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TeachersLoveSundaes's Shop

Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and their students. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes. The resources I create can be picked up and taught straight from. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !

Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and their students. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes. The resources I create can be picked up and taught straight from. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !
Year 2 Uses of everyday materials complete unit - Designing a play park

Year 2 Uses of everyday materials complete unit - Designing a play park

5 Resources
Thankyou for looking at my resource. This unit contains 4 lessons and an assessment task. Children will be designing a playpark using their prior learning from year 1 as well as acquiring new knowledge throughout this unit. At the end of this sequence children will design their playpark and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding. Lesson 1 - To identify uses of different everyday materials. Lesson 2 - To identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials. Lesson 3 - To explain how the shapes of objects made from some materials can be changed. Lesson 4 -To explain the process of recycling. Lesson 5 - Assessment task - Designing and answering questions. Helping hands will be provided for children who need additional support as well as a chilli challenge. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the science rather than forming a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
To use when and where adverbs/adverbial phrases to expand a sentence

To use when and where adverbs/adverbial phrases to expand a sentence

Thankyou for looking at my resource. In this lesson children will be looking at simple sentences and expanding them using when and where adverbs/adverbial phrases. Children will look at the problem with simple sentences. For instance children will be unable to identify which picture a particular sentence belongs to and through this will learn the importance of expanding sentences using adverbs/adverbial phrases . Research has shown that when children learn through problem solving children develop a deeper and longer lasting understanding of their learning. Children will do a variety of carefully thought out small step tasks to build up their understanding of what an adverb/adverbial phrase is and how to apply these using when and where. Powerpoint user guide Throughout children are encouraged to rewind on prior learning through rewind sections. Children are also exposed to fast forward where they will see how their learning applies to future learning (be this the next lesson or in future years) Chilli challenges encourage children to maximise their learning. Challenges should be given to all. Not just your most able. They are purposely open ended. The ‘differentiation’ comes from how your most able access the task. Helping hands provide children with additional supports to allow them to access the main learning. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application
Sentence Types - Four lessons - Question,Command,Exclamation, Statement

Sentence Types - Four lessons - Question,Command,Exclamation, Statement

Thankyou for looking at my resource. In this resource there are four lessons. Each lesson focussing on a specific type of sentence. Lesson 1- Questions Lesson 2 - Command Lesson 3 - Exclamation Lesson 4 - Statement Indepth preview of lesson 1 In lesson one children will look at question sentences. Children will be challenged to think why we need question sentences via the example of a new child starting in their class. Children will then be taught what a question is and using the child starting in their class will work with a partner to apply the 5 ws + 1h to questions they may ask a new student. Children will independently apply these to a similiar example in their own books where they will fill in the missing W/H. With the most able being challenged to write further questions while helping hands in the form of the teacher to be available. Children will return as a class and look at how we write a question sentence such as the punctuation. Children will be introduced to an alien who has given some answers. Children working with their partner will write the questions they think the alien was asked. Finally children will move on to independently writing the questions they think a paramedic was asked based on their answers. Helping hands scaffold and Challenge additional questions. Every lesson involves children being encouraged to idenitfy the importance of what they are learning. This is usually through a direct problem such as following instructions where there is no verb to emphasis the importance of a verb in instructions. Research has shown that when children learn through problem solving children develop a deeper and longer lasting understanding of their learning. Powerpoint user guide Throughout children are encouraged to rewind on prior learning through rewind sections. Children are also exposed to fast forward where they will see how their learning applies to future learning (be this the next lesson or in future years) Chilli challenges encourage children to maximise their learning. Challenges should be given to all. Not just your most able. They are purposely open ended. The ‘differentiation’ comes from how your most able access the task. Helping hands provide children with additional supports to allow them to access the main learning. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application
Character description KS1  unit  -  Alien

Character description KS1 unit - Alien

Thankyou for looking at my resource. Summary of learning objectives and task Lesson 1 L.O To generate ideas for a character description Children will design six aliens and choose their favourite. Lesson 2 L.O To use adjectives to describe a character Children will use their senses to write adjectives about their alien. Lesson 3 L.O To use adjectives to describe a characters personality. Children will write attributes to describe their alien. Lesson 4 L.O To write a character description. Children will write a description of their alien. All lessons start with children solving a problem that can only be solved using the LO. e.g identifying a picture through a sentence that doesn’t contain expanded adjectives so it is impossible to identify the picture.Research has shown that when children learn through problem solving and having ownership of their own learning they develop a deeper and longer lasting understanding. Powerpoint user guide Throughout children are encouraged to rewind on prior learning through rewind sections. Children are also exposed to fast forward where they will see how their learning applies to future learning (be this the next lesson or in future years) Chilli challenges encourage children to maximise their learning. Challenges should be given to all. Not just your most able. They are purposely open ended. The ‘differentiation’ comes from how your most able access the task. Helping hands provide children with additional supports to allow them to access the main learning. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application
To know how coal mining affected the lives of people in Nottinghamshire

To know how coal mining affected the lives of people in Nottinghamshire

Children will start by reflecting on prior learning. Children will be provided with a brief overview of what mining is and the importance of it to the Victorian era. Children will then start to explore the general impact of mining,before using the 1842 commission report to identify how mining impacted children. They will finally will look at the impact on Nottinghamshire. Children will write their own report.
To identify when the Victorian era started and ended and the key events that happened.

