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Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."




Check out the complete units!! Each unit comes with PowerPoint lectures which include presenter notes and video clips, worksheets, warmups, activities, review crossword, , assessment and daily lesson plans. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary, just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Everything is usable. Everything is planned. This bundle has everything you need to teach all about each unit of psychology! They really are, "such a time saver."
Psychology Disorders Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Review, Lesson Plans & Assessment

Psychology Disorders Unit - PowerPoints, Worksheets, Review, Lesson Plans & Assessment

Psychology: Entire Psychological Disorders Unit - Psychological Disorders PowerPoints with video links, presenter notes, worksheets, Role-play, warmups, and assessment, all bound by daily lesson plans. This psychological disorder unit has everything you need to psychological disorders. Detailed lesson plans make no prep necessary. These 8-11 days worth of lessons also include a couple of online videos for a deeper understanding of the disorder. I have used this for both AP Psychology and regular classes. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, PowerPoint lecture, a review handout or activity and a Exit Ticket. Unit ends with an role play review activity and assessment that covers everything from the unit. Psychological Disorders PowerPoints include presenter notes and YouTube links to videos that illustrate real life examples of concepts. Topics Covered What is a Psychological Disorder? DSM-5 Anxiety Disorders - Phobic Disorders - Panic Disorders - Generalized Anxiety Disorders - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Stress Disorders Dissociative Disorder - Dissociative Amnesia - Dissociative Fugue - Dissociative Identity Disorder - Depersonalization Disorder Somatoform Disorders - Conversion Disorder - Hypochondriasis - Body Dysmorphic Disorder Mood Disorders - Depression - Bipolor Schizophrenia - Paranoid - Disorganized - Catatonic Personality Disorders - Paranoid Personality Disorder - Schizoid Personality Disorder - Antisocial Personality Disorder - Avoidant Personality Disorder
Psychology: Consciousness - Sleep and Dreams Project

Psychology: Consciousness - Sleep and Dreams Project

Sleep is an altered state of consciousness that we experience every day. This Sleep and Dreams project gives students an opportunity to research sleep and all of its aspects. Students then present and teach their research to the class. Included is a research guide and rubric for two types of presentations, a PowerPoint/slideshow presentation and a presentation using poster boards. Product includes PDFs and editable Microsoft Word documents for customization for your class. Students will research and present the following topics: • Stages and why we sleep • Dreams Sleep Disorders • Sleep apnea • Insomnia • Night terrors • Narcolepsy • Sleep walking • Sleep paralysis More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at Psychology TpT Store or at Psychology Lesson Ideas!
Developmental Crossword Puzzle Review

Developmental Crossword Puzzle Review

Developmental Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 23 Terms and 23 clues plus word bank. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. And of course, a key is included. Word List: hypothesis developmental psychology reflex imprinting assimilation egocentrism object permanence contact comfort maturation rooting reflex critical period attachment imprinting Konrad Lorenz menopause Jean Piaget ego integrity Lawrence Kohlberg ageism Alzheimers Harry Harlow social clock primary sex characteristics secondary sex characteristics Save some money by getting this crossword with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to Developmental Psychology Unit Bundled. Related: • Developmental Psychology PowerPoints with Video Clips • Effects of Alcohol & Smoking during Pregnancy Infographic Analysis • Playing with Piaget Activity • Developmental Psychology Unit Bundled
Playing with Piaget Activity - Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development

Playing with Piaget Activity - Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development

Playing with Piaget Activity for Developmental Psychology, reviews Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development (Sensorimotor development, Pre-operational development, Concrete operational, and Formal operational). This is a great addition to any developmental psychology unit. Students are given four scenarios in which they must apply their knowledge of Piaget’s theory. A summary of each of the four stages is included as a reference. A rich discussion follows as students share their responses. As always, a key is included. Save some money by getting this activiy with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to Developmental Psychology Unit Bundled. Related: • Developmental Psychology PowerPoints with Video Clips • Effects of Alcohol & Smoking during Pregnancy Infographic Analysis • Developmental Psychology Crossword Review • Developmental Psychology Unit Bundled More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at Psychology TpT Store or at Psychology Lesson Ideas!
Parts of a Neuron and 7 Common Neurotransmitters Worksheet

