My teaching experience includes teaching students at the Primary and the Middle school levels. I find each teaching experience so unique and a scaffold for further teaching and learning.
As learning is eclectic, I focus on creating resources that are not just practical and meaningful but also fun.
So connect with me to motivate, inspire, and empower.
Laurane @teach2tell.com
My teaching experience includes teaching students at the Primary and the Middle school levels. I find each teaching experience so unique and a scaffold for further teaching and learning.
As learning is eclectic, I focus on creating resources that are not just practical and meaningful but also fun.
So connect with me to motivate, inspire, and empower.
Laurane @teach2tell.com
This useful pack on fractions will help your students to identify and work with wholes and fifths. Included are anchor charts and printables to reinforce conceptual content. All printables may be collated into a booklet for reference.
Student Cover for Booklet
Anchor Charts x 8 on Wholes and Fifths
Finding Fifths: circling shapes that show fifths
Identifying Halves, Fourths, Thirds and Fifths
Colouring a fifth of a shape
Colouring fifths of shapes to represent the fractions
Colouring fifth of groups
Colouring visuals to represent the fractions
Drawing Fifths: cutting shapes into 5 equal parts
Cut and glue fraction visuals to match fractions
Equal Shares: fifths (cut and glue)
Spinning Fifths and colouring to show fifths spun
Showing fifths via cross-sections
Identifying visuals of Fifths and writing the fraction
Writing fifths as fractions for given visuals
Interpreting ‘Fraction of’ problem: fifths
This Opinion Writing / Persuasive Writing activity will help scaffold the structural elements of an opinion essay or a persuasive essay.
Based on the sample persuasive essay, ‘Should you Ride Your Bike to School?’, students will be introduced to the writing process from brainstorming, planning, drafting, editing, and publishing.
Writing activities revolve around the structural elements:
The Introduction (sizzling start, opinion, thesis)
The Body (Topic Sentence, Supporting Details, Concluding Sentence), and rebuttal
The Conclusion (summary statement, call to action)
Students will respond to 20 questions on the structural components of a persuasive essay or an opinion essay.
Students will find and highlight evidence in the sample text.
They will document their responses on the Planning Grid, Persuasive Writing Graph and other Organizers.
Students will write against the claim written in the sample essay.
Additional writing practice with 5 earth-day themed writing prompts
Items Included
Sample Persuasive Essay, ‘Should you Ride Your Bike to School?’ to study structural elements and writing style
Persuasive Writing Graph to map out structural components
20 questions analyzing writing style and structural elements
Annotation of structural elements using the final compiled sample essay from start to finish
Writing Assignment to write against the claim made in the sample persuasive essay
Self-editing and peer-editing checklists
Teacher Marking Rubric
Publishing Writing Sheets
Cover Sheets to collate sheets into a booklet
5 Earth-Day themed Writing Prompts
General Organizers (planning grid, writing graph, Introduction, Body, Conclusion) to use with any persuasive writing prompt
Recommended Use
Review of form and structure prior to testing
Recap of form and structure prior to a writing assignment
Writing activity to celebrate Earth Day
Facilitate sound conceptual knowledge of data for statistics (mean, median, mode, range, and outlier) with this student-friendly resource. The 64 task cards (colour and blackline) and hands-on activities not only target differentiation in the classroom but also provide a vital link to real-life math.
20 Task Cards on finding the Range of a data set. Task cards range in complexity. Cards 1-12 facilitate acquisition of key concepts through visuals and simpler tasks. Cards 13-20 are more challenging. 20 task cards on finding the mode, median, and outlier. Cards 1-14 facilitate acquisition of key concepts. Cards 15-20 are more challenging.
24 task cards on finding the Mean. Task cards range in complexity. Cards 1-8 facilitate acquisition of key concept. Cards 9-24 are more challenging.
* All task cards feature kid friendly font and eye-catching graphics that make conceptual content less daunting.
* 4 hands-on activities targeting students who are academically challenged. Students cut apart the data cards, arrange in ascending order and find the median, mode, mean, range and outlier. They record their findings in their maths journals. Data cards feature gumballs, apples, popcorn, and candy bags.
*4 task cards that provide a connection to real-life math. These tasks are fun and students use their maths journal to record answers. The task cards feature the following activities: What’s in a name? It’s the age! Real-life maths with Dice Numbers Real-life maths with Telephone Numbers Math vocabulary display cards that feature the word and definition of mean, median, mode, range, and outlier.
