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Computing, Business and IT Buddy

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With a few decades of experience teaching Computer Science, Business and IT, this shop has a variety of resources for KS3 Computing as well as the KS4 GCSE Computer Science, GCSE Business, BTEC Business and BTEC TA DIT. More resources coming in the near future.




With a few decades of experience teaching Computer Science, Business and IT, this shop has a variety of resources for KS3 Computing as well as the KS4 GCSE Computer Science, GCSE Business, BTEC Business and BTEC TA DIT. More resources coming in the near future.
BTEC Business Finance - Costs & Revenues Revision

BTEC Business Finance - Costs & Revenues Revision

Let's go Jogging Revision Lesson BTEC Business - Unit 2 Finance Costs & Revenues Unit. 2 minutes to discuss the memory joggers 2 minutes back at seat - write down what you remember. (Teacher - Print out the activity sheets on back-to-back A3 paper if possible as this allows students more space to write).
Python Efficiency - Procedures and Functions Introduction

Python Efficiency - Procedures and Functions Introduction

Following on from the Python Introduction Unit, this unit will focus on developing more efficient code now that students understand iteration, selection and lists. In this lesson, students look at simple examples in order to understand the difference between procedures and functions. (Included text file with code as Python file cannot be uploaded). Next lessons: Using functions to effectively plan code.
BTEC Business Cash Flow Bundle

BTEC Business Cash Flow Bundle

6 Resources
Spreadsheet-based unit teaching cash flow forecasting in a practical and easy-to-learn way. Unit being developed in Spring term 2 2017 so more resources to follow shortly. Learning in Excel evidenced in Word, thus developing transferable ICT skills at the same time.
GCSE Computer Science 9-1 The Programming Cycle of Assessment

GCSE Computer Science 9-1 The Programming Cycle of Assessment

Model used for controlled assessments. Used with students midway through OCR 20 Programming Challenges, to get Year 10 students to reflect and focus on the different stages in the Programming Cycle of Assessment and the importance. Class discussion of each stage, followed by students explaining and evidencing each stage. This enables them to work at a higher level and to understand the process required in September.
BTEC ICT Online World/ICT

BTEC ICT Online World/ICT

Revision resource for students to revise the key topics of the Unit 1 Online world in preparation for the online test. Topics include: Online services, communication, software and documents; legislation; networks etc. How to use a Golden Nugget: Read a golden nugget. Read it again. Look away - what can you remember? Read it again - what did you forget? Read it again. Look away - have you remembered it yet?
BTEC Business - Unit 2 Business Finance Golden Nuggets of Revision

BTEC Business - Unit 2 Business Finance Golden Nuggets of Revision

Developed specifically for the BTEC Business - Unit 2 Business Finance Exam. Based directly on the BTEC Syllabus, it covers each element in bitesize chucks. A simple resource that can be used for independent revision, peer-to-peer Q&A and mix n’ match tasks. Golden Nugget Technique: Read a golden nugget. Read it again. Look away - what can you remember? Read it again - what did you forget? Read it again. Look away - have you remembered it yet? Repeat this process and learn the theory in little bitesize chunks Feedback from Parents Evening: “My child brought these home for revision. Even though I don’t understand the theory, I have the answers in front of me. I ask for a definition and compare his answers to those on the Golden Nugget. I can even give prompts because all the answers are there.”
GCSE Computer Science - Practice

GCSE Computer Science - Practice

4 Resources
Practice with data conversion, algorithms and SQL. Lessons which students can work on independently and self-assess with solutions.
BTEC First Award in Business

BTEC First Award in Business

14 Resources
A selection of resources created to help students prepare for the BTEC FA Business Unit 2 Business Finance exam.
KS2/3 Computing: The Scratch Christmas Story

KS2/3 Computing: The Scratch Christmas Story

Scratch Christmas Story Scratch activity designed for Year 3 & 4 to introduce the concept of coding using blocks. Used Scratch 2 offline editor (Scratch.mtu) Program files can only be opened in Scratch, however the powerpoint instructions have all the required code in should you wish to use the online version.
BTEC Business Unit 2 Finance Final prep

BTEC Business Unit 2 Finance Final prep

In the final lesson before the exam, this is verbal exercise used for revision/reminder of the key theory needed for the UNit 2 Business Finance online exam. Instructions for students: You have been given a WHEREAS card. When instructed, you will have 30 seconds to explain to the class the difference between the 2 key terms you have been given. There must be no speaking (except for the person completing their WHEREAS challenge) until all class members have had a go You must listen carefully as the answer they give could be the answer you need in the May exams.
BTEC TA DIT Home Learning C3 B1&B2

BTEC TA DIT Home Learning C3 B1&B2

Paired Discussion/Written-based Revisision Activity Discussion Cards for Component 3 - B1 & B2 Cyber Security Peer: Read the card asking the same questions for each key concept: What is it? How is this relevant to business? Why is this relevant to me? Once discussion has taken place, the student then writes a paragraph summarising the discussion. Peer Support: Knowledge Organiser provides overview of topic. Golden Nuggets of key concept theory included in case prompting is needed in the discussion.
BTEC TA Digital Information Technology - Home Learning

BTEC TA Digital Information Technology - Home Learning

6 Resources
Once the teaching element of Component 3 has been completed, students need to further develop their understanding of how to use the key terms in the syllabus in the context of the scenarios given in questions. Included in this bundle are resources to help with discussion to formulate ideas, and then a written task to put these ideas down on paper. This approach enables students to think before they write, and will potentially train them to do this better in the exam.
BTEC Tech Award In Digital Information Technology

BTEC Tech Award In Digital Information Technology

4 Resources
Designed specifically for the new BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology, these resources cover the content directly linked to the syllabus. Personalised Learning Checklists for monitoring pupil progress. Activity shees for C1 & C2 & C3. Developing resources throughout 2018, and will upload as created.
GCSE Computer Science 9-1 Golden Nuggets of Revision

GCSE Computer Science 9-1 Golden Nuggets of Revision

Help your students learn those little facts that will gain the identify or state questions in the GCSE Computer Science 9-1 exams. Little nuggets of revision - “cut-out and stick on this fridge/mirror or anywhere in the house where you’ll see it.” I have now created these for all the topics in Component 1 & Component 2, and have put them in a bundle. As I create revision resources, I will also create more bundles to help students prepare for the exam. If you liked this resource, there are more like it available for a small fee: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-computer-science-9-1-revision-11840640
GCSE Computing A451 Theory - Memory Joggers

GCSE Computing A451 Theory - Memory Joggers

Help students to revise the concepts in the run up to the exam: Hand out a memory jogger: 1 minute (think), 1 minute (pair) then class discussion (share) A great way to revise a topic before getting them to attempt a previous exam question.
GCSE Computing - A452 Controlled Assessment MySQL Guide

GCSE Computing - A452 Controlled Assessment MySQL Guide

Prepare students for the A452 Practical Investigation with MySQL (June 2017 submission) using these walk-through-talk-through guides I developed for my Year 10 class. Creating a database Creating tables Sorting and filtering tables Joining tables Creating queries on multiple tables
BTEC TA DIT Syllabus Presentation

BTEC TA DIT Syllabus Presentation

BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology In the final revision for the Component 3 exam, I have put together a simple presentation with all the key areas from the Component 3 syllabus for topics that may come up in the exam. Added to these are tips from the recent mock exam students did based on the specimen exam paper. I hope this can helps some other students out there doing the BTEC TA DIT. Good luck to them all.