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LJ Create STEM Shop

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We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.




We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.
The Endocrine System and Health

The Endocrine System and Health

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the endocrine system and health. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore diseases of the endocrine system and investigate their prevention and treatment. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 21 slides covering: • Endocrine Disorders • Causes of Endocrine Disorders • Tumours • Inborn or Genetic Errors • Genetic Errors • Diet Deficiency • Autoimmune Disease • Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 • Medical Advances
Decalcified and Calcined Bones

Decalcified and Calcined Bones

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at decalcified and calcined bones. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore properties of decalcified bones. Explore properties of calcined bones. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 20 mins 16 slides covering: • Experimenting with Bones • Decalcified Bendy Bones • Calcined Brittle Bones • Comparing Bones
Word Processing - Page Layout, Pictures and Printing

Word Processing - Page Layout, Pictures and Printing

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at page layout, pictures and printing in word processing. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Identify how to add borders, pictures, headers and footers to documents Identify page layout and advanced printing techniques. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 15 slides covering: • Borders • Pictures • Headers and Footers • Page Layout • Advanced Printing
Acids and Bases - pH Scale

Acids and Bases - pH Scale

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at acids and bases. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how to measure the strength of acids and bases. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • pH Scale • pH Calculations - Strong Acids • pH Calculations - Strong Bases • Relationship Between pH and pOH • Measuring pH
Plant Biology - Response in Plants

Plant Biology - Response in Plants

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at response in plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore common stimuli in plants. Explore how plants respond to stimuli. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 29 slides covering: • Survival, Stimuli and Surroundings • Stimuli and Plant Movement • Stimuli • Tropisms • Phototropism • Hydrotropism • Geotropism • Chemotropism • Nastic Responses • Thrigmotropism • Venus Fly Trap • Mimosa
Plant Biology - Transport Systems in Plants

Plant Biology - Transport Systems in Plants

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at transport systems in plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore transport systems in plants. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • Vascular Tissue • Roots • Xylem • Tracheids • Vessel Elements • The Phloem • Leaves • Movement of Water • Movement of Sugars
Earth Systems - Impact of the Sun's Energy

Earth Systems - Impact of the Sun's Energy

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at the impact of the Sun’s energy. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the impact of the Sun’s energy. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • The Sun’s Energy • Transfer of Energy • Radiation • Conduction • Convection • Uses of Radiated Energy • Life on Earth • Winds • Ocean Currents • The Water Cycle
Earth Systems - Oil Pollution

Earth Systems - Oil Pollution

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at oil pollution. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the problems related to oil pollution. Investigate the causes of oil pollution, how it can be prevented and how polluted areas can be treated. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • Oil Pollution • Mineral Oil • Sources of Pollution • Offshore Drilling • Large Oil Spills • Seepage and Burning • Maintenance and Disposal • Damage to the Ecosystem • Sea Birds and Sea Otters • Killer Whales • Clean-up Methods • Containment • Recovery • Break Up • Removal • Prevention
Forces and the Laws of Motion

Forces and the Laws of Motion

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at forces and the laws of motion. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Use the laws of motion to calculate forces. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 37 slides covering: • Newton’s First Law of Motion • Newton’s First Law of Motion - Inertia • Newton’s Second Law of Motion • Using Newton’s Second Law • Newton’s Third Law of Motion • Putting it all Together
Force, Mass and Acceleration

Force, Mass and Acceleration

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at force, mass and acceleration. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Look at the relationship between the acceleration of an object, its mass and the force acting upon it. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 33 slides covering: • Acceleration and Force • Acceleration and Mass • The Unbalanced Force Equation • Types of Force • Force of Gravity • Spring Forces • Push and Pull Forces
Distribution of Natural Resources

Distribution of Natural Resources

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at distribution of natural resources. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the distribution of mineral, energy and groundwater resources. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 26 slides covering: • Mineral Resources • Ore Deposits • Volcanic Processes • Hydrothermal Processes • Sedimentary Processes • Copper Mountains • Metal Resources • Energy Resources • Coal • Oil and Natural Gas • Non-Renewable Resources • Finding New Resources • Water • The Aral Sea
Effects of Force

Effects of Force

A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at the effects of force. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Identify the effects of force. Explore the forces that affect objects and their motion. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 22 slides covering: • What is a Force? • Measuring a Force • Effects of Force • Gravity • Everyday Types of Force • Types of Force


