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Topic Resources

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(based on 50 reviews)

We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.




We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.
KS2 Guy Fawkes Time Travel Historical Problem Solving Booklet with inference/deduction challenges

KS2 Guy Fawkes Time Travel Historical Problem Solving Booklet with inference/deduction challenges

This rare collection of resources is sure to capture your childrens’ imaginations as they join Ben on his journey through time into the strange and intriguing world of the Gunpoder Plotters of 17th Century London. Your children will be presented with a variety of stimulating and thought provoking challenges involving inference, deduction and problem solving. CONTEXTUALISED LEARNING AT ITS BEST! (answers provided to aid speed of marking).
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklets, Bundle 3

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklets, Bundle 3

3 Resources
This is the third of our bundles of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklets, designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super bundle of four KS1 reading comprehension booklets includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. They offer both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around a variety of topics. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklets have also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups. Purchased individually, the booklets would cost £8.00 for 4 booklets but I am offering a £2.00 discount with this bundle of 4.
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 9 - based on the popular topic of Dinosaurs.

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 9 - based on the popular topic of Dinosaurs.

The ninthth in our series of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Dinosaurs. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
Pancake Day and Lent Teaching Resources

Pancake Day and Lent Teaching Resources

A super teaching resource based on the Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day and Lent. Includes: Pancake Day and Lent PowerPoint Presentation: a super presentation looking why pancakes are made on Shrove Tuesday to mark the onset of Lent. A recipe booklet for making pancakes for your children to complete.
KS1 Christmas SPaG Booklet 2

KS1 Christmas SPaG Booklet 2

This lovely set of KS1 Christmas themed spelling, punctuation and grammar activities will provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children at Christmas.
KS2 Reading for Inference Booklet 3 (themed around Remembrance Day)

KS2 Reading for Inference Booklet 3 (themed around Remembrance Day)

We are delighted to be able to add a truly exceptional "KS2 Reading for Inference" resource booklet. This themed resource is based upon Remembrance Day and features a wide variety of activities which are sure to engage and stimulate KS2 children. These super activities have been carefully designed to challenge reading, inference and deduction skills using a wide variety of linked formats and text types. We have also included an answer booklet to aid speed of marking.
KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet 7  (Olympic theme)

KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet 7 (Olympic theme)

This SATS style reading comprehension booklet is designed to give your children additional experience in tackling New Curriculum SATS style texts and questions. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and has an Olympic Games/Sporting theme . Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully trialled with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.