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Classroom Tools

Classroom tools for Primary students. Great for story writing and Guided Reading.

Classroom tools for Primary students. Great for story writing and Guided Reading.
Super Eye Phone

Super Eye Phone

Use this phone for speaking and listening activities with young learners, SEN and ESL learners to encourage speaking. Includes a question bank with answers.
Story Spinners

Story Spinners

A collection of three colourful story spinners to make story writing fun! Students spin the sheels and choose characters, settins and descriptive adjectives to complement their story. Suitable for Primary students and ESL & SEN students. Have fun creating exciting stories by randomly picking story settings, characters and character traits.
Reading Comprehension English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Reading Comprehension English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Reading comprehension is understanding what is being read. A good reader tries to build meaning before, during and after reading a text. Readers need to first understand the meaning of words, then sentences, and finally, the whole text. There are many reading comprehension strategies readers can be taught to help them learn how to do this. This activity book includes checklists for students, differentiated activities for LA/HA students and think pair share activities. Includes 18 pages, a complete term of activities.
Writing Recounts English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Writing Recounts English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

A recount is a record of events. It has an orientation which gives the background to the events that took place. It has a series of events told in the past tense. Time markers such as “yesterday”, “then”, “soon” are used to sequence the events. The core of a recount is its sequence of events. This activity book includes checklists for students, differentiated activities for LA/HA students and think pair share activities. Includes 43 pages, a complete term of activities.
Writing Using Timelines English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Writing Using Timelines English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Timelines help you plan your writing, when you are writing about the past. In timeline writing, what happened is reported in chronological order which means that you start at the beginning and tell each thing that happened in order until you get to the end. Timeline writing can describe a lifetime, a year, a month, a week, a day, a morning or even a single event. This activity book includes checklists for students, differentiated activities for LA/HA students and think pair share activities. Includes 38 pages, a complete term of activities.
Diary Writing Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Diary Writing Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Writing in a diary is like talking to your best friend. People write down what has happened to them and how they feel about things. Diaries are a great place to write secrets. Some people like to write in a diary because it helps them to remember things that they have done and when they are older they can read their diary and remember. This activity book includes checklists for students, differentiated activities for LA/HA students and think pair share activities. Includes 29 pages, a complete term of activities.
Email Activities English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

Email Activities English Workbook for Primary Literacy and ESL Students

E-mail writing has many uses. You can use e-mails to pass on knowledge and make requests to friends and relatives. You can also use them to record information, such as: • what you did • where you went • when you went • who you met • why you did things • how you did things E-mails can be formal or informal. Let’s take a look! This activity book includes checklists for students, differentiated activities for LA/HA students and think pair share activities. Includes 43 pages, a complete term of activities.