To identify when the Victorian era started and ended and the key events that happened.

The lesson starts with children exploring the concept of chronology. Children will look at how chronology is displayed using a time line and recap on AC and BC. Children will then go on to explore key Victorian vocabulary that may be new to children such as reign. Children will be taught the start and end dates of the Victorian era. As a class children will order some of the key events on a time line they will use a range of skills such as comparing the dates to other key events as well as clues from prior/future events. Children will be challenged to think about what is the most common type of event such as the advancement of technology. Independent application - children to create a time line of key events.
To know a sentence must contain a noun

To know a sentence must contain a noun

In this resource children will focus on the importance of a noun in a sentence. Children will do a variety of carefully thought out small step tasks to build up their understanding of what a noun is and how to apply nouns to sentences. Resource includes a PPT and corresponding word resource Thankyou for looking at my resource. Powerpoint user guide Throughout children are encouraged to rewind on prior learning through rewind sections. Children are also exposed to fast forward where they will see how their learning applies to future learning (be this the next lesson or in future years) Chilli challenges encourage children to maximise their learning. Challenges should be given to all. Not just your most able. They are purposely open ended. The ‘differentiation’ comes from how your most able access the task. Helping hands provide children with additional supports to allow them to access the main learning. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application
Year 2 To know different animals have different types of offspring

Year 2 To know different animals have different types of offspring

Thankyou for looking at my resource. This is the first lesson in a sequence. The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons or the previous lesson. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however this is fully editable. In this lesson children will start by completing a number of tasks which remind them of their prior learning from year 1. This will provide an opportunity for the teacher to make a quick assessment of any learning which needs recapping on. This will also ensure that prior learning is at the forefront of children’s mind to make sense of their new learning. Children will start by thinking abut humans. To avoid misconceptions children are guided to think how they have changed since being a child/ will change as well as differences between themselves and other children. It will be established that although there are many differences humans look like humans. This will lead into children making a prediction about all animals looking like their offspring. Children will investigate this independently by matching offspring to their adult. Helping hands will be provided for children who need additional support as well as a chilli challenge for both independent tasks. The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the science rather than forming a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
Christmas prepositions  with Snow Snowman

Christmas prepositions with Snow Snowman

Thankyou for looking at my resource. In this lesson children will not only be writing prepositions but also developing a clear understanding of what exactly a preposition is. Children will start with a warm up task identifying the nouns in a festive picture. Children will then play a where’s wally style game with a snowman which will lead on to children spotting that the commonality of prepositions. Prepositions will be defined however a child friendly version will be established. Children will identify the two nouns relating to the snowman and then identify the preposition. Children will do this a number of times to establish their understanding. Children will move on to independently writing the preposition for various items on a snowman. Helping hands - Children will choose the appropriate preposition. Chilli Challenge - Children will make a snowman and write instructions containing a preposition to instruct a friend how to make theirs.
Year 1 plants complete unit - Jack and the Beanstalk

