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The Sixties lessons and worksheets KS2 1960s history topic resources

The Sixties lessons and worksheets KS2 1960s history topic resources

A set of PowerPoint lessons to teach different aspects of life in the sixties, plus headings and worksheets. It is suitable for teaching children aged 8-11. It includes: INTRODUCTION TO THE 1960S - A short introduction explaining what a decade is and how many decades ago the Sixties were. Poses some questions for the children to think about, with a follow up activity. SIXTIES DAILY LIFE - How people in the 1960s had ‘never had it so good’; Money - Explanation of pounds, shillings and pence with illustrations of the coins and notes; Shopping - how supermarkets started expanding, Green shield stamps, and food eaten in the Sixties; Transport - Expansion of motorways, popular cars, and air transport; Technology - Police call boxes, public telephones, telephones in the home, computers, computer games, the forerunner to the Internet, lasers, calculators. (25 slides) SIXTIES SCHOOL LIFE - What it was like going to school in the 1960s. (10 slides) SIXTIES KEY EVENTS - A timeline of events from around the world from 1960 to 1969, with three highlighted events in each year. (11 slides) SIXTIES HOMES - New housing developments, tower blocks and older houses that needed modernising; How the washing and cleaning was done; Home fashions - kitchens, lounges, ornaments, and furniture; Television, and how it progressed over the decade. (14 slides) SIXTIES FAMOUS PEOPLE - Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, Alfred Hitchcock, John F Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Muhammad Ali/ Cassius Clay, Mary Quant, Francis Chichester, Andy Warhol, and Twiggy. There is a page for each person, with a short description of what they are famous for. (12 slides) SIXTIES FASHION - How fashioned changed from the beginning to the end of the decade and how it was influenced by music. (17 slides) SIXTIES MUSIC - How people listened to music in the Sixties - records and record players; radios and Pirate radio stations, introduction of tape players, jukeboxes; Sixties music fans - Mods and Rockers, Skinheads and Hippies; Sixties bands and singers - The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Chubby Checker, Cliff Richard, The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Monkees, Jimi Hendrix, and the Woodstock Festival. There is a picture and description of each band / singer, and a their most popular hit of the Sixties. (21 slides) SIXTIES TOYS - Pictures of popular Sixties toys, with short descriptions. (9 slides) Plus a set of 11 worksheets with follow-up activities. Some of the PowerPoints contain links to relevant videos though SafeShare T.v., which filters unwanted adverts from the clip. You may need to check that you can access this in school. The links were checked before uploading, but if they stop working please feel free to contact me or email me: primaryteachingtools@gmail.com and I will update them. This pack is an updated version of my previous Sixties pack.
KS2 History Iron Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display

KS2 History Iron Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display

A set of activities looking at the Iron Age and the Celts in Britain, consisting of an informative Powerpoint, printables and display resources. POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including Sources of information Iron Age Britain Iron Age people & tribes Iron Age life Buildings: Hill Forts Art and Culture Religion Battle Arrival of the Romans IRON AGE WORKSHEETS: (for recording research) Iron Age sites recording sheet Iron Age tribes in the local area Iron Age art and culture Iron Age farming Iron Age hill forts Iron Age tribal kingdoms Topic covers (x2) For topic books Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined) IRON AGE DISPLAY: A4 title A-Z lettering in a metallic iron background The Iron Age banner Iron Age artefacts Iron Age border for display boards
KS2 History Bronze Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display

KS2 History Bronze Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display

A set of resources for a unit of work covering the Bronze Age in Britain, looking at the Amesbury Archer, Must Farm and Stonehenge amongst other things. POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including • Sources of information • Discovery of copper and bronze • Britain in the Bronze Age • Religion • Henges • Daily life BRONZE AGE ACTIVITIES: (for recording research) • Write a report about the Amesbury Archer • Write a report about Must Farm • Bronze Age ways of living • Bronze Age travel • Bronze Age technology • Bronze Age religion • Topic covers (x2) For topic books • Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined) BRONZE AGE DISPLAY: • A4 title • A-Z lettering in a bronze background • The Bronze Age banner • Bronze Age timeline • Bronze Age artefacts • Bronze Age border for display boards
KS2 History Stone Age unit of work pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display

