This PPT was prepared for KS4 AQA GCSE specification to cover comparison of effects of an earthquake in two contrasting areas.
All resources are included in the PPT.
Feel free to sent me a message if you are need more information.
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The lesson covers an example of an urban regeneration project to show: reasons why the area needed regeneration and the main features of the project. You need to follow the PPT, all resources are attached. I did it with three classes so far and even the most challenging class got engaged. The lesson uses time management and the pace is fast so no time to waste or misbehave. I chose the Olympic Park as it is in this country and you even can extend the lesson by fieldwork (if you have time). It took me two lessons with each group to complete the lesson and I still have another two groups to go. It uses a wide variety of skills, i.e.: pictures and maps analysis, map reading, exam question answering, guessing problems.
I have prepared this resource, after 2022 exam marking session for AQA, to help my students to understand exam answers’ structure even more and develop them further. I understand that not all of them will get the maximum marks but even if everyone of them can improve their answers to reach the next level then my job is done.
The resource has answer structures for 4, 6 and 9 markers for all command words I came across in the new specification past papers starting from 2018. The resource also has some connectives to help students to develop their answers.
Hope it helps you too.
This lesson is a shorter version of one of my previous lesson. The lesson contains:
knowledge rich quiz as a starter
reading and fill in activity
‘to what extent’ exam question with success criteria
end of lesson quiz
All resources included
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The lesson was designed for KS3 students. All resources are in the PPT
The lesson covers the following aspects:
Key terminology: accumulation, zone of accumulation, ablation, zone of ablation, crevasses, snout
Ice shelfs and icebergs
resource based assessment type question
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Lesson 11 focuses on the Five Year Flood plan for York following the 2015 flood.
Key ideas:
Geographical skills: selecting information, decision making
Exam skills: assessment type question ‘justify’, time management, knowledge recall, information selection from unknown source, reading comprehension, decision making
Knowledge: key terms definitions, the five-year flood plan for York
The lesson was designed for KS3 students. All resources are in the PPT
The lesson covers the following aspects:
Key terminology
Freeze-thaw weathering
Long profile of a glacier
work with an OS map
Enjoy the teaching.
Complete lesson for this topic. From a starter to a plenary with all resources provided. Enjoy and please leave feedback so it will help me to design even better lessons.
This lesson covers urban sustainability section of the AQA 9-1 specification. East Village is used as a case study for sustainable community, waste management, sustainable water and energy use, green spaces; London is used as a case study for sustainable transport strategies. PPT and all resources needed are attached including answer sheets.
The lesson covers key idea 5.8 detailed content a, b and c of the Edexcel A level specification. The PPT is based on two textbooks:
Edexcel A level book 2 by Hodder Education referred to as ‘flags textbook’
Geography for Edexcel A level year 2 by Oxford University Press referred to as ‘dragon textbook’
The whole key idea is covered within one PPT, instructions and resources are withing the PPT, the lesson ends with an exam question taken from Edexcel A Level Geography past papers.
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Lesson designed for KS3. All resources are in the PPT.
The lesson cover the following aspects:
importance of glaciers
results of melting of glaciers
assessment type question ‘explain’
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Lesson made for KS3. Covers definition of a glacier, examples of glaciers, map work to locate glaciers, assessment type question ‘describe’, assessment type question ‘explain’, factors needed for a glacier to form and sequence of a glacier’s formation.
All resources needed are in the PPT, all tasks have answers provided and the lesson starts with the knowledge rich quiz.
Enjoy teaching.
The lesson includes:
knowledge rich starter quiz
task based on a graph to point out the differences in the growth of London’s population in the last 50 years (exam skills: graph reading, annotate, suggest)
definitions of national and international migration
three causes of national migration (exam skills: knowledge application)
three causes of international migration (exam skills: knowledge application)
exam question: explain
end of lesson quiz
All resources are in the PPT
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This lesson covers the whole 5.2abc of the Edexcel specification for A level Geography. Resources are included, lesson is based on two textbooks Edexcel A level book 2 by Hodder Education and Geography for Edexcel A level year 2 by Oxford.
The worksheets are in the PPT and the extract from the Geography Review and Nasa is attached.
Lesson 4 focuses on long and cross profiles of the River Tees. This lesson requires ‘Progress in Geography KS3’ textbook by Hodder Education. Key ideas: drawing a long profile using data and cross profile using an OS map (geographical skills), key terminology and characteristics of upper, middle and lower course of a river (knowledge), using resources, i.e.: OS maps (application of knowledge), assessment type questions ‘describe’ and ‘compare’ (exam skills), knowledge recall (knowledge).
The lesson contains:
knowledge rich quiz for a starter
causes of erosion in Mappleton
reasons for hard engineering strategies used in Mappleton
Justify question with an answer outline
Oak Academy quiz for a plenary
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The lesson includes:
knowledge rich quiz
OS map extracts
sequence of formation
All resources are included in the PPT.
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Hope you will find this lesson useful and it will save you time :-) It is for new AQA specification for 9-1 grades. The homework is available in my paid resources. There will be more lessons following this one if it will be useful for other teachers.