WORLD CONTINENTS NORTH & SOUTH AMERICA COUNTRY CARDS North & South America countries, capital cities and flags games cards provide great learning opportunities for any appropriate age group, at any time of the school year. Students can develop their knowledge of the geography of both continents in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. There are 23 flag cards showing North America, with matching country and capital city cards, and 14 flag cards showing South America, also with matching country and capital city cards. Students often get confused about Central America, so I make sure they’re aware that it isn’t a continent, but it is definitely a specific region, and there are 7 flag cards showing Central America, with matching country and capital city cards. Additionally, there are four picture info cards showing each continent, both within the context of a world map, and as a standalone continent map. There are matching text cards for these too. There are also detachable continent, country, capitals and combined country & capital labels that students use to label the flags.
There may be a number of countries and capital cities that students do not know, or are not aware of, so the games help them fully develop their general awareness, knowledge and understanding of North, South and Central America.
There is a continent, country, capital city and flag reference list of all countries and capitals of North and South America, which students find useful to read through before playing - allow them only 60 seconds on a timer to really focus their reading and increase the sense of competition if you are playing competitive team games! It can also be used as a year-round reference resource, which students can file in their workbooks or learning folders. Laminate the cards, labels and reference sheets if you can - it’s definitely a lot of prep, but it ensures a real long-term resource - you will be able to use it for years to come. Revisit regularly for successful learning - can students beat their own time record?
The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
GCSE SPANISH DOMINOES GAMES High-frequency Spanish verbs dominoes games: 3 games and challenges are a lively alternative to more traditional grammar & vocabulary ‘drilling’ activities. They will help students build up and embed their vocabulary and knowledge of high-frequency Spanish verbs in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. There are 99 common Spanish verbs in the infinitive form, along with the corresponding English verbs. Students can work happily challenging themselves and each other to create a perfect domino bilingual verb sequence, on the classroom floor, or on a long(ish) table, by matching the Spanish and English verbs. The game has a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading, and also helps students identify cognates and words that may look similar to English, but mean something different.
There are three games, each with a different level of challenge:
Challenge One features the verbs in alphabetical order, Spanish to English
Challenge Two features the verbs in random order, also Spanish to English
Challenge Three again features the verbs in random order, but this time from English to Spanish, which works a little different in terms of vocab recall
There’s a full alphabetical Spanish-English verb list, which students find really useful as they begin to build and embed their verb vocabulary - we find it useful to have a quick look through the list prior to playing for the first time, and it’s also really good for some additional whole-group pronunciation practice. Each challenge is on a different background, so that they can be easily identified.
To ensure successful learning, play regularly as you work with verbs and vocabulary - against a timer in teams works well to map both improved recall and word recognition, as well as increasing confidence - students genuinely enjoy seeing if they can beat their own time record. Dominoes games work really well in language learning as a free-choice activity - I have folders of resources for students to select their own activity, according to what they feel they would most like to revisit. We have free-choice activity time every few lessons for a half hour or so, which also provides a welcome break from the particular target focus.
There’s definitely prep involved - printing and cutting out. I always laminate my dominoes games, as they’re far more learner-friendly, and they last for absolutely years, so once you’re prepped the set or several sets, you will never have to prep the games again.
The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.
PRIMARY FRENCH KS3 FRENCH HOW TO TELL THE TIME IN FRENCH I like to give my students comprehensive vocab books and reference resources. They enable them to work more independently, both in class and at home. This French Telling the Time Reference Book has 14 pages, and features every analogue clock time in French. There’s a My Notes page too - I encourage students to make notes on their progress, and think about how they are progressing - we use this to inform and guide whole-group discussion about learning and progress in general, which is a really popular and effective activity too.
Have a browse in my store for more French reference books, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning activities, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
ALEVEL ITALIAN FUTURE PERFECT TENSE CONJUGATION PRACTICE (futuro anteriore) 25 high-frequency Italian -ARE verbs, 150 conjugation questions, 3 differentiated challenges, answer keys. My students really like this kind of grammar activity, as they like to work and learn independently, which is a successful way of varying teaching and learning methodologies - I’ve found it’s really important to avoid predominantly teacher-led learning in the languages classroom. The workbook is ideal for advanced intermediate into advanced Italian students who have progressed to complex language and texts in Italian, including authentic resources, and have a sound understanding of tense and mood in Italian.