Year 1 plants complete unit - Jack and the Beanstalk

Thankyou for looking at my resource. This unit uses the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to not only engage learners/provide a fun theme but importantly enhance scientific understanding through investigations such as is a beanstalk a tree? In this unit children will be given a mystery seed from the bean seller in the story (teacher’s choice) and will every week use their increasing knowledge to investigate what the plant is. The story will be embedded in other areas of the unit for instance children will use reasoning to decide if a beanstalk is a tree. A ppt of 20+ slides is provided for every lesson and a word document of resources is provided including an overview of what teachers need to prepare in advance. Each lesson gives children an opportunity to reflect on their plant with questions that adapt based on their knowledge of the unit. A good example of this is in week four, children will be asked if they think their mystery seed is a tree. In lesson 1 the story of Jack and the Beanstalk is provided alongside the lesson slides. The aim of this unit is to limit the preparation needed for the teacher. The lesson slides can be picked up and taught fully from either by a teacher with a solid understanding of the prior and future learning of a given class or by a teacher who may be covering an isolated lesson. The lessons are fully editable allowing teachers to edit based on individual class needs. Lesson 1 -To describe and compare seeds, bulbs and plants. Lesson 2 - To name and compare the parts of plants. Lesson 3 - To name and identify common garden and wild plants. Lesson 4 - To name and identify common trees. Lesson 5 - To name and identify common fruit and vegetable plants. Every lesson starts with a rewind task. These are varied and provide an opportunity for the teacher to quickly asses what children have remembered and any potential gaps in knowledge. This also puts relevant prior learning in the forefront of children’s minds ready to apply to new knowledge . This then starts the effective build up of learning through carefully designed small steps. Children are actively involved in their learning throughout with opportunities to reflect, talk with a partner as well as engage in whole class discussions. Reasoning and oracy opportunities are embedded throughout. With stem sentences provided to ensure children are able to eloquently express their understanding and focus on the science. Lessons are designed to ensure all learners are on the ‘journey’ together. Helping hands provide additional support to ensure children are accessing the main learning where as chilli challenges aim to expand/challenging children’s learning with open ended exercises. Challenges are provided to all learners. The ’ differentiation ’ is based on how children access the challenge. Vocabulary is explicitly taught and is repeated throughout the unit to ensure embedded learning.
Year 1 RE To explain what Salat is and why it is important to Muslims

Year 1 RE To explain what Salat is and why it is important to Muslims

Thank you for looking at my resource. Resources included Powerpoint presentation Resources including chilli challenge and helping hands. This is the second lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons or past lesson.This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable. Children will start this lesson by recapping on their learning about rituals. Children will work with a partner to differentiate between routines and rituals. This will lead into a concise rewind of prior learning. Children will learn about Salat with regular opportunities to consolidate learning through learning checkpoints. Childern will complete two independent learning tasks. Including recalling facts they have learnt and designing a prayer mat. Children will complete either a independent task or a helping hands task. The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
KS1 year 2 -To find + name animals in a microhabitat + explain why they are suited to living there.

KS1 year 2 -To find + name animals in a microhabitat + explain why they are suited to living there.

Thank you for looking at my resource. This resource includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities. This is the third lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the past lessons or the further lessons .This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable. Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by matching living things to habitats and discussing how a bee and a flower depend on each other. This will lead into children being taught about microhabitats and minibeasts. Children will complete an observation of microhabitats and minibeasts around school. Children will use their prior learning to explain why microhabits are suitable. The scientific skills of observation and prediction will be explicitly taught and used. Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties. Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the science rather than formation of a sentence. The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
Year 1 Geography To describe the differences between the town and the countryside

Year 1 Geography To describe the differences between the town and the countryside

Thank you for looking at my resource. This is the first lesson in a sequence .The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however is fully editable. Children will start by rewind (recapping) on prior learning. Children will actively engage in this by playing I spy with their immediate environment. Either inside or outside depending on the weather. This will lead into teaching the terminology and concepts of location and observation. Children will develop their understanding by identifying a location in a picture and making simple observations. Children will start to develop their ability to describe differences by comparing different locations pros and cons. Children will be read the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse and apply location, observation ,pros and cons to discuss the story.Children will use these concepts to start to differentiate between town and countryside. Children will be introduced to the term feature. Children will looking at their closest town and countryside. Children will identify real life examples of the features of the town and countryside and will discuss how the mice from the story would see these as either a pro or a con. Children will complete an independent task where they will compare town and countryside using a venn diagram. Examples are provided to help children understand how to use a venn diagram including a whole class exercise sorting a number of statements. A helping hands task is is provided where children are given the statements to sort. A chilli challenge is provided to extend learning. This should be given to all children. The ‘differentiation’ will be based on how children access the task. Past/current vocbaulary is explicitly taught and children are reminded of this at suitable and regular opportunties. Stem sentences are provided throughout to promote oracy and allow children to focus on the geography rather than formation of a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
Year 1 Geography Our Country Complete Unit.

Year 1 Geography Our Country Complete Unit.

5 Resources
Thankyou for looking at my resource This unit is made up of five lessons. Each lesson Includes a fully comprehensive powerpoint and word resources catering a range of abilities. Lesson 1 - To describe the differences between the town and the countryside Lesson 2 - To locate and name the countries of the UK Lesson 3 - To locate and identify the four capital cities - Cardiff and Belfast Lesson 4 - To locate and identify the four capital cities - Edinburgh + London Lesson 5 - To compare two capital cities This unit uses the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse throughout. All lessons start with active rewind (recap) tasks. These provide an informal assessment for teachers, remind children of their prior learning to help learning go into their long term memory and put relevant prior learning in the forefront of children’s minds as they acquire new learning. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the learning rather than forming sentences. Independent task In each lesson children will be built up to completing an independent task/s. Every task has a helping hands task which aims to remove barriers to children accessing the main task such as using stem sentences to allow children to focus on their learning not the structuring of sentences. The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task.
Year 2 To explain the process of recycling - Design a play park

