Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.
Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.
Money Games (Change for One Pound): differentiated, illustrated four-in-a-row game boards, each featuring 36 prices in UK currency (sterling) for calculating change from a pound, plus a 20-card loop card / dominoes set. Printable games for starters, early finishers activities, revision etc.
A fun, strategic activity for consolidating this key money / financial / shopping skill. Ideal for maths lessons or Money Week skills practice. Originally designed for Key Stage 1 (KS1) Year 2 (Y2) and Lower KS2 Year 3 or 4 (Y3 / Y4), or for older students requiring consolidation. In Scotland, use for First Level Maths, Primary 3 or 4 or early Second Level.
2 PDF files
2 standard boards (featuring different items and prices from each other)
2 lower ability boards (same as above but less challenging calculations)
Answer grids for at-a-glance checking by pupils or teacher
Teacher notes
Laminate and use again and again. Children work as pairs against pairs or one against one to get 4 correct answers in a row - horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It works especially well if they roll a dice to find which column they must pick a calculation from (columns numbered 1-6). If there are no questions left in a column, skip a go or roll again. Imagining that they pay for each item with £1, pupils use a different coloured whiteboard pen to record on the board the change due for each of their transactions or add an initial or symbol if both teams are using the same colour. I recommend printing in A3 but A4 is okay too. The LA versions have a star next to the title. Print on different coloured card or paper if required.
A 20-card set that can start with any card. A child reads the ‘I spend’ part first as they make their ‘purchase’ with others working out if they have the relevant ‘I give you’. Use for groups or as a whole class starter or plenary (in pairs if necessary). LA pupils could be given less challenging cards so they can still experience success.
I hope these money games save you time. I have packs for calculating change from £5, £10 and £20, available with this pack in a bundle: Change Games Bundle
Other popular KS2 Maths resources:
Mental Maths Bundle
Multiplication / Division Bundle
Angles / Symmetry Bundle
For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths / Numeracy and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
KS2 / KS3 French Beginners printable writing activities for your French Sports / Les Sports en Francais unit: 6 worksheets (with additional differentiated versions), including gap-fill exercises, basic comprehension tasks and a fun review puzzle. Add this to your lessons to consolidate key vocabulary, linked questions, answers and grammar points. 5 vocabulary support sheets in different versions are included for display or printing if required. My French basics resources suit students beginning French and near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 and equivalents. Please check previews for a sample. Full instructions in the PDF. UK and US versions are included (minor amendments such as use of terms ‘football’ and ‘soccer’ to cater for teachers in different countries).
SAVE by purchasing as part of my French Sports BUNDLE, along with French Sports Presentation and Flash Cards and printable Sports in French Games.
If planning a French Sports and Hobbies / Freetime Activities unit, you may like a set of 24 French Sports and Hobbies Role-Play Cards or a great value French Sports and Hobbies BIG BUNDLE.
Or go for my French Hobbies BUNDLE
Features 18 sports: badminton, baseball, basketball, cricket, football, American football, golf, ice hockey, rugby, tennis, table tennis, running, horse riding, gymnastics, cycling, karate, swimming, skiing. Consolidates linked questions and answers, such as ‘What sports do you do?’, the use of ‘jouer’ and ‘faire’ to build sport phrases, and likes and dislikes.
5 pages of vocabulary support. Use the nouns and / or verbs (faire / jouer) versions (included with and without background) to support students if required. Display or print. Includes word mat version of key vocabulary.
5 worksheets (with answer keys). Worksheet 1-3 come in 1-and 2-star versions, with 1-star being for lower ability, younger, or less experienced students. Worksheets 4 and 5 are basic comprehension worksheets, with 5 being more challenging. They feature different texts - use for differentiation or to provide progression for the same students.
A fun alternative to standard worksheets, this sixth worksheet is great for review. Students hunt for errors in translations of basic French sport phrases. Individual or small group completion. Print or display answer key for self-checking.
Resources have colour images but work fine in black and white.
KS2 (Key Stage 2) or early KS3 imaginative / descriptive writing story starters cards, featuring high quality photo prompts, vocabulary banks, prompt questions and more. These 20 full-page story generators can be used across a range of abilities and ages, especially in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 (Y4 / Y5 / Y6 / Y7), to spark ideas for stories. Great for reluctant writers and they have a dyslexia friendly format too. PDF format. In Scotland use for Primary 4, 5, and 6 and S1.
