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Mrs May's Shop

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Experienced primary teacher. I have worked in all age groups but my resources are mostly Y1-Y3 level (English National Curriculum). My most popular resources are my English plans which always use a high quality text.




Experienced primary teacher. I have worked in all age groups but my resources are mostly Y1-Y3 level (English National Curriculum). My most popular resources are my English plans which always use a high quality text.
NF Save our planet writing unit

NF Save our planet writing unit

Non-fiction 2 week writing unit (Year 2/3) based on the book How To Help A Hedgehog And Save A Polar Bear. Included short burst writes, grammar and end of unit write. Will link with any learning around conservation, protecting animals and helping the planet. Bow up plan and ‘hook’ text message screen shot also included. Skills included taken from the Age Related Expectations and Milestones for Year 2 and 3.
Christmas Hot-Choc Reindeer Cones- Instructions

Christmas Hot-Choc Reindeer Cones- Instructions

Two week non-fiction unit building up to writing a set of instructions. Exploring the text type, grammar and short burst writes implemented into the plan. Planned for a year mixed 2 (all abilities) / 3 (LA) Class. The bundle includes a modeled write (instructions to make Reindeer hot-chocolate cones), pictures to sequence, reading comprehension questions, 3 week non-fiction plan. Great for the lead up to Christmas!
Hedgehog Fiction unit plan

Hedgehog Fiction unit plan

Hedgehogs Don’t Live in the City by Lucy Reynolds & Jenna Herman 3 week fiction writing unit plan. Including milestones/ Age-related Expectations for year 2 and 3. Bundle also includes photographs of the story map, a talk 4 writing story for children to learn, apostrophes for possession sheet, hedgehog sticker template and hedgehog fact files that relate to the short burst writes.
Chocolate non-fiction plan

Chocolate non-fiction plan

2-week- non-fiction writing plan for year 2 and 3 all about chocolate. This leads on from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3 week fiction unit. Plan includes skilled grammar lessons, short burst writes and an end of unit non-fiction big write. Planned against the Year 2 and Year 3 age-related-expectations and milestones.
Chocolate Fiction Plan

Chocolate Fiction Plan

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3 week fiction plan for Year 2/ Year 3. Planned using Year 2/3 writing age related expectations and milestones. Plan includes skilled grammar lessons, short burst writes and an end of unit planning phase and big write. Bundle includes talk for writing modeled story.
Instruction writing- puppets

Instruction writing- puppets

Year 2/3 two week instruction unit plan- How to make finger puppets. Plan includes Year 2 and Year 3 writing milestones including grammar skills, short burst writing opportunity and end of unit writing. By the end of the unit children will plan and write their own instructions. Other resources include a box-up plan template, a SEN box-up plan template and a high quality modeled write including all skills taught in the unit. Resources needed to make puppets: felt, markers, needle, thread and buttons.
DT Textiles- Passport Pouch

DT Textiles- Passport Pouch

Medium Term Plan for Year 2/3 to make passport pouches. Plan follows a research- design- make- test and evaluate sequence making 4 long lessons. Key Learning Intentions for DT textiles for Year 2/3 covered.
Art- primary and secondary colours

Art- primary and secondary colours

Powerpoint teaching slides with teacher’s notes, WALTS, images and key questions. Unit of work- art- artist studies x 2- primary and secondary colours based on animals. Planned for KS1 Based on Animal Kingdom PAINTING-  Kandinsky/ Mondrian (Elmer) Key learning intentions: Know the primary colours (red, yellow and blue) Explore what happens when white, black and grey are added to primary colours. Know the primary colours and secondary colours Know what happens when grey, black and white are added to primary and secondary colours Name different types of paint and their properties (watercolour, poster paint )  Skills Explore paintbrushes Choose correct sized paintbrush Explore with watercolours Can create an image using only straight lines. Explore with watercolours and poster paint Mix colours to match a picture Choose correct sized paintbrush Use correct consistency of paint Explore different types of paint Understanding/application Explain paintbrush choice Make observations on what happens when white, black and grey are added to primary colours Compare success of primary colours vs. tints/tones Can use vocabulary – horizontal and vertical, diagonal. Explore with watercolours and poster paint Mix colours to match a picture Choose correct sized paintbrush Use correct consistency of paint Explore different types of paint
Non- fiction Pandas Year 1 and Year 2

Non- fiction Pandas Year 1 and Year 2

Two week non-fiction plan and full resources using the Talk For Writing teaching sequence. Plan for Year 1 and Year 2. It includes short burst writing, grammar and an end of unit write non-chron report all about Pandas.
Egyptian Non-fiction

Egyptian Non-fiction

Based on Little Hippo by Anja Klauss and Geraldine Elschner (leading on from 3 week fiction unit) a two week non-fiction writing unit for Year 2/3. Plans use year 2/3 writing milestones. The unit includes grammar/punctuation , short burst writing lessons and an end of unit non-chron report.
Science- Animals including humans

Science- Animals including humans

KS1 Science- animals including humans Unit of work- Powerpoint Teaching slides with Teacher’s notes Learning outcomes: Theme: Animal Kingdom Y1: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Y2: Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals for survival (water, food and air) Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene
Nen Fiction

Nen Fiction

Year 1/2. Three week fiction unit. Opportunities for SPaG, short burst and an end of unit write. Planning based on the book ‘Nen’. Resources included.
Compare two poems

Compare two poems

Resource includes 2 poems easily accessible for children to read, a poetry comparison table and template for children to make a shape poem.