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40 sets of arithmetic/numeracy starters/morning work  year 5 & 6 answers 4 operations SATs revision

40 sets of arithmetic/numeracy starters/morning work year 5 & 6 answers 4 operations SATs revision

Here is another set (see my other resources for more!) of numeracy starters, ideal for use with UKS2. (EDITED- there had been some mistakes, these have now been checked and are all correct!) Each set has 4 questions- one for each of the four operations. The three sets increase in difficulty. UKS2 children should be able to quickly do the easiest set mentally, the hardest set includes decimals. I use these on a morning while taking the register- challenge the children to complete them all in 10 minutes, then I put the answers on the board and they self assess them. This is great speed practice in the run up to SATs. Would also work very well as a quick starter in maths lessons.
Missing number posters part-whole posters using the inverse to calculate missing numbers

Missing number posters part-whole posters using the inverse to calculate missing numbers

A bundle of posters to hep children understand how to solve missing number problems. These posters will help children to identify the which number is the whole and which is the part in a number sentence. They will help children to correctly decide if they need to add or subtract to find the missing number and to understand why. They will help them to understand when they should and shouldn’t use the inverse operation.
Bundle of year 2 morning maths work mats. KS1 SATs practise. arithmetic & problem solving starters

Bundle of year 2 morning maths work mats. KS1 SATs practise. arithmetic & problem solving starters

Bundle of morning work mats aimed at year 2. 2 of the mats have space for a number to be written in the center by the teacher, then activities around the edge are based on this number (one is based on 3 digit numbers for HA children). This allows the mats to be used over and over again with different numbers. 2 of the mats have an amount of objects in the center with different word problems based on these objects around the edges. The other mat has SATs style number card questions on it. All mats are in word format and so numbers/questions can be easily edited to extend their use and allow for differentiation.
Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards KS1 science investigation area display

Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards KS1 science investigation area display

20 bright and colourful fact cards about caterpillars and butterflies. I used these to set up a science investigation area in year 2 when we had caterpillars that we kept to observe and release as they turned into butterflies. (I also sell them in a bundle with matching display title bunting and key vocabulary) These cards concentrate on the things that children will notice while the caterpillars are in the classroom. They allow the children to find out about what they can see happening. These cards are also a geat resource for teachers and support staff to explain what is happening and answer any tricky questions that the children might ask!
Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS

Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS

A big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets. Each sheet has squared paper at the side to allow children to have space to use formal, written methods and/or pictorial methods to work out the answers to the questions. A range of basic skills are covered such as: counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. place Value adding/subtracting tens doubling and halving finding missing parts on a part-whole model finding missing parts in addition and subtraction calculations. 2 digit addition and subtraction multiplication and division (2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables)
KS1 year 1 and 2 PHONICS working wall display pack phase 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CEWs tricky words suffixes

KS1 year 1 and 2 PHONICS working wall display pack phase 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CEWs tricky words suffixes

Everything that is needed to create an English working wall display in a KS1 classroom. All resources are on blue and green patterned borders, so the colours go well together no matter which phase(s) you are working on. Resources are also perfect for use in interventions. A huge amount of resources are included in this bundle: Main title bunting Sub-titles to arrange the display in different sections phase 2 phone flashcards phase 2 tricky words flashcards phase 3 phoneme flashcards phase 3 tricky words flashcards phase 4 phoneme flashcards phase 4 tricky words flashcards phase 5 phoneme flashcards phase 5 tricky words flashcards phase 6 phoneme flashcards phase 6 suffixes flashcards year 1 common exception words year 2 common exception words
year 2 SCIENCE-PLANTS lesson planting sunflowers, what plants need, measuring sunflowers pictogram

year 2 SCIENCE-PLANTS lesson planting sunflowers, what plants need, measuring sunflowers pictogram

Science lessons looking at plants in year 2. Lesson on planting sunflowers, learning how to take care of them and what they need. Differentiated sheet for children who are new to English. A log to keep track of how high and fast they grow. Analysis lesson to create pictograms (with links to the year 2 maths curriculum) to show the height of different sunflowers. Extra questions for high ability children once they have made their pictogram (links to year 2 maths curriculum).
KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths 2018 Paper 2 practise reasoning and problem solving slides and questions

KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths 2018 Paper 2 practise reasoning and problem solving slides and questions

