English SPAG Homophones Lesson - There, Their and They're KS2
Lesson and matching activity worksheet provided.
Activity - Cut out each square and in pairs, get the pupils to place the statements under the correct heading.
Functional Skills English Reform: Writing Tasks Level 1 ( 5 tasks)
This resource contains four tasks that meet the NCFE criteria for Functional Skills English Writing criteria.
Learners are asked to write each of the following and are given a scenario:
Write a letter
Write an email
Write an article
Write a review
Write a report
I am due to upload many Functional Skills English lessons / resources.
Functional Skills / English GCSE Language Article Writing Bingo X6 Bingo A4 Sheets
Article Writing Bingo Game.
The bingo sheet contains words associated with article writing. As they play the game, learners are also remembering what to include in an article / how to format an article.
Instructions: Cut out the squares on the grid sheet and place inside a container. Give each player a bingo card. As you draw a square from the hat, ask the players to cross them out on their grid sheet. The first player who gets 5 in a row, wins!
A4 game and grid sheet: 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format. Crop and bleed marks
2.6 X A4 game and grid sheet: 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
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Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror Bingo - PDF Download with 6 Bingo Cards and a Grid Sheet
Uncle Montague Bingo Game
Instructions: Cut out the images on the grid sheet and place inside a container. Give each player a bingo card. As you draw an image from the hat, ask the players to cross them out on their grid sheet. The first player who gets 5 in a row, wins!
6 x A4 game and grid sheet : 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format
3 X English GCSE / Functional Skills Information Posters: Article, Review and Email Writing
These posters are ideal for the classroom. You will receive 3 posters that explain what to include in a particular text:
Article Writing
Review Writing
Email Writing
Gangsta Granny Bingo Game - PDF Download with 6 Bingo Cards and a Grid Sheet
Gangsta Granny Bingo Game
Instructions: Cut out the images on the grid sheet and place inside a container. Give each player a bingo card. As you draw an image from the hat, ask the players to cross them out on their grid sheet. The first player who gets 5 in a row, wins!
6 x A4 game and grid sheet: 21 x 29.7cm. PDF format.
GCSE English Literature: A3 Poetry Themes Poster. Classroom Display. Revision Guide.
A3 Poetry Themes Poster
Functional Skills English / GCSE - Article Writing: 3X Practice Article Writing Tasks
The learner has three article writing tasks to complete. This booklet would suit both L1 and L2 learners.
E3 Functional Skills English Writing Module: Alphabetical Order Worksheet & Answers
An alphabetical order worksheet with answers ( so the learner can self mark). Would suit an E3 learner, as this can be practice as a similar question will feature in their Functional Skills assessment.
2 X English Functional Skills Skimming & Scanning Reading Tasks. Rosa Parks & Malala Yousafzai
2 X Skimming and Scanning Tasks.
This resource includes two reading comprehension sheets with questions based on the source document. The answers are also provided so that the learner can self mark.
Functional Skills English Review Writing Task & review Writing Formatting Template L1/L2 GCSE
Review Writing Task.
The learner has a review writing task to complete. They can plan and format their review correctly by using the included review writing template.
DNA by Dennis Kelly Character Analysis 11 Flash Cards. Task - English Literature KS3 / KS4 GCSE
I created these after the KS3 class read Act 1 of DNA.
On the back of each individual name card, get the learners to do a character analysis:
Personality traits - positive and negative
Words they would use to describe that character
1 key quote from Act 1 that they feel shows the character’s positive / negative character traits ( e.g John Tate: " …if anyone says it I’m going to have to, you know, bite their face." This shows his intimidating and bullying nature).
On the front of each card, the faces are left blank. I got to class to draw the faces of each character as they imagined them to look. This is their own interpretation.
Print the pages double sided and the cards will print out colour coded to each character. I have also attached grey character cards incase you want to print the cards out black and white ( so they are the same shade of grey).
Functional Skills English / X32 Punctuation Matching Cards. Match Symbol & Name. Game. KS3 / KS4
32 X Punctuation Cards.
Get learners to revise their punctuation knowledge skills with 3 sets of cards:
Name and Symbol
How to play: put cards into 2 separate piles and get the learners to match the punctuation name and symbol.
Cards are double sided and colour coded so they can be placed in 3 draw piles. Remember to when printing to select “double sided” and “flip on short edge."
Functional Skills English / X32 Punctuation Matching Cards. Match Symbol/Name/Sentence & Use. Game
32 X Punctuation Cards.
Get learners to revise their punctuation knowledge skills with 3 sets of cards:
Name and Symbol
How it is used
Match the sentence
How to play: put cards into 3 separate piles and get the learners to match the punctuation name and symbol to the explanation of how it is used and then to the sentence it is used in.
Cards are double sided and colour coded so they can be placed in 3 draw piles. Remember to when printing to select “double sided" and “flip on short edge."
English Reading. Hatchet by Gary Paulsen Survival Lesson/Quiz. Would You Survive in the Wilderness?
This is a 18 page PPT which is based on the book Hatchet.
I created this following reading chapter 4 of the book: just before Brian enters the woods.
The class will imagine that they are in the same position as Brian and will write a list of items that they feel will aid survival until rescue comes. They will then discuss animals that they many encounter in the wilderness and the dangers of encountering these animals.
Following this, the learners are given a scenario and then will answers 8 scenario based multi-choice questions ( answers and short explanations provided). The aim of the quiz is to determine whether or not they would survive a night in the wilderness!
An extension task is provided also at the end of the PPT.
a fun classroom activity.
Easter Themed English Lesson Fun Task A3 Sheet: Reading Comprehension, Word Scrabble Games
A3 English Task Sheet and Fun Games. This Easter themed worksheet can be used as a lesson filler or as part of the English lesson.
English Functional Skills L1 & L2 / GCSE Language Techniques Song Lyrics Matching Activity
A worksheet which will to help learners to identify the different language features in popular song lyrics. An answer sheet is provided so that learners can self-mark.
Pride Month ( LGBTQ+) English Reading Comprehension and Answer Sheet . Functional Skills / KS3&KS4.
An English Reading Comprehension Activity.
This resource gives the learner an overview of Pride month and the Stonewall riots. They will then be asked to answer 10 skimming and scanning questions based on the document.
Answers are provided so that learners can self mark.
Language Techniques Activity - English Functional Skills /GCSE Language
The learner will read the source text and will then identify the following language techniques within this source document:
Direct Address
Rhetorical Question
Emotional Language
Rule of Three
E3 Functional Skills English 24X Phonics Flash Cards - Spelling / Reading Common Words
24X Phonic Flash Cards - double sided with circle print on one side.
These are flash cards which are useful to use with Entry Level 3 learners.
In the exam, learners are expected to both read and spell certain words correctly. The NCFE created a list of common words that are often mis-spelt and which E3 learners need to learn to prepare for their spelling test.
Each card has the phonics sound symbol on the card with an example of a word containing that sound underneath. The letters underlined within these words correspond to the sound symbol and these letters need special attention for spelling.
You could add an extension activity and get the learner to create a sentence which includes each word.