Year 6 Maths English Lessons One week Planning with Powerpoints Morpurgo
About a week’s worth.
Mixture of English and Maths with but on Remembrance Sunday.
Maths deals with area, English with journalistic writing.
Private Peaceful by Michael Murpurgo covered.
Display the image from the front of the book. What does the title of the book tell you? What could the book be about? Why do you think that? Introduce the title.
Children to identify what the book is about? What is the theme? Genre? What makes you think this?
Children to make predictions about the book in groups using the cover – share and discuss ideas.
Share extract from blurb ‘As young Thomas Peaceful looks back over his childhood from the battlefields of the First World War, his memories are full of family life in the countryside.’ 5ws and predictions modelled by CT.
What has changed? Why has your opinion changed? What questions and predictions can you make now?
Children to be reminded of the previous lesson. What did we learn? What do we think the text book is about? What happened in chapter one? Play BBC schools episode 1 -
Children are to be given the first paragraph of the book. What is the theme? What is the genre of the book?
Children to use talk partners and class discussion to list the characters involved in the first chapter and paragraph. Who are the characters we have met? What do we know about Tommo and his older brother Charlie? What is their relationship like? In this chapter, Tommo starts a new school – how would he be feeling about this? Look at the kindness of Molly – why does she act this way? Why doesn’t big Joe go to school? How would this be different today?
year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story
4 main weeks’s work.
Plus powerpoints and resorces.
Great for year 6.
Sample planning.
Learning/Writing outcome: To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features.
Introduce the words ‘fiction’ and ‘genre’. TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word ‘genre’. At this point, introduce the new and improved writing journals where children can make notes during lessons, can jot down words they wish to magpie, jot words that they have generated but which aren’t suitable for the task in hand and can jot questions/things they are unsure about. Explain that I will prompt to use these for the first couple of days but then children need to become more independent. Prizes for most effective use!
Ensure the children understand the difference between fiction ‘narrative’ and non fiction ‘non narrative’.
Activity One
Come back together and do class mind map for working wall.
Ask children to think of any titles of books which could fit with any of these genres. Ask children to discuss their preferences and discuss our preferences with them.
Activity Two
Talk about how they sorted the books in activity two. What clues were you looking for? Talk about words which suggest different genres. Explain activity three.
Activity One
In lit books complete quick mind map of different types of fiction genre.
Activity Two
Children to work in table groups. Children to be given a wide range of fiction books from class/school library.
Children to sort the books into fantasy, historical, science fiction and mystery by scanning the book, looking at the front cover and reading the blurb.
Activity Three
Children to have a selection of pictures from books (front covers and insides) and blurbs from a variety of fiction books. Ch to decide which genre they think they book comes from and justify their opinion by highlighting the key words or annotating the pictures.
SEN: () to work as a group on this task.
MA: In pairs. With teacher to work with ‘Quality Question Marks’ (both groups).
HA: Independently.
What have we learned? What is narrative? Non narrative? What is a genre? Name some genres of narrative? What is your favourite? Why? Least favourite? Why?
Does this link to visual literacy (i.e. do films and TV programs split into genres?)
Easter Ascension Powerpoint Plus Teaching Strategies Lent Vigil Explained
Nice powerpoint on the Ascension.
Plus Teaching Strategies Lent Vigil Explained.
Vigil four parts explained.
Easter Lessons Through Literature Planning Powerpoints Worksheets Road To Emmaeus
Materials for teaching Easter and Jesus and his disciples.
Planning powerpoints etc.
Road to Emmaeus board game.
Ramadan Resources Islam Plus other useful bits of RE planning
Nice worksheet on Ramadam.
Plus other nice bits and bobs on Islam and other religions.
Science Year 4 Planning Friction Habitats Moving Growing Solids Liquids
Some great planning for year 4 Science.
Plenty of material. Planning, powerpoints etc.
Four vital areas.
Nice experiments.
Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy
Planning and worksheets.
Read chapter 3 and 4. Discuss the characters of Ruskin and Elvis. Do you like these characters? Explain. What do they look like? How do they move? Do they have friends/ family? What clothes do they wear? Discuss. Draw up a list of ideas.
Task: To compare the characters of Ruskin and Elvis supporting your description with evidence from the text. Children to describe each character and complete an illustration.
Children to check over their work and improve it. Discuss the comparisons they have made. Which character is the most interesting? Which do you like? Why?
Highlight the WALT. Read p.27 ‘The playground was made of asphalt that sparkled in the sunlight like crushed diamonds on black velvet.’
Describe your school using images like this.
The hall was…
My classroom was…
My teacher is…
Task: Write a character description of Ruskin using the three shot camera frame.
Model how to write the character description using the frame (use Elvis). Long shot, mid shot, close up and reveal.
Back to School Year 5 Literacy Greek Myths Worksheets Planning Powerpoints
Great worksheets from the last school I taught in.
Write your own Greek Myth over the term.
Perhaps a half term to keep it compact and snappy.
Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths
Short of ideas for year two Autumn term?
Put my planning from different schools together.
It’s all in the zip file. I’ve put some examples in the general upload but there is TONS more in the included zip file.
Lots of different types of planning as my schools were all different.
There’s lots of free stuff too that is adaptable e.g. year 1 work.
Sample :
Teacher to explain that they will be focusing their learning this week on an author called Beatrix Potter (in both English and Creative Curriculum).
Teacher to introduce the story of Peter Rabbit to the class (PowerPoint- shared area). Teacher to pause shared reading at regular intervals to challenge thinking and AF reading skills.
Q: Do you think this story is non-fiction or fiction? Why? – Group to discuss.
Whilst reading, teacher to model how to break down tricky words using phonetic knowledge.