You can purchase this as part of this Creative Writing Story Prompts BIG BUNDLE 100 Prompts!
Use as warm ups, early finishers activities and as a framework for free writing sessions
Each of the 20 A4 cards features a visual element (photo / picture stimulus), a starter sentence or part-sentence to help launch children into their fiction / narrative writing
Prompt questions to get ideas going
A word bank and suggested openers to add variety to their writing
A box at the bottom reminds students to read their work aloud, check for full stops and capital letters and common spellings
Range of subjects and genres including sport, mystery, humour, fantasy and historical. Plenty of variety so children can choose ones that appeal to them.
UK and US English versions included, with spellings and references to ‘full stops’ and ‘periods’ etc amended as appropriate
Designed to offer maximum support for dyslexic learners and those with similar barriers to learning. Verdana font and spacing used are both dyslexia-friendly and the background colours are designed to reduce glare. Both the UK and US cards are also included with the background colours removed and could be used if printing on dyslexia friendly paper or card.
Could be used to support the writing of a full story
Could also work well as a regular tool to support struggling writers in one-to-one or small group sessions, where students write a few sentences inspired by the prompts, without worrying about completing a story.
Creative Writing Story Prompts
KS2 Writing
See below for more options.
Complex Sentences Cards
Full Stops and Capital Letters Cards
Improving Sentences Worksheets
KS2 / KS3 French writing printables for a Food and Drink in French Topic (La Nourriture et Les Boissons): 2 worksheets, a crossword puzzle and a wordsearch (all with differentiated versions) for consolidation and revision of key vocabulary. Originally designed for French beginners and near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 and equivalents. Please check the previews to assess suitability.
All in PDF within the Zip file.
The crossword and wordsearch are included with and without a word bank for support to suit students of different abilities or experience.
Answers / solutions included.
As some words differ between UK and US English (chips / fries etc), I’ve included separate US versions where relevant.
Resources focus on 30 common food and drink words
Among the phrases taught and practised are: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger? (What do you like to eat?) and Qu’est-ce que tu aimes boire? (What do you like to drink?)
SAVE by getting this in a French Food and Drink BUNDLE along with:
French Food and Drink Presentation
French Food and Drink Printable Games
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French Worksheets MEGA BUNDLE
Many thanks for your interest in my resources. I hope I can save you some time!
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
French Basics Revision Activities BUNDLE
French Basics Revision Worksheets BUNDLE
KS2 / KS3 French beginners printable writing activities to help you plan lessons for your Describing People in French / Describing Myself / Physical Appearance unit (Les Descriptions Physiques). Includes vocabulary and phrases for hair and eyes (Les Cheveux et Les Yeux), together with body size and details such as freckles and beard and accessories such as a hat, earrings and glasses. 7 worksheets or puzzles (with additional easier versions of 5 of them), including gap-fill exercises, drawing tasks and basic comprehension, a crossword puzzle and hidden word puzzle. Full answer keys provided. A vocabulary support page is also included.
My French basics resources are made for students beginning French and near beginners in KS2 or early KS3 (Years 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) and equivalents but they may suit others, depending on experience. Please check the previews to assess suitability.
In the Zip file are 3 PDF files, one each for UK, US and Canada as there are a small number of spelling changes (colour / color etc) to suit different English-speaking countries. ‘Marron’ used for describing brown eyes has also been replaced with ‘bruns’ in the Canadian versions.
If you are teaching French Character Descriptions too, SAVE with this French Physical and Character Descriptions Worksheets BUNDLE.
Included in this 26-page PDF:
Vocabulary page to support students, if required. Display on screen or print.
5 worksheets (with answer keys)
Differentiation: all worksheets other than the WANTED poster come in one-and two-star versions, with one-star being for lower ability, younger, or less experienced students. There are 2 versions of the Worksheet 3 one-star page (with and without the word bank). The WANTED posters make a fun classroom display.
Hidden word puzzle - students work individually or in pairs or small groups to find errors in French physical descriptions phrases. When they find one, they circle the letter printed in the same box. At the end they put together the circled letters to complete the phrase at the bottom of the page.
