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Novel Teaching UK

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Shakespeare, Creative Writing and TEFL resources. Created by a qualified secondary school teacher who has taught KS3, KS4 and KS5. Browse my shop to find a variety of affordable resources, full lessons and worksheets related to the study of Language and Literature across the age ranges.




Shakespeare, Creative Writing and TEFL resources. Created by a qualified secondary school teacher who has taught KS3, KS4 and KS5. Browse my shop to find a variety of affordable resources, full lessons and worksheets related to the study of Language and Literature across the age ranges.
Emergency situations, CPR and First Aid.  WHOLE LESSON, 3xworksheets and wall display. KS2 EFL TEFL

Emergency situations, CPR and First Aid. WHOLE LESSON, 3xworksheets and wall display. KS2 EFL TEFL

A lesson introducing emergency situations, CPR and Rescue Breathing to EFL students. Activity 1- students brainstorm emergency scenarios using picture prompts on ppt. Activity 2- Introduce the term ‘emergency call’ and ‘the fire department’, the police’ and ‘ an ambulance. Students then look at pictures of different emergencies and say which should be called for each different situation. Activity 3- Students match pictures to the vocabulary by writing A, B, C, D in the corresponding boxes. (worksheet) Activity 4- In teams, students use the vocabulary learnt in the lesson to write their own emergency call. (worksheet) and the perform it in front of the rest of the class. Activity 5- Students practice CPR and Rescue Breathing on their manikins using the hand out and PPT. Select students to demonstrate correct procedure to the rest of the class. Activity 6- Link in PPT to a Mr. Bean YouTube video. Students assess what he does wrong in the emergency scenario and what they would do differently. Activity 7- Reading comprehension. Can be printed and students read through and answer questions on the PPT. Activity 8- Team guessing game. Students guess which emergency number belongs to which country. (also included as a worksheet where students draw a line to match them) Activity 9- Link to British comedy ‘The IT Crowd) video clip on YouTube. Students watch and then answer questions. Also included: two worksheets, CPR handout, resources needed to create the First Aid classroom display,
Romeo and Juliet Imagery worksheet and extension tasks

Romeo and Juliet Imagery worksheet and extension tasks

Suitable for KS3 or a support group Worksheet plus ppt with instructions & additional tasks/answers Tasks: 1: Cut and stick each quotation with the correct corresponding image. 2: Identify which character said each of the quotations. 3: Find another example of Shakespeare’s imagery. Draw your own picture and label it with the quotation in your workbook. Challenge : ‘Love is too powerful to be described through a metaphor.’ Do you think Shakespeare has managed to convey this emotion well, or not? Explain your opinion. Please leave a review if you found this resource helpful :) I am currently working on the rest of the lessons in the series. Act 1, Scene 1 is available to purchase here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/romeo-and-juliet-opening-analysis-act-1-scene-1-whole-lesson-and-worksheet-ks4-11525718 Act 1, Scene 2 is available to purchase here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/romeo-and-juliet-act-1-scene-2-capulet-and-paris-whole-lesson-and-worksheet-ks3-ks4-11625209 Act 1, Scene 3 is available to purchase here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/romeo-and-juliet-act-1-scene-3-lady-capulet-and-the-nurse-ks4-11976732 Or alternatively browse my online shop for Shakespeare and Creative Writing resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/NovelTeachingUK
Around the World Summer Camp- DAY 1 (Geography, KS2 KS3, EFL)

Around the World Summer Camp- DAY 1 (Geography, KS2 KS3, EFL)

This was originally taught to Korean Middle School EFL students for a fun art and craft/cooking camp however it is written entirely in English. The aim of this summer camp is for the students to have fun and to learn about different countries and cultures around the world. Each day will focus on a different country and we will learn some facts, look at famous places, food and do an art and craft activity associated with the country. At the start of each day students will guess the country. When I reveal the flag they must copy it onto their ‘passport’ sheet. If students behave well or win a task they receive a sticker on their passport. The student with the most stickers at the end of the camp will win a prize. Day 1: Introduce the summer camp and different monuments and buildings around the world. Today focuses on lots of games and team building activities so that everyone gets to know each other.  Activity 1: Icebreaker Students are given a ‘passport worksheet where they write their name, age, favorite food, favorite place in Korea and three places they would like to visit in the future. They should complete this quite quickly 5-10 minutes. When everyone has finished I pass the ball and when they catch it the student must say something about themselves and introduce themselves to the rest of the class.  Team game (1): Guess where it is from Students look at the famous buildings/monuments from around the world. In teams they must guess which country they think it is from. The team with the most correct will win travel stickers in their passport.  Team game (2): Build a tower In teams students have 30minutes to build a monument/tower using only dried spaghetti, peppero sticks and marshmallows. They have to work together as a team and at the end they can win points based on how tall, how wide and how unique their building is. The winning team gains stickers for their passport.  Lunch Students are given cooked sausage, cucumbers, crackers and cube cheese. Individually on their plate they have to cut slices and try to build the tallest tower. The person with the tallest ‘tower’ wins a sticker for their passport. They can then eat these and the snacks from earlier for lunch.  Team game (3): Jenga race In teams students take it in turns to race forwards and take a block out of the jenga tower. They must then run back to their team and try to build another structure. The team with the tallest structure at the end (whose original building hasn’t fallen over!) are the winners and gain stickers for their passports.  Art and Crafts Using clay, students must make a small keyring or magnet in the shape of a famous building or monument from the lesson. Seoul Tower, Eiffel Tower, Pyramid, Big Ben etc.
Macbeth- Act 1 Scene 1 -Opening- The Witches (whole lesson, video clips and worksheet)

