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Mrs. Shuttleworth's Excellent Emporium

Average Rating4.14
(based on 50 reviews)

Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English




Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in: * Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose, * Using creative modalities for Reading, * Most Able, * Well Being through English, * Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing * Numeracy in English
English Language Paper 1 Reading Practice Eduqas

English Language Paper 1 Reading Practice Eduqas

A full fiction reading exam practice paper with Eduqas style English Language Paper 1 Section A questions. Extract from ‘To the Lighthouse’. Fully line referenced. Follows question pattern: list five impressions how does the writer (craft language) …? how does the writer (mood and atmosphere) …? build argument/evaluate Indicative content included to support marking.
Emotions & Mental Health KS2 Wellbeing SMSC PHSE

Emotions & Mental Health KS2 Wellbeing SMSC PHSE

Outcomes of this learning: What is Mental Health? Renew/reactivate knowledge Recognising Five Key Emotions Importance of Maintaining OK-ness How to Regulate Emotions for Mental Wellness What range of help can be sought when things don’t feel good? KS2 students understand better how to recognise and manage emotions for good mental health. Help children learn the role of emotion regulation in maintaining optimum mental health for the individual PPT presentation of 40 slides for whole class teaching and learning Offers of scaffolding and challenge to begin differentiation for your learners PPT has relevant worksheet embedded ready for printing Three activities to help children regulate their emotions and stress levels created from my therapy training. Teacher guidance slides (written concisely and succinctly - no need to study!) Cross curricular elements offered as an option SMSC elements offered as an option Divided into short sequences of learning approx 20 - 30 minutes each Includes 3 do anywhere techniques to bring about relaxation or mood lift Designed and written by an outstanding Lead Teacher trained in Emotional Perception Therapy.
Review Writing How to Write a Review of Websites

Review Writing How to Write a Review of Websites

I’m sharing this freely for subscribers to my YouTube channel as the workpack that is referred to in the support video. How to write a review of a website/websites for GCSE transactional writing. Please download if you think it will be useful but it will need adapting to suit your students.
Unseen Poetry 'In Oak Terrace' A Task a Day for a Week

Unseen Poetry 'In Oak Terrace' A Task a Day for a Week

I’m sharing this freely as a basis for a homework task for Years 9, 10 and 11 to build skills in exploring unseen poetry. Supporting videos are available and I’ve provided links to these and the poem that they explore which is available on BBC bitesize. Aimed at supporting students to grade right through to grade 5-6. Please adapt to your students’ needs, should you need to.
Revise or Learn: Love and Relationships AQA Booklet

Revise or Learn: Love and Relationships AQA Booklet

60 pages/slides of revision detailing word and phrase analysis of all 15 poems with some extracts from exemplar responses. Main context used are the ideas from Romanticism which are explored in each poem in this anthology. Works as a booklet for revision or a learning tool in class. PPT format so can be displayed and utilised for whole class learning as well as more individual revision.
Whole School Literacy CPD in Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Bulletins and  Meetings

Whole School Literacy CPD in Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Bulletins and Meetings

A second pack of 25 PowerPoint slides to train secondary and middle school staff in seven Whole School Literacy reading and writing techniques - one for each week of an average half term. When time for fitting in Whole School Literacy CPD is tight, this pack will enable secondary or middle schools to refresh and extend their staff’s teaching of Literacy Across the Curriculum. Each piece of CPD takes about a minute to present so will fit into staff briefing time, as a starter to whole staff meetings, curriculum meetings or weekly mailing bulletins. This pack is based on a model of reading that looks at each aspect of comprehension from spelling to how whole texts are perceived. Low risk writing is also a focus in this pack. Each piece of training is given rationale, a technique that is quick to learn, adapts to all curriculum subjects, has suggestions for stretch and challenge and differentiation and has been developed by an outstanding Whole School Literacy Co-Ordinator. The Literacy Boom Moments is certainly a favourite with my SLT and Governors!
Whole School Literacy CPD Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Staff Meetings, Weekly Bulletins

Whole School Literacy CPD Seven One Minute Sessions for Briefings, Staff Meetings, Weekly Bulletins

20 PowerPoint slides to train secodary and middle school staff in seven Whole School Literacy reading techniques - one for each week of an average half term. When time for fitting in Whole School Literacy CPD is tight, this pack will enable secondary or middle schools to refresh and extend their staff’s teaching of Literacy Across the Curriculum. Each piece of CPD takes about a minute to present so will fit into staff briefing time, as a starter to whole staff meetings, curriculum meetings or weekly mailing bulletins. This pack is based on a model of reading that looks at each aspect of comprehension from spelling to how whole texts are perceived. Each piece of training is given rationale, a technique that is quick to learn, adapts to all curriculum subjects, has suggestions for stretch and challenge and differentiation and has been developed by an outstanding Whole School Literacy Co-Ordinator. The Literacy Boom Moments is certainly a favourite with my SLT and Governors!
KS3 Introducing Shakespeare Love, Marriage, Looks, Young People GCSE Foundations

