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Back to School Autumn 1 Year 6 Full Planning English Maths Geography R.E.

Back to School Autumn 1 Year 6 Full Planning English Maths Geography R.E.

Give yourself a break. Help yourself to plans that you can adapt and free up your Sundays. For year 6, first half Autumn term. Planning for : English Maths Geography Homework P.E. Reading Science SODA Zip has the lot. I’ve put sample ones in ordinary download. sample : Main input:Main Teaching 1 10 minutes (10.50am – 11am) Share LO and S/C. TTYP – why do authors use descriptive vocabulary? Take feedback and jot down ideas for the working wall – elicit the idea that, as a writer, it is our job to create an image in the reader’s mind. Show the part of ‘Matilda’ where the main character approaches Crunchem Hall for the first time. 22 min 30 to 24 min 30. Take part in ‘Book Talk’ on this visual text: How did we feel about Matilda when we watched her walk into the school under the arch? How did we feel about the school buildings and environment? What impressions have we made about Miss Trunchbull? How were we made to feel like that? How did the director manipulate our emotions? Show the ‘Likes, dislikes, patterns and puzzles’ board and explain the task . Task 1 11am-11.10am Engaging with the visual text. A – Australia group (Level 3a/4c): Children to fill in an individual ‘like/dislikes’ board. Children to focus particularly on the ‘patterns and puzzles’ sections. Working independently. Extension task – children to annotate a still from the film with adjectives to describe the setting. BA – Brazil group (Level 3b/c): TA to support and extend. Children to fill in an individual ‘like/dislikes’ board. SEN/BA – Mexico group (Level 2): Working with teacher on a guided like/dislikes board. Extending children to talking about the atmosphere. Main Teaching 2 10 minutes (11.10am – 11.20am) Share some ideas from the task and explain that now we are fully immersed in the text, we are going to start to transfer the clip into a written text. TTYP – what does ‘atmosphere’ mean? Talk and agree that it means: a feeling or mood created by a particular place. I am going to attempt to describe the setting AND the atmosphere to the reader. I am going to write in third person and past tense. Elicit the use of the senses for a setting description. Model write with reference to s/c and sentence trick cards.
Year 4 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 4 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered together my planning for year 4. Mainly Literacy and Maths. Spread over a number of years. You get 690 files. The zip has the lot. I’ve put some in the general download to give yoiu a flavour. Sample planning : Explain to chn that this work for this unit will be based on stories set in imaginary worlds. The Borrowers by Mary Norton is set in a miniature world under the floorboards in an old house. Have chn read any other books (or seen films) set in imaginary worlds, eg Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, etc. These are fantasy settings that authors have created in their minds, as maps or as drawings, etc. Tolkien drew maps for The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings, Mary Norton used small everyday objects as furniture and tools, and J K Rowling had the idea for Harry Potter when on a long & boring train journey. Read 2 versions of the same setting one without some details, description & adjectives and the other in full. After the first reading ask chn if they can picture the classroom clearly in their heads, then ask the same question after the full extract and compare answers. How is the light described? Dim & crimson. How would the atmosphere in the room change if the adjectives used were yellow and bright? Word sentence level Remind chn that an adjective is a word that describes somebody/thing. They come before nouns or after verbs such as: be, get, seem, look, eg the frail old woman or she looked old and frail. Overuse of adjectives is as bad as not using any! Show class a passage which adjectives could be removed from this passage? Which are most effective adjectives to be left in the passage?
Year 6 Literacy Plans Autumn Spring Summer Sats Revision Weeks Road Dahl

Year 6 Literacy Plans Autumn Spring Summer Sats Revision Weeks Road Dahl

Planning for the year. Literacy Year 6 I particularly like the 4 week sats revision block. Zip file contains loads. sample planning ; Full range of punctuation used accurately to demarcate sentences, including speech punctuation • Syntax and punctuation within the sentence generally accurate including commas to mark clauses. To revise and produce a piece of journalistic writing. Revise formal & persuasive writing. Whole Class Shared Learning Explain that the next four weeks are important revision sessions. Define the word ‘revision’ and display on the working wall. In their new groups, children to define the following words, definitions on post it notes: Journalist Communication Bias Balanced Come back together and discuss, agree definitions. Would we find journalistic writing anywhere else other than in a newspaper report? Recap that we may find it in magazines or journals as well as scripts for radio and TV news broadcasts. How does journalistic writing differ from ‘personal’ writing? Formal tone, 3rd person, balanced, in journalistic writing a person puts the main points in the first sentence of the first paragraph – what will grab a person’s attention. This is followed by the rest of the details and written so that the article can easily be edited from the bottom up, if the article needs shortening. Sources are mentioned within the text and sentences and paragraphs can be short. Read the ‘Total Eclipse’ article from Essential Non-fiction and discuss. Draw out the 5 Ws. Now read ‘Packaging: The Big Cover Up’ also from Essential non-fiction. Activity One Come back together and discuss activity. What did the children find about the two articles? What are the similarities? Differences? How have the writers used language to report/persuade?
Year 2 Planning Literacy and Maths