The structure of the resource is as follows:
Two alphabetical verb reference lists: Italian-English and English-Italian.
Three conjugation challenges, each with 50 individual conjugations:
Conjugation Challenge 1: each verb conjugated in Italian across a range of pronouns, with students writing the corresponding English verb conjugation.
Conjugation Challenge 2: gives the infinitive of each verb in Italian, specifying the target pronoun. Students write the corresponding verb conjugation in French.
Conjugation Challenge 3: students write the corresponding Italian verb conjugation, and its infinitive, from an English prompt.
Notes and Next Steps, which encourages students to think about how their understanding of Italian conjugation works, reflect on what progress they have made, what their targets for improvement might realistically be, and what they might reasonably do in order to meet those targets.
answer key
Try this free Italian conjugation sampler to see if it’s the kind of learning activity that will work well for your students:
Have a browse in my store for more Italian grammar activities, and a wide range of Italian language teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource. boxes, and lots of freebies too!
The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be amended, copied, rewritten, shared or distributed, in part or in whole, outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
ALEVEL ITALIAN ADVANCED ITALIAN CONDITIONAL PERFECT TENSE CONJUGATION PRACTICE (condizionale passato) 25 high-frequency Italian -ARE verbs, 150 conjugation questions, 3 differentiated challenges, answer keys. My students really like this kind of grammar activity, as they like to work and learn independently, which is a successful way of varying teaching and learning methodologies - I’ve found it’s really important to avoid predominantly teacher-led learning in the languages classroom. The workbook is ideal for advanced intermediate into advanced Italian students who have progressed to complex language and texts in Italian, including authentic resources, and have a sound understanding of tense and mood in Italian.
The structure of the resource is as follows:
Two alphabetical verb reference lists: Italian-English and English-Italian.
Three conjugation challenges, each with 50 individual conjugations:
Conjugation Challenge 1: each verb conjugated in Italian across a range of pronouns, with students writing the corresponding English verb conjugation.
Conjugation Challenge 2: gives the infinitive of each verb in Italian, specifying the target pronoun. Students write the corresponding verb conjugation in French.
Conjugation Challenge 3: students write the corresponding Italian verb conjugation, and its infinitive, from an English prompt.
Notes and Next Steps, which encourages students to think about how their understanding of Italian conjugation works, reflect on what progress they have made, what their targets for improvement might realistically be, and what they might reasonably do in order to meet those targets.
answer key
Try this free Italian conjugation sampler to see if it’s the kind of learning activity that will work well for your students:
Have a browse in my store for more Italian grammar activities, and a wide range of Italian language teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too!
The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be amended, copied, rewritten, shared or distributed, in part or in whole, outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
PRIMARY GERMAN KS3 GERMAN NUMBERS GAMES ACTIVITIES German Numbers 0-31 I have, Who has… ? This is a whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing how to count from 0 - 31 in German. The game has a***multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading out loud***, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too.
The aim of the game is to create a German number chain as quickly as possible, starting with the first card null, and ending with the final card, einunddreißig. The game works just as well if the number sequence is placed on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. I created the game for my young beginner German learners, but I’ve also played the game with my adult German learners, who really enjoy it too. The design is four cards per page, which allows for a large font - this is really important for beginner language learners who are starting to familiarize themselves with the written word, and how to link sound with spelling. Try to print in colour if you can - it adds to the visual appeal of the game, which is a real motivator for learning - and the monster theme is popular with all ages and grades!
Download, print out, laminate, cut out & shuffle the cards. I’d definitely recommend you laminate the cards, despite the extra prep and expense. They’re far more learner-friendly, and they will last for absolutely years. Distribute the cards, one or two per student, depending on how many students you have in your group. I often play too - students really do enjoy it when I join in, and they seem to work that little harder on their concentration, pronunciation and reading out loud skills. Students walk around the room, talking to each other in their best German accent, sharing the information on their cards, until they have arranged the numbers in the correct order. The game works best played against a timer, regularly over a longer-term series of lessons - can students beat beat their own time record? I always do some high-speed counting warm-up activities, forwards & backwards, to get everyone ready to play!