Parts of a Neuron and 7 Common Neurotransmitters Worksheet

Anatomy of a Neuron and 7 Common Neurotransmitters Worksheet teaches students about the parts of a neuron and their functions. After reading the summary about the parts of a neuron, student diagram the neuron and complete an outline on its functions. The second side focuses on 7 common neurotransmitters by examining a chart with their functions and then matching statements about real life example with the correct neurotransmitter. This can be used as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some time and money. For this product and other handouts, PowerPoints, assessment, warmups, lesson plans and more, go to Biology and Behavior Unit. More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff. File Under: Parts of a Neuron
Ancient River Civilizations Crossword Puzzle Review

Ancient River Civilizations Crossword Puzzle Review

Ancient River Civilizations Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 17 Terms and 17 clues plus word bank. This covers the River Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, and China. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit. Go to Ancient River Valley Civilizations Entire Unit Bundled Word Bank Dynastic Cycle subcontinent oracle bones Yin Yang Mandate of Heaven city state delta ziggurat feudalism cuneiform Sargon I Hammurabi vizier Mesopotamia Zhou Dynasty Old Kingdom theocracy More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Ancient Egyptian Poem Primary Source Worksheet

Ancient Egyptian Poem Primary Source Worksheet

Ancient Egyptian Poem Primary Source Worksheet teaches students about different jobs in Egypt by analyzing an ancient Egyptian poem. This worksheet begins with an excerpt of an Egyptian poem, and analysis questions discussing detail and bias. The worksheet continues with students writing two employment wanted ads for two jobs of their choice from the poem. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit. Go to Ancient River Valley Civilizations Entire Unit Bundled. More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Shang and Zhou Dynasties Informational Text Worksheet

Shang and Zhou Dynasties Informational Text Worksheet

This informational text reading on the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is an excellent way for the students to learn about the first two official dynasties of China. After completing the reading, students evaluate a list of attributes about each dynasty's culture and fill in the chart. Students learn about the two dynasties' social classes, economy, government, religion and their advances in art and science. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit. Go to Ancient River Valley Civilizations Entire Unit Bundled. More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest
Aristotle's Primary Source Worksheet (Greece)

Aristotle's Primary Source Worksheet (Greece)

Aristotle’s The Politics Primary Source Worksheet introduces students to Aristotle during ancient Greece and teaches them about Aristotle’s views of three forms of government, monarchy, aristocracy and constitutional democracy. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Greece Unit Bundle . More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review

Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review

Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 27 Terms and 27 clues plus word bank. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Greece Unit Bundle . Word Bank Minoan Polis Acropolis Helot Oligarchy Aristocracy Cleisthenes Homer Delian League Pericles Classical art Tragedy Plato Aristotle Socrates Peloponnesian League Library of Alexandria Democracy Pharos Lighthouse Direct Democracy Alexander the Great rhetoric Zeus Trojan war Aphrodite Hades Peloponnesian War Mount Olympus More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest!
Greek Gods Small Group Activity

Greek Gods Small Group Activity

This fun Greek Gods Small Group Activity helps students remember, practice and apply their knowledge of 11 Greek gods and goddess by presenting scenarios to the class. Save some money by getting this product along with the entire unit. Go to Ancient Greece Unit Bundle . Gods and Goddess Covered Zeus Hera Apollo Artemis Athena Dionysus Poseidon Aphrodite Demeter Hermes Hades Related: • Ancient Greece PowerPoints • Alexander the Great Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Video Questions - Youtube Video Link Included • Ancient Greek Olympics Activity • Aristotle's Primary Source Worksheet • Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Greece Unit Bundled • Ancient Rome Unit - PPTs, Worksheets, Lesson Plans+Test More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest
The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis(Ancient Rome)