Year 2 Planning Literacy and Maths

Gathered my lessons for year 2 together. Mainly Literacy and Maths plus bits and bobs. In the zip you find the lot. Included some examples in general upload. Sample planning : Read the traditional tale LRRH, recap ‘good’ central character/villain. Concentrate on the attitude, not words. What would happen if we reversed the characteristics? S&L Children discuss how a ‘good’ wolf might behave towards LRRH/Granny. Teacher draw children back together. Model how to ‘tell’ story of wolf from new pictures. Word/Sentence Activities IWB available for quick phonic session. YEAR 2 LITERACY LESSON PLAN WEDNESDAY Whole Class Shared Learning Return to the traditional tale of LRRH. Remind children about their previous day’s pictures. What did they do? How did they change the Wolf? Is he still the villain? S&L Ask the children to look at their pictures as you read story extracts with his dialogue. Encourage them to discuss dialogue with a partner. Do the pictures and words make sense together? As a class, agree that the Wolf needs new words. Discuss what he might say. Model how to write words for a speech bubble. Word/Sentence Activities Rehearse spellings for Word Wall words. Challenge children to find other words with same phonemes
Year 5 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 5 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered together my lessons for year 5 Maths and English for a particular year. There’s about a year’s worth in there. Plenty of great ideas. the zip has the lot. the general download a few to have a look at. Sample planning : Start by showing the word ‘Instructions’ – TTYP what does this mean? Come back together and establish that instructions are a set of commands given to help someone do or create something. Show the children a recipe and the instructions as to how to play Sevens using cards. Look at the instructions. What do children notice about how these are laid out? They are given in an order. They are bullet-pointed. Each sentence is fairly short. There are many ‘bossy’ verbs: ‘place’, ‘play’, ‘turn’ etc. Explain that we call these ‘imperative’ verbs – an imperative is a command. Discuss why it is helpful to have ‘bossy’ verbs and short clear sentences. There is a title which tells you what is to be achieved. Numbers or time connectives used e.g. 1, 2, 3 or later, next - are used to show chronological order. Create a features list on the working wall by sticking post it notes onto a piece of sugar paper –these can be used throughout the unit as a game to start the lesson. Divide the class into three teams. Deal out seven cards to each team and the teacher! Play a little of the game of sevens, following the instructions. Demonstrate how we can follow the instructions to play. Return to features of instructions displayed on working wall. What can you remember about these? Children turn to a partner and tell them 3 different features. Report back & discuss. Show children the instructions checklist (working wall). Have we mentioned all of these features? Ask children to think of a new idea for a card game. Use a talking partner & brainstorm a game idea on whiteboards. Gather everyone’s ideas/discuss the concepts. Pick one idea. Decide how many players we will need & how to play it. Allow children time with talking partners to practice playing the game. Ask some children to demonstrate. How will we write the instructions? What comes first? (Title, subheading.) What is our first instruction? Repeat for a few more sentences.
SEAL PSHE Year 5 and 6 Planning Well Being Week Multi Faith Anti Bullying