Crossword puzzle - the clues involve students filling in the blanks in French physical description phrases. Included with and without a word bank for support. An extra challenge involves students using letters from the shaded boxes to complete a linked phrase. You can print or display the answer key for student self-checking if required.
Describing People (Physical and Character) BIG BUNDLE - includes presentations, worksheets, games and more…
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Beginners French KS2 / KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Les Nombres / Les Numeros / French Numbers to 100 vocabulary worksheets with differentiation (10 pages with additional full answer keys, PDF format): 3 double-sided worksheets (0-40 / 0-60 / 0-100), 2 sheets of anagrams (0-40 / 0-100) and 2 Hidden Word / Spot the Mistakes Puzzles Worksheets (0-40 / 0-100.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2 KS2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3 KS3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
These French number writing resources could be used as class tasks, early finisher activities, homework etc. An instruction page is also included.
There is a 0-40 version, a 0-60 version and a 0-100 version. Includes number sequences and mental maths work. The following words are used for the four operations:
plus - add
moins - minus
fois - times
divisé par - divided by
There’s a 0-40 and 0-100 sheet. Students unscramble French number words.
There’s a 0-40 and 0-100 puzzle sheet. Students hunt for boxes where the French number word does not match the digit version. They then rearrange the letters from these boxes to make a French colour word. Fun for individuals or pairs / small groups.
You can buy these worksheets alongside some of my other French number resources in this bundle, which includes a Powerpoint presentation and interactive games, printable games and activities and differentiated crosswords. All are available separately if you prefer.
French Numbers Complete Bundle
See below for a smaller bundle containing these numbers worksheets alongside the crosswords and lesson presentation.
You can explore some of my other French basics resources by clicking on these bundles:
Huge French Basics Bundle
French Basics Presentations Bundle
French Basics Worksheets and Puzzles Bundle
For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2) creative writing resource to improve your students’ sentence structure. Whether used as a regular SPaG warm up or VCOP starter for writing, early finisher task, or main lesson task, these creative writing worksheets will get your students uplevelling their writing and extending sentences. There are 40 A4 dyslexia-friendly complex sentence construction trails, which includes differentiation and worked examples, to help add detail and interest to descriptive / creative writing. While stretching sentences, students will uplevel their vocabulary and use a variety of ambitious sentence structures. They’ll try more powerful verbs, interesting nouns, similes, start with adverbs or -ing and -ed words, add adjectives, drop further information into sentences using subclauses, use connectives to add information etc.
Ideal for KS2, especially Year 5 and Year 6 (Y5 / Y6), or KS3. In Scotland, ideal for Primary 6 and 7.
All files in PDF within Zip file
Scaffolds the imaginative writing of reluctant or struggling writers, while also challenging more able writers
Each page starts with a simple, boring sentence and, step-by-step, learners extend and improve it, adding elements of VCOP and other sentence improvement techniques to construct a fuller description
The worked examples provided could be shared on the board and perhaps printed and laminated to support less confident creative writers
Works well as a regular SPaG warm up / starter for writing, an early finisher task, homework or main lesson task
All resources included with and without cream background
Printing with this background could support dyslexic learners and those with other barriers to learning or print no background versions on pastel paper to reduce glare
Fonts used are dyslexia-friendly
Use as worksheets or laminate for regular use (using dry-wipe pens)
Enlarge to A3 for paired or group use
30 sheets for middle and higher ability / older students
10 worked examples for these
10 sheets for lower ability / younger students, featuring built in examples and fewer instructions
Improving Sentences BUNDLE
Literacy Activities KS2 BUNDLE
Writing and Sentences Activities BUNDLE
Literacy Activities Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE
Complex Sentences Activity Cards
Creative Writing Prompt Cards
KS2 / KS3 Beginners French Language Colours / Colors vocabulary PowerPoint lesson presentation, printable games, activities, a worksheet, crossword and word search. Introduction and revision of 11 French colour (or color) words. The colours are introduced using the questions ‘C’est quelle couleur?’ (referring to the colour itself) and ‘C’est de quelle couleur?’ (referring to the colour of objects / animals etc).
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
The presentation suits learners who are new or fairly new to French but it also includes teaching points about female and plural forms of the colour adjectives, which you can use if appropriate, plus an introduction to the words for ‘light’ and ‘dark’ colours. With almost 50 slides, it also includes pronunciation tips, an interactive Kim’s game and a slide for a splat game, where children can ‘splat’ the colour that’s been said in French by the teacher. Students are also invited to show the teacher classroom objects of a particular colour so if they already know the name of some classroom objects this will help. Alternatively, they could learn some for this activity. An additional US spelling version of the presentation is included.