A presentation suitable for Grades 9-12 looking at acceleration. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Analyze motion in one direction, using the concept of acceleration. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 23 slides covering: • Acceleration • Equations of Motion • Average Acceleration • Instantaneous Acceleration • Equation of Constantly Accelerated Motion • Acceleration Due to Gravity • Measuring “g”
The Integumentary System

The Integumentary System

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the integumentary system. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the components that make up the integumentary system. Investigate the function of the integumentary system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • The Skin • The Structure of the Skin • The Epidermis • The Layers of the Epidermis • Keratin • The Cells of the Stratum Corneum • The Dermis • Subcutaneous Layer • Hair • Nails • The Functions of the Integumentary System • The Dermis and Thermoregulation • Sweating • Functions of Hair and Nails
Geological Time

Geological Time

A presentation suitable for Grades 6 to 8, looking at geological time. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how evidence from rock strata can tell us about the history of the Earth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • Time • Rock Records • Dating Rocks • Relative Dating • The Principle of Uniformitarianism • The Principle of Original Horizontality • The Principle of Superposition • Principle of Cross Cutting • The Principle of Inclusion • Principal of Faunal Succession • Fossils • Relative Dating • Absolute Dating • Geological Time • Precambrian • Cretaceous Period • The End of the Cretaceous Period • Quaternary Period
Earth's Atmosphere

Earth's Atmosphere

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at the Earth’s Atmosphere. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Explore how atmospheric conditions influence the weather. Explore how natural processes and human activities cause changes in the atmosphere. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 39 slides covering: • Composition of the Atmosphere • Air Pressure • Layers of the Atmosphere • The Troposphere • The Stratosphere • The Meosphere • The Thermosphere • Weather • Wind • The Water Cycle • Local Weather • Changes in the Atmosphere • Human Activities • Pollution and Health • Protecting Air Quality
Earth's Energy Balance

Earth's Energy Balance

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at Earth’s energy balance. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the concept of the Earth’s energy balance. Recognize how changes in the Earth’s Energy Balance affect the global climate. Main Skills: Interpret written text, diagrams, and graphs. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 32 slides covering: • Energy • Energy Balance • Atmosphere Gases • The Greenhouse Effect • Upsetting the Earth’s Energy Balance • Radiative Forcings • Earth’s Energy Balance • Radiative Forcings - The Sun • Radiative Forcings - Atmospheric Aerosols • Radiative Forcings - Volcanoes • Radiative Forcings - Greenhouse Gases • Radiative Forcings - Surface Albedo • Forcings and Feedback • Feedback and Water • Earth’s Energy Balance
The Reproductive System and Health

The Reproductive System and Health

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the reproductive system and health. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore major diseases that affect the reproductive system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 20 slides covering: • The Male Reproductive System • The Female Reproductive System • Infectious Diseases of the Reproductive System • Bacterial Infections: Gonorrhoea • Bacterial Infections: Syphilis • Bacterial Infections: Chlamydia • Viral Infections: Genital Herpes • Viral Infections: Genital Warts • Reducing the Risk of Contracting STIs • Non-infectious Diseases of the Reproductive System • Female Cancers • Male Cancers • Treating Cancer
Formation of Crustal Features

Formation of Crustal Features

A presentation suitable for Grades 6 to 8 looking at the formation of crustal features. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Relate plate tectonics to the formation of crustal features. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 30 slides covering: • Tectonic Plates • Plate Movement • Boundary Events • Plate Boundary Types • Convergent Boundaries • Oceanic Trenches • Divergent Boundaries • Sliding Boundaries • Rift Zones and Valleys
Plant Biology - Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Plant Biology - Reproduction in Flowering Plants

A presentation suitable for KS5 looking at reproduction in flowering plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore reproduction in flowering plants. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 52 slides covering: • Flower Structure - The Perianth • Flower Structure - The Calyx and Corolla • Male Reproductive Organs • Female Reproductive Organs • The Ovary • The Nectaries • Categorising Flowering Plants • The Production of Pollen Grains • The Flowering Plant Male Gametophyte • The Structure of the Ovule • The Embryo Sac as a Spore • Pollination • Pollination - Anthers • Dioecious and Monoecious Plants • Protandry and Protogyny • Self-incompatibility • Special Floral Structure Arrangements • Wind Pollination • Wind Pollination Versus Insect Pollination • Fertilization • Pollen Germination • Development of the Seed and Fruit