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French resources for all levels, mostly PPT presentations but also videos and worksheets.




French resources for all levels, mostly PPT presentations but also videos and worksheets.
Common GCSE Errors in French

Common GCSE Errors in French

This resource consists of two series of 20 phrases with 2 Common Grammar mistakes in each sentence. First part is a series of 20 Foundation phrases and second part is series of 20 Higher Level sentences. Mistakes can be on conjugation, adjectival agreement, gender, prepositions. Students have to identify the mistakes and correct it. I compiled this list of mistakes from the essays of my students. Also incuded at the end are 5 Sentences to Translate from English to French for early finishers. This is suitable for both Foundation & Higher Tier students as there’s a mixture of easy and complex sentences The sentences cover the five main topics and are taken from mistakes I have seen in students productions. This activity lasts around 1 hour with the corrections and can be used as a diagnostic activity to check pupils grammatical knowledge.
speaking cards for AQA French A Level

speaking cards for AQA French A Level

Here is a compilation of 45 practice speaking cards to for A Level AQA on the 12 topics that , there are 3 to 6 cards per topics and they follow the format of the exam: Q1.Describing the card Q.2 Opinion on the issue Q.3 Knowledge question Some cards have a few extra questions.
A Level French Grammar: Revision of all tenses with Conjugation and Translation Practice

A Level French Grammar: Revision of all tenses with Conjugation and Translation Practice

This resource consists of a PPT and a Word Booklet on all Tenses from the A Level syllabus. _ The extensive PPT presentation, 60 slides, covers all tenses in a structured way and its aim is to review verb conjugation and practise translation with a range of tenses. it takes 5 hours minimum to complete. Each section starts with a recap of the formation and verb ending of the tense with some verb tables with the regular and main irregular verbs. It is followed by a range of conjugation and translation tasks. Answers are provided on the next slide. Tenses and modes covered: Présent Futur proche Passé composé Imparfait Futur simple Conditionnel Subjonctif Plus-que-parfait Conditionnel passé Futur antérieur la voix passive Subjonctif passé le passé simple The Word booklet provides 11 long exercises to practice all the indicative tenses. It is divided into 5 parts: • présent • passé-composé, imparfait, plus que parfait, • futur simple, futur proche, futur antérieur • All indicative tenses including conditionnel présent, conditionnel passé. Conjugation exercise with 100 sentences in all tenses. Students conjugate the verb in bracket in the right tense. Answers are provided when to select Review tab, then Final: show up. Most of the exercices consists of gap fill exercises with the correct conjugation to insert or multiple choice with the right verb or time word to insert. Exercises are graded in difficulty. The booklet takes between 3 and 4 hours to complete and is ideal for home learning, homework and end of Year Revision for As and A2 Students. My students find these resources useful to manipulate various tenses and improve their translation skill. These 2 resources can be used for independent learning or in class, and are fully editable.


In this Bundle: You will find all the teaching resources to study the novel L’Etranger (French A-Level) In depth Study Guides Analysis of the key chapters Analysis of characters and plot Influences Style _ Essay titles per exam boards _ Liens internet _ Biography of Camus -Summary sheets and revision booklets
Study Pack La Haine

Study Pack La Haine

This resource consists of 14 documents, including: A comprehensive Introduction to the film in a 48 slide PPT including a biography of Kassovitz, the historical & social context of the film, the actors, the plots and some recap actvities in-depth and informative booklets mostly in French on La Haine : A complete plot summary Reviews and analyses of the movies In-depth Analysis of Key Scenes 4 study guide & Character studies In-depth Analysis of the main themes Analysis of Techniques used in the film The documents can be used at various stages of the film study.
L'Auberge Espagnole:  3 Study Guides

L'Auberge Espagnole: 3 Study Guides

These resources include the analysis of the main themes of the film. they can also be used for revision or teaching for other exam boards. _A synopsis and film summary _ A worksheet with 25 questions on the film _Activities to explore the main characters _ Analysis of 6 key scenes _ Extracts from the film to illustrate the main themes _ Analysis of the representation of the Barcelona, the flat _ Questions on the main topic: Un film d’apprentissage _ An interview with Klapish _ A study of the trailer and the film poster
Le Noel en France Unit of Work for A Level French

Le Noel en France Unit of Work for A Level French

This is a bundle of 8 resources about Christmas in France suitable for A Level French students. It includes a PPT in French made of 46 slides, 2 video activities with questionnaires, a booklet and a Gap filling exercise to go along the film Joyeux Noel, two PDF files in colour with a range of reading and vocab activities around Christmas holidays and a quizz. Obviously these activities are mainly designed to be done around Christmas time, but can be integrated within your Scheme of Work as it actually fits well with the new AQA A Level topic Le Patrimoine. Joyeux Noel!