The Four in a Row game works well in either A3 or A4 and can be used with the colour word cards. Use different colour paper or card when printing the word cards so that opponents can play with a different colour set. Students put their cards in a pile, taking the top one and choosing strategically which space to place it on (as long the colour on the space matches the word on the card!). Or laminate the board and students mark on their initial with a dry-wipe marker if they correctly say the colour in French. First to get four in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally - is the winner. There are also 8 cards for games of bingo and/or noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) and a 20-card ‘I Have…Who Has?’ game / Loop game. This latter resource features some light and dark versions of the colours.
The worksheet is included with and without a word bank for support. Full answer keys for the worksheet and puzzles. The printables are all in PDF format.
Explore these bundles:
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Thank you from FullShelf Resources
KS2 / KS3 Beginners French worksheets and puzzles for your Pets in French unit (Les Animaux de Compagnie - also known as Les Animaux Domestiques). These printable writing activities for reviewing domestic animals vocabulary and phrases will be enough for multiple lessons and homework: 2 worksheets, a crossword and a word search. Both puzzles and one of the worksheets come in 2 differentiated versions and further differentiation is provided by a supporting vocabulary page. My French basics resources suit students beginning French and near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and equivalents. PDF format. Please check the preview to see if they will suit your students.
These resources focus on key French pet words such as cat, dog, rabbit, snake, hamster, guinea pig, horse, parrot, bird, mouse, goldfish, fish, turtle, lizard. Students practise the key questions and answers about pets (pet type, name, colour and age). Includes missing letter tasks, unscrambling words, word matching, basic reading comprehension and translation tasks. Alternative version of Worksheet 2 has amendments to word ‘colour’ (‘color’) for US teachers.
SAVE by purchasing as part of my French Pets BUNDLE, which also contains a French Pets Presentation and French Pets Games. All 3 resources focus on the same core vocabulary.
24 French Family and Pets Role Play Cards
French Family and Pets BIG BUNDLE
French Worksheets and Puzzles MEGA BUNDLE
FRENCH PETS VOCABULARY: Included with or without background, to support students completing the worksheets.
WORKSHEETS: 2 worksheets (with answer keys). Includes missing letter tasks, word matching, basic reading comprehension and translation tasks. Worksheet 2 is included in a 1-star version (for younger, lower ability, or less experienced students) and a 2-star version that is more challenging. There’s a US version of Worksheet 2 (2 star version), with ‘colour’ in question 1 replaced by the spelling ‘color’.
CROSSWORD AND WORDSEARCH: Differentiated versions - The 1-star version of the crossword contains a word bank for support and the 1-star version of the wordsearch contains the start of each word. Answer keys provided. There’s also a hidden sentence challenge at the end of the wordsearch, using the unused letters.
Beginners KS2 / KS3 writing activities for a My Family / La Famille topic: 3 worksheets, a crossword puzzle, a word search and 2 vocabulary support pages for consolidation and revision of family members vocabulary in French and linked phrases.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
Differentiation: one of the worksheets and the 2 puzzles are included in two versions to suit different abilities. Answers included for all. All are in PDF format within the Zip File.
SAVE: Available in a French Family BUNDLE with a French Family Lesson Presentation and French Family Games.
French Family and Pets BIG BUNDLE
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French Worksheets MEGA BUNDLE
24 French Family and Pets Role Play Cards
Includes these family members: le frere (brother), la soeur (sister), le fils (son), la fille (daughter), le pere (father), la mere (mother), le bebe (baby), le grand-pere (grandfather), la grand-mere (grandmother), le beau-pere (stepfather), la belle-mere (stepmother), le demi-frere (stepbrother), la demi-soeur (stepsister), l’oncle (uncle), la tante (aunt), le cousin (male cousin), la cousine (female cousin), les jumeaux (twins), enfant unique (only child). ‘Mon’ and ‘ma’ are also used to say ‘my father’, ‘my sister’ etc.