Group to discuss the text together; thinking about the characters and setting. Teacher to scribe thoughts onto flip chart for class to refer back to throughout the week.
Mild: I can recall the main characters from a given text and can describe them using appropriate adjectives.
Spicy: I can use phonics to form a sensible sentence. I can add full stops and capital letters when writing a book review.
Hot: I can sequence events of the story; identifying what happened in the beginning, middle and end.
Extra Hot: I can write/draw a picture to show my favourite part of the story and can verbally give reasons as to why.
John Lennon The Beatles Vietnam War Modern History Planning US UK History
Nice little unit on modern history.
Some nice powerpoints.
Using Notebooks – answer questions.
Who was John Lennon?
What can you find out about him?
Birthday Family Friends Community Music
Is he still alive? If not, when, where and how did he die?
Why is he famous? Rdg AF 2
WALT investigate the life of John Lennon
WILF you can record information carefully about J L.
Using questions, investigate life of J L
What kind of childhood did John Lennon have?
Recall information we know about Lennon so far. Establish that when Lennon was the children’s age it was around 1948/9. He was a teenager in the Mid 1950’s and grew into adulthood in the 1960’s. So his ‘era’ was the 1950’s and beyond.
What do you think life was like for a child growing up in the 1950’s?
How can we find out what it was like for children of your age at that time?
Rdg AF 2 AF 3
WALT select information from books and the internet
WILFcompare and contrast life in the 1950’s to life today.
Give each group their focus area to research:- School in the 1950’s; Home Life in the 1950’s; Food in the 1950’s; Leisure Activities in the 1950’s; Fashion in the 1950’s Technology in the 1950’s and key questions you want them to find answers to.
Children will record their findings on a Compare and Contrast Table the 1950’s v. 2010
11+ Verbal Reasoning Questions Letter Patterns Vol 1
I have designed 100 worksheets on letter patterns for the 11+ non verbal reasoning questions. There are 100 worksheets. Letter patterns is an important aspect of the 11+ exams. Ideal for parents, pupils and tutors. Answer sheets provided. Introduce some logic and problem solving skills to students with the Letter Patterns worksheet. Sets of letters related in some way are displayed. Students must find the next two letters in the pattern for each set of letters. You can see an answer sheet in my picture with the answers in red.
Teaching Resources 50000 Questions Fractions Maths KS2
I have designed 100 worksheets of 12 pages each (50000 questions in total) on fractions. They are suitable for years 5 and 6 i.e. 10 and 11 year olds. They could be used in the first few years of secondary school too, or for adults who need help with Maths. There is a wide range of difficulty. You can dip into the worksheets and pick the ones you like. The further you go into a worksheet the more difficult it is as I have used bigger denominators, mixed and whole numbers, a wider range of numbers etc. There are questions on: Comparing fractions Division with Whole Numbers fractions addition fractions and Decimals fractions multiplication fractions subtraction Mixed operations with fractions Multiplication with whole numbers Simplifying fractions You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. You can pick and mix, leave questions out etc. it’s your choice!
Division Worksheets for Primary School Children Maths Mathematics Homework
100 worksheets with answers sheets provided.
100 sheets of division questions.
Some have 10 questions, some 20, some 50.
A useful time filler or use them for a quick homework or start of day activity.
11+ Grammar School Antonym Questions Literacy Worksheets
Antonyms are an important part of the 11+ grammar school exams. I have designed 100 worksheets on this area. I have chosen a group of over 600 words. There are 10 questions per sheets and pupils write a, b, c or d. The teacher will be able to have a lively discussion when going over the work with the pupils, discussing the meaning of all the words. Of course they can be used by not only grammar school pupils. They would suit anyone of the top end of primary, adults with learning difficulties or foreign students learning English.
Rounding Numbers 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Mathematics
100worksheets on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Answer sheets provided.
20 questions per sheet.
A good time filler or easy homework.
50000 Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths
50000 Fraction Questions on 100 worksheets.
50000 questions on fractions.
Great for:
supply teachers
All answers provided.
Loads of different tasks involving fractions:
e.g. adding
taking away
simplifying etc
100 worksheets with 500 questions each.
Time Passages 100 worksheets with Answers Maths Telling the Time
I have designed 100 worksheets on time passages for primary school children. They have to draw the time hands on the clocks on the sheets. What time will it be? - There are two clocks . The first clock shows a time, the second clock is blank. A question like "What time will it be in 2 hr and 20 min?" appears below the clocks. The student draws the answer on the second clock. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
11+ Grammar School Synonym Questions Literacy 100 Worksheets with Answers
Synonyms are an important part of the 11+ grammar school exams. I have designed 100 worksheets on this area. I have chosen a group of over 600 words. There are 10 questions per sheets and pupils write a, b, c or d. The teacher will be able to have a lively discussion when going over the work with the pupils, discussing the meaning of all the words. Of course they can be used by not only grammar school pupils. They would suit anyone of the top end of primary, adults with learning difficulties or foreign students learning English.
Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 One Page Worksheets Maths Test A
Worksheets to help times tables.
The 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables are tested.
3 sheets for each one.
A good timefiller or reinforcement exercise.
These are test A. Tests B and C are also available.
11+ Verbal Reasoning Decoding Vol 2 Maths KS2
This is volume 2.
I have designed 100 worksheets on decoding numbers for the 11+ non verbal reasoning questions. There are 100 worksheets provided on a cd. Decoding is an important aspect of the 11+ exams. Ideal for parents, pupils and tutors. Answer sheets provided. The Decoding worksheet helps to reinforce spelling and problem solving skills for students. The letters of each word are replaced with other letters or numbers based on a pattern. Students must translate the words and spell them correctly. You can see an answer sheet in my picture with the answers in red.