam question and deconstruct it. Then look at how to determine if a source is relevant (look at an example which focuses on origin, perspective, context, audience and motive). Then introduce the T.A.D.P.O.L.E acronym for a deeper level of source analysis. Afterwards, there are sources (about the Myall Creek massacre) for the students to evaluate (I use Gradual Release - we do then you do). Finally there is a PEEL/TEEL paragraph writing activity.
T.A.D.P.O.L.E handout with sources about the Myall Creek Massacre for students to analyse.
Example evaluating paragraph about the Hornet bank massacre (with labels to show key features).
Homework sheet - Sources about the Hornet bank massacre for students to analyse.(answers are included at the base of the PowerPoint).
I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
A lesson PowerPoint. It begins with a proofreading activity (an excerpt from Chapter 5). Followed by a mini lesson on using an apostrophe to make contractions. This includes examples and non examples and a series of activities which progress through the I do, we do, you do phase of the gradual release of responsibility pedagogy. In upcoming lessons, students will write a persuasive essay to convince their readers of their perspective about Ned Kelly’s guilt or innocence. Students will read chapter six of Black Snake and complete activities so that they can use evidence from the novel to develop their argument about whether Ned Kelly was a victim, a villain or a hero. They learn about mood and tone and apply their new knowledge to the fictional passage at the beginning of the chapter. The PowerPoint ends with a summary of the chapter and some questions to be completed for homework.
A handout with the activities for Chapter 6 which students will complete throughout the lesson.
Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
A free PowerPoint which I think History teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please come and give me a positive star rating / review :). Constructive criticism is also appreciated.
PowerPoint 1: Causes of World War Two
• term overview (what we are learning + how we will be assessed)
• key questions for unit (from ACARA)
• context (what happened after WW1 that set the stage for WW2)
• statistics (number of casualties in WW2)
• information about the following:
o the treaty of Versailles
o Hitler’s rise to power: worldwide economic depression + the effects of the depression on Germany + the fall of Germany’s democratic government
o Anti-communism
o The basic ideas of the Nazi ideology + The source of Hitler’s power
o Other major causes of WW2: Japanese expansionism, appeasement, militarism, the rise of fascism in Italy, nationalism, American isolationism,
o Maps: Theatres of War: Where WWII Was Fought
o two homework tasks (developing a glossary of terms + reading from a textbook and answering questions)
A worksheet designed for watching episodes 5 and 6 of Madiba (2017). This lesson was used when the year 11’s were on camp as a form of revision for the year 12’s. Episodes available on ClickView.
Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in the Anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa (1948-1994).
A glimpse into history! This source can be used to explore what Queensland students were learning about the First World War as it was occurring. The first section of this monograph is includes information about the Gallipoli landing. Latter sections feature poems and stories.
Source name: The School Paper: ANZAC Day 1916 (for classes III and IV)
Author details: Queensland. Dept. of Public Instruction
Made in: Brisbane
Publisher: Department of Public Instruction
Source type: Monograph (a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it.)
Source origin: These books were given to students in Queensland schools during World War One. This was the property of Violet Coley (daughters of Philemon and Sylvia Coley) when she was a student in Coleyville. Coleyville is a rural locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. The locality is named after Violet’s parents who emigrated from Halesowen, Worcestershire, England, in 1866 and settled in the area.