Lancashire Professional Development Service helps educational settings like schools and academies to realise the full potential of their children and young people, by providing professional training, bespoke consultancies and inspiring resources. All of our curriculum resources are designed by highly experienced teaching and learning consultants.
Lancashire Professional Development Service helps educational settings like schools and academies to realise the full potential of their children and young people, by providing professional training, bespoke consultancies and inspiring resources. All of our curriculum resources are designed by highly experienced teaching and learning consultants.
The aim of these documents was to specify the key learning in reading and writing for each year group and match statements to show progression from Year a into Year b.
The Key Learning statements should help to focus whole class teaching and could be considered as unit objectives. They will enable teachers to plan for mixed age classes by examining the progression and match of statements.
This publication consists of a 6 week fiction unit, incorporating a range of modelled and independent writing opportunities, based on the novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian. The unit can be adapted to the skills taught in either Year 5 or Year 6, or in a mixed Year 5/6 class. For this reason, Key Learning has been reflected from both year groups.
Fast Forward Spelling has been developed to prepare pupils for the higher expectations in the current National Curriculum and to support them to achieve successfully in both papers of the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test at the end of Year 6. This intervention has been designed to address any gaps in learning.
Fast Forward Spelling is a twelve week programme with daily sessions planned for each week.
It focuses on:
Spelling rules and conventions
Teaching approaches
Independent practice.
A tool for schools and settings working with children aged 3-5 years
This publication supports practitioners working in EYFS (nursery and reception classes) with planning and developing a curriculum to meet the learning needs of the children in their school or setting.
The document will be a useful tool for practitioners who are new to working in EYFS, as well as experienced EYFS practitioners, subject leaders, EYFS co-ordinators, senior leaders within schools who are looking to evaluate and further develop their existing EYFS curriculum.
Schools and settings can use this framework to plan an effective curriculum over a period of time, which can be changed, and reviewed in response to meet the individual needs of each cohort in a nursery or reception class.
The EYFS document is not a scheme of work, but allows schools and settings the flexibility to plan a bespoke curriculum to meet the needs of their children whilst ensuring the children are given the opportunities to progress through the EYFS, and to support transition into key stage 1.
This 4-5 week ‘last push pack’ based on Aladdin, facilitates a range of reading and writing opportunities linked to the STA Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Framework. Using a quality text and supporting film material, this motivating and engaging unit incorporates narrative, non-fiction and poetry, equipping teachers with a complete unit of work to enhance quality outcomes and aid transition into Key Stage 2.
A reading and writing skills overview is provided within the unit, together with daily lesson plans. A balance of modelled and independent writing opportunities are also included throughout the sequence.
Whilst reference is made to numerous texts, the key text shared throughout the unit is Animated Classics Disney Aladdin (text adapted by Lily Murray) 2019.
We are delighted to offer two mini publications as an extension of the EYFS: A Framework to Support Curriculum Planning publication.
They will further enhance the ideas provided in the publication, however they can also be used in isolation to provide inspiration for the teaching of ‘using loose parts’ and ‘painting’ within the expressive arts and design part of the EYFS curriculum.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
This publication of 7-8 weeks focusing on Year 4 and Year 5 reading and writing skills, includes both narrative and non-fiction opportunities, all based around the classic children’s novel The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Using film clips, websites and a range of texts, including those themed around evacuation and mythical creatures, this unit will immerse the children in themes central to the novel.
A variety of short and long writing opportunities are embedded throughout the unit as the children analyse the story, gather content on mythological creatures and develop an extended narrative based upon The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Harry the Happy Mouse by N.G.K and Janelle Dimmett
Based around the heart-warming story of Harry the Happy Mouse, this integrated unit supports the application of Reception to Year 1 phonics, reading and sentence construction skills.
The half termly unit is designed to include a focus on rhymes, poems and songs, followed by both a fiction unit (2-3 weeks) and a non-fiction unit (1-2 weeks).
Within the narrative unit, children will be engaged with an oral retelling of the story of Harry and his walk, making people happy along the way. (Be sure to pack your walking boots!) Children will engage in short writing opportunities, including thought and feeling bubbles, lists and thank you notes/letters, in addition to an extended retelling of the story.
Following on from the narrative, an information sequence of work is also provided, in which children will create information posters on one of the focus animals.