The worksheets also practise answering questions about families such as Qui est-ce? (Who is this?), Tu as des freres ou des soeurs? (Do you have any brothers or sisters?) and Combien de personnes il y a dans ta famille? (How many people are there in your family?). Giving names, ages and information about where people live is also consolidated alongside family vocabulary.
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Beginners French KS2 / KS3 PowerPoint lesson presentation (100 slides) to introduce and consolidate French greetings (les salutations), farewells and introductions (Je me presente / Introducing myself / Introducing yourself) vocabulary.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
Greetings such as Bonjour (Hello) and Bonsoir (Good evening)
Farewells such as Au revoir (Goodbye) and A demain (See you tomorrow)
Comment ca va? (How are you?) and range of answers
Comment tu t’appelles? (What’s your name?) and answers
Quel age as-tu? (How old are you?) and answers
Ou habites-tu? (Where do you live?) and answers
Key teaching points
Question slides that feature answers that appear on a click to scaffold French speaking
Role-play activities
Interactive Hexagons game
Designed for beginners or near beginners in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7 (and equivalents in other countries) but may suit others, depending on experience. In the Zip file is the original PowerPoint, plus an additional PDF version in case you don’t have PowerPoint where you work. Please note the PDF doesn’t retain the interactivity of the PowerPoint and the Hexagons game is not compatible with PDF and so is omitted from that version.
SAVE by getting this as part of a French Greetings and Introductions BUNDLE, which also contains:
French Greetings and Introductions Worksheets
French Greetings and Introductions Games
French Greetings and Introductions Role-Play Cards
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French Presentations and Interactive Games MEGA BUNDLE
Many thanks for your interest in my resources. I hope I can save you some time!
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Money Games (Calculating Change from Twenty Pounds) for KS2, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, depending on ability: differentiated, illustrated four-in-a-row boards, each featuring 36 prices in UK currency (sterling) for finding change for £20, plus a 20-card loop card / dominoes set.
A fun, strategic activity for consolidating this key money / financial / shopping skill. Ideal for maths lessons or Money Week skills practice.
2 PDF files. Includes:
2 standard game boards (featuring different items and prices from each other)
2 lower ability boards (as above but less challenging calculations)
Answer grids for at-a-glance checking by pupils or teacher
Laminate and use again and again. Children work as pairs against pairs or one against one to get 4 correct answers in a row - horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It works especially well if they roll a dice to find which column they must pick a calculation from (columns numbered 1-6). If there are no questions left in a column, skip a go or roll again. Imagining that they pay for each item with £20, pupils use a different coloured whiteboard pen to record on the board the change due for each of their transactions or add an initial or symbol if both teams are using the same colour. I recommend printing in A3 but A4 is okay too. The LA versions have a star next to the title. Print on different coloured card or paper if required.
A 20-card set that can start with any card. A child reads the 'I spend' part first as they make their 'purchase' with others working out if they have the relevant 'I give you'. Use as a game for groups or as a whole class starter or plenary (in pairs if necessary). LA pupils could be given less challenging cards so they can still experience success.
I have packs for calculating change from £1, £5 and £10, available with this pack in a bundle: Change Games Bundle
Some of my other popular KS2 Maths resources:
Mental Maths Bundle
Multiplication / Division Bundle
Angles / Symmetry Activities Bundle
Thanks for considering my resources.
FullShelf Resources
Use as challenge cards for early finishers, extension and revision etc in Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 5 and Year 6 (Y5 and Y6) - or Second Level, Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland). Multiplying and dividing problem solving skills (mostly multi-step) are practised in a range of contexts with these 48 word problem maths task cards plus a double-sided worksheet. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. The cards are designed to be self-checking. Includes some UK money word problems. One of my most popular resources. DUE TO DEMAND, DOLLAR VERSIONS NOW INCLUDED. PDF with 21 pages (and dollar versions).
These problem-solving activities will suit some Year 7 (Y7) too. The cards work well as an early finisher challenge or as part of your multiplying and dividing focus.
SAVE by purchasing this as part of a Word Problems Four Operations BUNDLE, alongside my equivalent pack of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems.
