Week 1 of 10- An introduction to Japan, key vocabulary and greetings.
This product contains an 18-slide Teaching PowerPoint and worksheet that guides students through learning the basics about Japan and how to greet each other! The focus is on speaking and, thus, all vocabulary is taught in Romaji for this week! This product contains 5 activities, including:
Making and exchanging Meishi (business cards)
Finding Japan on a world map
Researching Japan’s key facts
Identifying Japanese vocabulary in the English language
Speaking activities
This download includes:
An 18-slide Teaching PowerPoint
‘How to use this product’ explanation within the PPT
PDF version of the meishi templates
Word Document version of the meishi templates
2 fonts for editing .ppt & .docx documents
QR codes and hyperlinks to aid research
A multi-language ‘dictionary’ for new vocabulary
Vocabulary Taught:
Konnichiwa, sayonara, arigatou, ohayou gozaimasu, konbanwa, oyasumi, sumimasen, meishi, sensei, gakko, namae, Ogenki desu ka, Hai, genki desu, anata wa, ja mata ne.
Beginner’s Japanese Resources
Japanese for Beginners: Colors Workbook
Beginner’s Japanese Course- Week 2: Numbers 0-20
Help your children to improve their descriptions and narratives by using these colour vocabulary sheets in your literacy lessons or on display. They equip pupils with exciting words for ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘green’ and everything in between!
I have been using these colour thesauruses as part of a Writing Toolkit (coming soon!) that I give to my class at the start of the school year. After modelling how to use them in writing, the children then independently use stronger, more effective colour descriptives when describing settings or characters- I even see them cropping up in their speech!
Included in this download:
A display poster and pocket-sized version of the color vocabulary grid
PDF versions of the resources
.docx Word versions of the resources for editing purposes
2 fonts to edit your resources with
UK/AU/NZ/CA version using ‘colour’ spelling
Looking for the full Writing Toolkit? Due to be completed by September 1st 2020
I hope this product saves you time and stress,
Happy Teaching!
Miss Austin
Past tense worksheets & activities based around the simple, progressive and perfect forms (Present & Future Packs available too!)
This download includes:
Past Tense Forms Worksheet with 6 jam-packed tasks
Past Tense Forms Wordsearch
Answer sheets for ease of marking and assessment
Editable versions of all worksheets to tailor work to your students’ needs
2 fonts for editing the resources
This resource is part of a larger teaching bundle, with similar resources for both the past and present tenses, along with work on converting between them.
X Teaching Tenses Mega-Pack
Separate lessons:
X Present Tense Forms Multi-Lesson Pack
X Future Tense Forms Multi-Lesson Pack
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
Writing prompt/stimulus based on retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Teaching PowerPoint and 4-way differentiated planning sheets included in this 29-Page pack.
This can be delivered to a single class, year group or whole-school cohort, or even as an extra-curricular Creative Writing club task!
Assessing writing is a subjective nightmare! With this independent writing assessment stimulus, children can engage in an exciting writing task centred around retelling the story of Red Riding Hood, with older year groups synthesizing the story by adding their own endings. As teachers, we can decide which planning sheet most accurately matches the children’s abilities or targets, and the writing they produce can be assessed against national or state standards.
With Talk for Writing opportunities throughout the PowerPoint, children can discuss their use of vocabulary, ideas for plot and explore their characters’ emotions in peer work or small groups.
Included in this download:
25-page teaching PowerPoint
4 different planning sheet options in PDF format
5 fonts for editing purposes
Editable versions of PPT and worksheets to suit your classes’ needs!
Looking for more writing stimuli? Look no further (:
X Writing Stimuli | Narrative | Red Riding Hood Retelling
X Writing Stimuli | Narrative | Spellbound
I hope this resource saves you time and stress!
Miss Austin
Past tense worksheets & activities based around the simple, progressive and perfect forms (Present & Future Packs available too!)
This download includes:
Past Tense Forms Worksheet with 6 jam-packed tasks
Past Tense Forms Wordsearch
Answer sheets for ease of marking and assessment
Editable versions of all worksheets to tailor work to your students’ needs
2 fonts for editing the resources
This resource is part of a larger teaching bundle, with similar resources for both the past and present tenses, along with work on converting between them.