SEAL PSHE Year 5 and 6 Planning Well Being Week Multi Faith Anti Bullying

Did a lot of work in my career with year 5 and 6 in the aspect of PSHE SEAL etc. Gathered together my planning. Some good powerpoints in here. There’s planning for a Multi Faith week that covers the whole school. Well being week covers the whole school too. Topics tackeld include : healthy eating feelings new beginnings getting on and falling out going for goals relationships problem solving going for goals sample planning Objectives • I know that my relationships are all different and that different ways of behaving are appropriate to different types of relationships. • I can accept and appreciate people’s friendship and try not to demand more than they are able or wish to give. Activities Ask the children to think of as many different friends as they can (in and out of school), then to think about the following questions for a few moments, then to share their thoughts in pairs for 2 minutes. Do you like all your friends in the same way? • Do you like doing the same thing with all of your friends? • Do you tend to see some friends only in certain situations? • Would you want to see all of your friends all the time? Take feedback, and hold these ideas. Teacher to demonstrate Levels of Friendship circles on the board, starting in the centre with close friends and family, second circle –good friends/cousins etc, third circle, third circle –people in school/relatives you see rarely, fourth circle –people who are acquaintances or know slightly –postman, doctor etc. Give out copies of the Levels of friendship resource sheet and ask children to complete the sheet for themselves. They will not need to share it with anyone. Plenary When the children have finished, or the allocated time has elapsed, facilitate a brief discussion as a class, drawing out the point that we all tend to have friendships at different levels, and this is OK. We do not want to be best friends with all of our friends. Some of us have many friends, some prefer to have one close friend. Outcomes Children will recognise the different relationships that they have with people that they know, and recognise that these differing relationships are fine to have.
Year 6 Grammar Resources plus Reading and Homework Ideas

Year 6 Grammar Resources plus Reading and Homework Ideas

Gathered together a lot of my teaching material. Packed full of stuff that you can use for Spag, Grammar, homework =, reading session etc. Everthing is in the zip. I have put a few examples in the general upload. Sample ideas : • Pick a descriptive word from the text, write it down and, using a thesaurus, write down five synonyms and antonyms for that word. • Re-read a chapter – pick out X number of words that you feel are powerful words and that you could use in your own writing • How does the story hook you in at the beginning? Make a list of words and phrases that you feel are effective in making you want to read on. • Draw and label a character or a setting from a description in the book. • Choose a descriptive passage and make a list of examples of vivid imagery – similes, metaphors, alliteration, noun phrases etc. • Choose a key moment in the book and change the event. Re-write the following chapter… • Rewrite a chapter as a playscript. • Think of 5 questions you would like to ask one of the characters. Swap these with someone else in your group and write the answers as if you were that character. • List the words and phrases used to create an atmosphere, such as ‘scary’ or ‘spookiness’ ‘tension’ ‘relaxed’ • Write about what a character might be thinking or feeling at different stages of the story. You could write it in the first person, or in a speech bubble. • Predict what might happen when you are about halfway through a book. Write your prediction in the form of a story plan in boxes
Beowulf Teaching Materials Planning Powerpoints Anglo-Saxons Poetry Year 6 Literacy

Beowulf Teaching Materials Planning Powerpoints Anglo-Saxons Poetry Year 6 Literacy

You get 48 files. Include a dozen powerpoints. All in zip. Some in the genr=eral upload. Some nice free bonus stuff on History, jewellery and ship making. Sample L.O. To use knowledge of quest myths and the Vikings to create a character profile for the main character and hero of our own Viking quest myth story. I can use my knowledge of quest myths and the Vikings to create a character profile for the main character and hero for my own Viking quest myth story. Beowulf Lesson 4 STARTER – adjectives Look at text and highlight in pairs adjectives that describe Beowulf, then using post –it notes in pairs, begin to generate more words form pictures displayed on the IWB of Beowulf in various positions/battles and write some of their own powerful adjectives. These can then be ‘magpied’ by the children during the independent work. Main activity Hot seating – Beowulf and the King Use the questions generated on Wednesday as interview questions. Choose children that would like to play those parts – use a sword and shield if we have one This will hopefully give the children an idea as to what these main characters are like, their personality and how they think and react to different situations that happen in the story. Teacher to explain/demonstrate how the profile needs to be complete. Discuss what the words – appearance and personality mean and how they are different. Independent work Character profile – Beowulf the hero of their quest myths Using ‘My Viking Quest Myth Ideas Planning Booklet’ create a character profile for their Beowulf hero by labeling the picture, answering the questions in detail and adding descriptive words and phrases to describe his personality and appearance. Plenary Discuss the difference between appearance and personality of a character and what does it mean by special qualities? Because he isn’t a super hero!
Christmas 2 Powerpoints Plus the Feast of the Epiphany

