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FRENCH - Farm Animals and Days of the Week - Les Animaux de la Ferme et Les Jours de la Semaine

FRENCH - Farm Animals and Days of the Week - Les Animaux de la Ferme et Les Jours de la Semaine

A book to make to help practice names of farm animals and days of the week in French. Each day of the week I go to the farm to get an animal. Find out which animal is offered on which day and the reason it is refused and which animal is accepted, on which day and why. Practises a variety of adjectives and agreement of nouns. Lots of repetition, so childre will enjoy joining in with the story. I have used black and white pictures so as children can be given instructions of what colour to colour the animals. There is a colour book for teachers. I hope your children will enjoy this book as much as my children have. Feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREWIEWS. I HAVE SPENT ALL DAY MAKING THIS BOOK AND THE PRESENTATION OF IT IS DREADFUL. I HAVE ADDED SOME SCREENPRINTS TO SHOW HOW THE PAGES WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED. I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT THEY WILL DOWLOAD JUST FINE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING.
50 More Facinating Facts about France

50 More Facinating Facts about France

A power point which includes 50 slides containing detailed information about: monuments in Paris, the ‘Tour de France’ famous landmarks in France, food, geography, history, famous people and other bits of interesting information… My original ‘50 Facts about France’ powerpoint has proved to be very popular. I am hoping this will also be as popular. I have added a French Facts Quiz/Test sheet, which I hope you will find useful too. If you consider this worth paying for, ‘un très grand merci.’ Most of the the life-like photos are my own. Any others need no attribution.


3 Resources
A selection of activites to practise Halloween vosabulary in French. Resource includes: Matching words to images pictures to colour prepositions il y a… Wordsearch If you consider this worth buting ‘Un très grand merci.’
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - NOËL - Colour by numbers - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - NOËL - Colour by numbers - Worksheets

A selection of Christmas colour by numbers worksheets. A fun way to practise the names of colours in French. Helps also with word recognition. Also useful for early finishers. I have included the colours: bleu clair/blue foncé and vert clair/vert foncé. There is also a Christmas Tree decorated with familiar objects to colour and one decorated with Christmas objects. A great way to reinforce vocabulary already taught. Resource contains 9 files. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un tr��s grand merci.’ Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année à tous! AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s TO SHOW HOW THE WORD DOCUMENTS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED. My thanks to clker.com and cliparts.co for the use of the clipart images


A fun way to learn and practise classroom vocabulary in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images which include: le crayon le stylo la régle les ciseaux la fenêtre la porte la table la chaise le bureau le livre l’armoire la bibliothèque le calendrier la cartable la poubelle la plante l’ordinateur le tableau blanc la boîte la colle l’horlogge la trousse la gomme le prof Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of 5 connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. Students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
FRENCH - Animals - Des Animaux - Worksheets

FRENCH - Animals - Des Animaux - Worksheets

A selection of resources for practising the names of 12 animals in French. Includes: images to label naming the animal from a part shown image negatives plurals - saying how many pets you have word search crossword puzzle If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Feedback and comments are always welcome and appreciated. No attribution is required for coloured photos. The kitten, Rosie, is my own photo
FRENCH - Mon Premier Livre  des images et des mots en  français - Worksheets

FRENCH - Mon Premier Livre des images et des mots en français - Worksheets

My first book of pictures and words in French is ideal to introduce familiar objects and animals to young children. They have to match the words to the pictures. This book covers vocabulary for: colours vehicles pets farm animals wild animals holidays dans le jardin fruit vegetables clothes dans ma chambre If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Your support is much appreciated. Do please take a moment and leave a comment. Your feedback is very welcome.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about St. Valentine's day in French. Contains images for: une carte un gâteau un bouquet une fille une bague un cœur une fleur une rose un chat une grenouille ne coccinelle un pingouin un lapin une boite de chocolats une lettre d'amour des ballons des bonbons des oiseaux des souris des poissons je t'aime There is a worksheet for matching pictures to word and a worksheet for practising the expression 'Est-ce que c'est ? Focuses on using negatives. There is also a crossword puzzel and a completed teacher copy. Blockbuster is based is based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci. I HAVE AMENDED THE SPELLING OF ST. VALENTIN. HOWEVER I HAVE LEFT THE ORIGINAL WORKSHEETS SO AS YOU CAN SEE HOW THEY WILL APPEAR. THE AMENDED PRINT PREVIEWS ARE SHOWING INCORRECTLY DUE TO A TECHNICAL PROBLEM THAT TES HAVE. I JUST WANT TO CONFIRM THAT THE AMENDED WORKSHEETS DOWNLOAD PERFECTLY.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about St. Valentine's day in French. Contains images for: une carte un gâteau un bouquet une fille une bague un cœur une fleur une rose un chat une grenouille une coccinelle un pingouin un lapin une boite de chocolats une lettre d'amour des ballons des bonbons des oiseaux des souris des poissons je t'aime There is a worksheet for matching pictures to word and a worksheet for practising the expression 'Est-ce que c'est ? Focuses on using negatives. There is also a crossword puzzel and a completed teacher copy. Blockbuster is based is based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREENSHOTS TO SHOW HOW THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.