The Key Learning documents are based on the programmes of study from the National Curriculum and pinpoint the key pieces of learning in each year group for Y1 to Y6.
They build upon the statutory elements to provide teachers with more specific guidance, further examples or additional and relevant objectives to ensure clarity, cohesion and continuity.
This package will enable you to identify the Key Learning within English and Mathematics. The subjects included are as follows:
English (Reading)
English (Writing)
Spoken Language
Pupil attainment is dependent upon good quality teaching in the classroom.
This resource focuses on different aspects of teaching and has been produced to help your school identify strengths and areas for development in the drive towards quality first teaching and learning. It focuses on formative assessment practices and aspects of great teaching which will have a positive impact on your pupils’ learning and outcomes. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use by both senior leaders and classroom practitioners to develop practice.
This is to allow you to purchase all six publications in one click, instead of adding them individually to the shopping cart.
This publication includes:
Reception into Year 1 - Harry the Happy Mouse
Year 1 into Year 2 – The Way Home for Wolf
Year 2 into Year 3 – A Bear Called Paddington
Year 3 into Year 4 – Loch Ness Monster
Year 4 into Year 5 – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Year 5 into Year 6 – The Nowhere Emporium
For the full descriptions please see the individual publications.
The Key Learning documents are based on the programmes of study from the National Curriculum and pinpoint the key pieces of learning in each year group for Y1 to Y6.
They build upon the statutory elements to provide teachers with more specific guidance, further examples or additional and relevant objectives to ensure clarity, cohesion and continuity.
This package will enable you to identify the Key Learning within Science and the Foundation subjects. The subjects included are as follows:
Art and Design
Design and Technology
Physical Education
The Learning and Progression Steps (LAPS) are designed to scaffold the learning required in order to meet the expectations of the National Curriculum in writing.
The learning has been broken down into smaller steps to support teachers in planning appropriate learning opportunities for both whole class and differentiated groups.
The KLIPs, or Key Learning Indicators of Performance, have been developed from Lancashire’s National Curriculum Support Materials, which detail the key learning in reading and writing for each year group. These key learning grids for each year group can be used to provide:
Detailed assessment information for the teacher to use to inform their future planning of next steps (formative).
Overall judgements which can be made more summatively (for example once a term), to enable senior leadership teams to track progress across the school, during the year. This will assist schools with self-evaluation and in informing discussions with others e.g. inspection teams, about attainment and progress.
A means of informing parents about attainment and progress.
The underlined statements on the grids have been identified as Key Learning Indicators of Performance (KLIPs) as these have the greatest impact on the further development of skills and subsequent learning. Consequently, the Key Learning Indicators of Performance (KLIPs) play a particularly significant role in the assessment process.
These new guidelines for primary and secondary schools offer practical advice and resources in meeting the needs of the most able. They are intended to support schools in examining what is already in place for these learners and in developing a thorough whole school approach based on a shared understanding of what meeting their needs requires.
For Senior Leaders the guidelines support schools in a review of systems and structures including identification in all subjects, an audit of current provision, tracking progress and how to include the school’s support for the most able in the school’s self-evaluation.
For those with a lead role in meeting the needs of the most able the guidelines include advice on starting points, approaches to teaching and learning and addressing key issues like transition and underachievement. For primary schools, classroom ideas in all subjects are also included.
All of the grids included in the guidelines are provided as templates for schools to adapt for their own use.
The tests are designed to resemble the national end of key stage tests in both appearance, structure and question design and have been written by consultants involved in development of the national tests. They will therefore support children in becoming familiar with the end of Key Stage tests.
The Lancashire Mathematics Assessment Tests are designed to support teachers in confirming their teacher assessments at the end of each term.
They complement the Lancashire Mathematics Planning Support Disc which revisits curriculum content on a termly basis, which has been identified through research by Ofsted as the most effective approach to learning. They also complement the Mathematics Learning and Progression Steps (LAPS), which provide approximate end of term expectations, and the Lancashire KLIPs Assessment system. They can, however, be used alongside any other assessment systems.