If you prefer to buy the 2 word problem packs along with some times table games and mental maths puzzles: Maths Revision Activities BUNDLE
This Multiplication and Division Pack features:
48 word problem cards (and answer sides)
1-page answer key
1-page recording sheet
3-page recording sheet (with space for working out)
Double-sided worksheet (and answers) with another 8 problems
Multiplication and division by single digits and by multiples of 10 and 100
Includes decimals
Includes fractions
Money problems (in pounds - with alternative dollar versions in another file)
Metric measure
Many multi-step (2 and 3-step) problems
Some addition and subtraction is required too
In the file, the question sides of the cards are on the odd numbered pages and the answer sides on the even numbered pages. You can set your printer to print the answers on the reverse but if you do not have a double-sided printing option, print the odd numbered pages, then put the card or paper back in the printer in the correct order and print the even numbered pages on the other side. You can laminate and have students work individually or in groups, checking the answer on the back once they’ve had a go. Alternatively, make it competitive and have individuals or pairs race to solve them, using a timer. A separate card featuring all answers is included if you prefer not to print the answers on the back of the cards. Recording sheets (2 versions) can be printed too if required.
Use the double-sided worksheet for classwork or homework.
Also popular:
Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 / 6
Thank you. FullShelf Resources
Les Vetements worksheets and puzzles for KS2 / KS3 Beginners French: printable writing activities for reviewing French clothes vocabulary and phrases, enough for multiple lessons and homework. 4 worksheets, 2 crosswords and a word search puzzle (all in 2 differentiated versions) plus 2 vocabulary slides to display for support if required. These French basics resources were made for beginners or near beginners in Primary and early KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). May suit others, depending on experience. All files in PDF within the Zip file. The vocab slides are also included in a PowerPoint version. Answer keys and an instruction page are included. Please check the preview for a detailed sample. As there is a difference between US, Canadian, UK and Australian words and spelling for a small number of clothing words, I have included additional versions with minor amendments.
SAVE with this French Clothing BUNDLE, which also contains:
French Clothing Games
French Clothing Presentation
French Worksheets and Puzzles MEGA BUNDLE
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
4 WORKSHEETS (with answer keys), all included in a 1-star version (for younger, lower ability or less experienced students) and a 2-star version. The 1-stars are a little less challenging and some contain a word bank for support. Includes word-matching, answering key questions (Qu’est-ce que tu portes?), drawing activities and basic reading comprehension. Worksheet 4 focuses on teacher commands that might be used in the classroom.
PUZZLES: 2 crosswords and a wordsearch. The first crossword features a smaller vocab range, the second an extended range. All puzzles differentiated 2 ways. The 1-star crosswords contain a word bank for support, and the 1-star wordsearch contains the start of each word. Answer keys provided.
VOCAB SUPPORT: Use these 2 slides (PowerPoint or PDF) to support students completing the worksheets, if required. Includes a table of French colours to help with adjectival agreement.
Thank you for supporting my store.
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
French Revision Worksheets BUNDLE
Writing activities for a Jobs and Careers in French / World of Work (Les Emplois / Le Travail) unit. There are 10 worksheets and puzzles, with differentiated versions, answer keys and vocabulary support pages (38 pages in total). Use these activities for main lesson tasks, sub plans, homework, early finisher tasks, and assessment to consolidate key vocabulary and linked phrases and questions. Most pages are based around a core list of 21 jobs, however two of the puzzles feature jobs from an expanded list of 39. Includes activities on what jobs people have and what jobs you would like to do in the future. PDF format.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2 KS2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3 KS3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
Please check the previews to assess if they will be suitable.
SAVE by purchasing this as part of a French Jobs BUNDLE, together with:
French Jobs Presentation and Activities
French Jobs Games and Activities
Vocabulary pages: There’s a word mat (over 2 pages) of French words with images for a core range of 21 jobs, together with a one-page list of these 21 jobs, and an expanded list with an additional 18 jobs. French job names are given for masculine and feminine versions where applicable. There’s also a table of key questions and sentences. These pages can also be used as prompts for classroom speaking activities. Please note that these vocabulary pages are also contained in my Les Métiers Games and Activities packet.
7 worksheets, all differentiated two ways using a star system. The one-star version is the least challenging, for lower ability, younger or less experienced students. Includes jumbled words, translation tasks, fill the blanks tasks and a short reading comprehension.
3 puzzles - There’s a grid puzzle, word hunt puzzle and hidden word puzzle. The first two puzzles are differentiated; the first letter is given for each word in the word hunt puzzle and some letters are already entered into the easier grid puzzle.