Christmas 2 Powerpoints Plus the Feast of the Epiphany

Two great powerpoints and some planning. Nice powerpoint on Epiphany. Sample : Share the new targets with the children and explain that this is a short unit – two double lessons. Read the story of Jesus’ birth from Matthew’s Gospel – Mt 1: 18-2: 23. Who are the main characters in this story? Concentrate on Mary, Joseph and King Herod. Talk through the story. God had promised a saviour to free us all from our sins and he sent His only son into the world for us. Talk about the priorities for any family when a baby is expected. (safety and comfort of the mother) . Activity One Come back together and watch scene featuring King Herod. Fear gripped King Herod, his mighty power was threatened. He gathered all the chief priests and scribes to see what they knew – they confirmed that Bethlehem had been foretold by the prophets. Herod launched his plan to locate the baby so that he could destroy him. What was Herod’s mistake? (look for the children to understand that Herod thought that Jesus would be an earthly King with a throne and a crown who was overthrow Herod). What were Mary and Joseph’s feelings about the birth of the baby? Do you think they were scared? Happy? Relieved? Children to TTYP and discuss – What does the birth of Jesus mean for us? Jesus truly God and truly human has come down to Earth. He brings peace, love and true freedom to those who seek him. He opens the way to heaven for us. He has come to save all people. What does the birth of Jesus teach us? God seeks those with an open heart to receive him. If you truly seek God, He will find you. It’s not money, wealth or knowledge that matters because God seeks the lowly and the humble who are looking for Him.
Poetry Imagery Planning Year 6 English Literature Imagery and Personification

Poetry Imagery Planning Year 6 English Literature Imagery and Personification

Great planning for year 6. Two weeks worth. Nice powerpoints. Sample : Introduce the new unit and writing outcome. Read the poem ‘Fog’ by Carl Sandberg together. Write ‘personification’ on the board and discuss what this means. TTYP – what might it mean? Agree on a definition for the working wall: Giving human traits to non-human or abstract things. Or making a non-human thing do things that only a human can do. Explain the phrase ‘inanimate object’. Give out copies of ‘Two Sunflowers Move in a Yellow Room’ by William Blake. Discuss how the sunflowers are given human characteristics – they talk, they feel tired, they want a room with a view! Return to the poem Fog. In this, it is almost as if Fog is alive – either human or possibly feline (cat-like). Look again at ‘Two Sunflowers Move in a Yellow Room. ’Underline the words ‘topaz tortoises’. Ask children what these last lines mean? Discuss whether it matters if we are not sure of the exact meaning of all the words in a poem. Why might it not matter? Because it is the sound and the rhythm of the words which is as important as their meaning in a poem. Look up topaz to find its meaning. Does this help us understand what the last two lines mean?
Year 1 planning Maths and English from Excellent school Back to school

Year 1 planning Maths and English from Excellent school Back to school

Planning for year one I’ve gathered from my log career. Mainly Maths and English but other stuff too. Zip has loads. I’ve put a sample in general download. Read the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ Talk about the main events and make a list of the characters on the IWB. Introduce the term setting and discuss what a setting is. Identify all the different settings in the story and make a list on the IWB. Make links with the children’s own experiences eg who has walked through long grass? Diamond/ Ruby H/A (Ind) Children to complete worksheet identifying main characters, setting and event (HA sheet) Children to complete worksheet drawing favourite setting, identifying main characters, and explaining what happened. (SD to support) Children to complete worksheet drawing favourite setting, identifying main characters, and explaining what happened. (BM to support)
Year 6 Maths English Lessons One week Planning with Powerpoints Morpurgo

Year 6 Maths English Lessons One week Planning with Powerpoints Morpurgo

About a week’s worth. Mixture of English and Maths with but on Remembrance Sunday. Maths deals with area, English with journalistic writing. Private Peaceful by Michael Murpurgo covered. sample Display the image from the front of the book. What does the title of the book tell you? What could the book be about? Why do you think that? Introduce the title. Children to identify what the book is about? What is the theme? Genre? What makes you think this? Children to make predictions about the book in groups using the cover – share and discuss ideas. Share extract from blurb ‘As young Thomas Peaceful looks back over his childhood from the battlefields of the First World War, his memories are full of family life in the countryside.’ 5ws and predictions modelled by CT. What has changed? Why has your opinion changed? What questions and predictions can you make now? Children to be reminded of the previous lesson. What did we learn? What do we think the text book is about? What happened in chapter one? Play BBC schools episode 1 - Children are to be given the first paragraph of the book. What is the theme? What is the genre of the book? Children to use talk partners and class discussion to list the characters involved in the first chapter and paragraph. Who are the characters we have met? What do we know about Tommo and his older brother Charlie? What is their relationship like? In this chapter, Tommo starts a new school – how would he be feeling about this? Look at the kindness of Molly – why does she act this way? Why doesn’t big Joe go to school? How would this be different today?
Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