*Response Sheets to record results. Answer keys.
SUGGESTED USE Use the colour task cards in centres. The blackline task cards may be glued in students’ math journals for reference. There are 4 cards on a page. You also have the option to print all 20/24 cards on a single page that students can attach to their journals for reference. You can also play Scoot with the task cards or simply leave them around the classroom for students to move quietly and solve.
This flipbook and (editable) PowerPoint presentation will provide your students with key information about the scientific method through a practical hands-on experience. Students will conduct an experiment to test the viscosity of liquids and document each stage of the scientific method process.
Students will:
✓make an observation and write an aim/question
✓make a hypothesis
✓list and illustrate the equipment needed.
✓record the variables to be measured, changed and kept the same to make the test fair
✓list the steps to be followed to conduct the experiment.
✓ record results and note observations .
✓ provide a conclusion that links back to the hypothesis.
What’s Included:
1. Flipbook templates in blackline to print (2 cover options)
2. Flipbook templates in colour to print (2 cover options)
3. Interactive Notebook template x 2 (to record vocabulary)
4. Vocabulary Word Cards and Meanings
5. Sample Experiment Answer Sheets
6. Editable PowerPoint presentation for general instruction (39 slides)
7. Team Roles badges (Manager, Speaker, Director) x 2 options
8. Grading Rubric
How to assemble: You can choose either of the three options.
A. Print out the templates in blackline. Cut around each template and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Have students colour in background. Staple/glue at top tab.
B. Print out the templates on cardstock (different colours). Cut around each template and assemble. Staple/glue at top tab.
C. Print out the coloured templates. Cut around each template and assemble. Staple/glue at top tab.
** Have students assemble flipbook first, then document the scientific process involved in conducting the experiment.
** The PowerPoint also features step-by-step instructions to conduct the experiment to test liquid viscosity in addition to information on team skills, team roles and scientific terms used.
Are you teaching your students all about chance and probability and looking for fun hands-on probability activities? This Probability resource features 125 animated slides and 32 Cornell-style note-taking sheets to make abstract content on Chance and Probability more concrete.
Your students will have a better understanding of theoretical probability, experimental probability, language of chance, sample space, predictions, lists, tree diagrams, and independent probability events.
Both US and British English spelling and terminology included.
Items Included
PowerPoint Presentations - 125 Slides
The 125 slide PowerPoint presentation on Chance and Probability is broken down into six separate presentations for ease of use:
Language of Chance and the Probability Scale
Probability with dice
Probability with spinner colours
Probability with playing cards
Probability with crayon colours
Probability: mixed problems
Recommended Use
You may choose to present these presentations in any order except for presentation 1 and 6 which need to be presented first and last.
All 125 slides feature animations.
Not just visual learners, but all students will benefit from the visual animations that make abstract and complex content more concrete.
As a teacher, you will find that there is no preparation needed to teach this often difficult-to-understand math topic; simply play the slides for students to take notes on their note-taking sheets. All answers to practice examples are on the slides themselves.
2. Guided Notes - Cornell Style Note-taking Sheets
The 32 note-taking sheets are to be used in conjunction with the 125 PowerPoint presentation slides.
The layout of the note-style sheets is similar to Cornell-style notes. The left side features terminology and points to remember while the right side provides scaffolded notes on the lesson and practice examples.
Pick a presentation topic and play each slide one at a time giving enough time for students to record the missing information. They will be writing down information and solving practice examples from the PowerPoint presentation written in red text.
Students will be very engaged as they are not just watching you present the slides but in addition, they are actively documenting information.
Also Included
Teacher-guided notes to use as reference with the presentation.
Targeted Group
This unit caters to differentiation and best targets students in years 4-8.
This useful pack on fractions will help your students to identify and work with wholes and thirds. Included are anchor charts and printables to reinforce conceptual content. All printables may be collated into a booklet for reference.
Student Cover for Booklet
Anchor Charts x 7 on Wholes and Thirds
Finding Thirds: circling shapes that show thirds
Identifying Halves, Fourths and Thirds: representing as fractions
Colouring Thirds of shapes
Colouring a third of a group
Colouring visuals to represent the fractions
Drawing Thirds: cutting shapes into 3 equal parts
Cut and glue thirds to make a whole
Cut and glue fraction visuals to match fractions
Equal Shares: thirds
Spinning Thirds and colouring one third, two third or one whole
Showing thirds via cross-sections
Identifying visuals of Thirds and writing the fraction
Writing thirds as fractions for given visuals
Interpreting ‘Fraction of’ problem: thirds
This useful pack on fractions will help your students to identify and work with wholes and quarters. Included are anchor charts and printables to reinforce conceptual content. All printables may be collated into a booklet for reference.