Have a browse in my store for more German active learning activities, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resources boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The file is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply - this does not confer ownership or copyright. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
ITALIAN CHRISTMAS HAPPY CHRISTMAS BUON NATALE BUNTING BANNERS Create a real festive Italian look and feel in your classroom with this set of bunting / banners spelling out BUON NATALE! I use bunting / banners not only to create an Italian ambiance in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday and seasonal language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Each sheet of bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall.
Have a browse in my store for more Italian classroom display, and a wide range of other Italian teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.
PRIMARY SPANISH KS3 SPANISH KS2 SPANISH COLOURS FLASHCARDS POSTERS Los colores en español - 8 posters / flashcards These four my favourite colour posters make an ideal speaking prompt in the Spanish classroom - I encourage children to ask each other ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? as a lesson starter / warm-up, and to select a different colour every time they answer. As they learn more colours, their answers become more varied. I tend to introduce the plural form with the connective y (and) quite quickly, so that students can extend their answers as much as they possibly can - they have great fun seeing who knows the most colours, and can create the longest answers.
The key colours are: blue, green, pink and yellow. There are two backgrounds to choose from - either the Spanish flag, or black wave. Laminate the posters if possible, or print on card stock, particularly if you’re going to use them as flashcards to introduce and practise language too: they’ll hang really nicely, stay in good shape, and you’ll be able to use the posters for many years to come!
Use them as flashcards to introduce and practise language too - it’s a traditional and successful low-tech teaching method, which gives students a welcome break from the whiteboard - varying teaching methodologies in the language learning classroom is always a good idea, and I also encourage my students to take the role of the teacher too, which they find really motivating.
It doesn’t matter if this particular language doesn’t feature in your immediate or even longer-term learning plan: the flashcards / posters provide learners with daily opportunities to engage with the written word in Spanish, to develop their recognition and recall of individual words, to identify cognates, and to begin to link spelling with sound in Spanish.
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish flashcards / posters, and a wide range of other teaching and learning resources, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully – the resource is free to download, but is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, shared, rewritten, amended, stored or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. Ownership of the resource is not conferred, and remains at all times with the author. The license is a single-user license only.
KS3 SPANISH KS4 SPANISH GCSE SPANISH KS5 SPANISH A LEVEL SPANISH I’ve created a lot of ‘quick conjugation workbooks’ for my students and they’re really popular and effective. They’re a great way of practising, reinforcing and revising how to conjugate all the various verb groups, tenses and moods in Spanish. I use them in a range of learning contexts such as independent work either in class time or at home, holiday refresher work, or individual activities for cover lessons. Students really benefit from several opportunities to work through the workbook, once or twice a term across a whole school year is a great way of both mapping progress and developing overall understanding and competence.
My quick conjugation workbooks focus on a specific set of 25 essential Spanish verbs in a range of tenses. They include modals, regular, and irregular verbs.
This sampler demonstrates a range of Spanish conjugation challenges, with the answer key immediately following the relevant conjugation questions. It will definitely give you an idea of what the quick conjugation workbooks look like, and how they are structured, and whether you think they’ll work well for your students.
The contents are as follows:
: Spanish high-frequency verbs list: Spanish-English
: Spanish -AR verbs list: English-Spanish
Spanish high-frequency verbs present tense conjugation: Challenge 1 with answer key
: Spanish -IR verbs perfect tense conjugation: Challenge 2 with answer key
: Spanish -ER verbs: preterite tense conjugation: Challenge 3 with answer key
: Spanish -AR verbs conditional perfect tense conjugation: Challenge 1 with answer key
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish grammar activities, and a wide range of Spanish language teaching and learning materials, with dollar deals, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use. The sampler is free to download, but remains copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only.
GCSE FRENCH IDIOMS French Speaking Practice Encouraging students to speak can be quite challenging in the languages classroom, and I’ve found that even my more advanced learners can be quite reluctant, especially if the group is fairly large. I use a range of strategies to promote speaking, and idioms, proverbs and fun expressions which sound quite strange when translated literally are really popular - for example, we have regular competitions to see who can get the most idioms or expressions into dialogues and conversations. This works really well for students of all stages and ages. The posters show the literal translation, which generally sounds very odd, such as this particular idiom Revenons à nos moutons ! - Let’s return to our sheep! and the correct corresponding translation. We also discuss other possible translations into English, which helps them understand the concept of translation, and that there are potentially many correct ways of expressing meaning accurately. The posters also lend the learning environment a real French ambiance, promoting the everyday use of French.