KS2 History Stone Age unit of work pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display

A set of resources looking at the Stone Age in Britain - Includes Powerpoint lessons, worksheets, and display. POWERPOINTS: INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY TIMELINE: (20 pages) A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age THE STONE AGE: (30 PAGES) Description of different aspects of Stone Age life that can be split into weekly topics including Sources of information Stone Age Britain Stone Age people Food Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers Skara Brae BOOKLETS Prehistory timeline booklet: Corresponds to the prehistory PowerPoint. It can be printed for display, or used as a reference pack. Stone Age booklet: Corresponds to the Stone Age PowerPoint and can be printed for display or reference. WORKSHEETS: (for recording research) Prehistory writing sheet Cave paintings Stone Age climate Stone Age food Stone Age way of life Write a report about .... (x10) - Different British Stone Age archaeological sites Topic covers (x 5 different designs) For topic books Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined) STONE AGE DISPLAY: A4 title A-Z lettering in a stone background The Stone Age banner Stone Age timeline Stone Age artefacts Stone Age border for display boards Stone Age bunting
Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2

Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2

Powerpoint files: Dinosaur AfL - 7 different questions to pose to the children before the topic begins. Where and when did the dinosaurs live - Looks at Pangaea, and the timescale involved and how long ago it was. Dinosaur discoveries - Looks at how fossils were found and ideas emerged about dinosaurs. Talks about early ‘palaeontologists’ including Robert Plot, Robert Buckland, Mary Anning, Mary Ann and Gideon Mantell, Richard Owen and their discoveries. How fossils are formed - A step by step guide Dinosaur diets - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores What happened to the dinosaurs - looks at different theories of why dinosaurs became extinct.
Pirates topic pack: Powerpoints, activities and display

Pirates topic pack: Powerpoints, activities and display

POWERPOINTS: Pirates Introduction: Explains the history of pirates, who they were, where they operated and what they did. Pirate Life: Daily life of pirates; pirate flags; injuries; pirate attacks; punishments; code of conduct etc. Henry Morgan - the king of pirates: His life story Famous Pirates: Includes Blackbeard, Black Bart, Black Sam, Anne Bonney, Captain Kidd; with facts of their lives and their pirate flags. Pirate Activities: Fun things to do, songs etc. Pirate glossary: 25 pages explaining different pirate terms /objects etc Pirate Shipwreck: Recount of the sinking of the Whyday, and how it was discovered nearly 300 years later. DISPLAY Pirates lettering v1 - Colourful lettering - spells out ‘Pirates’, plus all upper and lower case letters and numbers included so that you can print and cut out what you need to personalise your display. Pirates banner - prints onto 2 A4 sheets Pirate word / help mat - with vocabulary and pictures to help support writing tasks. Pirate vocabulary - 12 A4 sheets with pictures and short descriptions. Includes anchor, deck, black jack, booty, cannon, compass, cutlass, maroon, mutiny, rigging, telescope and treasure map. Pirate sayings - 11 A4 sheets with pictures. Includes Ship ahoy! Avast! Shiver me timbers! Yo ho ho! Thar she blows! Walk the plank! PRINTABLE ACTIVITIES Pirate invitations Topic covers - 8 different versions, portrait and landscape Treasure maps to colour and finish Writing borders, lined and unlined, portrait and landscape with a pirate hat border. Pirate colouring sheets - famous pirates plus others Pirate flag colouring sheets Treasure maps colouring pages Blank treasure map Blank pirate flag
KS1 Geography and History of the United Kingdom: powerpoints and activities pack

