The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
This resources includes the 5000 word write up for my NQPSL project which focused on an improvement plan for the numeracy and literacy catch up provision within my school.
It scored 26/28.
I spent a long time ensuring I effectively referenced all of the assessment strands as well as including lots of good research for leadership through the write up.
Ultimately, this took many hours to pull together!!
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This resource is an assembly on Halloween - including sections on the following:
a spooky entrance video with ambient alloween music
Halloween keyword task
a video about the history of halloween
a true or false halloween quiz
halloween multiple choice quiz
safety tips for halloween
links to exit music
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This resource contains 4 pdfs of desk planners - each with a different motivational quote.
This are designed to be printed in A3 - but can be used in A4 also.
These have been created with the role of Head of Year in mind and using my experience of the role.
There is space for:
a to do list - urgent and for later
a phone call list s
space to quick plan lessons for the current day and the following
space for weekly planning
a ‘remember to print section’
Please let me know if you find these useful.
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This resource includes three sessions on learning to learn skills including:
-Memory and planning skills
-Organisational skills
-Growth mindset and resilience skills
This is great for use during form time or PSHE skills.
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This resource is a 15 question who wants to be a millionaire style quiz for technical terms in English. Ranging from language techniques through to poetry, dialect, genre, personal opinion and synonyms.
Checks knowledge of a wide range of English terminology.
Perfect for end of the year or end of half term.
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In this document you will find an attendance action plan. This includes split the year group into waves and plan actions for each wave of poor attendance.
It includes the actions that should be taken from 100% attendance-90% and includes priorities to be completed by a pastoral leader. It also includes a comment about monitoring and how attendance should be monitored alongside this plan.
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This resource was created for KS4 students - specifically those getting ready for mocks or final exams.
The session focuses on challenging myths and misconceptions about revision. Each task centres around dispelling different myths and references a paralymic sportsman to encourage students to reflect on the myths they use to tell themselves they can’t revise effectively.
This resource also looks at ‘the curve of forgetting’ and the importance of staged revision. It also explores revision environment, challenges the perception that students don’t need to plan revision, and the ideas of ‘highlighting notes’ counting as revision. Finally, it asks students to review their learning and create a plan for how to ‘target’ their revision. It also has an extension task to create a success criteria for revising.
This powerpoint also comes with a learning mat which can be used in the sessions. Perfect for an isolated lessons on revision.
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In this booklet, you will find:
3 christmas wordsearchs of increasing difficulty
4 detailed Christmas colouring sheets
13 worded numeracy questions
12 Christmas brainteasers
In total, 32 form time questions and activities for the lead up to Christmas!
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This resource includes a two page formal behaviour contact which can be used in parental meetings with students to set targets for behaviour within school.
This resource includes space for 3 targets with success criteria and a review deadline. It also includes space for reflection on behaviour concerns, what good will look like and strengths.
There is also space for students, parents/carers and staff to sign and space for additional notes.
In word format to allow for editing.
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In this resource, you will find a PDF of 12 weekly spelling tests. This are aimed at students who’s spelling is below their chronological age or who have been identified for catch up.
These spelling lists are comprised using the KS2 spelling lists including
words from Years 3-4 and 5-6. The lists become progressively harder
as the weeks progress with 9 onwards being Year 5-6 words.
These can be distributed to students as a homework or used as part of a catch up programme.
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In this resource you will find my 7000 word NQPML (middle leadership qualification) write up. The focus for my project was an afterschool intervention which focused on developing growth mindset and resilience for Year 7.
The document references lots of great leadership research for NQPML and took a great deal of time to pull together. This particular pro forma is broken down into the ‘competencies’ assessed and the three parts of the project - planning, evaluation and leading the priority.
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This resource is a behaviour contract aimed to get student focusing on their strengths as well as their areas for development and their targets.
A great, more informal, way to get students reflect and owning their behaviour. This is perfect as an initial way of getting students to improve behaviour.
If you are looking for a more formal behaviour contract including parents/carers - you can find one here:
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This resource is a form time session focusing on exploring what makes a ‘great learner’ - there is a focus on growth mindset as well as other qualities of great learners.
The session culminates in students making ‘growth mindset’ cards with targets for their own growth mindsets.
Please considering liking my page at: and leaving a review if this is useful to you.
This resource is a session which focuses on what makes a successful school including student exploring expectations of both themselves as learners and of teachers. It ends in students creating a ‘success contract’ which pupils at their ideal school would sign.
This resources pairs exceptionally well with the ‘what makes a great learner’ session which can be found on my shop.
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This resource is a form session or PSHE session which requires student to ‘design their own school’.
It explores gives suggestions for what you might include in the building of a school as well as a budgeting price list for students to make extras for their school building.
This session involves presenting to staff (of choice) at the end and those staff may judge the best school.
If you like this, please leave a review.
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This reflection sheet is a fun, light hearted way for tutors to reflect on the year just gone. It is perfect for the end of the year and to get tutors reflecting on their form tutor role, their highlights and their low lights.
I have had great success with this in the past a tutors generally appreciate the opportunity to feedback as well as the opportunity to reflect in a informal way on their year.
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In this resource, there are 20 individual literacy activities. These are perfect for use as starters or for use during form time literacy sessions.
Each activity is self contained and should take approx. 10 minutes.
The tasks focus on:
‘unch’ words
capital letters
‘ice’ words
the spelling police
writing tasks
question marks
spelling (boggle style)
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This resource is a venn diagram which can be used to better understand your year group and which students may have multiple vulnerabilities - therefore which students may need more targetted support and intervention.
This sheet pairs well with my venn diagram template and they can be used together.
You can find the bundle of my 3 venn diagrams here:
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This resource is a venn diagram which can be used to better understand your year group and which students may have multiple vulnerabilities - therefore which students may need more targetted support and intervention. This venn looks at safeguarding, behaviour and PP.
This sheet pairs well with my venn diagram template and they can be used together.
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A bundle of my three venn diagrams can be found here:
This bundle includes 3 venn diagrams which can be used to better understand your year group and which students may have multiple vulnerabilities - therefore which students may need more targetted support and intervention.
They focus on the different vulnerabilities a student may face including: behaviour, PP, male, safeguarding and attendance.
Please leave a review if you find these useful.
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