There are two backgrounds - the French flag looks great, but definitely uses a lot of ink, so you may prefer the poster without a background - this looks just as good! Keep checking back for more posters if you like them, as I have a huge collection!
Have a browse in my store for more French classroom displays, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning activities, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user licence only. Please read the Terms of Use. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.
PRIMARY GERMAN KS3 GERMAN HAPPY CHRISTMAS FROHE WEIHNACHTEN BUNTING Create a real festive German look and feel in your classroom with this set of bunting / banners spelling out FROHE WEIHNACHTEN! I use bunting not only to create a German ambiance in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday and seasonal language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Each sheet of bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall.
Have a browse in my store for more German classroom decor, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning resources, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
This resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. Downloading does not transfer ownership. The resource may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. It is non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use.
GCSE SPANISH KS4 SPANISH KS3 SPANISH PRIMARY SPANISH GREETINGS BUENOS DÍAS BUNTING BANNERS It’s great to create a new look for the new school year - I use bunting/banners not only to create a real Spanish look and feel in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Bunting works well throughout the entire school year, but definitely has a celebratory back to school feel! The bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall.
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish classroom display, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.
GCSE SPANISH KS4 SPANISH KS3 SPANISH PRIMARY SPANISH GREETINGS BIENVENIDOS BUNTING BANNERS It’s great to create a new look for the new school year - I use bunting/banners not only to create a real Spanish look and feel in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Bunting works well throughout the entire school year, but definitely has a celebratory back to school feel! The bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall.
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish classroom display, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.
GEOGRAPHY AFRICAN COUNTRIES & CAPITAL CITIES REFERENCE LIST A great addition to student learning files - my students find reference resources really useful - they also work well printed double-sided and laminated as a classroom reference resource, or printed single-sided and glued into reference books.
The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is free to download, but remains copyright, all rights reserved - it may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way - please read the Terms of Use.
KS3 GERMAN PRIMARY GERMAN VOCABULARY I like to ensure my students are able to build a comprehensive vocab bank from the beginning of their learning, and create a whole range of reference lists focusing on high-frequency German vocab. The lists work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class.
There are two alphabetical lists - one German-English, and one English-German, as I’ve found that students prefer to have both, particularly younger learners at the beginning of a particular topic or theme.
Have a browse in my store for more German vocabulary reference lists, and a wide range of other German teaching and learning resources, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!
There are two non-editable files in a zipped format. They’re copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.
PRIMARY SPANISH KS3 SPANISH CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCH FREEBIE Word searches are a fabulous way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This freebie Spanish Christmas word search features fourteen common Spanish Christmas words, which helps to develop students’ awareness of some Spanish Christmas vocabulary and customs, such as la Nochebuena and el turrón. I use this as a prompt to stimulate discussion about Spanish Christmas practices and traditions, and we talk about what students know about other Christmas traditions around the world. The nouns feature masculine and feminine, singular and plural and both definite and indefinite articles, which is a great way of working on and consolidating those grammatical concepts too.
There is an answer key for each word search, so that students can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. Answer keys are absolutely essential for me, as they provide students with an additional opportunity to engage with language, help them develop more independence in their learning, and they genuinely enjoy ‘correcting’ each others’ work - additionally, they’re a great teacher time-saver, which is always a bonus! The word searches are in landscape format, as this mirrors the common direction of reading from left to right for speakers of English as a first or home language, facilitating their engagement with the activity.
Have a browse in my store for more Spanish Christmas activities, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resources boxes, and lots of freebies too!
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully - the resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.
A great addition to student learning files - my students find reference resources really useful - they also work well printed double-sided and laminated as a classroom reference resource, or printed single-sided and glued into reference books
Please read the Terms of Use carefully - the resource is free to download, but remains copyright - thanks!
ENGLISCH ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR GERMAN-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for German-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class.
This list is a fourth collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programmes. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in German - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage.
There are two alphabetical lists - one English-German, and one German-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn.
Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for German-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only.
ENGLISCH ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR GERMAN-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for German-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class.
This list is a third collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programmes. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in German - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage.
There are two alphabetical lists - one English-German, and one German-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn.
Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for German-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only.
ENGLISCH ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR GERMAN-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for German-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class.
This list is a second collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programmes. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in German - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage.
There are two alphabetical lists - one English-German, and one German-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn.
Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for German-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too.
Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only.