Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!
Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!
2 Lesson bundle covering the OCR Periodic Table Chapter on group 2 elements and compounds
Lesson 1: Group 2 Elements
By the end of this lesson. Students should be able:
To know group 2 elements lose their outer shell s2 electrons to form +2 ions
To state and explain the trend in first and second ionisation energies of group 2 elements and how this links to their relative reactivities with oxygen, water and dilute acids
To construct half equations of redox reactions of group 2 elements with oxygen, water and dilute acids and to identify what species have been oxidised and reduced using oxidation numbers
Lesson 2: Group 2 Compounds.
By the end of this lesson students should be able:
To know the reaction between group 2 metal oxides and water
To state the trend in solubility and alkalinity of group 2 metal hydroxides
To describe the uses of some group 2 compounds including their equations
The teacher will be able to check students have met these learning objectives through mini AfL tasks for students to complete
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above
2 well structured chemistry lessons, plus a revision summary covering the Year 13 OCR topic of: Organic Synthesis. See below for the lesson objectives and resource description:
Lesson 1: Practical Skills in Organic Synthesis (Yr13)
To describe the techniques and procedures used for the purification of organic solids including:
filtration under reduced pressure
measurement of melting points
Lesson 2: Synthetic Routes in Organic Synthesis (Y13)
To identify individual functional groups for an organic molecule containing several functional groups
To predict the properties and reactions of organic molecules containing several functional groups
To create multi-stage synthetic routes for preparing organic compounds
Synthetic Routes Revision Summary
A 14 page summary of all the organic synthesis reactions from the AS and A level OCR Chemistry specification. Students will be able to use this resource directly as part of their revision on organic synthesis/synthetic routes or can make flashcards from them. Reagents and reaction conditions are also included where applicable
Reaction summaries include:
nucelophilic substitution reactions* elimination reactions* free radical substitution reactions* electrophilic addition reactions* oxidation reactions* reduction reactions* electrophilic substitution reactions* reactions of phenols* carbon-carbon formation reactions* reactions of carboxylic acids* reactions of acyl chlorides* polymerisation reactions* hydrolysis reactions* amine synthesis reactions*
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above
A complete lesson including starter activity, AfL work tasks and main work tasks (all with answers included) on proton NMR Spectroscopy (part 2)
NOTE: This lesson can be purchased as a bundle with proton NMR Spectroscopy (part 1)
By the end of this lesson KS5 students should be able to:
To analyse proton NMR spectra of an organic molecule to make predictions about:
The different types of proton environment present from chemical shift values
The relative numbers of each type of proton present from the relative peak areas using integration traces or ratio numbers when required
The number of non-equivalent protons adjacent to a given proton from the spin-spin splitting pattern, using the n+1 rule
Possible structures for the molecule
2 Bonus Questions on Combined Techniques are also included in this lesson!
Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons including using your own lesson PowerPoints is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be reviewed during these scenarios outlined above