Macbeth- Act 1 Scene 1 -Opening- The Witches (whole lesson, video clips and worksheet)

*Encourage students to analyse different stage productions and interpret costume, lighting and prop decisions. (Video clip included) *Discussion of Jacobean audiences, the Globe Theatre and the opening of their 2016 production of Macbeth. (Video clip included) *Planning worksheet for students to decide how they would produce the opening of Macbeth on stage. Please leave a review if you found this helpful :) If you like this lesson check out my other Macbeth resources! Available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/macbeth-13-whole-lesson-and-resources-bundle-ks4-11508384 Or alternatively browse my online shop for other lessons and worksheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/NovelTeachingUK
How to write a sestina (poetry)

How to write a sestina (poetry)

A whole lesson on the poetic form of a sestina. Students are introduced to the structure before looking at two examples by Elisabeth Bishop and Anthony Hect. Finally, there is a planning worksheet so that students can write their own sesitna poem with the correct structure.
British Food  (EFL TEFL) Games and worksheets

British Food (EFL TEFL) Games and worksheets

A powerpoint and worksheets I created for my TEFL students introducing British food. Outline: 1-7: Discussion questions about food. E.g ‘What is your favourite snack?’ 8-9: Brief overview of British food and pubs. 10-19: Quiz about British foods with ABC multiple choice options. E.g ‘What do we pour on a Roast?’ A. Gravy B. Groovy C. Greasy 20-24: Guess the foods Game. Using the worksheet, students tick the foods that they believe are from the UK. 25-27: Bingo Game Using the Bingo worksheets provided, students choose 9 British foods and write them in the squares (I have also included 18 pre-filled sheets for convenience). On slide 27, ask students to choose a letter and click the letter tab at the side. It will reveal a food and if students wrote it down they cross out the square on their sheet. The first student to complete all their squares wins. 28-33 Crossword and wordsearches (with answers) Using the worksheet, students look at the example pub menu. The missing words correspond with the crossword answers. ** 34-43** Role play activity and key phrases Students design their own three course menu (sheet provided) and then take it in turns to practice the role play situations. ** 44-48** Amendable worksheets
Analysing Literature Plot and Character worksheets

Analysing Literature Plot and Character worksheets

Two worksheets which encourage students to reflect on the plot and main characters. Useful for revision, recapping or making connections throughout the study of a class novel/play. I have included both PDF versions of the worksheets as well as word documents that can be altered with ease. Suitable for KS4 support groups or KS3 learners.
Adventure Stories (KS2, KS3) Creative Writing Lessons x4 and Worksheets

Adventure Stories (KS2, KS3) Creative Writing Lessons x4 and Worksheets

Four creative writing lessons and planning worksheets on the theme of ‘Adventure’. Suitable for KS2 and KS3 students. I used these series of lessons to help students prepare for an extended piece of imaginative writing. Each lesson follows the same format: Show an image and ask students to jot down their initial impressions and what they can see. Pair and Share their ideas. 2 Individually, students choose a number between 1-10. Each number corresponds to a character they must write as. 3 Then students choose a second number between 1-5. Each number corresponds to what they must write about. 4 Students are given a planning sheet and must spend time deciding key components of their writing- plot/character/setting 5 For the rest of the lesson (or as a homework task) they must complete an extended piece of adventure writing. 6 Peer assessment- students swap and read another piece of work. They must comment on the things that went well and the specific marking criteria.
Lord of the Flies Character Revision KS4

Lord of the Flies Character Revision KS4

A visually-engaging resource which encourages year 11 students to revise key aspects of the characters in Lord of the Flies. Includes: Fun starter- a class guessing game with 15 example questions A3 Characters worksheet Essay question on how Ralph and Piggy are presented in Chapter 1 Model answer This was successful with my mixed ability class. My EAL students commented that they found the images helpful. Please leave a review if you found this helpful :) or browse my online store: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/NovelTeachingUK
'Have' and 'Has' Lesson (EFL, TEFL)