Student Cover for Booklet
Anchor Charts x 9 on Wholes and quarters
Anchor Charts x 9 featuring ‘quarters’ terminology
Finding quarters
Identifying one half and one quarter
Colouring quarters
Showing quarters via cross-sections
Drawing quarters
Link to Nursery Rhyme, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’
Link to Nursery Rhyme, ‘Pat a Cake’
Identifying quarters of Groups
Matching quarters to their Wholes
Matching quarters to Visuals
Writing quarters as Fractions
Ordering quarters in ascending order
Cut and Paste Equal Shares: quarters
Cut and Paste Fractions to Visuals
Spinning quarters and Halves
Spinning quarters: Word Form
Spinning quarters: Fraction Form
Interpreting Fractions Word Problem: quarters
This useful pack on fractions will help your students to identify and work with wholes and halves. Included are anchor charts and printables to reinforce conceptual content. All printables may be collated into a booklet for reference.
Student Cover for Booklet
Anchor Charts x 4 on Wholes and Halves
Identifying Wholes and Halves: colouring shapes
Identifying Wholes and Halves: colouring mixed themed visuals
Writing one half or one whole as a fraction: fruit visuals
Writing one half or one whole in words: fruit visuals
Writing one half or one whole as a fraction: food visuals
Writing one half or one whole as a fraction: 2D shapes
Colouring one half of each picture and writing the fraction
Colouring one half of a group of objects and writing the fraction
Cutting given pictures to show two equal halves
Finding pictures that show one half
Determining whether cut pictures show two equal halves
Drawing and cutting a shape to show two equal parts four ways
Identifying and writing a half of each group of objects
Nursery Rhyme ‘Jack and Jill’ activity: colouring half of a group
Nursery Rhyme ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ activity: colouring half of a group
Matching halves: cut and glue each fruit half to its whole
Making Equal Shares: cut and glue equal number of cookies to share between two people
Graphing Wholes and Halves: spinning the spinner to record wholes and halves
Christmas in Brazil fact cards will take your students on a Scavenger Hunt for interesting facts on how Christmas is celebrated in Brazil. Your students will have fun as they learn about the history, culture, custom, and tradition of Christmas festive celebrations in Brazil. The best part is that they will be able to document their learning in a flipbook/interactive notebook and design poster templates after finding answers to key questions. This is sure to make an interesting classroom display.
✓ 16 Fact Cards on Christmas in Brazil
✓ 2 Recording Sheets
✓ 2 page Answer Key
✓ 20 Writing Templates featuring Christmas images;
1 blank poster included for students to self-illustrate.
✓ Flipbook templates (4 pages) on facts collected
✓ Banners (plain and decorated) reading, 'Merry Christmas'.
Cover Page (8 options): Student details
♥ Brazil: flag, population, capital city, symbol, currency, Christmas greeting
♥ Festive Food: traditional Christmas meal, Christmas dessert
♥ Custom and Tradition: decoration, displays, Nativity scenes (Presepio), Epiphany, amigo secreto, Santa’s visit, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
→ * photographs of sample parts of completed flipbook included with assembly instructions. These can be shown on an interactive whiteboard to students to model compilation.
→ * Picture prompts help students to recall facts from the Scavenger Hunt, alternatively they can refer to responses on recording sheets.
♦ Place the 16 fact cards on Christmas in Brazil around the classroom. Students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to find the answers to all 16 questions on their response sheets. They must read the fact card to find the answer for each corresponding fact question on their response sheets.
♦ Early finishers who complete the Scavenger Hunt can design their posters and fill-in sections of the flipbook. Wrap-up the activity by getting students together and asking them to share the facts they found the most interesting. They may refer to their recording sheets, posters and flipbook.
How did April Fools’ Day originate? Did Burger King actually introduce the Left-Handed Whopper? Who is a noodle? Your students will enjoy knowing the answers to these and many more interesting questions with this 20 Scavenger Hunt Fun Facts pack on April Fools’ Day.