Teaching Tenses: Mega Pack
Past Tense Forms Multi-Lesson Pack
Future Tense Forms Multi-Lesson Pack
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
This is a 1 page worksheet with 5 tasks, including a QR code that takes you to a wordwall challenge.
Editable and PDF formats provided.
Font used is KG Primary penmanship!
7 Independent, project-based activities, perfect for homework or distance learning.
Here is a ‘desert-island adventure’-themed, home learning project that will be used whilst the children are off school- it’s perfect for distance learning due to the tasks being able to be completed independently. This resource spreads across 5 tasks (could be set weekly or daily) which last for an hour-long each. The tasks included follow these learning objectives:
LO: To draw a map to illustrate a setting
LO: To create a fact file on an imaginary island
LO: To write a fictional recount
LO: To write an instruction text
LO: To write a play script
LO: To write a character description
LO: To write a diary entry
This download includes:
PDF version of the 7-task home learning project
Word Document version of the home learning project
3 fonts for editing .docx Word documents
This task would work great for KS2 (Key Stage 2).
My Distance Learning Projects
Perfect for whilst we’re away from school or for homework, these independent projects can help to develop your children’s writing and creativity in a variety of areas.
X Distance Learning Project: Apocalypse Theme
X Distance Learning Project: Detective Theme
X Distance Learning Project: Space Theme
X Distance Learning Project: Designing a New Country
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress!
Thank you, and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
Hi there!
Here's a pack on the roman calendar. I hope it works for you. If you need anything extra, don't hesitate to contact me!
* Includes *
Learning Objectives:
To understand the meanings of the Roman months
To learn about the transformation from original calendars to the one we use today!
Success Criteria (Must, Should, Could)
Brief History of the calendar
Romulus, Numa and Julian months
Why are the months named this way?
Main lesson activity
Activity sheet
Review from previous upload of this resource:
"A lot of research time saved. Thank you."
Happy teaching,
Miss Ritchie
Hi there,
Here's some of this week's planning for play scripts. It's an often forgotten text type, but is helpful for many reasons.
I used this blank iphone template for children to separate who is saying what in a piece of text in order to prep them for writing a play script this week. I hope it works for you!
Miss Ritchie
A small pack based on Kennings. This was for 2 lessons in my class, with the second focused on reciting and memorising poetry as per National Curriculum objectives.
Introductory powerpoint, a write up sheet (with Stone age theme- easily editable) and 2 day lesson plan
Miss Ritchie
Hi there,
I used this lesson as a 35 minute interview lesson, but the resources are easily editable to make use of them for a longer lesson time.
LO: To use subordinate clauses.
Two activities. Resources included!
Hi there,
There are three resources in this pack. There's a background assembly powerpoint to create a backdrop (including links to sound effects etc), the lyrics to a version of 'Gold' by Spandeau Ballet with the lyric changed to 'STONE!' (much comedy), and the script.
On the script document, there's also a helpful table to write down who's who.
This pack includes 4 activities.
The main activity has three tasks that involve classifying words into 1 of 7 categories. This opens up for lots of conversation and debate, which is a great basis for a lesson.
The other three activities are mazes where children must get from the top row of the word-table to the the bottom by linking words of that type.
I hope this proves helpful!
Miss Austin
This is a set of resources that I use for my year 3 and 4 group.
They are Egyptian themed so that they can link in with humanities topic.
Shape poems are a great introduction to writing in a poetic structure for children, and the shapes offered in this pack are: canopic jars, a sarcophagus and a pyramid.
I modelled the pyramid shape to the class so that my lower ability group had more input tailored to them.
LO: To write a topical shape poem
A fun-filled and colorful workbook focused on learning the Japanese words for different colours in Katakana, Hiragana and Romaji!
This is a 6-paged, activity workbook that focuses on children (or adults!) learning the main colours in Japanese, in both Kana and Romaji alphabets. This resource spreads across 4 tasks (these could be set weekly or daily) which last for roughly 30 minutes each. The activities include:
Matching objects to their colour
Finding colours in a wordsearch in Kana
Translating from English > Romaji > Kana
Colouring by Romaji instructions
This download includes:
PDF version of the 4-task workbook
Word Document version of the workbook for editing
2 fonts for editing .docx Word documents
Worksheets to complete the tasks on within the document
A multi-language ‘dictionary’ for new vocabulary
UK and US versions for spelling differences
Colours Taught:
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, black,grey & brown
More Beginner’s Japanese Resources:
Beginner’s Japanese Course- Week 1: Greetings & Introductions
Beginner’s Japanese Course- Week 2: Numbers 0-20
Week 6 of my No-Prep, 6-week How To Train Your Dragon English teaching unit. This week’s focus is on character description, prediction and planning, writing and editing a sequel.
