
fun & active telling the time activity- differentiated challenges for KS1 and LKS2 12/24 hour clock
This is a fun and active maths lesson for teaching time.
I did this in the hall, we used hula hoops as our clock faces and arranged the numbers and clock hands around these. It would also be a great outdoors activity to inject some fun into maths!
The bundle includes numbers 1-24 and roman numerals I - XII, meaning that the clock is a flexible resource to be used in lots of ways with children of a variety of ages.
There are 5 sets of challenge cards- o’clock and half past, 15 minute intervals, 5 minute intervals, 1 minute intervals and converting to the 24hr clock. These would all work very well with the roman numerals as well as the numbers. Depending on the age/level of the children, simply setting up the roman numeral clock may be a challenge!
The challenge cards work well to meet objectives across KS1 and LKS2 and also as differentiation within a year group or as a recap of prior learning.

MATHS CAFE year 2 KS1 differentiated money activity finding total and change addition subtraction
Fun maths cafe activity for year 2.
A good consolidation activity for the end of a unit on measurement with money.
Covers finding the total of different items, finding out how much change would be given and two step problems.
I used this at the end of the White Rose Maths Autumn Block 3 unit on money.
HA questions are word problems, children have to read and understand the questions and decide what operation to use independently.
MA questions have bar models to support children’s calculations. These bar models have parts filled in to begin with but gradually, less is filled in to encourage independence. Some two step problems also included to provide an extra challenge.

40 sets of arithmetic starters/morning work for year 5 and 6 with answers UKS2 4 operations maths
A power point that contains 40 sets of maths arithmetic challenges.
I used these as morning work with my year 6 class to provide extra opportunity to practise using the four operations.
The questions alternate between straight forward calculations, finding the missing digits questions and multiply and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000.
They are differentiated A-C. A questions do not involve exchanging or carrying and so are ideal for LA or MA/HA to complete mentally. B involves exchanging and carrying and C involved decimals up to three decimal places.
Each day has two slides- the questions and then the answers and so are easy for children to self-assess.
The title slide says morning work, autumn 2 as this is when I used them but this could easily be changed if needed.
I have more sets available.

Year 3 addition and subtraction arithmetic and problem solving 8 homework worksheets and answers
8 homework sheets to practise addition and subtraction skills.
Enough for the full half term when we cover addition and subtraction. They gradually get more challenging when given in the correct order:
1 and 2. addition without regrouping and another with regrouping.
3 and 4. subtraction without exchange and one with exchange.
5 and 6. use the inverse to find missing numbers.
7. pyramid problems where children must decide when to add/use the inverse.
8. word problems.
answers are included with each worksheet

Big set of mud kitchen recipe cards and 'make your own' recipe to promote counting in the EYFS maths
Big set of mud kitchen recipe cards- 10 different recipes and some ‘my mud recipe’ cards for the children to write numbers when planning their recipe.
Simply laminate and keep near the mud kitchen- I bound them together to make a recipe book!
Promotes counting and number recognition. A good enhancement to outdoor provision and encourages the children to develop creative ways of using loose parts.

KS1 year 2 expanded column method posters addition and subtraction maths
Two step by step posters to explain the expanded column method of addition and subtraction in a simple and visual way.
I found that they work well when printed on A3.

KS1 year 2 big set of differentiated maths arithmetic starters with answers SATs practise numeracy
A big set of 40 arithmetic starters with answers for self or peer assessment.
Perfect as maths starters or morning work.
3 difficulty levels:
The first for children below expected or for expected/greater depth children to practise instant recall of number facts, the second if for expected ability and the third is aimed at developing the skills of greater depth children.
These starters have lots of questions based on the following essential KS1 skills:
Doubles and halves
The four operations
Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
Using part-whole models.
Missing number questions
1 more and less
10 more and less
Writing numbers as words

Big set of Christmas Mud Kitchen Recipe cards EYFS counting and maths outdoor activity
Big set of bright, colourful Christmas themed Mud Kitched recipe cards.
With numbers from 1-10, these cards promote counting through loose parts and outdoor play.
6 of the 16 cards are blank for children to make their own recipes.
Laminate to create a fun,festive mud kitchen cook book!

KS1 YEAR 2 Place Value match matching/comparing numbers game cards activity intervention
Place Value matching game ideal for use in year 2.
Pictorial representations of numbers below 100 using tens and ones place value counters.
Smaller than, larger than and equal to symbols also included to add extra challenge for more able children.
This resource could be used in lots of different ways, ideal for interventions.