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KS3 Medieval - Why Was Religion So Important?

KS3 Medieval - Why Was Religion So Important?

This lesson contains: A starter to watch a brief YouTube clip and determine the role of the Church in medieval peoples’ lives and what control it exerted. A background into medieval society and the religious heirarchy. Students study the information provided to complete a table of things they find out that show positive influence, some interference and things that are very controlling. A video from YouTube that shows the role doom paintings played in society. Students then study the worksheet provided and complete the features of a doom painting for themselves. A plenary to consider the impact religion would have on all members of a small family in the picture. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
WW1 L17 - How Did Medicine Improve in WW1?

WW1 L17 - How Did Medicine Improve in WW1?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider some source images about the War. Students study a field hospital to see the crampt conditions, and stretcher bearers who probably make things worse for their carried patients going through bumpy conditions and mud. An overview of the RAMC. A task to complete a worksheet about the chain of evacuation using the on-board info and short YouTube clips. A longer activity to use a series of sources to write down the improvements to different medical problems, like Trench Foot, bullet wounds, broken legs etc. A plenary to answer quiz questions based on the key facts from the lessons. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L12 - The Development of the Berlin Wall

GCSE Cold War L12 - The Development of the Berlin Wall

This lesson contains: A starter to put events from the course in chronological order. A background of the refugee crisis and the Berlin tensions. This also includes the request by Walter Ulbricht to build a barrier. A study of why the Wall was built. Students complete the sentences to summarise why. An on-board explanation of how the Wall was built from the first wire fence to the concrete structures. Students consolidate this by complete the diagram on the worksheet to show the features of the Wall. A YouTube video which brings to life the building of the Berlin Wall and those who tried to explain. The consequences of the Berlin Wall and a YouTube video of Kennedy’s speech and its effects. Students complete the consequences using the information provided. A choice of plenaries: an exam question or a revision quiz. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Why Did the Roman Empire Fall?

KS3 Romans - Why Did the Roman Empire Fall?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider two images of Rome and consider what has happened to Rome in between them, and why. A background into the problems the Roman Empire was facing. Students watch a brief YouTube video for context and then use the sources sheet provided to complete questions on the board to evidence the different problems the Romans faced (i.e. invasion, corruption, less food to feed the people etc.) A task to study a series of events in the fall of Rome on the info cards provided. Students put the cards in order then complete the timeline. The point here is to write in each event higher or lower, according to the axis, depending on whether each even had a minor, some, major or devastating effect on Rome, giving students an opportunity to make a judgement as they set up the timeline. They can extend this by colour-coding the events that came from inside Rome, and those form outside, to provide for a discussion. A background of the Empire after the fall, including the survival of the Eastern Empire. Students then do a plenary to discuss a quote from Dan Snow about the main reason for the fall. Students argue for or against Dan Snow’s view, using evidence from the lesson. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Elizabeth L1 - England in 1558

GCSE Elizabeth L1 - England in 1558

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what the students remember from their studies in KS3 and what they can tell us about Elizabeth’s era. Might get a good discussion going. Some slides giving the background to Elizabethan England and about the dead rate, the harshness of punishment etc. There is an optional quiz if you have time (hidden slides) that have a few true/false questions and students can guess about the population, religion etc. It’s a good way to give an overall impression of the era. A task for students to sort out some cards to show the social groups and a description about them. Students match them, then rank them in social order. It helps them visualise society’s hierarchy. They then use what they have learned to complete the hierarchy worksheet provided and fill in the blanks about towns using the gap fill. A task to then study summaries of the previous 3 monarchs. Students will then judge what mistakes they made that Elizabeth can learn from in her reign. A plenary to consider the most challenging obstacle unveiled so far for Elizabeth. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
Holocaust L4 - How Did Jewish Lives Change After 1933?

Holocaust L4 - How Did Jewish Lives Change After 1933?

This lesson contains: A starter to study a source and analyse the message. Background information on the rise of Hitler and how things began to change while the Nazis were in power. A chance to write down some key words, such as persecution, genocide and pogrom. A video giving the background of changes in Nazi Germany with footage from the time. A main activity to sort 18 cards in chronological order, then write them onto the timeline of persecution over time. This is different from other timelines as you also have to write them onto the timeline higher or lower based on severity, with an extension to colour-code the different types of persecution (economic, political etc.). A review task at the end by agreeing or disagreeing with a historian’s views. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine Renaissance Topic 2 BUNDLE