Full answer keys
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
20 more Key Stage 2 (KS2) or early KS3 imaginative / creative writing story starters cards, featuring high quality photo prompts, vocabulary banks, prompt questions and more. These full-page story generators can be used across a range of abilities and ages, especially in Year 4, 5, 6 and 7, to spark ideas for fiction. They’re great for reluctant writers and they have a dyslexia friendly format too. PDF format (not editable for licensing reasons).
You can purchase this as part of this Creative Writing Story Prompts BIG BUNDLE 100 Prompts!
Use as warm ups, early finishers activities and as a framework for free writing sessions
Each of the 20 A4 cards features a visual element (photo / picture stimulus), a starter sentence or part-sentence to help launch children into their fiction / narrative writing
Prompt questions to get ideas going
A word bank and suggested openers to add variety to their writing
A box at the bottom reminds students to read their work aloud, check for full stops and capital letters and common spellings
Range of subjects and genres including sport, mystery, humour and fantasy. Plenty of variety so children can choose ones that appeal to them.
UK and US English versions included, with spellings and references to ‘full stops’ and ‘periods’ etc amended as appropriate
Designed to offer maximum support for dyslexic learners and those with similar barriers to learning. Verdana font and spacing used are both dyslexia-friendly and the background colours are designed to reduce glare. Both the UK and US cards are also included with the background colours removed and could be used if printing on dyslexia friendly paper or card.
Could be used to support the writing of a full story
Could also work well as a regular tool to support struggling writers in one-to-one or small group sessions, where students write a few sentences inspired by the prompts, without worrying about completing a story.
KS2 Writing
Writing and Grammar Activities
Complex Sentences Cards
Editing SPaG Puzzles Worksheets
Full Stops and Capital Letters Cards
Improving Sentences Worksheets
A PowerPoint lesson presentation (also in PDF format) and printable flash cards for a French Jobs, Occupations and Careers / World of Work (Les Emplois / Le Travail / Les Métiers) unit. The 112 slides (with editable text) introduce and review vocabulary for 39 jobs in French, together with linked questions and sentences, including talking about what jobs people have and what jobs you would like to do in the future.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2 KS2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3 KS3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
Please see the previews to check suitability for your students.
Within the Zip file is the original Powerpoint version, plus an additional PDF version and a PDF file of flash cards for a core group of 21 jobs.
SAVE by purchasing this as part of a French Jobs BUNDLE, together with:
French Jobs Worksheets and Puzzles
French Jobs Games and Activities
In addition to introducing key vocabulary and phrases, this presentation includes activities such as:
Sentence translation activities
3 short reading comprehensions
5 rounds of an interactive Hexagons Game (where teams compete to translate topic vocabulary and phrases and make a path through the grid)
10-rounds of an interactive Hangman Spelling Game, where teams compete to discover and correctly spell French words linked to the topic
20-round multiple-choice translation quiz
Please note that almost all the text in the PowerPoint is editable, however the other content of the slides is not.
Many slides in the original PowerPoint version feature answers that appear when you click, for students to respond. An additional PDF version is included. While the PDF version does not retain the ability for teachers to reveal answers by clicking, it will help you introduce and review this topic if you do not have PowerPoint. The Hexagons and Hangman games game are not compatible with PDF and are omitted from that version. The multiple-choice quiz is included in the PDF but is not interactive in this version.
Also within the Zip file is a PDF of flash cards for a core range of 21 jobs (masculine and feminine versions) with two on each page.
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Joyeux Noël! New at TES for Christmas 2022, here are 9 printable writing activities for your Noël en Français / Christmas in French unit, with differentiated versions of 7 of them and vocabulary support pages. Use as main lesson tasks, review activities, as part of sub lesson plans, early finisher challenges and homework. Additional black and white versions of all. PDF format.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources are made for students beginning French and near beginners in upper KS2 or KS3 (Years 5, 6, 7 and 8) and equivalents but they may suit others, depending on experience. Please check the previews to assess suitability. As two of the French vocabulary terms used vary in Quebec, an additional Canada version of the worksheets is included in the Zip file. Use the other file for all other countries.