4 planning sheets. Plenty of ideas. Year 6. Literacy. Sample : Set up plenary clip at beginning of lesson to be played in plenary Imagination starter: display front cover of the Iron man on IWB – Tell pupils that we have a new topic surrounding the novel The Iron Man, and tell them we will find out more about the author and the story as the unit continues. Round Robin: Can you write down describing words about the character you see? Place pupils into A/B and give 2 minutes to write down ideas on wipeboards in pairs. Feedback with lollypop sticks to follow. Draw out discussion as to what genre the book might be/ if the character is good/evil. Read the first two pages to the class: Hands up: Does the opening make them want to read on? Why? Collect ideas on IWB- What is the effect of opening the story with questions? Explain that the author Ted Hughes was primarily a poet rather than author-so he plays with his words/sentence length a lot more. Note any important features of the text, which build up atmosphere and note on IWB. Choose an OPENERS card and set the class a challenge. As core, but once they have completed highlighting, pupils are to label similes, metaphors, alliteration, repetition, rhetorical questions, short sentences… Can I analyse the features of a good story opening and find poetic devices? Children are given a copy of the first 2 pages of The Iron Man to annotate. They highlight what parts of the text build up the atmosphere to make a good opening –and how this contributes to he overall style. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening? Support lower going over each section of the text together. Read through again if necessary. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening, with support?
year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

4 main weeks’s work. Plus powerpoints and resorces. Great for year 6. Sample planning. Learning/Writing outcome: To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features. Introduce the words ‘fiction’ and ‘genre’. TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word ‘genre’. At this point, introduce the new and improved writing journals where children can make notes during lessons, can jot down words they wish to magpie, jot words that they have generated but which aren’t suitable for the task in hand and can jot questions/things they are unsure about. Explain that I will prompt to use these for the first couple of days but then children need to become more independent. Prizes for most effective use! Ensure the children understand the difference between fiction ‘narrative’ and non fiction ‘non narrative’. Activity One Come back together and do class mind map for working wall. Ask children to think of any titles of books which could fit with any of these genres. Ask children to discuss their preferences and discuss our preferences with them. Activity Two Talk about how they sorted the books in activity two. What clues were you looking for? Talk about words which suggest different genres. Explain activity three. Activity One In lit books complete quick mind map of different types of fiction genre. Activity Two Children to work in table groups. Children to be given a wide range of fiction books from class/school library. Children to sort the books into fantasy, historical, science fiction and mystery by scanning the book, looking at the front cover and reading the blurb. Activity Three Children to have a selection of pictures from books (front covers and insides) and blurbs from a variety of fiction books. Ch to decide which genre they think they book comes from and justify their opinion by highlighting the key words or annotating the pictures. SEN: () to work as a group on this task. MA: In pairs. With teacher to work with ‘Quality Question Marks’ (both groups). HA: Independently. Plenary: What have we learned? What is narrative? Non narrative? What is a genre? Name some genres of narrative? What is your favourite? Why? Least favourite? Why? Does this link to visual literacy (i.e. do films and TV programs split into genres?)
Year 5 Literacy Planning Roald Dahl Material Poetry Iron Man Big Write