A fun way to practise infinitive verbs in French. Contains images for: avoir être aller étudier regarder jouer parler (French flag) habiter manger écouter / entendre travailler porter écrire demander / répondre choisir dire boire voir lire aimer The game is based on the game show BLOCKBUSTERS where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the infinitive verb to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by saying a whole sentence. Use a dice to find out which ‘person’ your sentence starts with. E.g. 1=je, 2= tu, 3=il/elle/on, 4/nous, 5/vous and 6/ils/elles. There is also practice for matching words to pictures and an exercise for writing sentences, which will be a help when they play the game. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.


A fun way to practise infinitive verbs in French. Contains images for: avoir être aller faire (les devoirs) regarder jouer parler (French flag) habiter manger écouter / entendre travailler rentrer porter écrire dessiner dormir demander / répondre conduire offrir choisir dire boire voir lire aimer Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the infinitive verb to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by saying a whole sentence. Use a dice to find out which ‘person’ your sentence starts with. E.g. 1=je, 2= tu, 3=il/elle/on, 4/nous, 5/vous and 6/ils/elles. There is also practice for matching words to pictures and an exercise for writing sentences, which will be a help when they play the game. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
50 Fascinating Facts about France

50 Fascinating Facts about France

I wanted my students to learn some facts about France. This is what I came up with. A powerpoint which includes 50 slides containing information about: monuments in Paris, famous landmarks in France, food, geography, history, famous people famous French inventions. I shall be adding a French Facts Quiz sheet, which I hope you will find useful too. If you consider this worth paying for, ‘un très grand merci.’ All the life-like photos are my own.
FRENCH - Les Animaux - Board Game

FRENCH - Les Animaux - Board Game

Playing lotto is a fun way to practice and reinforce the names of animals in French. Could also be used in early years and for any foreign language. I thought it a welcome change to include ‘life like pictures.’ There are 24 images which include: un chat un poussin un lapin un oiseau une souris un cochon un tigre une libellule un chien un agneau une mouette un cochon d’Inde une coccinelle un canard une girafe un mouton un hibou un cheval un poisson un serpent un rouge-gorge un écureuil une chèvre un lion I split my children into small groups and they each take turns at being the ‘teacher’. They love calling out ‘Qui a un chat?’ and 'Qui a une vache? To win the card the reply is 'J’ai un chat, ‘J’ai une vache.’ As children become confident with vocabulary, the colours of the animals could also be mentioned. I have also included cards with animal names. Good practice for oral work. Picture cards and words need to be printed twice. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Comments and feedback is always welcome and appreciated. No attribution is required.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about food and drinks in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images. la pomme le banane la fraise l’orange la tomate la carotte les petits pois les champignons les haricots verts les frites la saucisse la viande le poisson le poulet le pain le beurre le fromage le sandwich le croissant le gâteau les crêpes l’œuf l’eau le lait le jus d’orange This could be modified as to how many items you need to teach. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item and even further by say if you like, love, don’t like or hate the fruit/vegetable in question. You could even say how often you eat the particular fruit or vegetable. The opportunities are endless. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about animals in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images: un chat un chien un poussin un lapin un oiseau une souris un cochon un tigre une libellule un agneau une mouette un cochon d’Inde une coccinelle un canard un mouton un hibou un cheval un poisson un serpent une chèvre un lion un éléphant un papillon un perroquet une chenille un chaton If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Feedback and comments are always welcome and appreciated. No attribution is required.
ITALIAN - Easter - Colour by numbers - Worksheets

ITALIAN - Easter - Colour by numbers - Worksheets

A selection of Easter pictures to colour in Italian. Revises and recaps: numbers, colour and Easter vocabulary. Feedback is always welcome.The last activity in this resource uses colour name initials, which I though was an alternative to using numbers If you consider this worth buying, ‘grazie mille’ Buona Pasqua a tutti… *PLEASE NOTE: TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS. SO AS YOU CAN SEE WHAT THE LAST ACTIVITY SHOULD LOOK LIKE, I HAVE INCLUDED A SCREENPRINT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING.


Exercises to practise and learn in Spanish how to say which school subjects you like and love studying and why and which ones you don’t like or hate studying and why. Answer sheets are included. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS, I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S TO SHOW HOW THE WORD DOCUMENT FILES WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.


This powerpoint includes vocabulary for 12 Easter related words: un œuf un œuf de Pâques un lapin un angeau un poisson d’Avril un poussin un panier une tulipe une jonquille une église une croix des cloches volants There is a drag and drop activity. There is also a ‘what is missing’ activity. Finally there is a fact telling you about the French tradition of the ‘flying bells’. Resource includes 23 slides. There are a further two worksheets for practising Easter vocabulary. If you consider this worth buying ‘un très grand merci’. Joyeuses Pâques à tous.


Exercises where joung people give and justify their opinions on TV programmes, films and the cinema. Could be used as a test after topic has been taught. Answer sheets are provided.If you consider this worth buying ‘Un très grand merci.’ Resource contains 7 files DUE TO TES CONTINUING TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PRINT PREVIEWS, I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE WORD DOCUMENT WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.