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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Nottingham History - Local Study of Nottingham Castle Unit of Work

Nottingham History - Local Study of Nottingham Castle Unit of Work

A six lesson sequence focussing on the history of Nottingham, particularly with focus to the castle, that has been written for KS2 children with the planning, resources and presentation all included. During the six lessons, children also briefly cover key historical events such as the Third Crusade, the English Civil War and elements of the Industrial Revolution. As well as the lesson resources and planning, there is a Nottingham history knowledge organiser and a diamond 9 activity where children can decide what was most important and least important from events at the castle.
Treaty of Versailles Worksheets

Treaty of Versailles Worksheets

Two different worksheets linked to the Treaty of Versailles and considering some of the clauses of the treaty. Both sheets look at the same terms. One sheet provides the option of getting pupils to consider how fair each term was before giving an explanation why. The second sheet looks at the same terms, getting pupils to consider which of the three allies the term may have been most important to and why it was included in the treaty.
Romans Unit of Planning

Romans Unit of Planning

A fully resourced 10 lesson unit on the Romans and their impact on Britain. The lessons are done as mini enquiry questions with 5 questions and a review lesson at the end of the unit. This has been created for mixed 3/4 classes but can easily be adapted to be used across Key Stage 2. The questions are as follows with the approximate amount of lessons in brackets: EQ1 - What was happening in Britain before the Romans arrived? (1 lesson) EQ2 - Why did the Romans find Britain difficult to conquer? (2.5 - 3 lessons) EQ3 - Did everyone give the Romans the same welcome? (2 lessons) EQ4 - What impact did the Romans have on Britain? (2 lessons) EQ5 - How did Roman rule end in Britain? (1 lesson) Review lesson Included is a booklet format that includes all the questions, all the supporting information required and the activities linked to this. These can easily be separated into mini booklets per question or the activities can be taken out to suit how you teach history in your school. As much as possible, images, models and diagrams have been used to make the information as accessible as possible to refer back to following discussions. Each question also has key vocabulary and recap questions as well (the first lesson links to our previous unit of Ancient Greece so can be easily adapted) and finishes with the enquiry question to support written outcomes in history. Each enquiry question also has a PowerPoint that includes the information and diagrams from the booklet as well as any additional notes etc. There is also a knowledge summary organiser - these can be sent home to show what they are learning about as well as being used in class as a succinct way of accessing the key information from the lesson. All the resources have been uploaded as PowerPoints so that you can easily adapt them to suit your setting.
Industrial Revolution Geography Scheme of Work

Industrial Revolution Geography Scheme of Work

Attached are 5 lessons based on using map skills and linking them to the Industrial Revolution. These have been written with Year 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable. Included are the slides, resources and differentiated lesson plans. Lesson 1 - Identifying UK cities on a map Lesson 2 - Identifying rivers in the UK Lesson 3 - Identifying how the UK changed during the Industrial Revolution Lesson 4 - Identifying the Luddites area of operations Lesson 5 - British Empire during the period and identifying countries around the world N.B. You will need atlases for the general atlas activities.
Technological Advances in Warfare (1 of 11)

Technological Advances in Warfare (1 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This is the first session that focuses on how technology changed over history up to the change in strategy with the ability to undertake an aerial bombardment. The full unit can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Battle of Britain (7 of 11)

Battle of Britain (7 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson continues to develop children's understanding of the Battle of Britain and how it progressed. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
How World War 2 Began (2 of 11)

How World War 2 Began (2 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This session focuses on looking at some of the key incidents in the build up to World War 2 and the aims of appeasement. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
The Role of Propaganda (9 of 11)

The Role of Propaganda (9 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson will focus on the use of propaganda during the war, getting children to then practise analysing sources. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Variety of quizzes (x5)

Variety of quizzes (x5)

A range of quizzes that are useful for the end of the year or as general activities. Quizzes include: A quiz that gets children to try and identify 30 different flags from around the world. A fun geography activity for the end of the year or as a general activity to check knowledge of different flags. A British History quiz that includes 20 questions about British history, including a range of topics and spanning over 1000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 23 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of British history and can be done individually or in teams. A European History quiz that includes 20 questions about European history, including a range of topics and spanning over 2000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 28 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of European history and can be done individually or in teams. A multiple choice quiz that children can do in teams as a fun end of year activity looking at various events in 2016-2017. Round One- Sporting events Round Two- Film questions Round Three- Picture Round Round Four- Song Round - Name the artist and name of the song with a point for each (Freedom in this round of selecting a number of songs yourself from 2016-2017 to quiz children on) Round Five- Music Round Round Six- Television Round A multiple choice general knowledge quiz that has 26 questions before finishing with 2 bonus rounds with a point per answer available.
Why the Battle of Britain Began (4 of 11)

Why the Battle of Britain Began (4 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson focuses on the beginning of the Second World War before identifying Germany's initial movements in 1940. This will then move on to thinking about what Germany's next logical step was to be able to reach Britain. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Battle of Britain Unit of Work

Battle of Britain Unit of Work

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted.
Battle of Britain - Key British Locations (6 of 11)

Battle of Britain - Key British Locations (6 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson focuses on the key areas of Britain both in terms of industry and defence, getting children to consider where the most appropriate targets would be. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
The Battle of Britain (5 of 11)

The Battle of Britain (5 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson focuses on various aspects of the beginning of the Battle of Britain. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Battle of Britain (11 of 11)

Battle of Britain (11 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson will recap the significance of the Battle of Britain before giving children the chance to work through a quiz style activity to finish off the topic. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Battle of Britain (8 of 11)

Battle of Britain (8 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson will focus on a change in strategy and how and why the bombing moved to night raids. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Strategies at the start of World War 2 (3 of 11)

Strategies at the start of World War 2 (3 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson focuses on potential strategies at the start of World War 2, focussing particularly on geographical skills and the human and physical geography of various European countries. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
Battle of Britain (10 of 11)

Battle of Britain (10 of 11)

A unit of work (11 lessons) that focuses on the Battle of Britain. It begins by building up to World War 2, looking at the advancement of technology and the build up to war. This is then followed up by some geography work on Europe, the Battle of Britain itself and why it was significant. It is all rounded up by a quiz at the end for a bit of fun and to see what children can remember. Included is everything needed to run the lessons including the planning, slide show and differentiated resources. It is written with 5/6 in mind but can easily be adapted. This lesson will focus on why the Battle of Britain was different to others and the significance this had. For the full unit visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/battle-of-britain-unit-of-work-11659829
History Quiz (x2)

History Quiz (x2)

Two different quizzes that can be used for a bit of fun as well as checking historical knowledge. 1st quiz - A British History quiz that includes 20 questions about British history, including a range of topics and spanning over 1000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 23 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of British history and can be done individually or in teams. 2nd quiz - A European History quiz that includes 20 questions about European history, including a range of topics and spanning over 2000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 28 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of European history and can be done individually or in teams.
European History Quiz

European History Quiz

A European History quiz that includes 20 questions about European history, including a range of topics and spanning over 2000 years. Also included is a bonus round worth up to an extra 28 points. This is useful for some end of term fun or as a general quiz to check children's general knowledge of European history and can be done individually or in teams.