The end of Autumn term tests assess only the content of the mathematics curriculum that has been covered within the Planning Support Disc for that term. The questions are also pitched against a realistic expectation of what children should have achieved up to that point in time, which corresponds to the first parts within the Learning and Progression Steps. This ensures the assessments for the end of Autumn and Spring terms are not against end of year expectations. This means that the tests will only measure whether a child is either on track to achieve the end of year expectations or whether they are not.
The Lancashire Mathematics Team will not produce a marking threshold to indicate attainment as the tests are intended to be used to support the teacher’s professional judgement of the children’s abilities.
The tests are designed to resemble the national end of key stage tests in both appearance, structure and question design and have been written by consultants involved in development of the national tests. They will therefore support children in becoming familiar with the end of Key Stage tests.
The Lancashire Mathematics Assessment Tests are designed to support teachers in confirming their teacher assessments at the end of each term.
They complement the Lancashire Mathematics Planning Support Disc which revisits curriculum content on a termly basis, which has been identified through research by Ofsted as the most effective approach to learning. They also complement the Mathematics Learning and Progression Steps (LAPS), which provide approximate end of term expectations, and the Lancashire KLIPs Assessment system. They can, however, be used alongside any other assessment systems.
The end of Autumn term tests assess only the content of the mathematics curriculum that has been covered within the Planning Support Disc for that term. The questions are also pitched against a realistic expectation of what children should have achieved up to that point in time, which corresponds to the first parts within the Learning and Progression Steps. This ensures the assessments for the end of Autumn and Spring terms are not against end of year expectations. This means that the tests will only measure whether a child is either on track to achieve the end of year expectations or whether they are not.
The Lancashire Mathematics Team will not produce a marking threshold to indicate attainment as the tests are intended to be used to support the teacher’s professional judgement of the children’s abilities.
Intent, Implementation and Impact of your curriculum!
These documents will support subject leaders and senior leaders in reflecting on the provision for the different subjects within your school curriculum and how these meet the specific needs of your children. This reflects the emphasis on the whole curriculum in the Ofsted inspection framework from September 2019.
The aim of the Examining Teaching and Learning in… documents is to provide subject leaders with a precise evaluation of the provision for their subject. Once conducted, the information can then be used as a basis for:
the subject improvement plan;
a discussion during an Ofsted inspection;
a position statement report to the governing body; and
general discussions about the subject with senior leaders and teachers in school.
The questions and prompts within the resources have been carefully designed to ensure consistency in a school’s approach to evaluation by the subject leader whilst also focusing on the individual characteristics of each subject area. They can be independently used by schools or be provided as part of a subject specific ‘Health Check’ provided by one of the Lancashire Teaching and Learning Consultants.
Intent, Implementation and Impact of your curriculum!
These documents will support subject leaders and senior leaders in reflecting on the provision for the different subjects within your school curriculum and how these meet the specific needs of your children. This reflects the emphasis on the whole curriculum in the Ofsted inspection framework from September 2019.
The aim of the Examining Teaching and Learning in… documents is to provide subject leaders with a precise evaluation of the provision for their subject. Once conducted, the information can then be used as a basis for:
the subject improvement plan;
a discussion during an Ofsted inspection;
a position statement report to the governing body; and
general discussions about the subject with senior leaders and teachers in school.
The questions and prompts within the resources have been carefully designed to ensure consistency in a school’s approach to evaluation by the subject leader whilst also focusing on the individual characteristics of each subject area. They can be independently used by schools or be provided as part of a subject specific ‘Health Check’ provided by one of the Lancashire Teaching and Learning Consultants.
Intent, Implementation and Impact of your curriculum!
These documents will support subject leaders and senior leaders in reflecting on the provision for the different subjects within your school curriculum and how these meet the specific needs of your children. This reflects the emphasis on the whole curriculum in the Ofsted inspection framework from September 2019.
The aim of the Examining Teaching and Learning in… documents is to provide subject leaders with a precise evaluation of the provision for their subject. Once conducted, the information can then be used as a basis for:
the subject improvement plan;
a discussion during an Ofsted inspection;
a position statement report to the governing body; and
general discussions about the subject with senior leaders and teachers in school.
The questions and prompts within the resources have been carefully designed to ensure consistency in a school’s approach to evaluation by the subject leader whilst also focusing on the individual characteristics of each subject area. They can be independently used by schools or be provided as part of a subject specific ‘Health Check’ provided by one of the Lancashire Teaching and Learning Consultants.