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French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!




French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
French School Subjects (5 worksheets)

French School Subjects (5 worksheets)

Resources to use on the topic of school subjects, teachers and opinions for GCSE and advanced KS3. There are also two PowerPoints with ready to use sequenced lessons which accompany Resource 1 and Resource 3 below. Resource 1: An introduction to key vocabulary and building simple justified opinions & a sentence builder. (PowerPoint 1 accompanies this resource). Resource 2: An advanced writing mat with scaffolded exercises to build confidence with the core vocabulary and to practise giving justified opinions on this topic. Resource 3: Quelle est ta matière préférée? What is your favourite subject worksheet & saying I am good/bad at. (PowerPoint 2 accompanies this resource). Resource 4: a translation plenary activity, into English and French, to test understanding of this topic. Resource 5: a reading comprehension task on subjects and teachers.
French Verbs - GCSE Practice Booklet

French Verbs - GCSE Practice Booklet

A 25 page GCSE French verb workbook with detailed revision notes on all key tenses, with conjugation practice & answers. This can be used in class, for homework, for revision or independent study. The booklet covers: regular present tense reflexive verbs modal verbs key irregular verbs ‘faire’ expressions irregular present tense verbs immediate future tense, pure future tense conditional tense conditional phrases past tense verbs past tense verbs with ‘être’ reflexive verbs in the past tense irregular past past participles the imperfect tense the gerund Format: word document and PDF with answers.
Viva 2 Holidays - Mis vacaciones (8 Worksheets) Spanish KS3

Viva 2 Holidays - Mis vacaciones (8 Worksheets) Spanish KS3

Eight standalone resources on the topic of past holidays. These resources will support pupils to talk about where they went on their holiday, who they went with, how they got their, simple activities and opinions. Resource 1: Worksheet to introduce ‘fui’ with countries, people and transport and fue with opinion adjectives. Resource 2: This worksheet reviews the language in worksheet 1 and introduces holiday activities. Resource 3: A translation recall game reviewing all the language above. Resource 4: A worksheet to learn and practise the -AR verb endings in the preterite tense. Resource 5: A worksheet to introduce -IR verbs in the past: vi, conocí, salí, comí, bebí etc. Resource 6: A scaffolded writing task with model answers, based on resources 1-5 Resource 7: ¿Cómo te fue? Ir and Ser in the past tense and opinions. Resource 8: A reading comprehension with questions in English on a text which recycles all the language in the previous resources. Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
A Level Spanish: Hispanic Culture Bundle - music, traditions and fesitvals

A Level Spanish: Hispanic Culture Bundle - music, traditions and fesitvals

19 Resources
Save 82% with this bundle of 19 resources on different aspects of Spanish culture for A Level AQA (Artisitic Culture in the Spanish World) or Edexcel (la cultura artística y política en el mundo hispanohablante). It includes the following resources: Navidad en España Semana santa en España Translations on ‘la quinceañera’ Revision sheet on los festivales y las costumbres Translations on ‘la semana santa’ Translations on ‘la tomatina’ and gender violence La gastronomía y costumbres en España A resource on bullfighting traditions in Spain Translations on la tauromaquía Los gustos musicales en España Music trends in Spain Music tastes and festivals in Spain Rosalía y el flamenco urbano Translations on el flamenco y el patrimonio musical Translations on el tango Young people and traditional music A revision sheet on music in the hispanic world A worksheet on la salsa La alhambra y patrimonio cultural
Viva 1 Hobbies & Free time - Mi tiempo libre  (9 Worksheets) Spanish KS3

Viva 1 Hobbies & Free time - Mi tiempo libre (9 Worksheets) Spanish KS3

Nine standalone resources on the topic of hobbies and free time. These resources will support pupils to talk about what they like to do in their spare time and the sport they do, with adverbs of frequency, days of the week and simple justified opinions. These resources are written to accompany Viva 1 Module 2 (Mi tiempo libre) but can compliment any course. Resource 1: A worksheet to support pupils to talk about hobbies they like to do with me gusta and no me gusta. Resource 2: A worksheet to consolidate the language and offer more practice for resource 1. Resource 3: A worksheet which introduces more activities and -AR verb conjugations. Resource 4: A worksheet to help pupils to say what activities they do in different seasons and types of weather. Resource 5: A worksheet to consolidate different types of weather and activities you do with a reading comprehension. Resources 6: A worksheet that introduces days of the week and simple sports vocabulary with ‘hago’ and ‘juego’. Resource 7: Consolidation on talking about sports with reading and translation. Resource 8: A worksheet to review the whole topic and to recap questions words. Resource 9: A scaffolded writing task to review this topic. Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
Spanish Healthy Living & Food and Drink Bumper Bundle

