Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 One Page Worksheets Maths Test A
Worksheets to help times tables.
The 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables are tested. 3 sheets for each one.
These are test A. Tests B and C are also available
11+ Grammar School Synonym Questions Literacy 100 Worksheets with Answers
Synonyms are an important part of the 11+ grammar school exams. I have designed 100 worksheets on this area. I have chosen a group of over 600 words. There are 10 questions per sheets and pupils write a, b, c or d. The teacher will be able to have a lively discussion when going over the work with the pupils, discussing the meaning of all the words. Of course they can be used by not only grammar school pupils. They would suit anyone of the top end of primary, adults with learning difficulties or foreign students learning English.
500 Latin Wordsearches Word Searches Cambridge Latin Course
500 word searches on the first book of the Cambridge Latin course.
Answers provided.
The block of text has different shapes. There’s even some colour ones if you are feeling extravagant and can afford the ink!
Great for rainy Friday afternoons.
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 Worksheets Mathematics Revision Test C
Worksheets to help times tables.
The 2 to 12 times tables are tested.
3 sheets for each one. You get 33 sheets
The third sheet, for example, has a mixture of multiplication and division questions.
The preview has the sums not quite lined up for some reason. The downloaded sheets are fine so no worries there.
These are test C. Tests A and B are also available.
KS2 maths Worksheets Bundle Rounding Numbers Coins Area Perimeter
A bundle of KS2 worksheets:
Rounding Numbers 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers
Teaching Resources worksheets Area Perimeter Mathematics
Times Tables Worksheets Mega Bundle Maths
All my Times Tables worksheets bundled together.
You get tests A, B and C.
Included are:
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 One Page Worksheets Maths Test A
Worksheets to help times tables 2 to 12 Mathematics Tests B
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 Worksheets Mathematics Revision Test C
KS2 Worksheets Bundle Telling Time Time Passages
A mega KS2 worksheet bundle.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Telling the Time
Teaching Resources worksheets Money Shopping cd KS2 Mathematics Coins
Telling The Time Worksheets 96 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Teaching Resources Worksheets Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten
100 worksheets with answers provided.
20 questions per sheet.
Pupils have to round numbers to the nearest 10.
I have included a few that you have to round to the nearest 100.
A good time filling exercise or a nice easy homework to reinforce what has been taught in the classroom.
KS2 Worksheets Bundle Simplifying Fractions Shapes Table Drills
Mega bundle of KS2 worksheets.
Simplifying Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics KS2
Teaching Resources worksheets Shapes Maths Triangles Octagons
Teaching Resources worksheets Table Drills Maths Times Tables Multiplication
Mega maths Bundle KS2 Number Order Sequences Place Value
Mega bundle of maths worksheets for KS2
Number Order 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Number Sequences Maths 100 Worksheets with Answers
Place Value 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics
Times Tables Resource Suitable for KS2 Maths Multiplication Worksheets
100 sheets I’ve designed for times tables.
There are a variety of sheets, getting progressively more difficult.
Some are 10 by 10, some 12 by 12, some in order, some jumbled up.
The pupils have to fill in the blanks on the grid. Simple but effective.
Maths Worksheets Bundle Addition Division Maths Patterns
A great Maths bundle.
Loads of worksheets to keep the pupils busy.
100 Worksheets Addition Maths Easy at Start Hard at the End
Division Worksheets for Primary School Children Maths Mathematics Homework
Maths Patterns 100,000 Questions Numeracy
1000 Questions Counting Tables Maths Numeracy KS1 KS2 Numbers Times Tables
1000 questions on counting tables.
Answers provided.
The Counting Table is a great exercise set for students who are just learning the order of numbers and counting.
Euro Coins European Worksheets 500 Questions Mathematics Counting KS1 KS2
500 questions on counting up Euro coins.
5 worksheets with 100 questions each.
There are little pictures of the coins and the pupils have to add them up and write the answers on the sheet.
Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition and Subtraction 100 Puzzles Plus Answers
100 puzzles plus answers.
Great for reinforcing maths.
Across-Downs is a fun activity that reinforces addition and subtraction skills.
The object of the exercise set is to find the answer for each row and column, then use those answers to calculate the final answer in the lower right-hand corner of the puzzle.
This set tests addition and subtraction.
Massive KS2 Bundle Fractions Worksheets KS1 KS2 Maths
Contains all my fractions worksheets.
Equivalent Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Half a million (500000) Fraction Questions Worksheets
Mixed Fractions Questions 100 Worksheets Maths
Simplifying Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics KS2
Teaching Resources 500000 Questions Fractions Maths
A good price for absolutely loads of worksheets on fractions.
All answers provided. Will save you hours of prep time.
1000 Questions Multiplication Mathematics KS2 Calculator Use
Please check out my bundles which provide great value.
1000 questions on multiplication.
Great for calculator use.
Answers provided.
Pupils multiply a 2 digit number by a 2 digit one.
1000 Questions Addition Mathematics KS1 Adding Up
1000 questions with answers.
Pupils have to add up either 3 or 4 numbers under 10.
1000 Questions Advanced Division with Remainders KS2 Mathematics Calculator Use
Please check out my bundles which provide great value.
1000 questions on division.
Great for calculator use.
Answers provided.
Pupils divide a three digit number by a 2 digit one.
There are remainders in these questions.
1000 questions Counting Patterns Mathematics KS2 Calculator Use
Please check my bundles for better value.
1000 questions on counting patterns.
All answers provided.
Pupils have to, for example, count by 6 from 7 to 61