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I've been teaching for just over 10 years now (you wouldn't believe how quickly that time as gone) and am a Head of Department at an outstanding school in the south of London. I have consistently high examination results and want to share my resources with experienced teachers and those who are new to the profession. Planning lessons and creating resources takes a huge amount of time so why not use the experience of other teachers out there?




I've been teaching for just over 10 years now (you wouldn't believe how quickly that time as gone) and am a Head of Department at an outstanding school in the south of London. I have consistently high examination results and want to share my resources with experienced teachers and those who are new to the profession. Planning lessons and creating resources takes a huge amount of time so why not use the experience of other teachers out there?
A level Geography physical, coastal fieldwork data collection pack. Independent Investigation (NEA)

A level Geography physical, coastal fieldwork data collection pack. Independent Investigation (NEA)

A varied resource containing instructions and data sheets which are suitable for A Level physical geography. We visited Camber Sands and Hastings in order to conduct this piece of work but it would be easy to adapt to your chosen coastal area. Intro to the Independent Investigation (NEA) and the requirements of the write up included along with the following: -Examples of poor and strong title / hypothesis or questions -Examples of data presentation techniques -Examples of focus themes for both human and physical -Beach transect guide and data sheets -Groyne measurements guide and data sheets -Sediment analysis guide and data sheets -Long shore drift and direction of long shore drift guides and data sheets -Wave count / type guide and data sheet -Field sketches and site description guide and data sheet -Sand dune succession transect guide and data sheet -Methods of sampling Secondary sources of information related to Camber and Hastings -Alternative fieldwork technique ideas -Detailed and filtered links to the specification (a requirement of the exam board -Edexcel) for ‘Coastal Landscapes and Change’ and ‘Regeneration’ Edexcel Independent investigation form to be completed
Glaciers topic for KS3. Includes full SOW, 10 lessons, assessment and assessment  marksheets.

Glaciers topic for KS3. Includes full SOW, 10 lessons, assessment and assessment marksheets.

A full and comprehensive set of lessons with all resources included. Scheme of work, topic sheets and assessment materials included Lessons included are as follows; When was the earth last frozen. how do we know? Where are the earths frozen parts now? How does ice shape the landscape? Corrie, Aretes and pyramidal peaks - whats the difference? What landforms do glaciers create? Whats left behind when glaciers melt? Should we protect the worlds remaining glaciers? How are glaciers threatened by climate change? Iceland - a land of ice and fire - how does this fit out current topic? Revision clock lesson
Unfamiliar fieldwork Edexcel B Geography revision for coasts section 2022

Unfamiliar fieldwork Edexcel B Geography revision for coasts section 2022

A full and concise ppt which includes tasks and information on all of the required elements of the 2022 exams. The following information / tasks are included Themes of the coasts topic Outline of the content in paper 2 with updated exam timings and marks available Recap of coastal processes and coastal management Question structure information The enquiry process How to form and enquiry question types of data; primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative etc. General examples of fieldwork methods including pros and cons. Specific coasts fieldwork methods recap; velocity, sediment, gradient and width and depth Sampling methods Sample questions with annotation of sources and rewording Markscheme (not provided by exam board in sample material so written by me in line with Edexcel themes) Data presentation methods Mean, Media, Mode, Range, inter-quartile range etc Please review the ppt. A lot of time went into putting this together - will be making one for coasts and for the human topics over the next few days. Check out bundle rates for discounts.
UKs evolving physical landscape - landscape and geology

UKs evolving physical landscape - landscape and geology

If you are looking for a resource to cover all of the 1st bit of this topic - this is great. We set as a half term homework and went through with pupils in one lesson - much quicker than delivering content over several lessons. Print A3 and use the reverse as an oppouttunity to practice knowledge gained. For use with the Edexcel B panther text books or use the links on the attachment.
Edexcel B Geography Whole course checklist, practice question and key word lists - bundle

Edexcel B Geography Whole course checklist, practice question and key word lists - bundle

3 Resources
12 page bible for all the requirements of paper 1 including; Hazardous Earth, Development Dynamics and Challenges of an Urban World topic checklists, sample questions and key words laid out in a pupils friendly way 16 page bible for all the requirements of paper 2 including; Uks evolving human landscape, Uks evolving physical landscape; coasts and rivers as well as all the fieldwork requirements (in this case focus is on dynamic UK cities and coasts) Topic checklists, sample questions and key words laid out in a pupils friendly way. 10 page bible for all the requirements of paper 3 including; People and the biosphere, Forests under threat and Consuming resources topic checklists and key words laid out in a pupils friendly way.
Unfamiliar fieldwork Edexcel B Geography revision for Urban section 2023

Unfamiliar fieldwork Edexcel B Geography revision for Urban section 2023

A full and concise ppt which includes tasks and information on all of the required elements of the 2022 exams. The following information / tasks are included Themes of the urban topic Outline of the content in paper 2 with updated exam timings and marks available Recap of meaning and measures of ‘quality of life’ Question structure information The enquiry process How to form and enquiry question Types of data; primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative etc. General examples of fieldwork methods including pros and cons. Specific urban fieldwork methods recap; Environmental Quality Survey, Person profiling, Land use mapping and interviews Sampling methods Sample questions with annotation of sources and rewording Markscheme (not provided by exam board in sample material so written by me in line with Edexcel themes) Data presentation methods Mean, Media, Mode, Range, inter-quartile range etc Please review the ppt. A lot of time went into putting this together - will be making one for coasts and for the physical topics over the next few days. Check out bundle rates for discounts.
Christmas Geography lesson - Food, English themed cross curricular

Christmas Geography lesson - Food, English themed cross curricular

This is a Christmas lesson that requires much less teacher input than a Quiz (which can be great but repetitive and tiring in our last week of the year!) Content focuses on cartoon messages (a skill required at GCSE) Cross curricular link with English looking at Benjamin Zephaniahs ‘Talking Turkeys’ poem. A clip (cartoon!) of factory farming conditions ensure you watch before to check appropriate Carousel activity giving the pros and cons of eating Turkey at Christmas - I’ve really tried not to make this one sided but give an overview of the pros and cons. Decision making task based on the carousel information gained.