Spanish Healthy Living & Food and Drink Bumper Bundle

20 Resources
Save 88% with this bumper bundle of 20 resource packs worth over £32 individually, which include a series of lessons on healthy living and eating & drinking. The resources include: vocabulary activities, writing mats, translation practice into Spanish & English and reading comprehensions. Some ‘free’ resources are also included, so you can preview the quality of the resources. Bundle contents: Reading comprehensions on healthy living A reading, vocabulary and grammar pack on the topic of healthy living Activities of food, eating and the grammar point ‘soler’ An introduction to key food & drink vocabulary A writing/ speaking mat on food and drink A writing/ speaking mat on healthy living Scaffolded writing task with a model answers on this topic A translation pack, into Sp and Eng. Resources on smoking & cigarettes Food & Drink Translation Game & Practice Food & Drink and the Future Tense Practice Body parts & injury resources And more…
French Food (9 worksheets)

French Food (9 worksheets)

A bundle of 9 worksheets on the topic of Food for French GCSE/KS3 which will support pupils to talk about the food they like and eat in the present, past & future tenses. Resource 1: Introducing types of food and the partitive article Resource 2: Food routine and adverbs of frequency Resource 3: Food and the immediate future tense Resource 4: Types of food & cuisine and preferences Resource 5: Adjectives and describing food Resource 6: Food and le passé composé Resource 7: A scaffolded writing task and model answer on food (past, present and future) Resource 8: A revision worksheet on all aspects of this topic. Resource 9: 4 pages of writing activities on food and fast food and a longer GCSE writing question with a model answer. Format: Word and PDF documents with answers.
French Holidays Past Tense - Mes dernières vacances

French Holidays Past Tense - Mes dernières vacances

Two standalone worksheets to support pupils to talk about holidays in the past tense. Resource 1: Introduces key past tense verbs and recycles key language with a sentence builder, gap fill reading and translation practice. There is also a summary of how to form past tense verbs with avoir and a grammar gap fill task. Resource 2: Review of key past tense verbs with a GCSE reading comprehension task (a note taking question with a vocabulary search). Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
Viva 2 Technology, Music, TV - tecnología, tele, música  (11 worksheets) Spanish KS3

Viva 2 Technology, Music, TV - tecnología, tele, música (11 worksheets) Spanish KS3

11 standalone resources comprising a whole unit on the topic of technology, music, TV and free time activities. These resources will support pupils to talk about what they use their phone/tablet for, music and TV preferences and what they did in their free time yesterday. These are standalone resources which could also accompany Unit 2 (Todo sobre mi vida) in Viva. Resource 1: ¿Qué haces con tu móvil? Resource 2: Mi vida, mi móvil Resource 3: ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta? Resource 4: A mi amigo le gusta el rap Resource 5: Worksheet revising technology & music preferences Resource 6: Prefiero las comedias Resource 7: Me gustan los realitys Resource 8: TV programmes - opinions and comparisons Resource 9: ¿Qué hiciste ayer? - past tense verb Resource 10: Revision of this unit: technology, music & TV opinions, past tense Resource 11: A translation speaking game to revise this topic Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
La salud / me duele - health, illness & body parts  - Spanish GCSE

La salud / me duele - health, illness & body parts - Spanish GCSE

Three resources to help pupils to talk about illness, health and body parts in Spanish. There is a reading comprehension, vocabulary activities, practice with me duele/ me duelen and a grammar gap fill task. There is also a speaking/writing mat on illnesses and needs with translation practice and answers. A reading comprehension on the topic of body parts, accidents and injuries in the past tense (preterite) with a scaffolded text: tuve un accidente de esqui Answers included.
Spanish Daily Routine / La rutina diaria (6 Worksheets) GCSE

Spanish Daily Routine / La rutina diaria (6 Worksheets) GCSE

6 worksheets on the topic of daily routine including vocabulary building, sentence builders, reflexive verbs, reading activities and translation. Answers included. Resource 1: An introduction to the topic of daily routine: key vocabulary, reading, translation and a sentence builder. Resource 2: A comprehensive sentence builder on this topic. Resource 3: A resource to practise using the sentence builder - gap fill, translation, language activities and dictation. Resource 4: Reflexive verbs - how they work and grammar drills Resource 5: A GCSE reading task Resource 6: A scaffolded GCSE writing task on this topic & model answer.
17 Translation Worksheets - GCSE Spanish

17 Translation Worksheets - GCSE Spanish

17 Resources
Save** 91%** with this bundle of 17 translation worksheets on 17 different topics. Each worksheet has six different translation exercises which recycle the same key language and introduce new linguistic items in a scaffolded way. The exercises are then ramped in terms of difficulty and final activity is a plenary translation task into Spanish. To preview the quality, take a look at this free example worksheet here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-mi-barrio-mi-ciudad-town-and-my-area-translation-worksheet-12398469 Topics: El medio ambiente La pobreza y los sin techo El transporte Las tareas domésticas Mi rutina cotidiana Mi asignatura preferida En mi infancia/ cuando era joven El tiempo Las vacaciones Mi familia Mis planes para el futuro Mis próximas vacaciones Mis vacaciones ideales Mis últimas vacaciones La Navidad Mi barrio / mi ciudad La tele
Jobs & Future Plans - Spanish GCSE (6 worksheets)