How to Train Your Dragon is an incredible book to study, and this Chapter 15-19 unit pack helps to engage children in the text right from the start. With exciting, attractive and innovative worksheets designed to hook children in to the action from the get go, you can expect children to gain skills in using textual evidence to predict future plot lines, describing characters using ‘show not tell’ and writing at length.
Included in this download:
1 week of planning included in page 2 of the PowerPoint for ease
41-page teaching PowerPoint that breaks down all worksheets & learning
Key vocabulary break down for Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 and topical words
Video clips suggested to complement planning
Integrated QR codes for children’s independence purposes
Making Predictions worksheet
Describing the Green Death worksheet
Evidence from Text worksheet
Book Review worksheet
Story Mountain Planning worksheet
Introduction Drafting & Editing worksheet
Sequel Write-Up worksheet
Front & Back Cover Design Challenge worksheet
5 x starter/extension activities on the PowerPoint slides to push higher ability
How To Train Your Dragon clip art (not for commercial use)
2 fonts to edit your resources with
PDF & Word Document versions of every resource
Looking for the rest of the unit?
X Week 1
X Week 2
X Week 3
X Week 4
X Week 5
**Want to save money on the whole unit? **
X How To Train Your Dragon - Full Unit
I hope this resource saves you time and stress
Happy teaching!
Miss Austin
**This pack includes **
Multiple lesson ideas with linked resources and brief lesson plans for week of lessons
Learning objectives
Must, Should, Could success criteria
Full introductory lesson plan with assessment ideas
Powerpoint presentation with animations to introduce WW2 and evacuation
Self-produced worksheet for main activity
Starter activity that is differentiated
Writing frame for Lower Ability for factfile
If you have any questions, or feel it needs anything extra, please contact me and I’ll be happy to oblige,
Miss Austin (:
Week 4 of 12- A historical lesson on the societal hierarchy of Ancient Egypt, from slaves to pharaohs!
This product contains an 18-slide Teaching PowerPoint and 2 main tasks that can be printed or completed digitally via PDF copies. The PPT guides students through learning the key roles of ancient Egyptian society: Pharaoh, vizier, nobles, scribes, priests, soldiers, craftsmen, farmers and slaves. The first task sees children labelling these roles on a societal pyramid, then matching up job roles to their titles using the worksheet included in this pack. Task 2 sees children research the role of the pharaoh in more depth. These activities can be conducted individually or in small groups both physically or digitally. The focus is on recalling key facts and independent research using the internet.
This product contains 5 activities, including:
Whole-class Teaching PowerPoint on new information
Linked YouTube video discussing the importance of the role of the pharaoh
Task 1 worksheet on roles within ancient Egyptian society
Task 2 worksheet on pharaoh research from video notes
QR codes for further independent research
This download includes:
An 18-slide Teaching PowerPoint
‘How to use this product’ explanation within the PPT
Outlined Tasks with signposted websites and worksheets
PPT copies of the worksheets for editing
PDF copies of the worksheets for formatting
Outline of the planning with links to accessing the rest of the course
A learning path to outline the focuses for the rest of the course
3 fonts for editing .ppt documents
Ancient Egypt Resources by LiL
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 1: Introduction & Timelines
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 2: Mapping Egypt
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 3: The River Nile
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 4: Social Structures
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 5: Daily Life
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 6: Gods & Goddesses
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 7: Mummification
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 8: The Pyramids
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 9: Hieroglyphs
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 10: End of an Era
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 11: King Tut’s Tomb
X Ancient Egyptians History Unit || Week 12: Archaeology
X Egyptian Themed Skip Counting - Times Tables Board Games
X Egyptian Cinderella- Character Description
Hi, fellow teachers!
Here’s a free resource for you- it contains a PDF and a wordx document version of an emotion graph where children can plot characters’ emotions throughout a story.