This resource consists of 11 documents, including 8 in-depth and informative booklets mostly in French on Les 400 Coups, covering : • A complete plot summary • A study guide &Character studies • In-depth Analysis of the Key themes, Scenes and symbols • A biography of Truffaud Other docs include Comprehension Questions on the film, reviews and Truffaut’s career
Booklet for KS3 and 4

Booklet for KS3 and 4

Revision booklet covering various topics and grammar points for Beginners/ Intermediate students. It contains 9 chapters, each one covering a few topics / grammar points. Each area contains 4-5 worksheets for practice and more than 30 worksheets are provided overall. This booklet is suitable both for teenagers and young professionals as there is a focus on business French. It can be done either in class using a projector or at home . I wanted to show my students that the language can be used in real work life situation. They enjoyed this work and found it a nice change from the usual exam practice. Below is a list of the topics covered: • Greetings and introductions • Basic sentences • Basic questions • Spelling • Numbers up to 20 • More personal information • The negative form • Introducing a third person • Masculine and feminine • Numbers • Date and time • Telling about the weather • Talking about your daily routine • Ordering at the bar • Identifying objects • “avoir” • Shopping and paying • Conjugating regular verbs • Identifying food • Saying what you like to eat • Saying where you go, how and why • Saying what you like doing • At the restaurant • Grammar: basic rules and verbs • Vocabulary: countries • Geography: France A company profile and history Talking about your education and career Comparing company performances Describing people
Tutorials and Extensive Practice on French Articles (partitive, definite, indefinite)

Tutorials and Extensive Practice on French Articles (partitive, definite, indefinite)

The little words in French often confuse the students so this bundle of resources should help them. This resource includes 3 comprehensive PPT tutorials on articles ( definite, indefinite, partitive) followed by lots of practice and 2 editable worksheets in Word format and one PDF doc to provide further practice on this tricky grammar point. This is suitable for GCSE and A Level students and can easily be adapted to the required level. The first PPT includes a tutorial on partitives followed by a millionaire game to practice the various uses and rules of partitives. The second PPT is a tutorial on definite, indefinite articles and determiners followed by some translation practice, ideal for preparation to the New GCSE exam. Also attached are 2 worksheets with 4 gap-filling exercises and answers are provided. The titles of the docs indicate the appropriate level. My students found the tutorial and gap-filling tasks very useful to improve their knowledge of these “little words” that are among the most common types of errors at GCSE and A Level. I noticed that articles is a grammar point that always needs revision. These worksheets will help students to apply the rules regarding articles and are also a good way to revise gender, number and prepositions. You can spend a whole lesson with this resource and some of the worksheets can be used for homework.
IGCSE French Handbook for students

IGCSE French Handbook for students

Attached is an 18 pages IGCSE Handbook aimed at reassuring students taking the Edexcel French IGCSE exam at the beginning of the course. CONTENTS: Why choose a modern foreign language at GCSE level What is the IGCSE course like? What is the difference between GCSE and IGCSE? How big is the jump from Year 10 to Year 11? How will you improve on from what I learnt in Year 10? What is the IGCSE Edexcel exams like? Which topics will be covered? What grammar will be covered? What do I have to do to get a good grade? Know your learning style How to improve your listening skills How to improve your reading skills How to improve your writing skills How to prepare for the oral Key to success
AQA A Level French Speaking exam: Fact File on All Topics + Model Questions and answers on A2 Topics

AQA A Level French Speaking exam: Fact File on All Topics + Model Questions and answers on A2 Topics

This resource includes some up-to-date facts in French on the AQA A Level topics for the Oral exam. Each topic has 6 to 8 facts presented in full sentences in French. Also included are Model Questions and Answers on the 2nd Year AQA A Level Topics: _ Integration / Immigration _ La Marginalisation et la discrimination _ La Criminalité _ Les Manifestations _ La Politique Each topic includes a list of around 15 possible exam questions with developed answers in French.
A LEVEL French 3 Fun Cultural Quizzes in PPT ( 100 of Multiple Choice Questions )

A LEVEL French 3 Fun Cultural Quizzes in PPT ( 100 of Multiple Choice Questions )

