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Happy Y4 teacher, formerly in Year 1 and Year 3, sharing resources :)




Happy Y4 teacher, formerly in Year 1 and Year 3, sharing resources :)
New White Rose Planning - Year 3 - Autumn 1 (Block 1 - Place Value)

New White Rose Planning - Year 3 - Autumn 1 (Block 1 - Place Value)

I’ve uploaded my week 1 - 3 planning for Y3 Block 1 Place Value (that matches the updated White Rose Maths planning). Hopefully it will save somebody else some time! The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783 (free) The other activities should be pretty self explanatory in reference to the White Rose planning (I haven’t included the resources and some were hand made and not digital, but see the examples given in the White Rose).
Bridging 10 - visualisation resource - Ten Frame

Bridging 10 - visualisation resource - Ten Frame

I've made a PPT of the key 20 number facts (number sentences) that bridge 10. I use this to model on ten frames how to recombine to make 10. I've added animations to show the transition and movement of the coins. e.g. 8 + 7 10 + 5 = 15 Hopefully you find it useful!
White Rose Year 3 - Autumn 1/2 (Block 2 - Addition and subtraction)

White Rose Year 3 - Autumn 1/2 (Block 2 - Addition and subtraction)

You’ll find BLOCK 3 here - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-white-rose-planning-year-3-autumn-2-block-3-multiplication-and-division-11748022 I’ve uploaded my week 1 - 5 planning for Y3 Block 2 Addition and subtraction (that matches the updated White Rose Maths planning). This is my own personal planning - not made specifically for TES, so more useful to inform your own planning or give ideas. Hopefully it will save somebody else some time! The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). I haven’t included the resources and some were hand made and not digital, but see the examples given in the White Rose.
Year 1 Maths Long term plan

Year 1 Maths Long term plan

Hi there, In case anyone needed a rough long term plan for numeracy coverage (revisits, main teaches and vocab) for Year 1 I thought I'd upload this in case it's useful.
Autumn 2 - Year 1 new curriculum - ALL maths and literacy weekly plans + medium term plans for other

Autumn 2 - Year 1 new curriculum - ALL maths and literacy weekly plans + medium term plans for other

Hi all, I've uploaded my: Literacy + Numeracy planning, weekly timetables and also learning challenge planning (Science, history, geography, art, dt etc) medium term plans for Autumn 2. You'll also find 'overall coverage' which is how I divided up the new curriculum as a snap shot over all the half terms of the year and the running themes. I've uploaded as is for you to tweak or use as you need to. Many many hours of work here so thought I'd share the love and save you some time. I'm also uploading my planning for the other half terms as well, so if these were of use for you then check those out too.
White Rose Year 3 - Spring (Block 1 - Multiplication and Division)

White Rose Year 3 - Spring (Block 1 - Multiplication and Division)

I’ve uploaded 3 weeks multiplication and division Spring block. Hopefully it will save somebody else some time! The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). I’ve also uploaded the resources (by request only, not made for TES, this is what I have digitally) & WALTs ready to be printed separately to match this planning. I’ve also included a variety of mini maths sessions (57 separate activities) based on the NFR Y3 Autumn assessment papers. - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resources-white-rose-year-3-spring-block-1-multiplication-and-division-11801189
Year 3 - English - Non Fiction - how to trap a dragon (instructions) 2 weeks of planning

Year 3 - English - Non Fiction - how to trap a dragon (instructions) 2 weeks of planning

Hi there, I've included 2 weeks of planning and 1 PPT with most of the texts we used on it. We plan on a theme for 2 weeks in literacy with the first week ending in a 'Big Write' and then the second week they edit their draft and then have an opportunity to write it up in neat. These weren't written for TES and are the actual plans we use, but may be of use to anybody wanting to plan something similar as a starting point. Hope it helps :)
White Rose Year 3 - Summer Block 1 Fractions - Week 4 (of 5) incl resources

White Rose Year 3 - Summer Block 1 Fractions - Week 4 (of 5) incl resources

updated 4/4/18 to add missing WALTs for one of the days I’ve uploaded my White Rose ‘Fractions’ Summer Block 1 planning, including resources I’ve used from the White Rose (turned into an easily printable format) and any additional ones I’ve made to myself to supplement. This is week 4 of 5. Week 1 (Spring block 5) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-5-fractions-week-1-of-2-incl-resources-11849601 Week 2 (Spring block 5) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-spring-block-5-fractions-week-2-of-5-incl-resources-11850043 Week 3 (Summer block 1) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-summer-block-1-fractions-week-3-of-5-incl-resources-11862247 Week 4 (Summer block 1) - here Week 5 (Summer block 1) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-planning-year-3-summer-block-1-fractions-week-5-of-5-incl-resources-11874090 The starter activities referred to I’ve uploaded separately (they’re on a power point). - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783 This is my own personal planning which I’ll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it’s not made specifically for TES so there will most likely we some spelling errors etc
240 addition and subtraction facts within 20 - PPT resource - self assessed

