All the verb tenses are included in this worksheet. IF a student is able to do ths worksheet , that means she knows tenses very well !! GREAT WORKSHEET!
Reading comprehension exercises about jobs; past simple vs. present perfect; future with will and going to; adjectives+prepositions; writing about the students´ ideal workplace.
You can also find Let’s study on https://www.instagram.com/lets_study/
This is a pair work activity that can be used with the cards or without them. If you use the cards, one of the students will read the sentences giving the directions and the other student will try to guess the name of the public place from the main card.
Let’s talk about …(speaking activity) 25themes.
This worksheet contains 3 9 0 conversation cards/ 2 5 different themes:
Controversial opinions
Current affairs
11.The future
Getting to know each other
The unexplained
Past simple: childhood
Past simple: recent events
Present continuous
Present perfect: life history
Teach conversation skills in a highly structured way with this fun game that teaches asking questions, making comments, taking turns, and having a conversation about a variety of topics!
The cards can be cut out if desired and be used as conversation questions.
Can be used with both young learners and adults (elementary to intermediate).
If you’re looking for next part of cards, you might also like:
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Simple Present X Present Continuous Tense board game:
• Divide the students into pairs or groups of three.
• Each group must have a copy of the board game and a set of verb cards.
• Each player must throw the dice and make a correct sentence.
• When they reach a “verb card” square, pick one card from the pile and make a sentence
using that verb in the required tense.
• They cannot repeat the sentences.
• The first player to reach Finish! is the winner.
If you like this BOARD GAME, you might also like:
Halloween-Board game
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END OF THE YEAR AWARDS: End your school year by giving your students these 50 ready-to-print most likely to awards!
Every student has different skills, strengths, interests, and personalities. The end of the year is a perfect time to celebrate these differences and celebrate the individuality of each child!
All you have to do is print, sign/date, and you are done. These awards are cute, quick, and FAST!
Awards included in this download:
Friendly Neighbor
Always Smiling
Morning Person
Morning Person
Problem Solver
Class Comedian
Mr. Sports
Ms. Sports
Future Teacher
Amazing Artist
Future Scientist
Future President
Wonderful Worker
Happy Helper
Creative Kid
Super Speller
Brilliant Behavior
Homework Hero
Storytelling Star
Musical Maestro
Dancing Queen
Dancing King
Quiet Achiever
Future YouTube Star
The Inventor
Positive Pal
Smile Maker
Excellent Effort
Super Reader
Miss Manners
Mr. Manners
Never Gives Up
Classroom Leader
Wonderful Writer
Best Friend To All
Best Team Player
Best Memory
Most Organized
Most Generous
Super Speller
Most Energetic
Most Trustworthy
Quietest Worker
Brave Heart
Most Unique
Video Gamer
Some more Christmas activities for your classes.
-Code breakers
-Mixed up sentences
-Word search
-Mixed up paragraphs
Please write a review! It’s important to me.
Thank you very much. Have a nice day!!!
SUMMER D O B B L E - This is a quick and funny game which is irreplaceable while learning and reviewing summer vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. As there are no words on cards you can play this game in different languages. It develops visual perception, attentiveness and reaction. It’s also a great entertainment for summer camps and speaking clubs. All students love it!
Get ready to embark on an enchanting journey of creativity and storytelling with “A Magical Adventure: The Mysterious Door.”
This narrative writing task is designed to ignite the imaginations of young writers and inspire them to craft their own captivating story.
In this task, students will be transported to a world filled with mystery, magic, and endless possibilities. They will be introduced to a mysterious door that leads to an unknown realm waiting to be explored.
Through descriptive writing and engaging storytelling techniques, students will be challenged to create a narrative that unravels the secrets behind the door and takes readers on an unforgettable adventure.
This English-picture dictionary is a great tool for beginners and intermediate students of English. It presents more than 200 illustrations of familiar objects, with nine pictures on each page, Every picture is labeled with its English word. Words and images are arranged by topic.
Body Parts
Get ready to embark on an enchanting journey of creativity and storytelling with “A Magical Adventure: The Mysterious Door.”
This narrative writing task is designed to ignite the imaginations of young writers and inspire them to craft their own captivating story.
In this task, students will be transported to a world filled with mystery, magic, and endless possibilities. They will be introduced to a mysterious door that leads to an unknown realm waiting to be explored.
Through descriptive writing and engaging storytelling techniques, students will be challenged to create a narrative that unravels the secrets behind the door and takes readers on an unforgettable adventure.
The well- known story: A Christmas Carol (drama playscript)
Here you have the story of A Christmas Carol adapted in a playscript for drama / role-play use. Have fun in class!
Get ready for an exciting experiment that combines science and engineering! In this worksheet, you will become a boat designer.
Your goal is to create two different boat designs using materials like foil, plastic, or cardboard. After building your boats, you’ll place them in a container of water and gradually add weights to each boat to see how much they can hold before sinking.
Record your findings and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each boat design. This activity will help you learn about buoyancy and how different materials and shapes can affect a boat’s ability to stay afloat.
CHRISTMAS GRAMMAR ACTIVITY. This resource is a fun set of Christmas-themed worksheets to review parts of speech - Present Simple, Present Cont, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, question words ets