Welcome to JB Resources on TES!
At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
Welcome to JB Resources on TES!
At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Freud’s Psychodynamic Approach
Key Assumptions of The Psychodynamic Approach
The Role of The Unconscious
The Preconscious Mind
The Structure of Personality: Tripartide Structure
Defence Mechanisms
Activity: Concepts - Defence Mechanisms
Video: Defence Mechansims
The Psychosexual Stages
Exam questions with Mark Scheme: Short answer question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Evaluation question
Plenary: Discussion Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle includes a complete scheme of work for the A-Level Psychology topic: SCHIZOPHRENIA TOPIC
The 6 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Diagnosis and Classification of Schizophrenia
Biological Explanations for Schizophrenia
Biological Therapies for Schizophrenia
Psychological Explanations for Schizophrenia
Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia
The Interactionist Approach to Schizophrenia
*Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
This fully editable lesson is designed for the AQA A-Level Specification (June 2019), focusing on Minority Influence within the topic of Social Influence. It explores how a minority can impact the beliefs and behaviors of the majority through the processes of consistency, commitment, and flexibility. With engaging activities, critical evaluations, and research-based examples such as Moscovici’s blue-green slide study, students will develop a thorough understanding of minority influence in social settings.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Lesson Slides: Introduces students to key concepts of minority influence, including the roles of consistency, commitment, and flexibility. Real-world examples like the Civil Rights Movement and LGBTQ+ rights are used to illustrate the power of minority influence in driving social change.
Interactive Activities: Includes a variety of engaging activities, such as a “Do Now” prompt, think-pair-share discussions, and case studies. Students analyze how minority groups can lead to internalization and long-lasting attitude changes using concepts like the snowball effect and deeper processing.
Research-Based Insights: Provides a detailed analysis of Moscovici’s blue-green slide study, explaining how consistency in a minority’s viewpoint can lead to greater influence. Research from Wood et al. and Martin et al. is also used to highlight key findings on minority influence.
Assessment Materials: Features exam practice questions that challenge students to apply their understanding of conformity and minority influence to hypothetical scenarios. For example, they are asked to explain how a small group of students could convince their peers to adopt an environmentally-friendly initiative using the key principles of minority influence.
Critical Evaluation: Students are encouraged to critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of research into minority influence, including the artificial nature of tasks like identifying the color of slides and the challenges of studying minority influence in real-world settings.
This resource is ideal for both classroom teaching and independent study, equipping students with a comprehensive understanding of how minority groups can drive social change and influence majority opinions.
This comprehensive bundle is designed in line with the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019), though its content and activities are suitable for use across various specifications. It provides everything you need to teach the Social Influence topic in an engaging and structured way, offering 10 complete lessons, each with interactive activities and assessment materials.
Included Lessons:
Types and Explanations of Conformity – Understanding different forms of conformity and their explanations.
Asch’s Research (1951, 1955) – Exploring Asch’s famous experiments on conformity.
Zimbardo’s Research (1971) – Examining the Stanford Prison Experiment and the influence of social roles.
Milgram’s Research (1963) – Investigating obedience to authority through Milgram’s groundbreaking experiments.
Milgram’s Situational Variables – How situational factors impact obedience.
Social-Psychological Factors – Delving into factors like legitimacy of authority and the agentic state.
Dispositional Explanations: The Authoritarian Personality – Understanding obedience through personality traits.
Resistance to Social Influence – Exploring the factors that help individuals resist pressures to conform or obey.
Minority Influence – How minority groups can bring about social change.
Social Influence and Social Change – The processes that lead to large-scale societal shifts.
Each lesson comes as a fully-editable PowerPoint, with carefully designed activities that encourage critical thinking, class discussion, and application of research.
For more details, please see individual lesson descriptions.
If you have any questions, need assistance with resources, or would like to provide feedback, feel free to reach out at jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are highly appreciated!
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes 10 complete lessons (.ppt) with activities:
Coding, Capacity and Duration
The Multi-Store Model of Memory
Types of Long-Term Memory
The Working Memory Model
Interference Theory as an Explanation for Forgetting
Retrieval Failure as an Explanation for Forgetting
Misleading Information as a Factor affecting EWT
Anxiety as a Factor affecting EWT
Cognitive Interview - Improving the accuracy of EWT
Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes 9 complete lessons (.ppt) with activities:
Introduction to Attachment
Schaffer & Emerson’s Stages of Attachment (1964)
Animal Studies of Attachment
Learning Theory as an Explanation for Attachment
Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory as an Explanation for Attachment
Ainsworth’s Strange Situation
Cultural Variations in Attachment
Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation
Romanian Orphan Studies: The Effects of Institutionalisation
The Influence of Early Attachment on Later Adult Relationships
*Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Psychopathology Topic.
The 10 lessons included in this bundle are:
Definitions of Abnormality
Characteristics of Phobias
The Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias
The Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias
Characteristics of Depression
The Cognitive Approach to Explaining Depression
The Cognitive Approach to Treating Depression
Characteristics of OCD
The Biological Approach to Explaining OCD
The Biological Approach to Treating OCD
Please see individual lessons for further details of the content included.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes 8 complete lessons (.ppt) with activities:
Origins of Psychology
The Behaviourist Approach
Social Learning Theory
The Cognitive Approach
The Biological Approach
The Psychodynamic Approach
The Humanistic Approach
Comparison of Approaches
Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Biopsychology Topic.