Jobs & Future Plans - Spanish GCSE (6 worksheets)

Six worksheets on the topic of jobs, work and future plans. Worksheet 1: introduce key jobs, vocabulary, ‘me gustaría ser’ and ‘cuando sea mayor’ with vocabulary, reading and translation activities. Worksheet 2: reviews the vocabulary from worksheet 1 and has a reading comprehension. Worksheet 3: reviews the language from worksheets 1 & 2 and also introduces language for talking about what you do to earn pocket money (e.g. household chores). Worksheet 4: scaffolded 90 word writing task on the topic of jobs. Worksheet 5: a resource on part time jobs with a key vocabulary and a reading comprehension Worksheet 6: exam style translation passages on part time jobs There is also a vocabulary test and quizlet of key vocabulary here: https://quizlet.com/gb/617843227/gcse-spanish-jobs-flash-cards/ Format: Word document, PDF with answers.
Reading Exam Practice - French GCSE

Reading Exam Practice - French GCSE

A 19-page reading practice booklet for French GCSE. Each of the 15 questions links to both a AQA and Edexcel specification topic and replicates an exam style question. Answers are included. This booklet is ideal for practice, revision and independent study. 15 topics are covered in the booklet: School trips Describing my bedroom The environment Birthdays and celebrations Food and drink Television and film School description Holidays Family and home When I was young My primary school The city of Montréal Protecting the environment The weather Future plans Format: Word document and PDF with answers
French Family: Ma famille -  Relationships & descriptions (5 Worksheets GCSE)

French Family: Ma famille - Relationships & descriptions (5 Worksheets GCSE)

5sets of resources to allow GCSE pupils to talk confidently about their family and relationships in French. Resource 1: introduces key verbs to talk about family relationships, structures, reflexive verbs and recaps adverbs of time with translation activities. Resource 2: recaps key verbs and practices conjugation of -ER verbs in present, past and future. There is then a GCSE style reading task and a final activity on reflexive verb formation. Resource 3: a sentence builder to help pupils to describe members of their family. Resource 4: a worksheet of practice exercises on family member descriptions. Resource 5: a worksheet with three grammar gap fill activities which require pupils to write the correct form of a verb/adjective based on the context of the passage. Answers included.
Hobbies & Free Time - past, present, future - GCSE

Hobbies & Free Time - past, present, future - GCSE

9 resources on the topic of hobbies and free time covering the past, present future tenses. Each resource contains scaffolded vocabulary, reading and translation activities. There are also sentence builders and grammar practice with the present, past and future tenses. The final resources are GCSE-style writing tasks on the topic of hobbies requiring all three tenses. This bundle of resources includes: Resource 1: Present tense 1 - ‘Tengo muchos pasatiempos’ Resource 2: Present tense 2 - ‘¿Qué haces en tus ratos libres?’ Resource 3: Immediate future tense 1 - ‘¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado?’ Resource 4: Immediate future tense 2 - 'Qué vas a hacer? Resource 5: Past tense 1 - '¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado? Resource 6: Past tense 2 - ‘El domingo pasado entrené con mis amigos’ Resource 7: Past tense 3 - ‘El fin de semana pasado asistí a una fiesta’ Resource 8: 3-tenses writing Resource 9: 3-tenses writing Format: Word and PDF documents with answers.
French GCSE & KS3 Les Nouvelles Technologies: resources pack for Internet, mobiles & technology

French GCSE & KS3 Les Nouvelles Technologies: resources pack for Internet, mobiles & technology

A pack of resources (5 worksheets) on the topic of New Technology for KS3/ GCSE. Resource 1: A sentence builder on New Technology with translation practice. Resource 2: Translations on this topic into English Resource 3: A resource on ‘tu es accro à la technologie’ Resource 4: A worksheet about the dos and don’ts of using technology Resource 5: A reading comprehension and vocabulary hunt on this topic Answers included.
French Sentence Builders for GCSE

French Sentence Builders for GCSE

A set of sentence builders in a PowerPoint on a range of topics: school, home, hobbies, health, media, family, holidays & more. Lots more GCSE French resources available here in a discounted bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-french-writing-and-translation-support-and-revision-12-resource-packs-11872756
French KS3 dates, birthdays, numbers practice

French KS3 dates, birthdays, numbers practice

A revision resource for KS3 to recap days of the week, months of the year, numbers 1-31 and how express the date, your age and your birthday. A resource to keep the pupils working actively and to revise these basic concepts. Also available in Spanish here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-ks3-days-of-the-week-months-numbers-age-and-birthday-repaso-resource-11728862