SAVE by purchasing this in a French Christmas BUNDLE, along with:
French Christmas Presentation and Flashcards
French Christmas Printable Games
Vocabulary includes: un ange, un bas de Noël, un bonhomme de neige, un biscuit de pain d’épices, une bougie, une boule, une bûche de Noël, un cadeau, une canne de Noël, une carte de Noël, un chant de Noël, une cheminée, une cloche, une couronne, une crèche de Noël, une dinde, une étoile, un flocon de neige, du gui, du houx, un lutin, le jour de Noël, des lumières de Noël, le Père Noël, un pull de Noël, un renne, un ruban, un sapin de Noël, un traîneau, la veille de Noël. Common French Christmas greetings are included in some activities.
The worksheets and puzzles are at various levels of challenge, including differentiated versions of all but two of the activities, to provide plenty of variety and challenge for you to select the most appropriate activities for the range of ages and abilities that you teach.
KEY VOCABULARY: Key vocabulary support pages to display or print for students who require it. Includes a word mat over two pages (3 versions: with background colour, without background, and black and white), a one page vocab list of the core 30 words, and a common French Christmas Greetings support sheet. Please note that these vocab support pages are also included in my French Christmas Printable Games packet.
WORKSHEETS: 4 differentiated worksheets, including jumbled words, fill the blanks, drawing, translation and a short reading comprehension.
PUZZLES: There are 5 puzzles: a grid puzzle, wordsearch puzzle, crossword puzzle, hidden word puzzle and maze. The first three are differentiated, with the 1-star versions providing a little more support. The grid puzzle is differentiated three ways.
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
KS3 or Upper KS2 writing activities for a Les Endroits en Ville / Les Lieux de la Ville, Ma Ville, or French Town Buildings (Les Bâtiments dans la Communauté) unit. Students learn the vocabulary for 30 locations around the town or city, as well as linked phrases, such as those using aller in the present tense. These are printables for the classroom in PDF format. There are 10 worksheets and puzzles, with differentiated versions, answer keys and vocabulary support pages (45 pages in total). Use these activities for main lesson tasks, cover lesson plans, homework, early finisher tasks and assessment to consolidate key vocabulary and linked phrases and questions.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2 KS2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3 KS3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
Please see the previews to check suitability for your students.
SAVE by purchasing this as part of a French Places in Town BUNDLE, which also contains:
French Places in Town Presentation, Interactive Games, and Flashcards
French Places in Town Printable Games (all coming soon)
Vocabulary pages: A word mat of French words with images for 30 places in town (also in black and white format) and a 2-page vocabulary list, including key linked phrases. Display or print for students that require them. These pages can also be used as prompts for classroom speaking activities. Please note that these vocabulary pages are also contained in my Les Endroits en Ville Games pack.
7 worksheets, all differentiated at least two ways using a star system. The one-star version is the least challenging, for lower ability, younger or less experienced students. Worksheets 3 and 4 are differentiated 3 ways. Includes jumbled words, translation tasks, a drawing task, and short reading comprehension.
3 puzzles - There’s a wordsearch, grid puzzle and hidden word puzzle. The first two puzzles are differentiated: the one-star version of the wordsearch gives the start of the French words, while the grid puzzle is included with around half the letters missing, most of the letters missing or all of the letters missing.
Full answer keys
Alternative US and UK spelling pages where relevant
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
Beginners Les Nombres (0 to 31) printable puzzle worksheet, differentiated 3 ways. This activity suits beginners or near beginners in KS2 / KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) or equivalents. It could be used for classwork, as an early finisher activity or homework task etc to consolidate Les Numeros / Les Nombres. PDF format.
My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:
Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)
Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)
Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada
May suit others, depending on experience
A 1-star version for lower ability, younger or less experienced students. This has number clues in English and a French wordbank containing all answers in alphabetical order
A 2-star middle ability version (as above but with no wordbank)
A 3-star more challenging version with French mental maths clues
Solution included for easy marking
I have a pack of 6 more of these crosswords for 0-31, 0-61 and 0-100 (each differentiated the same 3 ways):
French Number Crosswords
Or SAVE time and money with this French Numbers BUNDLE, which includes all the crosswords alongside a substantial presentation on Numbers to 100 (larger numbers to millions now also added) and interactive games, printable games, worksheets and puzzles.
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2
French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
French Worksheets and Puzzles MEGA BUNDLE
French Games MEGA BUNDLE
French Presentations MEGA BUNDLE
French Revision Worksheets BUNDLE
French Vocabulary Revision Board Games
French Giant Revision Crossword