GCSE Medicine Renaissance Topic 2 BUNDLE

6 Resources
This bundle contains: L6 - Renaissance Causes of Disease L7 - Sydenham & New Approaches L8 - Renaissance Treatment & Prevention L9 - Medical Care & Vesalius L10 - The Impact of William Harvey L11 - Dealing With the Great Plague The bundle’s individual cost would be £15.00 so this bundle will save you around 30%.
GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

GCSE American West L10 – Early Law and Order

This lesson contains: A starter to study a source and say what we can learn about life in the towns. An overview of the impact of the mass migration of people West. An activity to note down the major issues with crime from on-board information, including the corruption, the unemployment, geography, racism and numbers of wild settlers. An exercise to study the types of crimes on the worksheet and summarise the ones that may have caused the biggest problems. A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet mind map to note the roles of the different lawmen in the West and consider who would be in the best position to help. This includes vigilante committees, sheriffs and marshals. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L12 - How Did Jenner Defeat Smallpox?

GCSE Medicine L12 - How Did Jenner Defeat Smallpox?

This lesson contains: An overview of innoculation before Jenner came along, with questions on each slide for students to write answers in full. An introduction to Edward Jenner first and then students use the information sheets to complete questions about his discover of smallpox and how it worked. A discussion about the impact of the vaccination, and then students use the information to complete an activity about the impact of Jenner, the resistance he faced and the government funding he recieved. Two plenaries to choose from: the first is an exam question, the second a review about different key words in the lesson. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

This lesson contains: A starter task to recap previous learning from the course. A YouTube video introducing the gold rush and how it began, followed by some basic comprehension and thinking questions. An activity to study the information provided to complete questions on why people went for gold and how mining towns grew. A larger activity on the consequences of the growth of mining, from effects on Indians, violence, the economy etc. Students use the information provided to complete the mind map worksheet. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L11 - Dealing with the Great Plague

GCSE Medicine L11 - Dealing with the Great Plague

This lesson contains: A starter to recall the Black Plague of the previous era. An overview of the Great Plague from looking at a source image, then statistics about the plague. An activity to study the information provided and complete an organiser about the plague, including the causes, treatments and prevention. There is an extension comparison exercise. A discussion of the increased government intervention. An opportunity to do an exam question to consolidate the knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
Tudors - Did Mary Queen of Scots Deserve to Die?

Tudors - Did Mary Queen of Scots Deserve to Die?

This lesson contains: A starter to see how much students already know about Mary Queen of Scots. An overview of Mary and her life using some slides and a YouTube video which summarises her marriages etc. Students complete a multiple choice questionnaire as they go. A discussion of what Elizabeth should do with her cousin when Mary arrived in England in 1568. An information gathering exercise, using info sheets which can be used in groups or as a carousal, so that students can complete info about the 4 major plots/threats and judge each one for how much Mary was to blame. A plenary to judge whether Mary should have been executed. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L19 & L20 - Hitler from Chancellor to Dictator

GCSE Germany L19 & L20 - Hitler from Chancellor to Dictator

LESSON 1: A starter to recap previous knowledge from the course. An overview of the difficult situation Hitler was still in, surrounded and controlled as chancellor with little power. An activity to take notes about the Reichstag Fire and Enabling Act. A Cornell Notes activity to make notes as the slides move on and give an overview of the Night of the Long Knives. The causes, events and consequences are covered by a YouTube video and the students make notes on their worksheet. ** LESSON 2:** A starter to recap the Night of the Long Knives events. An opportunity to complete the consequences of the event using on-board guidance. A video to summarise the relationship between Hitler and Von Hindenberg, and then his death and the effect it had on Hitler’s proclamation of Fuhrer.  An activity to complete a timeline graph of the events which led to Hitler becoming dictator. Students assess the importance of each on the graph. A choice of plenaries: the first is a discussion about how Hitler overcame certain obstacles and the second is a source analysis. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 5 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - How Healthy Were the Romans?

KS3 Romans - How Healthy Were the Romans?

This lesson contains: A discussion activity to discuss Ancient Rome and for students to share what they know using the picture prompts. An overview of what public health means. An activity using the on-board information and the info sheet provided to complete questions on the importance of the army and how the army helped medical progress. Discussion of public health measures used by the Romans, followed by info and an activity on the uses and effectiveness of aquaducts, toilets, sewers and Roman baths. A plenary to use a radar graph to determine the most important parts of Roman public health. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Elizabeth L13 - Why did the Spanish Armada Fail?

GCSE Elizabeth L13 - Why did the Spanish Armada Fail?

