
Year 1 Non-Chronological Report 2 week plan - Plans and Resources
2 weeks planning and resources for writing a non-chronological report about lions.
Week 1
a weekly plan.
A model text of a non-chronological report about lines with finding features labels.
Reading comprehension questions about the model text.
2 videos about lions and a template for note taking.
conjunction word mat.
lion facts for sorting into subheadings.
Week 2
A weekly plan.
openers word mat
lion template.
Note: the unit relies on adults modelling on whiteboard/flipchart so there are no powerpoints. See list above of what is included.

UKS2 Morning PowerPoint Slides - 1 half term (7 weeks) with answer slides
Powerpoint Slides suitable for UKS2 for Early Morning Work.
There is 7 weeks worth of slides.
Each slide has a SPaG question taken from Y6 SATS 2023 and 5 artithmatic questions.
Each slide is followed by answers to the questions so that the teacher can go through the answers or the children can self mark. Children could use a whiteboard or have an early work book.
Editable so you can change the content or so the font can be changed to meet your school’s policy.
(on home task bar - click replace > replace fonts)

Word Class Posters (Botanical themed)
A set of 12 A4 posters with different word classes for KS1/2.
proper noun
using Co-ordinating Conjunctions
using Subordinating Conjunctions x 2
fronted adverbial
Can add more via request - e-mail ukprimarylearning@gmail.com

KS2 Sentence Structure Posters
4 posters for KS2 English/Grammar
Using a Co-ordinating Conjunction
Using a Semi-Colon (in place of a co-ordinating conjunction)
Using a Subordinating Conjunction (in the middle of a sentence)
Using a Subordinating Conjunction (at the start of a sentence)

Year 1 and 2 Common exception Word flashcards (with alphabet to display)
A full set of Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words (4 per page) in alphabetical order along with alphabet display lettering.
In PDF and PowerPoint to allow editing. Currently written in Sassoon Font but can be changed to meet your school handwriting policy.
Different ways to use them:
I’ve used them on a Ikea Tolsby frame with key rings.
use key ring/treasury tags to make booklets.
display on wall/door.
use in continuous provision
I am able to edit/change them to meet your specification - feel free to e-mail ukprimarylearning@gmail.com.

Alphabet Posters (botanical theme)
A4 Posters with alphabet (upper and lower case) in Comic Sans and Quicksand Font.
Also includes a blank powerpoint version which you can add your own with the font you desire.

Sentence Starter Clipboards
A4 posters with sentence starters for different genres of writing.
Diary writing
Explanation writing
Non-Chronological Reports
Instruction Writing
Formal Letter Writing
Newspaper Reports
Narrative Writing
Persuasive Writing
Discursive Writing

Alphabet Bunting (floral design)
Alphabet bunting with both capital letter and small letter. Purple floral design background.

Phonics Cards - Split Digraph Words (real words and nonsense words)
word cards for phonics - Split digraph - o_e, e_e, a_e, i_e, u_e
o_e - 8 real words, 8 nonsense words.
e_e - 8 real words, 8 nonsense words.
a_e - 8 real words, 8 nonsense words.
i_e - 8 real words, 8 nonsense words.
u_e - 8 real words, 8 nonsense words.

Story Mountain Prompt Sheet
An A4 poster of a story mountain with a prompt question. Could be printed A3 for a poster.

Little Red Riding Hood - Word Mats
4 word mats with adjectives to describe 4 characters from the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood.
Big Bad Wolf
Red Riding Hood
The Woodcutter
PDF - A4 Landscape