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KS1 year 2 Maths Working Wall Display pack ~ titles, pictures, posters ~ supports WRM

KS1 year 2 Maths Working Wall Display pack ~ titles, pictures, posters ~ supports WRM

Everything that is needed to create a maths working wall display in a year two classroom with the focus of place value. These resources have been designed to be interactive and to fully support the teaching of WRM (White Rose Maths) Year 2, Autumn block 1. The files contain a bunting header plus lots of other subheadings and interactive questions. Also included are templates such as tens frames, place value charts, part-whole models as well as pictorial representations of concrete resouces such as base 10, place value counters etc. There are other decorative bits and pieces such as speech bubbles and arrows and frames to be laminated and written on by adults and children.
40 arithmetic maths starters morning work SATs practise year 2 KS1 with answers differentiated

40 arithmetic maths starters morning work SATs practise year 2 KS1 with answers differentiated

A big set of 40 arithmetic starters with answers for self or peer assessment. Perfect as maths starters or morning work. 3 difficulty levels: The first for children below expected or for expected/greater depth children to practise instant recall of number facts. These questions deal with numbers to 30 and 2 x table only. The second looks at 10x table and addition and subtraction where carrying and exchanging is not needed. The third looks at 5 x table and addition and subtraction where carrying and exchanging is needed.
40 sets of arithmetic starters/morning work  for year 5 and 6 with answers

40 sets of arithmetic starters/morning work for year 5 and 6 with answers

A power point that contains 40 sets of maths arithmetic challenges. I will be using these as morning work with my year 6 class to provide extra opportunity to practise using the four operations. The questions alternate between straight forward calculations and find the missing digits questions. They are differentiated A-C. A questions do not involve exchanging or carrying and so are ideal for LA or MA/HA to complete mentally. B involves exchanging and carrying and C involved decimals up to three decimal places. Each day has two slides- the questions and then the answers and so are easy for children to self-assess. The title slide says morning work, autumn 1 as this is when I will be using them but this could easily be changed if needed. I aim to create further sets for the rest of the year, as I do I will upload them to TES.
Year 3 equivalent fractions using cuisenaire rods - concrete resources lesson & display poster LKS2

Year 3 equivalent fractions using cuisenaire rods - concrete resources lesson & display poster LKS2

Full lesson on introducing equivalent fractions to year 3. This is a hands on lesson- children will spend the full lesson exploring fractions through cuisenaire rods. I carried this lesson out with the children working in small groups. I blew the included recording sheet up to A3. There is a box for them to physically place their cuisenaire rods down and record the fractions that they represent. There are more boxes for children to record equivalent fractions. I then took a photograph of the completed sheet as evidence for children’s books (there is space for names on the sheet to make this easier!). Included is a power point (with learning objective, lots of mathematical questions and plenary), recording sheet and a fraction wall display poster (I blew this up to A3 for my working wall and reduced it to A5 for each child to stick into the back of their maths books for future reference).
Complete science unit- year 2 plants- 9 lessons, notebook slides and all resources included

Complete science unit- year 2 plants- 9 lessons, notebook slides and all resources included

Huge bundle of resources to cover all year 2 plants science national curriculum objectives and also some year 1 objectives and some mathematics (data handling) objectives to promote cross curricular learning. 8 differentiated lessons Lessons included: planting a seed (sunflower), finding out how to care for it and measuring it over time. Investigation over time: What does a plant need to grow. Looks a planting a bean seed and keeping it in different conditions to monitor it’s growth. Lifecycle of a plant (using the control from the bean seed experiment to allow children to explore this themselves) Dissection of a plant to look at the different parts and their jobs. Carnation experient to explore the movement of water in plants. (Using food colouring in the water to colourthe petals- make sure you use plenty of food colouring for it to work!!) Plant and tree hunt, record using tally marks and present findings in a block diagram (links to data in maths) Create a mini rainforest terrarium in a bottle. Full instructions and resource list included. Analyse sunflower growth, show results in a pictogram. Extra questions for HA children to answer once they have created their pictogram (links to data in maths). The corresponding notebook slides are easy to follow with lots of questions to encourage scientific thinking. There is differentiation for HA/MA/EAL or NTE
50 Arithmetic starters and answers for LKS2 Year 3 and 4 maths or morning work (SET 1)

