We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding.
You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures.
If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!
We provide KS3, GCSE and A-level History and Sociology resources that inspire, challenge and encourage students knowledge and understanding.
You will find a range of resources for example Venn diagrams, matching activities, flashcards, primary sources, mysteries and full lessons and lectures.
If there are topics you would like to see featured on our shop please let us know via our Twitter account!
This BUNDLE contains ALL THREE Student Work Books - needs to be used alongside the main AQA History text for the course (ISBN: 978-0-19-835453-6). This BUNDLE includes learning activities for Pressure for Change 1783-1812, Government and Changing Society 1812-1832, and Political change and Social Reform 1832-1846. These booklets have been used successfully for Flipping the Classroom: set the work to be completed before the lesson and then work on essays and conceptual knowledge. If a students has missed a lesson, just direct them to the appropriate part of the booklet. It is also accompanied by 'Cunning Questions' sheet which can be printed onto A3. Students use this to make notes on BIG QUESTIONS which supports A*/A answers in the exam. The booklet contains guided questions and activities using AQA’s textbook Industrialisation and the People 1783 - 1885. The booklet includes a range of tasks including comprehension questions linked to specific pages of the book, mind-maps, essay planning tasks, article and sources extracts with follow-up questions, historiography, timeline task and more. The download is fully editable.
Check out our A-Level lessons which accompany these booklets e.g. 'How far did Britain suffer a ‘Great Depression’ 1873 and 1896?' or 'Was 1846-1868 a Golden Age in Agriculture?''How Democratic was Britain by 1885? Disraeli’s Domestic Policies', 'How successful were Peel's economic and financial policies during 1841-1846?', 'Was the repeal of the corn laws Peel’s treachery or Peel’s success?'
LINK: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/HumanitiesResources .
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This 60-minute KS3 or KS4 lesson explores life in Russia in the 1920s and 1930s. The lesson centres around a young boy named Pavlik and students work in pairs or smaller groups to discover his fate. The lesson includes an initial task getting them thinking about the time period, a mystery and final thoughts exploring recent historiography on Pavlik. Students complete an Exit ticket by writing a brief Tweet based around a 'Bigger Picture' question.
Concepts and keywords include: gulags , 'purges', Stalin and forced labour camps.
In this part of our series on 20th Century History Lessons, students will be taught about life in Britain during world war 2. Students investigate an image of a young boy eating chocolate; they are asked to consider question they would wish to ask in order to fully understand the topic. Students then work in pairs or in groups of three to solve a mystery. The lesson ends with a brief video clip showing why the boy at the start of the lesson stuffed himself with chocolate! Other issues and concepts are also raised as part of the mystery: rationing, Digging for Victory, ww2 child evacuees, Phoney War, impetigo and world war 2 children.
This reading comprehension task deal with the significant advancements in medical science that played a crucial role in improving the survival rates and post-war rehabilitation of wounded soldiers.
Medical Innovations and Advances during World War One - Medicine Through Time - British Sector - Paper 1
This task is linked to the British Sector Paper 1 of Medicine Through Time. It is created as a reading comprehension for GCSE History students and comes with follow-up questions and correct answers (on a separate slideshow), but it could also be used as homework, a lesson task or a cover resource.
Resources included:
Reading Comprehension Word and PDF versions
Instructions and Peer Assessment slide with Correct Answers
Key knowledge covered:
the Thomas Splint
X-ray machines
Development of facemasks
Dr. Harvey Cushing and brain surgery
This 60-minute A-Level lesson/lecture will guide students through the Russian economy between 1881 to 1904. Each section has a Key Point which summarises the main issue students should consider. This is an excellent resource to introduce students to Russian economy across a period or to consolidate knowledge.
This lecture has opportunities to use some of the slides as tasks, just print them off and get students to test themselves. This presentation is also suitable for all the major exam boards specification on Russia including Edexcel: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924; Option 1E: Russia, 1917–91: from Lenin to Yeltsin; Option 38.1: The making of modern Russia, 1855–1991. AQA: 1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–19642N; Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953. OCR: Russia 1894–1941; Russia and its Rulers 1855–1964.
This 60-minute A-Level lesson provides an in-depth lecture with accompanying task for students. Students complete a mind-map whilst the teacher explains issues such as the relationship between Party and State; The role of Hitler and interpretations; The role of Hitler; The SS; Gestapo; SS-Police-SD System; and The Gestapo; the SS.
This is a 25-page student workbook which should be used alongside the main AQA History text for the course (ISBN: 978-0-19-835453-6). This first booklet includes learning activities for Pressure for Change 1783-1812. This booklet has been used successfully for Flipping the Classroom: set the work to be completed before the lesson and then work on essays and conceptual knowledge. If a students has missed a lesson, just direct them to the appropriate part of the booklet. The booklet contains guided questions and activities using AQA’s textbook Industrialisation and the People 1783 - 1885. The booklet includes a range of tasks including comprehension questions linked to specific pages of the book, mind-maps, essay planning tasks, article and sources extracts with follow-up questions, historiography, timeline task and more. The download is fully editable.
This 46-question test will give students a revision tool and teachers an assessment resource will test students on: Prime minister Peel, Poor law amendment act 1834, Manchester School, Great Famine, Corn Laws and reasons for their repeal, Anti-Corn Law League, Maynooth Grant crisis. There are also a few questions on Chartism and trade unionism during the 1840s. This test is an excellent lesson resource and can be used for students to test each others verbally, do the test in silence then peer-assess each others work.