2o Fact Cards on April Fools’ Day
2 Recording Sheets
2 page Answer Key
17 Writing Templates featuring April Fools’ Day images; 1 blank poster included for students to self-illustrate.
Banners (plain and decorated)
Place the 20 fact cards on April Fools’ Day around the classroom. Students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to find the answers to all 20 questions on their response sheets. They must read the fact card to find the answer for each corresponding fact question on their response sheets.
Early finishers who complete the Scavenger Hunt can design their writing posters. Wrap-up the activity by getting students together and asking them to share the facts they found the most interesting. They may refer to their recording sheets and posters.
This resource on pie charts features 54 colour and black and white task cards.
►► 1. Reading and Interpreting Pie Charts – Section 1
There are 44 colour and black and white task cards in this section comprising of two student answer response sheets. Answers to all 44 questions included.
►► 2. Constructing and Interpreting Pie Charts – Section 2
This section has 6 colour and black and white task cards that require students to collect real-life data via class surveys. Collected data is tabulated and represented in a pie chart. Students use a protractor to construct the degrees of each sector. There are 12 response sheets (2 per page) to represent and interpret data collected in pie charts.
►► 3. Constructing and Interpreting Pie Charts – Section 3
There are 4 colour and black and white task cards that require students to use hands-on materials (dice, spinners, M&M’s and coins) to collect data. There are 8 response sheets (2 per page) to represent and interpret collected data in pie charts. Students use a protractor to construct the degrees of each sector.
In addition, there are 12 vocabulary cards featuring key mathematical terminology and 1 poster defining and explaining the concept of pie charts.
►► A completed sample of each graphing activity is included.
✓ Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
✓ Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
✓ Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Project the (included) completed samples of each graphing activity on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to understand the requirements of the task or to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.
►► Suggested Use:
✓ As a follow-up to an instructed lesson on pie charts.
✓ As a practice and assessment activity.
✓ At Independent Math Centers or Work Stations
✓ Morning Work
✓ Early finishers
✓ Homework folder
►► Similar content on Pie Charts is also available in WORKSHEET format:
A****re you teaching your students all about factors and multiples and looking for fun hands-on activities? These 32 mixed problem task cards will reinforce the understanding of factors and multiples, factor families, prime numbers, prime factorisation, composite numbers, arrays, proper factors, perfect numbers, Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and Least Common Multiple (LCM).
Items Included
32 Task Cards featuring a variety of questions
Recording Sheet x 1
Answer Key
Topics Covered
Factors and Factor Families
Prime Number
Prime Factorisation
Proper Factors
Perfect Numbers
Composite Number
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Post Activity
Project the answer key on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.
Recommended Use
Use the PowerPoint and Guided Notes resource to introduce the topics and familiarise students with terminology and definitions. Follow up with these 32 task cards and/or print-n-go sheets.
Please contact me with any queries regarding this resource.
Thank you!
Review subtraction facts and build number sense with these 32 subtraction scoot cards featuring a fun Christmas theme .
There are two sets of Recording Sheets (Numbers 1-16 and 17-32). Students have a choice between the scaffolded (to elicit the desired response) and blank sectioned. An answer key is provided to have students independently check their answers.
The subtraction skills reinforced in this pack are:
✓ writing a subtraction fact for a number bond
✓ writing a subtraction sentence for a given array
✓ Identifying the minuend, subtrahend and difference in a subtraction sentence
✓ writing the answer to a subtraction problem
✓ writing a subtraction sentence for a given illustration
✓ problem solving using illustrations
♦ For this 32 scoot pack, you may break up the activity and have students do cards 1-16 during one session and 17-32 the next. There are 2 recording sheets for this purpose.
♦ I generally have cards 1-16 placed on one section of the classroom walls, and cards 17-32 on the opposite side. Students solve at their own pace. This is to cater to all; students who would perhaps need more time and the early finishers.
**There is so much fun and excitement as kids walk around the classroom solving the cards. They seem to be racing to finish them all :)
♦ Stack and perfectly align sheets. Cut along task card borders carefully. Work with 3 sheets at a time for better manipulation.
♦ Laminate cards for durability. There are four cards on a single sheet.
♦ Store cards in zip-loc bags (small plastic pouches). Label with the specific number operations skill featured.
♦ Place cards and copies of Recording Sheets (2 options) in file folder.
♦ Glue file folder cover (included) on folder.