Year 5 Literacy Planning Roald Dahl Material Poetry Iron Man Big Write

About a months work of year 5 Literacy planning. Some nice Roald Dahl stuff in there. sample : Recap on the children’s knowledge of poetry i.e. alliteration, similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia as the Iron Man is rich in poetic features. Introduce the book to the children. Highlight the cover of the book. What do you think the book will be about? Discuss with partners, share ideas with the class. Read the blurb. Why do you think the book is described as a modern fairy tale? Introduce that the author of the book is also a poet. Share that there are many poetic features in the text that are used to describe the characters and setting e.g. similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. The children will have to take notes of these features. Read chapter 1 to the children. Ask the children to jot descriptions of Iron Man on their whiteboards while listening to the story. Use a PowerPoint to highlight the description of Iron Man on page 1-2.The children will create a mind maps on Iron Man. They will create a description his movements, his features and his personality. Focus: Characters WALT : To create a description of a character from a text. WILF: Use of adjectives, verbs and poetic features (i.e. similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia). Use neat handwriting. Share sentences with the class and discuss the descriptions they have created. What type of character is he? What similes are used in the text?
Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Planning and worksheets. Read chapter 3 and 4. Discuss the characters of Ruskin and Elvis. Do you like these characters? Explain. What do they look like? How do they move? Do they have friends/ family? What clothes do they wear? Discuss. Draw up a list of ideas. Task: To compare the characters of Ruskin and Elvis supporting your description with evidence from the text. Children to describe each character and complete an illustration. Children to check over their work and improve it. Discuss the comparisons they have made. Which character is the most interesting? Which do you like? Why? Highlight the WALT. Read p.27 ‘The playground was made of asphalt that sparkled in the sunlight like crushed diamonds on black velvet.’ Describe your school using images like this. The hall was… My classroom was… My teacher is… Task: Write a character description of Ruskin using the three shot camera frame. Model how to write the character description using the frame (use Elvis). Long shot, mid shot, close up and reveal.
Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Gathered together some great ideas for guided reading and Independent reading. Flexible for all years. Get them doing tasks whilst you help different groups. example : During guided reading your teacher and teaching assistant(s) will be listening to different groups read, and work with children to improve reading and comprehension skills. There will often be one or 2 groups that will work independently. This sheet has lots of activities for you to complete if you are working on your own for the lesson. You can do the activities in any order, but you will need to tick them off and fill in the dates when you worked on the activities so your teacher can check them. You will need to keep your sheets in your folder – make sure you number your work with the activity number too! For most of the activities you will need either your current reading book, one you have read recently, or one you know quite well. Write a letter as a character in your book to either another character in your book, a new invented character or a real-life character. Write a letter from yourself to a character in your book. Write a letter to the author of your book – you could say what you like or dislike about the book, or give ideas for what else you would like included in the book. Have a go at drawing a map of one of the places in the story. See how much you can include and how much detail you can add. Pretend you are a travel agent and want people to visit the place in the story. Write a paragraph on what you would tell others. Re-tell an event from the story from another characters point of view. For example, if Jenny is visiting a haunted castle with her wimpy brother Joe, can you change it from Jenny’s point of view to Joe’s? Re-tell an event from the story as if you are a newspaper reporter and you are writing a newspaper article. Imagine you could interview a character in your story – what would you ask them? What would their replies be? Write your interview with your character. Set it out so you use 2 different colours for your questions and your character’s answers. Write the diary entry (or several) for a character in your story after something interesting has happened. Have a go at writing a second diary entry for a different character. Have a go at continuing the story after the end of the book. What might happen next?
Back to School Year 3 Maths English Plans 19 English weeks  18 English weeks

Back to School Year 3 Maths English Plans 19 English weeks 18 English weeks

Looking for some inspiration going back to school. 19 English weeks 18 English weeks Plus some humanities planning on China etc Sample Children have white boards. I will describe a person and you must draw them From the twits Roald dahl(Mr Twits). Children share ideas from the first opening paragraph. What made this so visual. LANGUAGE Look at a series of images. Witch, doctor, pirate. Look at the features, are there similarities. Elaborated pictures of people. Famous and non famous. Discussion and focal point. Play head band with the children. They have to describe the person they are holding and the partner has to guess who it is. Expanding on words to describe Steps to Success Mild: To review characters Spicy: To recognise features of a character Hot: To describe your character Extra Hot: How could you describe yourself? Tell me. What sort of questions did you ask eachother? Why? Who spoke about the hair colour. How could we describe this person to someone.
Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Short of ideas for year two Autumn term? Put my planning from different schools together. It’s all in the zip file. I’ve put some examples in the general upload but there is TONS more in the included zip file. Lots of different types of planning as my schools were all different. There’s lots of free stuff too that is adaptable e.g. year 1 work. Sample : Teacher to explain that they will be focusing their learning this week on an author called Beatrix Potter (in both English and Creative Curriculum). Teacher to introduce the story of Peter Rabbit to the class (PowerPoint- shared area). Teacher to pause shared reading at regular intervals to challenge thinking and AF reading skills. Q: Do you think this story is non-fiction or fiction? Why? – Group to discuss. Whilst reading, teacher to model how to break down tricky words using phonetic knowledge. Group to discuss the text together; thinking about the characters and setting. Teacher to scribe thoughts onto flip chart for class to refer back to throughout the week. Mild: I can recall the main characters from a given text and can describe them using appropriate adjectives. Spicy: I can use phonics to form a sensible sentence. I can add full stops and capital letters when writing a book review. Hot: I can sequence events of the story; identifying what happened in the beginning, middle and end. Extra Hot: I can write/draw a picture to show my favourite part of the story and can verbally give reasons as to why.