The 10 lessons included in this bundle are:
The Endocrine System
The Nervous System
Neurons and Synaptic Transmission
Localisaiton of Function in the Brain
Plasticity and Functional Recovery in the Brain after Trauma
Split Brain Research into Hemispheric Lateralisation
Ways of Studying the Brain
Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers
Circadian Rhythms
Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms
Please see individual lessons for further details of the content included.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Key assumptions of the Biological Approach
The Brain vs. The Mind
The Genetic Basis of Behaviour
Twin Studies
Video: What identical twins separated at birth teach us about genetics
Genotype and Phenotype
Activity: Apply it - Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Evolutionary and Behaviour
Exam practice: Application Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice: Comparison Essay with Mark Scheme
Example Comparison Paragraph
Plenary: Discussion question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle includes a complete scheme of work for the A-Level Psychology topic: RELATIONSHIPS TOPIC
The 10 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour
Physical Attractiveness
Filter Theory
Social Exchange Theory
Equity Theory
Rusbult’s Investment Model
Duck’s Phase Model
Virtual Relationships in Social Media
Parasocial Relationships
*Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Key Assumptions of the Humanistic Approach
Psychology and Free Will
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The Self and Congruence
Conditions of Worth vs. Unconditional Positive Regard
Video: Roger’s Person-Centred Approach to Counselling
Activity: Key Term Define
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Multi-Choice Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: 16 Mark Essay with Application
Examiner Commentary
Activity: Essay Planning Activity
Plenary: Consolidation activity
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Issues and Debates Topic.
The 7 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Gender Bias
Culture Bias
Free Will and Determinism
The Nature-Nurture Debate
Holism and Reductionism
Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches
Ethical Implications of Research Studies and Theory
Please see individual lessons for further details of the content included.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Brain Plasticity
Maguire et al.'s London Taxi Driver Study
Learning-induced Changes in The Brain
Structural Plasticity in the Bilingual Brain
Functional Recovery in the Brain
Video: Jody’s story
Video question sheet
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer questions
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Activity: Concepts - The Case of Gabby Giffords
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Topic YEAR 1 RESEARCH METHODS:
The 18 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Experimental Method
Control of Variables
Experimental Design
Types of Experiment
Ethical Issues and Ways of Dealing with Them
Pilot Studies (and more)
Observational Techniques
Observational Design
Self-Report Techniques
Self-Report Design
Data Analysis: Kinds of Data
Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
Data Analysis: Graphs
Mathematical Content
Introduction to Statistical Testing: The Sign Test
Peer Review & Psychology and The Economy
*Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Topic Cognition and Development:
The 7 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Stages of Intellectual Development
Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Baillargeon’s Explanation of Infant Abilities
Selman’s Levels of Perspective-taking
Theory of Mind
The Mirror Neuron System
*Please see individual lessons for further details of included content.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Video: How do your hormones work?
The Endocrine system
Video: The Science of Adrenaline
Fight of flight response
Physiological responses
The Nervous system: Parasympathetic and Sympathetic
Fight or flight vs. Rest and Digest
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics
Inferential Statistics in Psychology
Statistical Tests: Wilcoxon, Related t-test, Chi-squared, Mann Whitney, Unrelated t-test, Spearman’s Rho, Pearons r
Learning the Decision Tree
When to Use Parametric Tests
Statistical Tests:
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Statistical Tests, Comparing the Calculated and Critical Value
YouTube Video linked on Statistical Testing
Plenary: Consolidation
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
What is Attachment?
Caregiver-infant Interactions
Video: Still Face Experiments#
Interactional Synchrony
Attachment Figures
Parent-infant Attachment
The Role of The Father
Fathers as Primary Caregivers
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Activity: Define the key terms
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Evaluation question
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
Engage your students with this visually appealing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs poster, designed specifically for A-Level and GCSE Psychology classrooms. This informative display provides a clear and accessible summary of Maslow’s motivational theory, breaking down each level in the hierarchy from Physiological Needs to Self-Actualisation. Ideal as a classroom resource to reinforce understanding of human motivation and needs in an easy-to-read format.
Key Features:
Detailed Hierarchy Pyramid – Displays the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy with brief descriptions for each, including Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualisation needs.
Iconic Imagery – Engaging icons and visuals accompany each level, making the content memorable and student-friendly.
Inspiring Quote – Includes Maslow’s famous quote, “What a person can be, they must become,” encouraging students to reflect on their own growth.
Professional and Editable Design – Provided in PowerPoint format, this poster is fully editable, allowing you to customise colours, fonts, and layout to suit your classroom needs.
This poster is perfect for use as a reference during lessons on humanistic psychology, motivation theories, or mental health and well-being. It also serves as an inspiring reminder for students to strive for personal growth and self-fulfilment.
Format: Editable PowerPoint (PPT) file for easy customisation and printing up to A3 size.