
UKS2 Morning PowerPoint Slides - 1 half term (7 weeks) with answer slides
Powerpoint Slides suitable for UKS2 for Early Morning Work.
There is 7 weeks worth of slides.
Each slide has a SPaG question taken from Y6 SATS 2023 and 5 artithmatic questions.
Each slide is followed by answers to the questions so that the teacher can go through the answers or the children can self mark. Children could use a whiteboard or have an early work book.
Editable so you can change the content or so the font can be changed to meet your school’s policy.
(on home task bar - click replace > replace fonts)

Subitising Flashcards
Flash cards showing numbers 1-12 in different ways. To help children to recognise/subitise numbers.
150 different cards (in a pdf) the numbers are represented in:
Numerals, number in words, tallys, dominoes, tens frames, picture of playing cards, addition and subtraction calculations.
How to play ‘subtising war’: Divide the cards evenly between the players. Keep cards face down in a stack in front of each player. Players turn over their top card at the same time and see who has the higher number. Whoever’s number is the highest, takes both cards and puts it in their “win” pile. Continue playing until all cards have been used. The player with the most cards in their “win” pile is the winner!

0-20 Number Posters (Tens Frames)
A set of posters 0-20 showing the numeral, word and the number represented on tens frames.

Percentages Maze Challenges (finding 1%, 5%, 15%, 25%, 50%)
6 Worksheets (with 6 answer sheets) where children have to work their way across the hexagons by identifying the correct answers.
finding 10%
finding 5%
finding 25%
finding 50%
finding 1%
finding mixed percentages (5%, 20% 15%)

Fraction Mazes - finding half, quarter and three quarters (15 Worksheets with answers!)
15 worksheets (with answers!) where children have to work their way across the hexagons by identifying the correct answers.
5 sheets - finding 1/2 of a quantity
5 sheets - finding 1/4 of a quantity
5 sheets - finding 3/4 of a quantity
Each with an answer sheet for ease of marking. These can be used as an activity in lessons. Or you have like to use them as extension tasks.

Roman Numerals Poster
Roman numerals poster for displaying in your classroom or to be printed as a help sheet for students.

Number Line Bunting 0-10 - Pink Pastel
Number line from 0 to 10 in pastel pink
PDF - A4 page per number with numicon picture and number shown on hands.
Comic Sans (available in other formats on request via e-mail ukprimarylearning@gmail.com

Maths Multiples Mazes (Identifying multiples of 2 - 12) - 11 worksheets with answer sheet
Maths mazes focused on identified multiples of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12 (one worksheet each and an answer sheet for each for aiding marking)
plus an additional sheet with odd numbers challenge!

KS2 Maths Puzzle Challenges (16 worksheets with answers!)
A set of 16 different worksheets (with answer sheets) linked to number on PDF. Children have to work their way across the hexagons by identifying the correct answers.
find multiples of 2
find multiples of 3
find multiples of 4
find multiples of 5
find multiples of 6
find multiples of 7
find multiples of 8
find multiples of 9
find multiples of 10
find multiples of 11
find multiples of 12
finding prime numbers
Mixed Even number challenge (find manswers that are even number)
Mixed odd number challenge (find answers that are odd numbers)
find even Roman Numerals
find odd Roman numerals
All with answer sheets.

Premier League Prime Numbers Display
A prime number display using the shirt numbers of Premier League footballers. One shirt per A4 page landscape. Another option is to cut them out and display them