240 addition and subtraction facts within 20 - PPT resource - self assessed

Using within my class to build fluency within 20. Includes all key facts within 20; 240 of them. The PPT animations slowly reveal the answers to self assess gives an example of a bar model/associated facts Low threshold, high ceiling task that allows your less able children to recap addition and subtraction, but for your more able to apply what they know in a range of others ways. 5 ‘deepen your thinking’ tasks added at the bottom of each slide/same on each.
White Rose Year 4 - Autumn Block 1 - Place Value

White Rose Year 4 - Autumn Block 1 - Place Value

4 Resources
All 4 weeks combined + resources used (white rose and any other) and PPT of WR resources (so all can see on the board) My own personal planning so there will be spelling errors etc, I’ll be using it myself in the coming weeks.
Resources to match - White Rose Year 3 Block 3 (multiplication and division)

Resources to match - White Rose Year 3 Block 3 (multiplication and division)

Made for myself and my class, not TES. Have uploaded what I have digitally by request only. I’ve tried to gather together and attach everything. A lot of it comes from the WALTs/WILFs and I visually model straight into the WB or I make resources by drawing them and photocopying to save time. But what I’ve got digitally is here :) Resources to match this planning - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-white-rose-planning-year-3-autumn-2-block-3-multiplication-and-division-11748022 Starters referred to are uploaded free here - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-starters-11805783 I’ve also included a publisher doc with 38 mini maths problems from the white rose block 1 (which I use on Friday’s in combination with problem solving tasks that I come up with together with the children) A2 W2 - is week 1 of the block A2 W3 - is week 2 of the block A2 W4 - is week 3 of the block
White Rose Year 4: Summer Block 5 - Geometry - properties of shape. Week 1 (of 3)

White Rose Year 4: Summer Block 5 - Geometry - properties of shape. Week 1 (of 3)

I’ve uploaded my White Rose ‘Geometry - properties of shape’ Summer Block 5 planning. Including resources I’ve used from the White Rose (turned into an easily printable format and visual PPT to share). This is week 1 of 3. This is my own personal planning which I’ll be using in my class in a couple of weeks. Hope you find it useful, it’s not made specifically for TES so there will most likely be some spelling errors etc Week 1 - here Week 2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-year-4-summer-block-5-geometry-properties-of-shape-week-2-of-3-12107640 Week 3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/white-rose-year-4-summer-block-5-geometry-properties-of-shape-week-3-of-3-12107658 I’ve not made the summer warm up PPTs yet as I’ve planned far in advance. They’re not linked to the topic, just something additional I do at the beginning of each lesson. If you’ve been using them as well, I will reupload when they have been created - closer to when I actually teach this myself in class
Homophones linked to the Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 statutory spelling lists

Homophones linked to the Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 statutory spelling lists

There are so many homophones but these are the ones linked to the statutory spellings lists. (The words in red on the resource) Homophones that are linked to Y1/Y2 (highlighted red) To/too/two Be/bee No/know One/won By/buy/bye Here/hear There/their/they’re Where/wear Our/hour Poor/pour Whole/hole Great/grate Break/brake Eye/I Homophones that are linked to Y3/Y4 (highlighted red) Eight/ate Heard/herd Reign/rein/rain Weight/wait
Year 3 - English Non Fiction - David Attenborough documentary (2 weeks planning and most resources)

Year 3 - English Non Fiction - David Attenborough documentary (2 weeks planning and most resources)

Hi there, I've included 2 weeks of planning and most of the resources for documentary texts. We plan on a theme for 2 weeks in literacy with the first week ending in a 'Big Write' and then the second week they edit their draft and then have an opportunity to write it up in neat. These weren't written for TES and are the actual plans we use, but may be of use to anybody wanting to plan something similar. Hope it helps :)
Year 1 - Differientated homework for the whole year (Maths, Literacy, Phonics alternating)

Year 1 - Differientated homework for the whole year (Maths, Literacy, Phonics alternating)

Hi all, I've used this homework for the past 2 years and it's always gone down well with parents. Each bit of homework is differentiated into 4 parts based on the ability groups and colours within my class (can be changed). I've included an initial letter to parents to explain the homework (on the first homework doc). I've never sent homework home to parents in Autumn 1 due to transitioning up from Foundation and the step up in learning already. It usually alternatives maths and literacy each week and then I've included phonics homework for when you near the phonics screening. All the homework was hand made by me, so not just copied resources from elsewhere online. Hope you find some use in it and can tweak it to suit your requirements.