3 French quizz to revise and consolidate cultural facts and general knowledge in a fun way. Answers are provided. _ One with 55 Multiple choice questions on French History, Geography, Arts, Literature, Music, politics and gastronomy, _ One with 65 Multiple Choice Questions on various aspects of the French-speaking World _ A shorter one with 10 slides on the same topics that can be used as a starter/finisher** _These games can be played in pairs, individually or with whole class. Suitable for A Level.
A Level Grammar, Vocab and Civilisation Boardgame

A Level Grammar, Vocab and Civilisation Boardgame

Board game to revise a wide range of Grammar , Vocab and Civilisation points in a fun way. Students have to answer a question related to the colour they land on and are given 4 options by the person asking the question . Answers are provided on the card. It includes 380 questions and cover all the grammar points and most of the Topics of the A Level syllabus for AQA, Edexcel and WJEC. It is suitable for group or 1 to 1 lesson. Attached are 2 PDF files: the board game and the list of questions
4 As Level Model Essays on La Haine

4 As Level Model Essays on La Haine

Find attached 3 As Model Essays on La Haine of around 300 words each on the following titles: Examinez ce qui motive le comportement et les actions de Vinz, Saïd et Hubert dans ce film. Selon vous, quelle est la motivation la plus importante ? Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires dans ce film. Vous pouvez utiliser les points suivants : • le rôle des membres de la famille des 3 jeunes • le rôle des membres de la police, Notre Dame et Samir • le rôle d’Astérix et Darty Examinez les similarités et les différences entre Vinz et Hubert dans La Haine. Vous pouvez utiliser les points suivants : comment ils sont physiquement et leurs caractères comment sont leurs tempéraments leurs actions au cours du film et leur motivation l’évolution des personnages au cours du film. 3 essays are in an editable Word doc
2 long essays on No et Moi for A Level students

2 long essays on No et Moi for A Level students

Attached are 2 long sample essays in French on the novel No et Moi suitable for the new French A Level exam. The first essay, 700 words, looks at whether the novel can be seen as a study of homelessness, while the second one, 1134 word examines whether Lou and No get on well because they have similar lives. Each essay includes quotes. My students found these essays very useful to write their own essays on the novel.


Attached is a series of 3 GCSE tests on the topic Fashions and Shopping for Young People. Each test is made of a long Reading Comprehension, some vocab exercises, a writing task and a few grammar points such as present tense, prepositions, adjectives and pronouns. Each test lasts between 45mn and 1 hour. This is a Reading, Vocab, Grammar & Writing Assesment on School, lasting 45 mn to 1h. This fully editable resource is suitable for the new GCSE Higher exam and can be adapted for Foundation.


This resource consists of 8 French Higher GCSE Model Essays for the 130-150 words task ( 24 markers) based on Edexcel & AQA Past Writing Paper. It a fully editable Word doc The following topics are covered: _ Food& Drink _Sports & Hobbies _ New Technologies _ Friendship & Relationships _ Holidays _ School _ My area and the Environment _ Future Work These essays are also useful for the IGCSE 130-150 words essays .
BUNDLE on Le racisme en France

BUNDLE on Le racisme en France

This bundle includes 14 resources to introduce and reinforce the A Level topic Integration & Discrimination. It consists of: _ a comprehensive PPT with 73 slides exploring the issues of immigration, integration and racism in France through the ages with lots of facts, but also quizzes, film extracts, study cases and testimonies. _ 5 Reading Comprehensions with questions or True/False tasks, _ 2 Summary Tasks: 1 Reading and 1 Listening _5 Audio and 2 Video questionnaires _ Comic Strips and pictures to illustrate the topic of racism _ 2 Vocab sheets with illustrations and definitions of words related to Racism, Secularism and Discrimination. _ A translation activity French to English _ 10 Exams Questions with possible answers
14 Model essays on La Haine

14 Model essays on La Haine

Attached are 12 model A Level essays on La Haine on themes, characters and techniques between 400 and 1000 words each. Here are the titles covered are: 1.La représentation de la police 2. Similarités et les différences Vinz et Hubert 3. similarites et différences entre Said, Vinz et Hubert 4. Le titre du film La Haine est bien choisi car il reflète exactement le thème principal du film’. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement? 5. L’exclusion sociale 6. Le Mal-être des banlieusards 7. La société française fracturée 8. Vinz est le moins raisonnable des trois jeunes 9. la Haine La technique du Noir et Blanc 10. personnages réalistes ou des stéréotypes 11. La représentation de la famille dans La haine 12. Eprouvez-vous de la compassion pour Vinz ? 13. Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires 14. Les trois jeunes banlieusards sont en partie responsables des problèmes qui leur arrivent au cours du film.