Year 2 To explain the process of recycling - Design a play park

Thankyou for looking at my resource. This is the fourth lesson in a sequence . The lesson can be taught independently without the need for the further lessons or the previous lesson. This lesson can be picked up and taught straight from however this is fully editable. Children will be designing a new play park. They will complete a number of tasks to ensure they have remembered their prior learning from year 1 and their previous lesson on material uses. This will also ensure that this prior learning is at the forefront of their thinking ready to apply for their new learning. Children will discuss what will happen to the old play park. This will lead onto children learning about landfill. Children will think of ideas to stop the play park going into landfill. Leading on from this the teacher will introduce children to recycling and their experiences of recycling. The example of plastic will be given to show the process of recycling. Children will create a comic strip showing the process of recycling plastic. Helping hands will be provided for children who need additional support as well as a chilli challenge for both independent tasks. The chilli challenge should be provided to all learners the ’ differentiation ’ will be based on how children complete the task. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the science rather than forming a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
To name, identify and label the parts of the human body. Zack the zookeeper.

To name, identify and label the parts of the human body. Zack the zookeeper.

Thankyou for looking at my resource. These resources are designed that they can be picked up and taught from however allow full user edits. The lesson will start with children recapping on prior learning. Children will label parts of Zack the Zookeepers body with their partner. This will lead onto a discussion about what parts of the body are there for. Children will reflect on Zack’s view that he only needs his arms and hands for the zoo. As a class children will discuss different body parts and what there uses are. Helping hands will be provided for children who need additional support as well as a chilli challenge. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the science rather than forming a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
Year 2 assessment science - To demonstrate understanding of everyday uses of materials - Playpark

Year 2 assessment science - To demonstrate understanding of everyday uses of materials - Playpark

Thankyou for looking at my resource. This is an informal assessment task that will demonstrate children’s understanding of the year 2 science unit Uses of everyday materials. This lesson is part of a sequence but can be used isolated. Children will be designing a new play park. They will complete a number of tasks to ensure they have remembered their prior learning from year 1 and their previous lesson on material uses. This will also ensure that this prior learning is at the forefront of their thinking ready to apply for their new learning. Children will design a playpark and then answer a number of questions about their choices such as how does their choice of material reduce harm to the environment. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the science rather than forming a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
Whole School Half Termly Times Tables Checks

Whole School Half Termly Times Tables Checks

Thankyou for looking at my resource. This resource includes : 25 questions per check. I would recommend giving children 3 minutes to complete which is roughly in line with the year 4 times tables check whilst giving time for writing. There are three sets of 7 assessments. Year 2 - 2,5 and 10 Year 3 - 2,3,4,5, 6,8 and 10 Year 4 onwards - All times tables including 12 Pre autumn term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
To name the five senses Zack The Zookeeper

To name the five senses Zack The Zookeeper

Thankyou for looking at my resouce. Children will start the lesson recapping on their prior learning in the unit through a variety of parter and whole class quick tasks. Children will be given a number of choices through a discussion of would you rather? Children will look at how the choices relate to the senses. They will be provided with a clear definition of senses and consolidate this by identifying which sense was most important in their choices. Children will look at Zack the Zookeeper and a map of the zoo and identify how Zack experiences the zoo through his senses. Helping hands will be provided for children who need additional support as well as a chilli challenge. Children will have stem sentences to support oracy and enable children to focus on the science rather than forming a sentence. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application
Five Little Monkeys Story - Turning a nursery rhyme into a story

Five Little Monkeys Story - Turning a nursery rhyme into a story

Thankyou for looking at my resource. Included are individual lesson resources and a detailed powerpoint. This five lesson sequence will see children converting the rhyme Five Little Monkeys into a story. Lesson 1 - Children will learn about the structure of a story and together place five little monkeys into this. Children will go onto create a comic strip. Lesson 2 - Children will focus on the introduction. Through carefully built up steps children will develop a sophisticated story openers and a bank of adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe the monkeys and their home. Lesson 3 - Children will write the introduction to their story. Lesson 4- Children will plan the rest of the story thinking about how they can expand on the events of the story. Lesson 5 - Children will write up the rest of the story. Children will be guided through each stage in a thorough powerpoint that provides a variety of carefully thought out steps. Chilli challenges encourage children to maximise their learning. Challenges should be given to all. Not just your most able. They are purposely open ended. The ‘differentiation’ comes from how your most able access the task. Helping hands provide children with additional supports to allow them to access the main learning. Powerpoint guide Green slides - Partner tasks , class discussion etc Red slides - Teacher led tasks Blue slides - Reflection time Yellow slides - independent application