The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Infotext Analysis(Ancient Rome)

The Punic Wars & Roman Imperialism Informational text Analysis teaches students about all three Punic wars and General Hannibal’s trail of victories throughout Rome. Text continues with Rome’s imperialism and its effects on the future empire. This can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Save some money & make it easy on yourself by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire Ancient Rome unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Related: • Ancient Rome Video Questions - Youtube Video Link included • Ancient Rome PowerPoints • Fall of Rome Mini-Book Project • Bread and Circuses Infotext & Primary Source Analysis • Romulus & Remus Myth, Roman Religion, Education & Social Classes • Rome Crossword Puzzle Review • Ancient Rome Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Ancient Rome Crossword Puzzle Review

Ancient Rome Crossword Puzzle Review

Rome Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 25 Terms and 25 clues plus word bank. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. Save some money & make it easy on yourself by grabbing this amazing product, along with the entire Ancient Rome unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, review and assessment. Get Ancient Rome Unit Bundled. Word Bank consul patrician plebeian Hannibal Augustus Caesar republic Twelve Tables Theodosius New Testament Julius Caesar Nero Punic Diocletian Paul patriarch imperialism legion martyr messiah aqueduct Hadrian’s wall Vandals Pope Pompeii Constantine More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
1920s Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Lesson Plans, Test

1920s Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Lesson Plans, Test

The Twenties Unit iIncludes Twenties PowerPoint Lectures, daily warmups, primary source readings, quiz, and daily lesson plans. Just copy and paste into your lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with PowerPoint notes, primary source document readings and an exit ticket. Unit also includes a crossword puzzle review, Kahoot! review game, and an editable test/quiz. PowerPoint notes include lecture/presentation notes to guide you through the presentation. Twenties PowerPoint Lectures also include youtube links to short videos that engage the students. Topics include - The Harding Administration - Red Scare - Palmer Raids - Sacco Vanzetti - Emergency Quota Act - Modern Advertising - Consumer Debt - Changes with Women - The Great Migration - Lindbergh, Earhart and the Mass Media - Jazz Age & the Harlem Renaissance - Prohibition & Organized crime - Fundamentalism - Scopes Trial - Rise of the KKK This item includes • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • Twenties PowerPoint Lectures • Immigration Political Cartoon Analysis • Philosophy of Rugged Individualism Speech Primary Source Activity • Charles Lindbergh Interview Primary Source Exercise • Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis • 1920s Crossword Puzzle Review • Kahoot! Review Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test More on the way! "Follow me" to be the first to learn about more great stuff! Find me on Pinterest at Teaching History or U.S. History Store. And follow Teaching History on Facebook. File under: 1920s 1920s Lesson Plans. The 1920s Unit The Roaring 20s The Twenties
Great Depression Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Assessment

Great Depression Unit - PPTs w/Video Links, Primary Source Docs, Assessment

Great Depression Unit: This short 4-6 day unit includes Great Depression PowerPoints, primary source readings, crossword puzzle review, Kahoot! review game and an assessment that is completely editable, all linked together by daily lesson plans. You just copy/paste into your lesson plans. Each lesson begins with a warm-up, and continues with PowerPoint notes, primary source activity or political cartoon and an exit ticket. I have used this for Honors and regular classes. PowerPoint s and Apple's Keynote files include Lecture notes and embedded video clip links to Youtube. Topics include: - Stock Market Crash - Underlying Causes - Effects of the Crash - Poverty and unemployment - Dust Bowl - Societal Strains - Hoover’s strategy - Hawley-Smoot Tariff - Bonus Army - Election of 1932 - Hoover v FDR This Unit Includes: • Daily Lesson Plans - Copy/Paste into yours! • Warmup and Exit Tickets PowerPoints • includes Great Depression PowerPoints, • Depression Political Cartoon Analysis • Dust Bowl Survivor Primary Source Exercise • FDR Inaugural Adress 1933 Primary Source Exercise • Depression Crossword Review • Online Review Kahoot! Game - Students use their phones! • Editable Assessment/Test More to come. Find me on Pinterest! And follow Teaching Psychology on Facebook and Teaching History on Facebook! File under: Great Depression Lesson Plans
Psychology: Consciousness - Psychoactive Drugs Project

