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HB science resources

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A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.




A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.
Interpreting Graphs

Interpreting Graphs

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify trends in a graph. Describe how to complete lines / curves of best fit. Explain why extrapolation of data is useful.
Beer-Lambert law of Absorbance

Beer-Lambert law of Absorbance

Aimed toward BTEC applied science Nationals level 3 (yrs 16-18) Unit 2 assignment A Use of Beer-Lambert Law to calculate concentration. Identify the elements of the Beer-Lambert equation. Describe how concentration affects absorbance. Explain the link between the colour of a solution and the concentration.
Serial Dilution

Serial Dilution

Aimed toward BTEC Applied science Nationals Level 3 students - unit 2 Assignment A. Learners will be able to. Identify the concentration of solutions. Describe how to calculate concentration. Create a method for serial dilutions.
Cooling Curves Evaluation

Cooling Curves Evaluation

A resource used for BTEC Applied science Nationals level 3 - Unit 2 assignment D. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify areas for development when calibrating a thermometer. Describe how to improve the method of calorimetry. Explain why melting point apparatus is used in industry.
Intermolecular forces

Intermolecular forces

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the 2 intermolecular bonds. Describe how London / Van-Der-Waals forces are formed. Describe how permanent dipole / Hydrogen bonds are formed. Compare the strength of Van-Der-Waals and Hydrogen bonds. This lesson is aimed toward KS5 students (Yrs 16-18)
Trends in the Periodic Table

Trends in the Periodic Table

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the trends in atomic radius across a period. Identify the trend in atomic radius down a group. Describe the trend in melting points across a period. Explain why this trend occurs by mentioning the types of bonding. Suitable for KS5 students (Yrs 17-18)
Titration Analysis

Titration Analysis

Targeted towards Pearsons BTEC Applied Science Unit 2 Assignment A. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Produce a table of volume added and pH when observing a titation. Calculate the concentration of the unknown sample. Produce a graph of pH against volume added including the equivalence point. Produce a graph of Change of pH / Change of volume against volume added and label the equivalence point here. This graph can also be referred to as the graph of the first integral of pH against volume.
Oxidation and Reduction

Oxidation and Reduction

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: State what’s meant by oxidation. State what’s meant by reduction. Describe REDOX reactions by referencing ions and electrons. Justify if a reaction has caused reduction or oxidation of a specific element.
Metallic Bonding

Metallic Bonding

By the end of the lessons learners should be able to: Identify the subsections of metallic structures. Describe how metallic structures are held together. Explain the properties of metallic structures.
Diffraction Gratings

Diffraction Gratings

By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify waves from a top view. Describe what occurs during diffraction. Explain why a diffraction grating produces light and dark zones.
Properties of Water

Properties of Water

By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify the charges with a water molecule. Describe how a meniscus is formed. Explain why ice floats in water.
Ionisation Energy

Ionisation Energy

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: •Identify the S, P and D blocks. •Describe what is meant by an ionisation energy. •Explain why the ionisation energy changes through groups and periods.
Making Aspirin (Organic Solid) BTEC Assignment 4C

Making Aspirin (Organic Solid) BTEC Assignment 4C

Created for BTEC Applied science Extended diploma. Unit 4 Assignment C. By the end of the series of lessons learners will be able to: Identify materials needed to create an organic solid (aspirin). Describe how to make aspirin in a lab. Evaluate the procedure and suggest improvements.
Chromatography Evaluation

Chromatography Evaluation

A resource used for BTEC Applied science Nationals level 3 - Unit 2 assignment D. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify areas for development when preparing their stationary phase. Describe correct set up of the mobile phase. Explain why chromatography is useful.
Converting Units

Converting Units

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify some examples of units. Describe how to calculate derived units. Compare the magnitude of mega, kilo, milli and micro units.
Plant Extract Chromatography

Plant Extract Chromatography

Aimed toward BTEC nationals level 3 Applied science Unit 2 assignment C. Learners will be able to: Identify equipment needed to extract leaf pigments. Describe how to interpret a chromatogram. Suggest possible improvements to chromatography.
Science Health and Safety at Work Act

Science Health and Safety at Work Act

Prepared for BTEC Applied Science Nationals Level 3 - Unit 4 Assignment A By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify what is meant by the health and safety at work act. Describe expectations of the Health and Safety at work act. Explain why science laboratories should follow the Health and Safety at work Act.