This 60-min full lesson challenges students to solve a MYSTERY surrounding a real-life case about a family's experience of the Black Death in Bologna . Students will discover ideas about the cause of disease, how illness was treated at the time and ways of preventing disease. Students work in groups of three or if more suitable in pairs. A PowerPoint guides them through different tasks and ends with an Exit Ticket asking them to consider a possible answer to the mystery question as well as wider issues about medicine through time.
This is a fully editable worksheet challenging students to assess how far Stolypin was a successful PM, categorising his actions into a range of different reforms e.g. Political or Economic reform. Students annotate a reason for their choices next to each card on the sheet. This activity is ideal for OCR Russia 1894–1941; Edexcel Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 or The making of modern Russia, 1855–1991; AQA Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964.
This Full Lesson for KS3 takes students on an exciting, yet horrifying, journey through World War I. They explore the historical skill of 'significance' through analysing historical sources. This is a newsroom simulation where students take the role of journalists reporting as an event unfolds. The event was the first ever gas attack which took place on 22 April 1915. As gas had never been used prior to this, the effects were both shocking and horrifying. Student love this lesson and it's easily adapted to suit all learners. Resources, PowerPoint and lesson plan all included.
This 60-minute A-Level lesson investigates Robert Peel's economic policies. Briefly look at historiography of Peel. Students to summarise key historians. 10-minute lecture and follow-up quiz. Key points relating to Peel and finance + 10 min lecture with questions for students to answer. Peel responded to the challenges of his age by ‘adapting his policies in the light of reasoned argument and practical necessity’? True? Discussion. Using their understanding of the historical context, students assess how convincing the arguments are in three extract in relation to Sir Robert Peel. Students complete table identifying argument and providing evidence which corroborates or refutes. Sources from provided.
This 60-minute A-Level lesson investigates the reasons why Peel repealed the Corn Laws. There is a presentation and accompanying Source Worksheet and Sources Table. The lessons starts with a recap of Peel and the Conservative Party + brief look at key historian’s view of why Peel won the election of 1841. Why did Peel repeal the Corn Laws? Students use the Sources Worksheet to complete a table (also provided). There is an exam question planning task where they use sources and plan an answer. An example is modelled which shows how to identify, then use specific knowledge and how to corroborate or refute the argument. There is a further opportunity to model using the examples in the lesson. This part of the presentation can also be set as homework.
This is a revision tool as well as an activity to help A-Level students build AO1 knowledge about Gladstone and Disraeli for AQA Industrialisation and the People; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform. This 18-question test includes the correct answers. Hand out the test, allow students 15-minutes to revise on their own, 15-minutes to test each others verbally (allowing the study buddy to guide if they don't get it right), and then 20-minutes to complete the test. This resources also includes a blank version for students to complete.
This 60-minute A-Level History lessons can be used for any of the main exam boards for example AQA Industrialisation and the People; OCR From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853; Edexcel Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform. The lesson explores reasons why the period has been referred to as a 'Golden Age in Agriculture'. Teachers get two main tasks (downloadable worksheets) which the class uses to colour-code and must identify factors and evidence which eventually helps to answer the main enquiry question.
In this part of our series on 20th Century History Lessons, students investigate if Malcolm X was a demagogue or Civil Rights leader. Students work through a range of sources taken from his speeches and then decide by placing them on a Slider, wether Malcolm X was a Demagogue or Civil Rights Leader. All resources including the slider are printable and fully editable.
In this part of our series on 20th Century History Lesson, students investigate the first day of the Battle of the Somme. Using a newspaper clipping as the initial stimulus to set the hypothesis, students then research how far the source is accurate in relation to a range of other material. The focus is on interpretation but the lesson gives the class ample opportunities to categorise and analyse sources in depth using a NOPCUR Grid (Nature/Origin/Purpose/Context/Utility/Reliability). There is lots of pair work and independent work too. All worksheets and resources accompany this full KS3 lesson. All resources are fully editable.
If you like this lesson why not check out our 20th Century History Lesson Bundle as well? https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/20th-century-history-lessons-and-ks3-resources-bundle-1-11562259
In this BUNDLE of our series on 20th Century History Lessons we have included several full lessons and other resources which will SAVE TONS OF TIME and get students EXCITED! Lessons include topics on: the first gas attack / mysteries on the secret police in Russia and another mystery about a boy reporting his dad to the Gestapo in Nazi Germany / Malcolm X / a lesson on the different experiences of ww2 evacuees / Lloyd George stretch and challenge lesson / rationing mystery - why did Peter and his friends stuff themselves with chocolates in 1949?
In this part of our series of 20th Century History lessons, we explore Lloyd George's attempt at creating a country 'fit for heroes' after WW1. Students analyse an extract from his famous 'fit for heroes' speech as well as a poem which sets a contrasting tone about British social classes in 1918-1920s. Students then work with evidence, analysing how far Lloyd George did in fact succeed. The lesson concludes with an opportunity for a PEEL (Point Evidence Explain Lin) write-up.
This 60-minute lesson gets students thinking about why soldiers continued fighting even though it was a sometimes harsh reality being on the front line. Students will reach a judgement on the most significant cause / consequence of events, they will be challenged to explain the interrelationship between causes. There is also an activity where students summarise why soldiers were willing to continue fighting. High challenge. Knowledge-Rich. Exciting!
- Analysing sources and linking those to Kitchener’s FOUR MAIN AIMS .
- Examine the main REASONS why soldiers continued fighting and develop an hypothesis why they did using a handout. A brief ranking task is follows.
- mind-map tasks using evidence.