KS1 Geography and History of the United Kingdom: powerpoints and activities pack

A set of resources for KS1 to teach children about the geography, history and culture of the UK. GEOGRAPHY POWERPOINT LESSONS Geography of the UK: ENGLAND Geography of the UK: SCOTLAND Geography of the UK: WALES Geography of the UK: NORTHERN IRELAND Each powerpoint is approximately 20 pages long and includes information on: The location of the country in the world and in the UK The names of the ocean and surrounding seas The capital city Information on the capital city and key landmarks Islands Mountains Rivers Specific features such as castles, brochs, lochs, stone circles etc. Myths and Legends Traditions HISTORY POWERPOINTS HISTORY OF THE UK: A quick look through different periods in the history of the United Kingdom; how the UK has been invaded and settled, why places are as they are, and how the countries got their names. THE UNION FLAG: The story of how it came into being. It includes: Flag of England; Saint George, the story of St George and the Dragon, the St George's Cross The Flag of Wales The Flag of Scotland; St Andrew, the story of King Angus MacFergus The Flag of Britain, 1606 The Flag of the Protectorate; including the arms of Ireland Great Britain; the ensign armorial, 1707 St Patrick's Cross; the story of St Patrick The Union Flag Jacks How to draw the Union Flag THE NATIONAL ANTHEM THE ROYAL COAT OF ARMS: Explains what a coat of arms is and how they are created. Explains about the Royal coat of arms today. ACTIVITIES AND WORKSHEETS: Factfiles x 4: For fact finding missions, cities, rivers, mountains and a blank one. They contain boxes for text, lines for explanations and a blank map of the UK. Flag activities: 6 different flag sheets Map of UK Topic cover Jigsaw of the UK Simple outline plan in word with links and suggestions.
Short history of the United Kingdom powerpoint

Short history of the United Kingdom powerpoint

A 14 page powerpoint suitable for primary children showing the changes in the four countries of the UK from the Iron Age tribes to today. The presentation explains how Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland got their names, and how Britain and the UK were names. The pages are headed: Iron Age Tribes The Roman Conquest Anglo-Saxons The Vikings The Norman Conquest The Middle Ages The Tudors The Stuarts Georgian Britain Victorian Britain and the British Empire Irish Independence The Commonwealth The European Union
The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age display pack: Posters headings timelines banners headings

The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age display pack: Posters headings timelines banners headings

STONE AGE DISPLAY: A4 title A-Z lettering in a stone background The Stone Age banner Stone Age timeline Stone Age artefacts Stone Age border for display boards BRONZE AGE DISPLAY: A4 title A-Z lettering in a bronze background The Bronze Age banner Bronze Age timeline Bronze Age artefacts Bronze Age border for display boards IRON AGE DISPLAY: A4 title A-Z lettering in a metallic iron background The Iron Age banner Iron Age artefacts Iron Age border for display boards
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age, Bronze Age to Iron Age pack - powerpoints, activities, plan

Changes in Britain from the Stone Age, Bronze Age to Iron Age pack - powerpoints, activities, plan

INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY POWERPOINT: A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age WORKSHEET: Prehistory writing sheet THE STONE AGE POWERPOINT (30 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Stone Age life including: Sources of information Stone Age Britain Stone Age people Food Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers Skara Brae STONE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research) Cave paintings Stone Age climate Stone Age food Stone Age way of life Write a report about .... (x10) - Different Stone Age archaeology sites Topic covers (x4 different designs) For topic books Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined) THE BRONZE AGE POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including: Sources of information Discovery of copper and bronze Britain in the Bronze Age Religion Henges Daily life BRONZE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research) Write a report about the Amesbury Archer Bronze Age ways of living Bronze Age travel Bronze Age technology Bronze Age religion Topic covers (x2) For topic books Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined) THE IRON AGEPOWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including Sources of information Iron Age Britain Iron Age people & tribes Iron Age life Buildings - Hill Forts Art and Culture Religion Battle Arrival of the Romans IRON AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research) Iron Age sites recording sheet Iron Age tribes in the local area Iron Age art and culture Iron Age farming Iron Age hill forts Iron Age tribal kingdoms Topic covers (x2) For topic books Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined) Plus and adaptable outline MT plan with links, suggestions etc
Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack

Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack

A set of powerpoints showing photographs of the most popular toys of the pre-50s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and modern toys; an introduction to the history of toys - going back to dolls in Ancient Greece to computers today; a look at portraits of children from the past playing with toys; a sorting toy activity into old and new, and an old poem about the wonders of a toy shop. There are also 4 maths powerpoints looking at addition and subtraction in the toy shop, with cards to print for games. The activities include: An acrostic poem template Animal cut-out templates to join together to make a moving toy Colouring sheets Pictures of new/old teddy Puppets for role play Russian doll set to print and laminate for size ordering 6 x Santa lists to use around Christmas A thaumatrope template with instructions 3 x cover templates for a topic book Toy sorting cards - to sort into different materials/ properties. Toys from the past questionnaire to take home to fill in with parents. A copy of an old book 'What shall we do next' from 1907 full of games and activities that children played The Wonderful Toymaker fairy tale to read An outline planning document with cross curricular links that can be adapted. DISPLAY Old toys display - photographs Children's portraits playing with toys Toys banner Toys heading Toys in the past heading Toys timeline
Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot - 2 powerpoints, 12 display files and 15 activities

Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot - 2 powerpoints, 12 display files and 15 activities

A powerpoint story of Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire Night, with classroom activities to print and display resources. Guy Fawkes - Two versions; one for KS1 and one for KS2. It details Guy Fawkes' life, and how he became involved with the other conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot; it explains how he was caught, and why people now celebrate Bonfire Night. ACTIVITIES: Bonfire night acrostic poem Bonfire Night topic cover Fire border for displaying work Fireworks border Gunpowder plot and Guy Fawkes sequencing Gunpowder plot black and white pictures (for colouring/display) Gunpowder plot cards Gunpowder plot word mat Guy Fawkes topic cover Letter to Mounteagle Newspaper report x 4 - Guy Fawkes, The arrest and The conspirators Blank scroll DISPLAY A-Z Flame lettering Bonfire Night banner A4 title Large lettering Bonfire Night Fireworks border for displays Confession letter of Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes title Main conspirators poster Portraits of James I and Guy Fawkes Posters - Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot The Fireworks code The Gunpowder plot pictures
The Tudors display pack

The Tudors display pack

A set of Tudor display resources to print - posters, titles, banners, and borders. Headings Henry VIII Banner: Prints onto 2 A4 sheets, bordered with pictures of his wives. The Tudors title: 3 versions - black lettering, red lettering, and embedded Tudor Rose lettering The Tudors A-Z lettering: 2 versions, one with embedded with the Tudor Rose, the other with red lettering. The Tudors Banner: 2 versions, one with text embedded with the Tudor Rose, the other with red lettering 'The Tudors' lettering to cut out: large lettering, fills 3 A4 pages. Borders - for display boards Henry VIII's wives border Tudor rose border Posters The Tudors posters: 12 A4 posters:- Tudor punishment Tudor clothes for women Tudor clothes for men Tudor world map Tudor British Isles map Tudor surgery Tudor medicine Tudor houses Tudor theatre Tudor explorers (x2) Tudor artefacts Tudor woodcuts: 17 Tudor images made for illustrations in printed materials:- Tudor house building Tudor fish market Tudor geographer Tudor coin makers Tudor warfare Tudor fun and games Tudor shepherds Tudor hunting lessons Tudor village life Tudor beggar Tudor fool Tudor printers Tudor water carrier Tudor shoe makers Tudor school punishment Tudor scribe Tudor engravers The Tudor Monarchs: Six posters, each containing a Tudor monarch, with a picture and the dates they reigned, plus an A4 title 'The Tudor dynasty 1485 - 1603'. The six wives of Henry VIII: Six posters each containing a wife, with the dates they were married, how many children they had, and when and how Henry got rid of them. Also contains a title. The Tudors timeline: 24 pages of the main events that occurred between 1485 and 1603. The dates are displayed along the top so they can be placed along the wall in a timeline. Each event contains pictures and descriptions. Tudor coat of arms: The coat of arms of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary I, and Elizabeth I. The Tudor Rose: a large Tudor Rose to print Activities The Tudors A4 writing border Tudor rose - black and white
The Inuit - powerpoint and heading