→ Small group rotations (cards may be rotated among small groups of students)
→ Math Centres
* Have work ready for fast finishers, alternatively assign a buddy for students who need help to finish.
After the entire class has finished solving the scoot cards, you can display the pdf file on the interactive whiteboard and discuss answers. This way students can reflect on their responses while referring to the questions again.
Use these scaffolded interactive notebook templates and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple and Compound Sentences.
12 posters/anchor charts featuring a definition and explanation of the Simple Sentence, Compound sentence and the seven coordinating conjunctions.
Notebook Templates:
Notebook Templates 1 (cover and response sheet) – students identify the subject and predicate (complete and simple) in the sample Simple Sentences.
Notebook Template 2 (cover and response) – students combine two simple sentences to write a compound sentence with compound subjects/compound predicates.
Notebook Template 3 (cover and response sheet) – students identify compound sentences by highlighting the coordinating conjunction used and writing the two simple sentences that make up each compound sentence under the flaps.
Notebook Template 4 – students write compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences with the coordinating conjunctions.
Notebook Template 5 (cover sheet) – students identify simple sentences and compound sentences.
Notebook Template 6 (cover and response sheet) – students write compound sentences on the visuals.
Notebook Template 7 – three-flap set featuring the 7 coordinating conjunctions. Students write their own compound sentence with each of the conjunctions.
Activity Sheet – one print-n-go sheet where students record examples of compound sentences from a book of choice.
Adhering to structure specific to a writing genre is necessary to generate a cohesive whole. These three flipbooks will scaffold the structural components of an OPINION, a NARRATIVE and a BIOGRAPHY at every stage of the writing process.
The range of resources included in the flipbook packs in this bundle are outlined below:
✓ Blackline flipbook templates (editable)
✓ Twenty Posters/Anchor Charts on the structural components of a Narrative
✓ Seven detailed Narrative Picture Prompts
✓ Lined sheets for publishing written content
✓ VCOP (colour) Posters/Anchor Charts
✓ Student reference sheets on vocabulary, punctuation, openers, and connectives
✓ Self and peer-editing Checklist
✓ Teacher Grading Rubric
✓ Graphic Organisers x 2 on the Plot
EDITABLE FLIPBOOK PARTS: Edit text in text box
Cover Template X 5: edit student details and quote
The Writing Prompt: a prompt is given on this template. You also have the option to edit text and write your own prompt.
The Introduction: point of view, characters, time and setting, brief prelude to what will take place
The Body: plot (rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution), the conflict and how it is getting resolved
The Conclusion: problem is solved, conclusive ending (new beginning, surprise ending, or a self-reflection)
Use VCOP to colour code when self-editing after draft is written. Then have students use the self and peer-editing checklists, and finally have students publish their writing.
✓ Posters/Anchor Charts on the five ways to begin an Introduction: a scene, a quotation, a definition, a hypothetical question and a strong statement
✓ Posters/Anchor Charts on the three Body paragraphs and one concluding paragraph.
These posters/anchor charts provide a visual structural example of how a persuasive piece is written. The sections are color-coded, so students can distinguish between the hook, opinion, and thesis statement in the Introduction, and topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence for each Body paragraph.
✓ Flipbook templates in black and white
✓ Self-editing Checklist
✓ Peer-editing Checklist
✓ Teacher Marking Rubric
✓ Lined sheets for publishing
✓ Six writing task-card (colour and blackline) prompts
✓ Graphic Organisers x 5 to scaffold structure
EDITABLE FLIPBOOK PARTS: Edit text in text box
There is a given writing prompt for students to write persuasively on. You also have the option of writing your own writing prompt.
Prompt for students to include a hook, their opinion, and a thesis statement.
Guideline for students to include a topic sentence for each of the three reasons, followed by supporting details, and a concluding sentence. There are two templates for the body paragraphs.
Checklist for students to include a summary statement to re-state their opinion, brief summary of the reasons provided, and a call to action.
✓ Blackline flipbook templates (editable)
✓ Posters/Anchor Charts on the structural components of a Biography X 9
✓ Lined sheets for publishing written content
✓ Self and peer-editing Checklist
✓ Teacher Grading Rubric
EDITABLE FLIPBOOK PARTS: Edit text in text box
Cover Template X 7: edit student details and quote
The Writing Prompt: instructions to access the given website and collect information on any one person’s biographical information
The Introduction: Name of subject, time period and place, what the subject is known for and how has the subject made a difference in the lives of others or to society.