'Have' and 'Has' Lesson (EFL, TEFL)

Introduce the grammar and phrases that use ‘have’ and ‘has’. Students practice using the phrases through a guessing game. They look at the close up of the object and must race to say the target phrase " Have you got a pen?", “Have you eaten a kiwi fruit?” etc. Show example phrases (gap fill activity) and students need to apply their knowledge and say whether it should be ‘have’ or ‘has’. Card game- Players ask each other set questions on their question sheets. For example “Have you been to Scotland?” and they choose someone to address the question to. If the player has the matching card they must answer “Yes I have” and the first player can tick it off their sheet. If they don’t have the card they respond “No I haven’t.” and the player’s turn is over. Full instructions for the card game are included in the ppt- the task requires some cutting preparation but with a guillotine it will not take too long at all. There are 96 colourful cards in total and I found that groups of 4-6 players worked best. I have included the lesson powerpoint, a PDF printable version of the game cards and also the powerpoint with the card templates so that you can ammend and change the playing cards to suit your needs.
Transport: Whole lesson, activities and worksheets EFL TEFL KS2

Transport: Whole lesson, activities and worksheets EFL TEFL KS2

Students will learn transport vocabulary in order to design and describe their own futuristic mode of transport. Key expressions and vocabulary: land, sea, sky, airplane, bicycle, car, helicopter, limousine, bus, hoverboard, Segway, jet pack, rocket ship, motorbike, speedboat, hyper loop, submarine, train, wheel, seat, window, door, wing, helmet, handlebars, propeller, seat belt, railway tracks, periscope, porthole window, rocket exhaust, How many……?, Do you need a….?,
Romeo and Juliet  opening analysis (Act 1, Scene 1) whole lesson and worksheet KS4

Romeo and Juliet opening analysis (Act 1, Scene 1) whole lesson and worksheet KS4

Includes: A ppt with guided questions for students to develop their own interpretations about the opening of the play/characters. A worksheet where students plan how they would stage the scene. A homework task based on the Prince. Please leave a review if you found this resource helpful :) I am currently working on the following lessons in the series. Act 1, Scene 2 is available to purchase at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/romeo-and-juliet-act-1-scene-2-capulet-and-paris-whole-lesson-and-worksheet-ks3-ks4-11625209 Or alternatively browse my online shop for other Shakespeare and Creative Writing lessons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/NovelTeachingUK
Suitcase guessing game EAL TEFL KS2 Travel Geography

Suitcase guessing game EAL TEFL KS2 Travel Geography

A game that can be used as a starter or plenary for a travel topic. Objects appear in suitcases and students have to guess the name of the place. There are 10 different places: France England Australia Italy South Africa USA South Korea Egypt China Russia If they are the first team/pair to guess correctly they get a photo card to add to their suitcase gameboard (attached in a word file) I used this with my TEFL students and they loved it!
A Christmas Carol: Stave One activity sheets and powerpoint

A Christmas Carol: Stave One activity sheets and powerpoint

New updated powerpoint and worksheets 06/11/18 Overview: Three different activities/worksheets designed for a low ability group studying A Christmas Carol. The tasks help consolidate knowledge of the plot and approach complex language in Stave one. I have also included the powerpoint and instructions. I used these for cover lessons which worked nicely. Activity 1: cut and stick images and summaries from the plot in the correct order. Activity 2: Answer 24 (one-word answer) questions about Stave 1 using own knowledge and skimming and scanning the text (could be done in pairs) then find the answers from this section in the following wordsearch. Activity 3: Decoding the nineteenth century language. Read the quotation from the text and write the correct synonym and definition in the box (creates a glossary resource of difficult words that they can return to).
Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 1)  4 lesson sequence and assessment on Lady Macbeth KS4 Year 10/11 GCSE

Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 1) 4 lesson sequence and assessment on Lady Macbeth KS4 Year 10/11 GCSE

Four detailed lessons with clearly explained tasks, starters and plenaries. Each lesson includes guiding questions,a corresponding worksheet and multiple activities for students to complete. The final ppt introduces the assessment task, objectives and an example of how to select and analyse quotations. The assessment question focuses on Lady Macbeth and her descent into madness. There is also a homework choice slide that includes extension creative writing tasks for students to choose from. Lesson 1 in the series was observed and rated outstanding If you found this resource helpful please do leave a review :) or browse my shop for other lessons and resources.
Macbeth  (Acts 1-3)  quotation and imagery activity & worksheet   KS3, KS4

Macbeth (Acts 1-3) quotation and imagery activity & worksheet KS3, KS4

Students look at the images which are connected to key quotations from the play (Act 1-Act 3) and must put them into chronological order. PowerPoint plus worksheet. Extension tasks: 1. identify which character said each quotation, 2. consider which is the most significant and justify your opinion 3. Find your own example of Shakespeare's imagery and draw an image for it