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Topic Resources

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We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.




We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.
KS2, Problem Solving with Santa activity booklet

KS2, Problem Solving with Santa activity booklet

This super booklet includes a variety of cross curricular, problem solving activities to provide fun and learning at Christmas. The booklet comes with answer sheets to speed up the marking process. It is child friendly to allow your children the option to self-check their work.
Fatima's Bike - More Adventures, Problem Solving Booklet for KS2

Fatima's Bike - More Adventures, Problem Solving Booklet for KS2

This stimulating and engaging booklet is suitable as a stand-alone resource but also complements our previous package “Fatima’s Bike”. It features a variety of texts with opportunities for pupils to read for inference and deduction. There are also puzzles, maths challenges and grammar activities. The booklet offers your children opportunities to think for themselves, either at school or as a homework task. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided answer sheets in order to facilitate speed of marking.
KS2 Reading/Problem Solving?Homework Booklet

KS2 Reading/Problem Solving?Homework Booklet

Another super collection of upper KS2 reading comprehension/problem solving activities to provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children. The activities have been contextualised around the theme of planning a party for great grandma and include reading/inference questions, mathematical problems and the opportunity to interpret information presented in a variety of ways. The resource comes with a set of answers which can be used either to aid speed of marking or for children to check their own answers.
Reading Comprehension, Inference,Problem Solving/Homework Activities for KS2 children

Reading Comprehension, Inference,Problem Solving/Homework Activities for KS2 children

This lovely collection of KS2 reading comprehension/problem solving activities will provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children. The activities have been contextualised around the theme of moving house and include reading/inference questions, mathematical problems and the opportunity to interpret information presented in a variety of ways. The resource comes with a set of answers which can be used either to aid speed of marking or for children to check their own answers.
KS1, Year 2 SATs SPaG Practice Papers 2

KS1, Year 2 SATs SPaG Practice Papers 2

This is the second of our very useful spag booklet designed to give Year 2 children the opportunity to practise grammar, spelling and punctuation tests in line with New Curriculum requirements.
Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack 3/Homework Booklet for KS2

Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack 3/Homework Booklet for KS2

We are delighted to be able to offer a super resource! It is a KS2 resource designed to challenge and stimulate. Based upon a “returning to school” theme, this beautifully structured set of activities will engage children both in the classroom and as a homework activity. The tasks include problem-solving, logic, mathematical and structured comprehension work.
KS1, Year 2, SATs style Reasoning and arithmetic assessment bundle.

KS1, Year 2, SATs style Reasoning and arithmetic assessment bundle.

3 Resources
This superb bundle of four Year 2, SATs style reasoning tests and four SATs style arithmetic tests will provide your children with the opportunity to gain additional practice and confidence when tackling SATs style maths questions. Bought individually, the booklets would cost you £10.00, but if purchased as a bundle, you will save 25% (£2.50).
KS1, Year 2, SATs style maths assessment booklets for reasoning and arithmetic

KS1, Year 2, SATs style maths assessment booklets for reasoning and arithmetic

KS1 SATs style reasoning and arithmetic booklets (designed with New Curriculum requirements in mind). These booklets have been used by a number of KS1 (year 2) teachers to give their children additional practice at tackling the new SATs reasoning and arithmetic papers. All have said that they offer an excellent way of increasing children’s confidence in tackling these kinds of questions. The resources include answer book/marking schemes designed to give teachers an idea of how their children might cope in a Year 2 SATs test.
Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack/Homework Booklet for KS2

Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack/Homework Booklet for KS2

Another superb resource pack, filled with a range of fun and challenging activites for KS2 children. A super way of providing your children with opportunities to think for themselves, either at school or as a homework task. The booklet contains a collection of activities based around Brunton City Football Club. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided an answer booklet in order to facilitate speed of marking.
Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack/Homework Booklet for KS2

Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack/Homework Booklet for KS2

This lovely resource booklet is filled with a range of fun and challenging activites for KS2 children. A super way of providing your children with opportunities to think for themselves, either at school or as a homework task. Based around the office of the fictional school (St. Cuthbert’s), this entertaining and engaging booklet offers a variety of texts, charts and tables through which children will be challenged to solve problems, read for inference and deduce meaning form the information provided. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided an answer booklet in order to facilitate speed of marking.
SATs style maths practice papers 5 - contextualised to well known children's stories

SATs style maths practice papers 5 - contextualised to well known children's stories

An excellent pack of SATs style maths papers. The questions have been contextualised to well known children’s stories to allow the children to relate to the problems presented. Includes: - Rumplestiltskin - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of Rumplestiltskin. - Cinderella - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of Cinderella. - The Elves and the Shoemaker (2nd paper) - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker.
SATs style maths practice papers - contextualised to well known children's stories

SATs style maths practice papers - contextualised to well known children's stories

A superb pack of SATs style maths papers. The questions have been contextualised to well known children’s stories to allow the children to relate to the problems presented. Includes: - The Papaya that Spoke - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of The Papaya that Spoke . - Sleeping Beauty - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of Sleeping Beauty. - The Greedy Fox - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of The Greedy Fox.
SATs style maths pack 2 for KS1/Year 2 - contextualised to well known children's stories

SATs style maths pack 2 for KS1/Year 2 - contextualised to well known children's stories

An excellent pack of SATs style maths papers. The questions have been contextualised to well known children’s stories to allow the children to relate to the problems presented. Includes: - Little Red Riding Hood - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of Little Red Riding Hood. - Chicken Licken - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of Chicken Licken. - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Year 2 SATs pack - this package includes a range of SATs style mathematics questions along with the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Year 2, SATs style Reasoning and Arithmetic Combined Pack 3 (New Curriculum)

Year 2, SATs style Reasoning and Arithmetic Combined Pack 3 (New Curriculum)

These booklets have been used by a number of KS1 (year 2) teachers to give their children additional practice at tackling the new SATs reasoning and arithmetic papers. All have said that they offer an excellent way of increasing children's confidence in tackling these kinds of questions. The resources include answer book/marking schemes designed to give teachers an idea of how their children might cope in a Year 2 SATs test.
KS2 Mother's Day Activity Pack

KS2 Mother's Day Activity Pack

A super KS2 Mother’s Day activity pack. This lovely collection of Mother’s Day problem solving activities has been designed for children in KS2. The activities are both challenging and fun (21 pages). A super way to stimulate your children through Mother’s Day!