The Body: key information on the subject’s family, childhood, and major achievements, accomplishments, and obstacles.
The Conclusion: current place of residence of subject or date, year, and place of death if applicable, importance of subject, contributions to society and famous quote.
You can choose either of the two options.
1. Print out the templates in blackline. Cut around each template and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Have students color in image and lettering. Staple/glue at the top.
2. Print out the templates on cardstock (different colours). Cut around each template and assemble. Students may color in image and lettering. Staple/glue at the top.
→ Project the PDF file on the interactive whiteboard to teach the structure via the posters/anchor charts. Also show students the flipbook templates and completed sample. Discuss the requirements for each template.
→ Have students fill in the templates. This could also serve as their draft where they could use the self-editing and peer-editing checklists to edit. Finally have students publish on given writing sheets or type out content from draft observing corrections.
Cut around templates. Assemble smallest to largest. Glue down largest template (conclusion) in notebook. Paste other templates at the top tab one above the other from largest to smallest. Photo of completed sample included.
Have students compile all sections of the flipbook prior to research and writing.
This flipbook is sure to make the entire experience of writing, not just enjoyable, but more meaningful.
Have your students go digital with this fun unit on budgeting that features interactive activities to enable students to plan a budget taking into account earned income, expenses, and a short-term spending goal. This resource is completely editable giving you the flexibility to modify it to suit your students’ needs. You will be able to change spellings, currency format and other written content by overwriting sample content. All clipart is secured in accordance with the artists’ terms of use.
Students will work digitally on the following 4 main activities:
Four tasks that facilitate an understanding of what it means to budget wisely.
a. My Lucky Week
Planning expenses with no relation to income. Students get a feel of expenses
and work with whole and decimal numbers to calculate total cost.
b. On a Budget
Planning expenses in relation to a stipulated income. Students need to determine how to
best budget to keep their expenses less than the given income.
c. Reaching My Goal
Planning expenses in relation to a given income and achieving a short term goal. Students
work out a spending plan to achieve a short-term goal.
d. My Personal Budget
Drawing up a personal budget plan on the basis of personal income received and wants.
students determine the feasibility of a budget plan through constructed reflection.
** Also included is a booklet cover if you would like to print students’ work and compile
and task sheets, posters (colour and blackline) in an editable Power Point file.
Other Activities
Creation of Bar Graphs to show differences and comparisons in expenditure for the budgeting activities. Graphs are linked to charts in Google sheets. Students will be able to input their data to automatically reflect graph creation. Instructions are in the slide notes pane.
Making wise choices from the Dream Collection Catalogue to achieve a short term goal.
Constructive reflection on a budget plan with emphasis on spending patterns.
Self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment using rubrics as a tool.
Are you looking for an informative collection of posters featuring popular poem types? This types of poems poster collection will surely enhance your classroom decor this National Poetry Month. Each poetry types poster includes a concise definition of the poem type, accompanied by a sample poem. This setup allows students to analyze and understand the structural and thematic elements of each poetic form.
Both US and British English (spelling) Files included.
Item Included
1 pdf file featuring 28 posters (8.5 x 11 inches, landscape orientation)
28 high-resolution (300 dpi) JPGs
The Types of Poems featured in these posters are:
Bio Poem
Concrete Poem
Epigram x 2
Five Senses
Free Verse
Lyric Poem
Narrative Poem
Palindrome Poem
Pastoral Poem
Riddle Poem
Key Features:
Vibrant Imagery:
Each poster features engaging, colorful designs that capture the essence of different poem types, making your bulletin board pop with creativity and color.
Educational Content:
These posters cover a wide range of poem types, including haiku, sonnet, limerick, free verse, and acrostic, providing students with clear definitions and examples that enhance their understanding and appreciation of poetry.
Interactive Learning:
Use these posters as a springboard for classroom activities during National Poetry Month. Encourage students to create their own poems in the styles showcased, fostering a hands-on learning experience.
Versatile Use:
Ideal for classroom walls, library displays, or even as a resource in writing centers, these posters are versatile and can be used year after year.
Celebrate the art of poetry with this “Types of Poems Posters,” collection and create an educational space that both inspires and informs. Perfect for teachers looking to add a functional yet artistic touch to their classroom during National Poetry Month or any time of the year!
