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Miss Pryde's Primary Resources

Thanks for stopping by! I provide resources mainly for primary age pupils. I am currently teaching P5 (Year 4) so most uploads coming up will be applicable for that age, however I also create many resources which can be used by all teachers! Enjoy :-)




Thanks for stopping by! I provide resources mainly for primary age pupils. I am currently teaching P5 (Year 4) so most uploads coming up will be applicable for that age, however I also create many resources which can be used by all teachers! Enjoy :-)
NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES | Describing a creature

NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES | Describing a creature

Students need to use their knowledge of nouns and adjectives to describe the creature. There is a visual success criteria checklist at the top of the page that remind them to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
NUMBER LINES | 10s and 1s to 100

NUMBER LINES | 10s and 1s to 100

Students are required to fill in the blank numbers on the number line. The questions get harder as the worksheet continues. Starting with 10s, moving on to 1s with other numbers available. The final 3 questions only have the start point and the end point of the number line, requiring the students to work it out themselves.
NUMBER | Counting in 2s, 3s and 5s

NUMBER | Counting in 2s, 3s and 5s

A great assessment activity after learning the 2, 3 and 5 times tables. Students need to colour in the hundred squares to show the 2 and 5 times tables and notice the patterns. Next, they need to fill in the blank stars to complete the 3 times tables. Finally, they can choose a times table of their own to complete the number track.