The Inuit - powerpoint and heading

The powerpoint covers the following: Who are the Inuit? Traditional Inuit homes Modern Inuit homes Modern villages Traditional Clothing Modern Inuit Clothing Inuit food Inuit art Inuit tools Seals Fish Hunting Whales Language Inuit travel - on land and sea
Portugal powerpoint and headings

Portugal powerpoint and headings

The powerpoint covers the following: Where is Portugal?: With maps showing the location of Portugal. What is Portugal like?: Images of Portugal; different geographical features Living in Portugal: Pictures of everyday life in Portugal - streets, shops, schools, houses etc. Portuguese people: What life is like in Portugal - culture, traditional dress, language etc The history of Portugal: a brief history from Roman times to present.
Dinosaur resources, display, games and activities  for EYFS KS1

Dinosaur resources, display, games and activities for EYFS KS1

A pack of powerpoint lessons, activities, games and display Powerpoint files: A pack of worksheets, activities, cards and display resources for a dinosaurs topic. ACTIVITIES Acrostic poem templates x 2 Bones - different lengths to use for sequencing activities Coloured bookmarks with dinosaurs - 4 different designs Black and white bookmarks - 8 different designs Cards - 9 cards with different dinosaurs on for matching/snap games Colouring scenes - 11 different designs containing different types of dinosaurs Counting dinosaurs - 12 different amounts of dinosaurs with space to write the number. Dinosaur eggs - different sizes for sequencing Dinosaur masks - black and white to colour Dinosaur masks (colour) Black and white dinosaur pictures - 13 simple line drawings to colour/cut out etc Dinosaur information cards - to fill in Dinosaurs - different sizes for sequencing (2 different designs) Finger puppet dinosaurs - small images for puppets 3 x dinosaur themed jigsaws Topic covers x 3 Wordsearch Writing border DISPLAY A4 heading Alphabet - 2 versions, one on an egg, the other on an image of a dinosaur hatching. A-Z lettering, plus numbers and punctuation, with a dinosaur background image Banner x 2 designs - large 3 page banners Border with dinosaurs to frame a display Clipart dinosaurs, for activities or display Dinosaur alphabet capitals (2 letters per page; the letters are inside the dinosaur body) Dinosaur skeletons - 5 different images Numberline - Dinosaur egg - to 20 with numerals and writing Numbers 1-100, with odd and even numbers different colours Posters - 10 A5 posters containing images and vocabulary Word mat - with vocabulary the children may need.
Transport topic - canals powerpoint

Transport topic - canals powerpoint

Powerpoint on the development of canals and canals around the world today. Explains how canals were the method of transporting goods before the railways; how the barges were pulled along by horses; and how they were built.
Transport topic -  George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities

Transport topic - George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities

Two powerpoints looking at how and why trains developed over time, and the Father of the Railways, George Stephenson, plus 3 worksheets. George Stephenson and locomotives: Looks at James Watt and his steam engine design; Richard Trevithick and his steam engine improvements, and the life of George Stephenson, and how he became known as the 'Father of the Railways'. Tells the story of the first steam locomotives; the Rainhill Trials; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and new steam locomotive designs up to 1941. Also briefly and simply explains how steam engines work. Trains now and then: Shows different parts of a steam locomotive, and looks at pictures of different locomotives, and how they developed from George Stephenson's Rocket, to the modern bullet trains of today. Steam train worksheets: 3 different worksheets, showing a picture of a steam train to label and caption. The Rocket worksheet: To compare modern trains with old steam locomotives. Steam train template: An outline of a steam train, to use for colouring, collage, paint etc.