Use this bundle of activities to teach your students about popular poem types and poetry elements this National Poetry Month.
This bundle includes a variety of engaging activities designed to explore different poem types and fundamental poetry elements.
Items Included
1. 15 Types of Poems
This print and digital poetry writing resource will help scaffold the writing of 15 poem types.
15 sample poem types in print black and white version
15 sample poem types in digital color/colour version: format PowerPoint file & Google Slides (link included)
Writing sheets with images and lines to scaffold poem writing
Teacher Marking Rubric (grades)
Performance Rubric (no grades)
Student Self-Reflection
Center/Centre Checklist
Poem Table of Contents
Anthology Cover Sheet
You can upload the digital PowerPoint file to your LMS.
The 15 Poem Types featured are:
A Simile Poem ‘About Me’
‘I Am’ Poem
‘With My Senses’ Poem
5 W’s Poem
Bio Poem ‘About Me’
Antonym Diamante
‘I Don’t Understand’ Poem
‘Just Because’ Poem
Concrete Poem
Creature Alliteration Poem
Acrostic Poem
Parts of Speech Poem
2. 12 Elements of Poetry
Dive into the world of verse with this comprehensive resource designed to teach 12 essential elements of poetry. With printable response sheets, interactive task cards with QR codes, and visually appealing posters featuring explanations of the poetic devices and sample poems, this resource promises to engage and inspire your students in their poetic pursuits.
The 12 elements of poetry featured are:
Interactive Notebook Foldables, Posters, Anchor Charts
Interactive notebook templates for 15 poem types. Color photographs of assembly instructions included,
Colored and blackline posters/anchor charts for 15 poem types.
Student Center Checklist
Student self-reflection
Teacher Marking Rubric
Performance Rubric
27 Types of Poems Posters
1 pdf file featuring 28 posters (8.5 x 11 inches, landscape orientation)
28 high-resolution (300 dpi) JPGs
The Types of Poems featured in these posters are:
Bio Poem
Concrete Poem
Epigram x 2
Five Senses
Free Verse
Lyric Poem
Narrative Poem
Palindrome Poem
Pastoral Poem
Riddle Poem
Are you looking for four types of sentences worksheets? Use this collection of no prep print-n-go sheets and posters to teach the four kinds of sentences: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory.
In this collection, your students will have the opportunity to practice the four types of sentences, not in isolation, but rather through integration with writing.
They will write:
a creative paragraph
a formal persuasive letter
an eight-line poem
a narrative short story
Answer key to practice sheets and writing samples included.
Both US and British English spellings and terminolgy included.
Items Included
No prep worksheets, 1 Pdf file (US spelling & terminology; 8.5x11 paper)
No prep worksheets, 1 Pdf file (British English spelling & terminology; A4 size paper )
8 Posters Style 1 (color and blackline) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
8 Posters Style 2 (color) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
Posters come in two sizes: 8.5x11 inches and A4
Overview of Content (worksheets)
Cover sheet if compiling all sheets into a booklet
Definitions of the four sentence types with examples
Identifying sentence type
Identifying sentence type with QR answer codes
Writing the missing punctuation for each sentence type
Writing sentences featuring the four types
Writing sentences on visuals
Changing Interrogative sentences to Imperative sentences
Changing Declarative sentences to Interrogative sentences
Sentence Transformations to each of the four types of sentences
Writing a creative paragraph using the four types of sentences
Writing a formal persuasive letter using the four types of sentences
Writing an eight-line poem using the four types of sentences
Writing a narrative short story using the four types of sentences
Writing informatively using the four types of sentences
Answer Key and sample writing pieces
Your students will not only have strong conceptual knowledge of the four types of sentences in writing, but will also be fascinated to learn about the magnificent Nile crocodiles, the subject in focus.
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Are you looking for task cards to teach and reinforce the four types of sentences? This collection of 32 types of sentences task cards and anchor charts/posters will help reinforce the understanding of the four kinds of sentences: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory.
Items Included
32 Task Cards featuring the four types of sentences
Recording Sheet x 1
Answer Key
8 Posters Style 1 (color and blackline) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
8 Posters Style 2 (color) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
Posters come in two sizes: 8.5x11 inches and A4
Both US and British English files included (difference in punctuating sentences, terminology)
Use the posters/anchor charts to introduce and elaborate on the four types of sentences.
Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Post Activity
Project the answer key on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.