This lesson contains: A starter discussion about what Philip should do if he was to attack England. An activity to use the information provided to reveal Phillip’s plan and complete the worksheet. A table exercise to colour-code the reasons for the invasion. A short video and map explaining the events of the actual invasion. An activity to sort, in order of importance, the reasons the invasion failed. A discussion, and consolidation exercise,  on the consequences of the invasion. A plenary to write or plan an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
KS3 Romans -  Why was Julius Caesar Assassinated?

KS3 Romans - Why was Julius Caesar Assassinated?

This lesson contains: A starter to study a painting of Caesar being killed. Students speculate what is happening and to who. You can then ask ‘why’ and see if any of them know already the reasons. An activity for students to complete a timeline on the worksheet provided as the teacher goes through the backstory of Caesar. The slides are informative and easy to use and have discussion questions to extend the material further. A task for students to then determine the reasons Caesar was assassinated. They study evidence about him and decide if his actions were tyrannical or not. Then attribute different factors to each piece of evidence before deciding the main reason he was killed. A final activity to study two different interpretations of the manner in which Caesar was killed. Students complete a table to show where they agree and where they disagree. A plenary to create a headline for the assassination and a first paragraph depending on the ‘slant’ of the newspaper writer (themselves). Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
USA L5 - The Effects of the Wall Street Crash

USA L5 - The Effects of the Wall Street Crash

This lesson contains: A fun game that takes around 35-40 mins to play - or the whole lesson if you want! Students get given the game worksheet and bid on certain shares. As the prices go up (each slide) the students make more money. They can take loans out and also save money in their banks. When the game ends (the market crashes), those that had shares will lose almost everything and those that used certain banks for savings will find their savings wiped out. Those who took out the loans will find that they have no money…and are in debt. This game serves to show the effects of the banking crisis and Wall Street Crash - and to your delight, some students get annoyed that they lost, illustrating it further. A series of on-board info about the crash, and a short video, and then a task to complete a short comprehension activity about the crash. A task to write the worst consequences of the crash using the prompts on the board. A plenary to write a newspaper title and opening paragraph that they would expect to see the next day after the crash. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
Holocaust L3 - What Are the Roots of Antisemitism?

Holocaust L3 - What Are the Roots of Antisemitism?

This lesson contains: A starter with a quote about Jews and how they were ‘to be condemned’ - most will think this is from Hitler but is in fact from Martin Luther. This starts the idea that antisemitism has a longer history than just Nazi Germany. Background information about the long history of antisemitism and what the word means. Students write a defintion from the board. An overview of the word ‘scapegoat’ and how this might apply to the Jewish people through history. A main activity to study a series of information cards, each about a different country through history, and for students to make notes on their worksheet about how the Jews were treated, and why. This leads to a deeper discussion about patterns and trends we can see through history about the reasons why people persecuted the Jews (greed, blame, religious differences etc.) and how this links to Hitler’s persecution. There is a consolidation activity for students to do using guidence on the board. An activity to now compare these views with Hitler’s views in Mein Kampf and draw comparisons. A smaller, colour-coding activity to note why antisemitism may have been on the rise in Germany even before the Nazis assumed power. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
Holocaust L6 - Children's Kindertransport Experiences

Holocaust L6 - Children's Kindertransport Experiences

This lesson contains: A ‘do it now’ starter which you can edit as needed to revise concepts you have previously taught. An introduction to the word ‘refugee’ which students discuss and can write a definition of. They can discuss why children may have been refugees in the 1930’s from Germany. A background tot he Kindertransport program, including the reasons after Kristallnacht, the British hesitation and then their eventual offer of help. The students consolidate this by filling in a gap fill once you have gone through the slides. A short look at the experience of Stephanie Shirley by watching a video interview with her and discussing her difficulties in the kindertransport program. The main task to study a series of sources containing experiences of different youths who came the Britain. Students then use this to complete the diagram and questions on their worksheets to show the experiences of the journey, arriving and whether they felt welcome. A plenary to discuss how we remember this event, and to re-review their definitions of refugees and summarise the experiences they learned about. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L4 - Injuries at the Front

GCSE WW1 Medicine L4 - Injuries at the Front

This lesson contains: A starter with a recall quiz table. A video which goes over the injuries soldiers faced on the front line. This can initiate discussion of the worst ones caused by the enemy or by conditions. A teacher-talk run through of the new injuries faced. Students use this to label their diagram about shrapnel, head wounds, new weapons and infection. A task to study the major injuries in more detail, including trench foot, trench fever, shell shock etc. Students complete questions as they work through. A chance to practice a source usefulness question based on gas attacks. Extra exam practice questions to push students further or can be used for homework. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files