This resource consists of 12 worksheets to revise all the A Level grammar points. Each worksheet consists of 35 sentences and takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
Half of them are gap filling exercises and the other half are Sentences Restructuring.
Answers For answers, select REVIEW > ALL MARKUP on the word documents below.
This is very useful to reinforce grammar points and identify possible areas of concern.
This bundle consists of a comprehensive PPT presentation (34 slides) with Tutorial and Practice on Modal Verbs in Various tenses.
Also included are 2 worksheets to practice the conjugation in real life situations. This is very useful for role play and writing practice.
Attached is a bundle of 6 Conversations questions with Answers on 6 Main Topics+ two lists of useful Phrases for Role-Plays and General Conversations.
The questions with model answers are on the 6 main themes: Education, Environment, Home, Leisure, Holidays & Relationships.
Model answers are useful for pupils who need ideas for their answers.
These answers can also be used for writing tasks .
This A Level resource comprises 2 activities on the Gilets Jaunes movement, one Reading Comprehension with caricatures adapted from an article and one Video activity taken from the news. Each activity is around 20mn long and can be used for assessment or to start a conversation about demonstration in France.
This is an end of Unit test for the new IGCSE exam, around 1 hour long. It is based on the vocab and grammar point covered in the IGCSE EDEXCEL textbook from Hodder., topic area 1A.
It consists in:
_ Two Translation tasks, English-French and the other way round to test the vocab from the textbook.
_ 4 Reading activities
_ 2 Listening
_ A writing section
_ A grammar section on Present tense.
Attached is a comprehensive IGCSE End of Unit Test on Modules 2.A, 2.B FAMILLE, DESCRIPTION, ROUTINE and CHORES, It is based on the New IGCSE Edexcel textbook and covers 4 skills:
Translation, Eng-French and French- Eng. based on Vocab pages from textbook
5 Reading activities graded in difficulty
a Grammar Section on Verbs on the Present Tense and adjectival agreement
2 Listening activities with recording provided
The test lasts between 1h and 1h20. It is provided in Word format and is fully editable. It is aimed at Foundation and Higher Tier students.
This bundle of activties includes 11 activities on Immigration and Diversity suitable for A Level students. It comprises:
5 Articles with Comprehensions on Immigration and Integration
Pictures and Comics to elicit conversation on this topic
2 Video activities with questionnaires
1 Listening activity
A Vocabulary List
2 PPT Presentations on Immigration
A list of Web Links
A list of questions to discuss immigration.
This bundle consists of 20 resources to practice and reinforce conjugation of all major tenses: Present, Perfect, Imperfect, Near Future, Future Conditional, Plue Perfect and even Past historic. Tutorials are provided in the PPT presentations. All worksheets are in Word format and fully editable.
This pack is suitable for GCSE/ IGCSE and even As students.
This resource consists of 11 Video questionnaires aimed at HIGHER GCSE/ but are also suitable for As students as some of the topics cover the programme.
The questionnaires are compiled in a Word doc and each questionnaire is made of 4 to 6 comprehension activities.
Transcripts & answers to each questionnaire are provided on the next page. The link to access the videos is provided on the front page of the questionnaires worksheet.
Each video lasts between 1 and 3 mn and covers one of the following topic:
Leisure Activities & Sport
Eating & Cooking
New Technologies
Character Traits
Health & Fitness
Career and Jobs
Finding a Home
Past Holidays
Tourism in France
The World of Work
The Environment
The topic covered is indicated on the Video file name. It should take between 20 and 45 mn to complete an activity.
I came up with this idea of video activities because GCSE textbooks rarely provide videos to illustrate a topic. My students found these useful to reinforce the vocab seen in class and enjoyed watching some “real people speaking real French” as the videos are authentic and show French speaking people in real life.
Questionnaires can be done in class or at home if you are into “flipped learning”
Attached are a series of 8 Comprehensive PPT presentations to revise and practice topics at beginner Level, KS2 AND 3. Each PPT covers a range of 3 OR 4 topics, and consists of a presentation of the point followed by some practice. Topics covered are:
_VOCAB: Numbers, Colours, Countries, Nationalities, Family, Food, Time , short Dialogues, Places in Town, Description
_GRAMMAR: Prepositions, Present Tense Regular Verbs ER, IR verbs + Irregular Etre, Faire, Avoir, Aller, Possessives, asking questions, Definite articles
This resource consists of 7 Videos questionnaires with answers aimed at AS students. Each questionnaire is made of 4 to 6 Comprehension activities related to the video . Each video lasts between 1.30’ and 3 mn and covers one of the AS AQA topic:
The topic covered is indicated on the Video file name. Since the videos are too heavy to upload, I provided a Google Drive link on the questionnaire to access them.
The questionnaires are compiled in a Word doc and the transcripts & answers to each questionnaire are provided on the next page. Each document is fully editable.
These videos are useful to illustrate the topic covered and for consolidation.
Attached is a 66 pages self study pack aimed at beginners in French. Every point is followed by practical activities that can be met in real life situations. Students should spend around 15h to complete this booklet. The following topics and grammar points are covered :
• Greetings and introductions
• Basic sentences
• Basic questions
• Spelling
• Numbers up to 100
• The negative form
• Masculine and feminine
• Date and time
• Telling about the weather
• Talking about your daily routine
• Ordering at the bar
• Identifying objects
• “avoir” “etre” verbs
• Shopping and paying
• Conjugating regular verbs
• Identifying food
• Saying what you like to eat
• Saying where you go, how and why
• Saying what you like doing
• At the restaurant
This A LEVEL Revision Booklet, 80 pages, covers the following topics:
• 1 : La société multiculturelle, l’immigration, l’intégration, le racisme
• 2 : Problèmes sociaux contemporains: la pauvreté et criminalité
• 3 : Les nouvelles technologies
4: Section Grammaire
Each topic includes some vocab lists, a comprehensive range of set phrases and a mixture of Listening/ Reading Comprehension & Translation Tasks.
The 2nd part is a Grammar section comprising practice on a range of grammar points. Answers to the grammar section on Verbs & Adjectives are provided.
This booklet in Word format is editable and can be used for self-study or in class in preparation for the exam.