50 Arithmetic starters and answers for LKS2 Year 3 and 4 maths or morning work (SET 1)

Set of 50 arithmetic starters with answers suitable for lower key stage two A variety of quick activities to practise the four operations at the start of maths lessons or as morning work. The difficulty of the starters vary meaning that different slides can be selected to suit the needs of your specific class. This set of starters has more addition and subtraction questions (see my other sets for more division and multiplication).
40 sets of arithmetic/numeracy starters/morning work  year 5 & 6 answers 4 operations SATs revision

40 sets of arithmetic/numeracy starters/morning work year 5 & 6 answers 4 operations SATs revision

Here is another set (see my other resources for more!) of numeracy starters, ideal for use with UKS2. (EDITED- there had been some mistakes, these have now been checked and are all correct!) Each set has 4 questions- one for each of the four operations. The three sets increase in difficulty. UKS2 children should be able to quickly do the easiest set mentally, the hardest set includes decimals. I use these on a morning while taking the register- challenge the children to complete them all in 10 minutes, then I put the answers on the board and they self assess them. This is great speed practice in the run up to SATs. Would also work very well as a quick starter in maths lessons.
Missing number posters part-whole posters using the inverse to calculate missing numbers

Missing number posters part-whole posters using the inverse to calculate missing numbers

A bundle of posters to hep children understand how to solve missing number problems. These posters will help children to identify the which number is the whole and which is the part in a number sentence. They will help children to correctly decide if they need to add or subtract to find the missing number and to understand why. They will help them to understand when they should and shouldn’t use the inverse operation.
Bundle of year 2 morning maths work mats. KS1 SATs practise. arithmetic & problem solving starters

Bundle of year 2 morning maths work mats. KS1 SATs practise. arithmetic & problem solving starters

Bundle of morning work mats aimed at year 2. 2 of the mats have space for a number to be written in the center by the teacher, then activities around the edge are based on this number (one is based on 3 digit numbers for HA children). This allows the mats to be used over and over again with different numbers. 2 of the mats have an amount of objects in the center with different word problems based on these objects around the edges. The other mat has SATs style number card questions on it. All mats are in word format and so numbers/questions can be easily edited to extend their use and allow for differentiation.
Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS

Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS

A big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets. Each sheet has squared paper at the side to allow children to have space to use formal, written methods and/or pictorial methods to work out the answers to the questions. A range of basic skills are covered such as: counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. place Value adding/subtracting tens doubling and halving finding missing parts on a part-whole model finding missing parts in addition and subtraction calculations. 2 digit addition and subtraction multiplication and division (2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables)
KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths 2018 Paper 2 practise reasoning and problem solving slides and questions

KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths 2018 Paper 2 practise reasoning and problem solving slides and questions

All, the questions from the maths paper 2 2018 KS1 SATs are on the smart notebook presentation. Use this presentation to teach the children how they should answer the questions and then use the corresponding sheets (which have the same questions with different numbers) to let them attempt the questions independently. This resource can be used as a daily starter or intervention to improve children’s ability to answer reasoning and problem solving questions or to address gaps on individual questions after assessments.
KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths Paper 2 practise revision reasoning and problem solving slides questions  2019

KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths Paper 2 practise revision reasoning and problem solving slides questions 2019

All the questions from the maths paper 2 2019 KS1 SATs are on the smart notebook presentation. Use this presentation to teach the children how they should answer the questions and then use the corresponding sheets (which have the same questions with different numbers) to let them attempt the questions independently. This resource can be used as a daily starter or intervention to improve children’s ability to answer reasoning and problem solving questions or to address gaps on individual questions after assessments.
Fraction cupcakes fun lesson & working wall posters year 1 introduce 1/2 1/4 whole numbers KS1 maths

Fraction cupcakes fun lesson & working wall posters year 1 introduce 1/2 1/4 whole numbers KS1 maths

Fun presentation which introduces the concept of fractions through cupcakes!! Teachers- make sure you have enough cupcakes and plastic knives for all children and grown ups in your class- make sure everyone can join in and have fun! Also, make sure you have white boards and pens handy. I taught this lesson as a fun fraction introduction- the whole lesson was spent eating cupcakes and I used photographic evidence in the children’s books, so you may also want to have a camera close by! The presentation talks through fractions step by step- first looking at what a whole is, then a half and then a quarter. It discusses how much there is all together and how much is left. The mathematical language of numerator and denominator is introduced. It uses visual images to help the children to cut their cupcake properly and has prompts to tell them when they are allowed to eat a piece! It includes lots of question prompts that you may want to use as a whole class/table groups/partners etc. Also included is a presentation with slides that are handy for your working wall- add these after teaching this lesson so that children have a visual reminder of 1/2, 1/4 and whole and this lesson for the rest of this topic.