KS3 Introducing Shakespeare Love, Marriage, Looks, Young People GCSE Foundations

Need a scheme of over 65 slides that are differentiated for KS3 that introduces Shakespeare and avoids the tired old ‘research The Globe’ cliche? This is the unit of work for you. Easily several weeks of work, should you choose to teach the full sequence. Aimed at giving students a contextual grounding in Shakespearean love, looks, marriage, young people and parents, this scheme starts with Sonnet 130 and moves onto Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice and Much Ado About Nothing. Lively presentation and covering all Literature assessment objectives. Lots of range in tasks. Plenty of Most Able challenge as well as a good grounding in hitting KS3 levels for a solid trajectory into KS4 grades. More challenging tasks are supported with hints and tips to help students achieve.
Revise Formal Letter Writing at GCSE Booklet

Revise Formal Letter Writing at GCSE Booklet

An ‘everything you need to know’ 15 page A4 booklet very suited to all exam boards on writing formal letters that includes: • A good modelled example • An outstanding modelled example • Guidance on how to plan • Guidance on how to structure detailed, developed paragraphs • Guidance for content suitable to form • Sophisticated ‘tricks and flicks’ • Five practice tasks
AQA High Level Exemplar Essay on 'Letters from Yorkshire' & 'Climbing my Grandfather' & Activities

AQA High Level Exemplar Essay on 'Letters from Yorkshire' & 'Climbing my Grandfather' & Activities

Invaluable resource for teaching those more nebulous skills for Grades 8 and 9. A high level exemplar response to a task on ‘Letters from Yorkshire’’ and difficult to define relationships. Compared with ‘Climbing My Grandfather’’ for the AQA English Literature Paper 2 Section B. Plenty of high level ideas ready to be learned and high level response style and also a good range of activities provided to encourage students to interact with the essay response, pick it apart, learn it, borrow the style and to encourage wider research. Rich in applied contexts and perspectives and full use of those aspects of poems students often neglect - structure and form - the response looks at sounds (because poetry is an aural form) and both big (journey structures) and smaller structures. Offered as a pair of resources - a framework for exploration in class and tasks and exemplar essay.
Seven Transactional Writing Tasks for Eduqas WJEC

Seven Transactional Writing Tasks for Eduqas WJEC

A giveaway of tasks that help students practise and prepare for Eduqas WJEC Component 2 Section B. Full range of formats covered. Is the time saved from your PPA worth five stars? If you can spare a minute from the several this resource will save you, please leave a little thank you.
Revise Informal Letter Writing GCSE Transactional Writing

Revise Informal Letter Writing GCSE Transactional Writing

An ‘everything you need to know’ 14 page A4 booklet very suited to all exam boards on writing informal letters that includes: • A good modelled example • An outstanding modelled example • Guidance on how to plan • Guidance on how to structure detailed, developed paragraphs • Guidance for content suitable to form • Sophisticated ‘tricks and flicks’ • Five practice tasks
Transactional Writing Eduqas Teach Learn Revise

Transactional Writing Eduqas Teach Learn Revise

A 42 page booklet aimed at students targeted Grade 5 - 9, this course or revision booklet provides everything you and your students need to revise for EDUQAS Component Two Section B Transactional Writing. It includes the way to time the exam, how to plan, how to write detailed developed paragraphs, modelled examples of each of the writing formats, a guide on how to write each text type successfully and two practice questions for each text type. You and they need look no further. I have also included a revision ppt for the day of the exam that concisely reminds students of the approach to this section of the paper. Includes a no-frills ppt worth £2 for quick revision for those students you fear will do little or no revision or as a booster just before the examination.
Revise WJEC EDUQAS English Language Component One Section A Subject Terminology

Revise WJEC EDUQAS English Language Component One Section A Subject Terminology

Aimed at boosting your lower graders up to Grades 4 and 5, this essential Toolkit Word resource that reminds students of some of the subject terminology they can use in Component One Section A of the English Language examination. Divided into three sections as differentiation, the resource reminds students of the things that literary writers do to craft their work. Designed to build confidence in relevant subject terminology they can mention and discuss the effects of.
KS2 KS3 Transition Literary Heritage of Children's Books Plus Writing Activity

KS2 KS3 Transition Literary Heritage of Children's Books Plus Writing Activity

Suited to KS2 Years 5 and 6 or early Year 7 as transition work, this unit of work takes students through the heritage of children’s books and leads up to leaflet/webpage writing. Skills included: evaluation, numeracy, plan, edit, draft, publish skills. Dips into Aesop, The Bible, Shakespeare, Gulliver’s Travels and more modern children’s fiction characters to show the timeline of literature read by children. Great for post SATs pre-transition for light-hearted fun linked to NC.