All, the questions from the maths paper 2 2018 KS1 SATs are on the smart notebook presentation. Use this presentation to teach the children how they should answer the questions and then use the corresponding sheets (which have the same questions with different numbers) to let them attempt the questions independently. This resource can be used as a daily starter or intervention to improve children’s ability to answer reasoning and problem solving questions or to address gaps on individual questions after assessments.
KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths Paper 2 practise revision reasoning and problem solving slides questions  2019

KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths Paper 2 practise revision reasoning and problem solving slides questions 2019

All the questions from the maths paper 2 2019 KS1 SATs are on the smart notebook presentation. Use this presentation to teach the children how they should answer the questions and then use the corresponding sheets (which have the same questions with different numbers) to let them attempt the questions independently. This resource can be used as a daily starter or intervention to improve children’s ability to answer reasoning and problem solving questions or to address gaps on individual questions after assessments.
KS2 writing edit/editing station/stations prompts with display/working wall posters year 3, 4, 5, 6

KS2 writing edit/editing station/stations prompts with display/working wall posters year 3, 4, 5, 6

Editing station prompts. There are 8 different stations all together, more than I would use in one lesson but the range of them allows you to choose what is relevant to the specific genre of writing that you are looking at. These are also editable. Each station gives an editing focus and has the kinds of questions as prompts that an adult would ask if they were working 1:1 with the child. They also give the children ideas of how to independently up-level their work (for example, instructions on creating fronted adverbials or directing children to use classroom resources such as dictionaries, thesaurus or the working wall.) Used often enough, the children will become increasingly able to focus on specific areas of improvement when editing their work, rather then perhaps editing a couple of spelling before saying that they are finished- which is what my class used to do! Also included is a half sized version of each prompt- perfect for display, whilst not taking up too much room on your working wall.
Classroom jobs display elegant/fancy chalkboard theme KS1 KS2

Classroom jobs display elegant/fancy chalkboard theme KS1 KS2

I laminated and cut these out and than used black ribbon to create a hanging display that can be put anywhere in my classroom. I write the childrens’ names on the white sections with dry wipe marker so they can be quickly and easily changed, The jobs could be easily edited to suit your classroom.
Fraction cupcakes fun lesson & working wall posters year 1 introduce 1/2 1/4 whole numbers KS1 maths

Fraction cupcakes fun lesson & working wall posters year 1 introduce 1/2 1/4 whole numbers KS1 maths

Fun presentation which introduces the concept of fractions through cupcakes!! Teachers- make sure you have enough cupcakes and plastic knives for all children and grown ups in your class- make sure everyone can join in and have fun! Also, make sure you have white boards and pens handy. I taught this lesson as a fun fraction introduction- the whole lesson was spent eating cupcakes and I used photographic evidence in the children’s books, so you may also want to have a camera close by! The presentation talks through fractions step by step- first looking at what a whole is, then a half and then a quarter. It discusses how much there is all together and how much is left. The mathematical language of numerator and denominator is introduced. It uses visual images to help the children to cut their cupcake properly and has prompts to tell them when they are allowed to eat a piece! It includes lots of question prompts that you may want to use as a whole class/table groups/partners etc. Also included is a presentation with slides that are handy for your working wall- add these after teaching this lesson so that children have a visual reminder of 1/2, 1/4 and whole and this lesson for the rest of this topic.
KS2 science LIGHT & SHADOWS 2 experiments coloured shadows & multiple light sources EAL differentiat

KS2 science LIGHT & SHADOWS 2 experiments coloured shadows & multiple light sources EAL differentiat

Here is a presentation and resources for two science lessons on light and shadows. The first experiment is to find out what happens when multiple lights are shone on an object. The sceond experiment is to find out what happens when different coloured lights are shone on an object. I carried this out with my year 6 class, I have a high number of EAL and New to English children and so there is resoures to support their learning included. Each test has a scaffolded write up for NTE children. My HA children were expected to write it up independently, including the same sections as the NTE children. The MA chidren were able to look at the NTE write up sheet as a starting point to supprot them in their independant write up. Also included is a NTE word mat with pictures and a scientific vocab mat that is relevant to this science topic. The last slide on the powerpoint has lots of extension questions to do with this topic. These could be used in many ways for example; as an extension for the HA children or a class choice on what to explore next.