This resource can get learners very competitive. It can be used as a lesson starter, recap session, plenary or a filler.
It helps to print of a the card grid so that each learner can keep track of which cards have already been selected.
This is a useful lesson presentation on methods for checking calculations in Functional Skills Maths teaching and learning. It looks at reverse method and rounding or estimating.
This is an introduction to fractions of whole numbers. It starts by looking at parts of a fraction, making one (Whole) Uses an interactive online game that learners can complete as a class challenge. There is also tasks like completing a maze while also working out the fractions of whole numbers to go through. This is appealing and may go down well with young people. Learners have to complete differentiated fractions of whole numbers word problems. To sum the lesson learners look at some questions that help them to deepen their understanding of number.
This can be used as a lesson starter, filler or to reinforce the addition and subtraction of money in a fun way. All learners start with a balance of of £120 however they can quickly find themselves with a healthy looking balance or a negative balance hence skint. They select cards with real life situations that can either make them gain of lose money. Learners get personal and very competitive try it!
You and your opponents start with 21 counters
You take turns roll the dice.
If an odd number is rolled your opponents give you that number of counters
If an even number is rolled you give your opponents that number of counters
The winner is the first to win all the counters
Basic maths operations addition . subtraction, multiplication , division and the meaning of the equal sign. Balancing addition, subtraction, division and multiplication equations and solving basic maths operations word problems.
This is an introduction to fractions of whole numbers. It starts by looking at parts of a fraction, making one (Whole) Uses an interactive online game that learners can complete as a class challenge. There is also tasks like completing a maze while also working out the fractions of whole numbers to go through. This is appealing and may go down well with young people. Learners have to complete differentiated fractions of whole numbers word problems. To sum the lesson learners look at some questions that help them to deepen their understanding of number.
This is a maths lesson designed to engage reluctant learners by mixing maths and and art. Learners are introduced to maths concepts that are used in art . The lesson then moves onto what percentage means and using a 100 and 84 grid square learners design an artwork using preferred number of squares in different colours. When they have finished they can express the number of squares in each colour as a percentage of all the squares. They then can convert the percents into fractions and decimals.
This game introduces the idea Horse racing and how the chance factor (probability) works to determine the winner. Learners select a horse of their choice and spin two coins. If its two heads they move one step forward and if its head and tail they remain on the same sport. If they get two tails they move one step back. The winner is the learner who get to the end first.