Psychology: Consciousness - Psychoactive Drugs Project

Drugs that affect states of consciousness are called psychoactive drugs. This psychoactive drug brochure project gives students an opportunity to research psychoactive drugs and their effects on the brain. Included is a research guide and rubric for a brochure that will focus on one of the three psychoactive drugs, depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens. You assign the category, or students sign up(a sign up sheet is included). Product includes a PDF and an editable Microsoft Word document for customization for your class. More stuff on the way! Follow me to be the first to know about new products! Also, follow me on Pinterest at Psychology TpT Store or at Psychology Lesson Ideas!
Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text (Italian Renaissance)

Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text (Italian Renaissance)

Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text takes students to Italy in the early 1300s. Students learn the reasons for the Renaissance’s beginning in Italy. Text includes information about the art and perspective, the Medicis, humanism and humanities. This is a one page document accompanied by 13 questions on the reverse side and a key. This short reading can be used in class or as homework as it’s a completely stand alone assignment. Excellent for sub plans too. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans, project, review and assessment. Go to The Renaissance Unit Bundled. Other Renaissance Products!: • Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints • Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text • Niccolo Machiavelli's, The Prince Primary Source Activity • Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt • Luther’s 95 Theses Primary Source Worksheet • Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link • Renaissance Crossword Puzzle Review More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt

Renaissance Trading Card Project & Scavenger Hunt

This trading card project gives students an opportunity to research the contributions of key artists, architects and writers of the Renaissance period. Trading card templates, directions, rubric/checklist, teacher’s instructions and edible scavenger hunt is included. This fun and engaging project is a wonderful opportunity to introduce and/or reinforce key figures of the renaissance and their works. Students use their creativity and research skills to construct three trading cards. Finally, students explore each other’s cards to complete a scavenger hunt. Save some money by getting this with the entire unit including PowerPoints, worksheets, review, lesson plans and assessment. Go to The Renaissance Unit Bundled. More Renaissance Products! • Renaissance & Reformation PowerPoints • Birth of the Renaissance Informational Text • Niccolo Machiavelli's, The Prince Primary Source Activity • Luther’s 95 Theses Primary Source Worksheet • Renaissance Video Guide, Key and Video link • Protestant Reformation Chart • Renaissance Crossword Puzzle Review • The Renaissance and Reformation Unit Bundled More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Scientific Revolution Crossword Puzzle Review

Scientific Revolution Crossword Puzzle Review

Scientific Revolution Crossword Puzzle Review includes - 18 Terms and 18 clues plus word bank. This is a perfect activity for reviewing before a test, as homework or for substitute plans. This includes two puzzles, one with a word bank and one without. And of course, a key is included. Word Bank: hypothesis heliocentric
Isaac Newton gravity
Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei scientific revolution geocentric René Descartes Robert Boyle Andreas Vesalius recant Francis Bacon scientific method heresy
Nicholas Copernicus Galen Ptolemy More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.
Scientific Revolution Newspaper Project

Scientific Revolution Newspaper Project

This Scientific Revolution Project is perfect assignment after teaching students about the profound contributions made by early scholars during the Scientific Revolution. This project is a wonderful way for students to research and creatively present their findings about key figures of the Scientific Revolution and their accomplishments. A list of scientists is assigned however the Word file in addition to the PDF is included so you can customize the assignment for your class. Save some money by getting this project with the entire unit including, PowerPoint notes, primary source activity, lesson plans, review and assessment. Go to Scientific Revolution Unit Bundled. More to come. "Follow me" to be the first to know about new products and free stuff.